Here is the reason I don't believe in Jesus?
2007-09-07 18:27:06 UTC
If you look at all the bad things that have happened due to the 'word of Jesus'

Burning of witches, heretics, great thinkers, the holy inquestion, child abuse, pogroms of jews and pagans etc.

Well, as this was do in Jesus's name, why didn't he come down from heaven and condemn it, or tell the people who did it that they did wrong.

1. He don't give a damn (if i wrote a book and even one person was killed for it, I would take responsibility and get on the TV and newspapers and condemn the people for doing it. How can Jesus have any moral authority if he doesn't do a simple thing like this, he is meant to be God for crying out loud.
2. He doesn't exist

Which is it?
41 answers:
2007-09-07 18:33:08 UTC
Number 2 of course.
heather b
2007-09-07 19:22:40 UTC
A few of the reasons you don't see Jesus telling Geraldo that people who kill believers (or people in general) are bad are as follows:

1. God has already done this. (See "The Ten Commandments")

2. What good would it do? Do you really think anyone would stop? No.

3. God REQUIRES faith. This is too tall of an order for some people. Faith is just a little too far to step out. Even if Christ appeared on 'TV' and condemned all those folks, they wouldn't care a bit- they don't believe He is who He says.

To me it sounds as though you feel most of the worlds greatest tragedy/problems originated from the gospel (aka The Good News) that says if you simply ask and turn from your old sins that not only will you be forgiven, you will live forever with God.

I think you have left Satan out of the picture entirely.

Who was in control of these Roman Catholic "priests" and fryers while they executed christians? who had them confused as to the truth? Satan. A kingdom divided can't stand. Why would Christ destroy his followers? Who were the witches serving? If it were Jesus they would be called 'christians' instead of 'witches'. Great thinkers?? If anything millions of great thinkers have been martyred for FOLLOWING Christ.

You should attribute the actions to the owners. I believe in Him and have never abused a child. To me, child abuse and christianity have zero relation to one another. (Catholocism seperates herself from christianity)

There is more to this world than just what you can see, believe it or not~ it still can be true. These bad things happen because people have a sinful nature and the only cure is the One in question here.

He has a place prepared for those that LOVE Him. Don't miss your place.
2007-09-07 18:57:47 UTC
Jesus didn't write the Bible, his followers wrote it after he died. Even then, I'm not certain Jesus even existed. Its possible the humans who wrote the Holy Bible made him up to be this heroic mortal figure. Maybe not. Who knows.

Jesus has no way of controlling the people who have done bad things in his name. Its like when someone commits suicide/murder after listening to an artists music. You think the artist should be responsible for the death? no way. The individual obviously had problems that went way beyond the music they were listening to.

Personally, I don't believe Jesus was the son of god. Its just way too far fetched and very unlikely. Although, I still have respect for the man because of his courage and original purpose.

We will probably never know if he existed.
2007-09-07 18:47:35 UTC
As far as I know Jesus didn't write any books. In fact I don't even think he wrote anything down. The authors of the NT were all close to him. Jesus was a man that stood by his convictions right to the end. I commend him for that...... but I do not worship him.

Here's a good analogy... Guns don't kill people.... people kill people. Now, replace the word Gun with God or Jesus. We all have to take responsibility for our own actions and stop playing the blame game or pointing the finger.
2007-09-07 18:49:56 UTC
I don't believe in cigarettes, because if you look at all the lung cancer, heart disease, and store robbers that have been done in the name of cigarettes. If I was a cigarette and some one was killed because of me, I would take responsibility and get on the TV and newspapers and condemn the people for smoking me. Cigarettes are meant to be plaints for crying out loud.

They don’t exist!

Now can you see how ridiculous that sounds?
2007-09-07 18:44:40 UTC
Everyone has free will. People do all sorts of things in the name of 'religion'. Are you familiar with Fred Phelps? (Google him; it's outgrageous.) He's a walking hypocrite. Look at Osama bin Laden. Most Muslims condemn bin Laden's violence! So going by people's actions is not a valid reason to deny Jesus.

And if you don't think those people are being judged, you are sorely mistaken. You're not with God where people are standing before Him to be judged...and actually you probably wouldn't want to be. They will be judged by God and He will receive or condemn them.
victor 7707
2007-09-07 18:48:16 UTC
Jesus does exist, he does care. People have free will. He doesn't ram christianity down peoples throat. And he does condemn bad things, Remember the HOLY BIBLE, have you ever read it. Besides the bible you here preachers today on tv, radio, on street corners they are everywhere condemning evil. God does send messengers but less people listen each year it seems like. How about you. Are you listening, do you go to church, Jesus Christ died on a cross for my sins and yours, John 3:16, remember. Jesus Christ, born of a virgin, which is a miracle birth, raised up to die on a rugged old cross for us. All of mankind. For we are all sinners the Bible says, we may not kill people or steal but there is alot of other sins we commit each day so we are all sinners. Now, Do you believe you are a sinner, do you believe Jesus died for your sins, if you do then you need to be saved and get your sins washed away by the blood of Jesus on the cross. If you want to get saved right now just say this simple prayer and you can be saved and on your way to Heaven, Dear Jesus, I believe you are the son of God, I believe you came to earth to die on a cross for me to be a perfect sacrifice for my sins and rose from the grave the third day, I know and confess that I am a sinner in need of your salvation. I ask you to come into my heart now and save me, in Jesus name I Pray, Amen... If you just Prayed that Pray with a sincere heart you are now saved and Jesus lives inside your heart. Find a church, get you a Bible and start reading. Its a wonderfull world being a born again Christian. If you have questions please feel free to send me an email. Good luck to you and God Bless YOU!!
2007-09-07 18:37:57 UTC
Why do you blame Jesus without studying history. History would tell you the "Holy Inquesition" was to free up the trade route that robbers and others were cutting off between the east and the west. Witches were burned because they made superstitious people scared to live. and on and on and on. Wake up, your coffee is already ice cold.
2007-09-07 19:00:17 UTC
Neither. He gave mankind free will agency. If He had not we would all be mere automatons or droids... not having the ability to choose right or wrong... having right or wrong forced upon us.

Because we have free will agency we can choose evil, which inevitably causes harm unto others. Yes, this is painful. It is tragic. God allows it.

Yet in the end there shall be a recompense. Those who suffered unjust things yet remained faithful and did good unto others, even their enemies... shall receive a great reward, and eternity in paradise filled with joy and love. The pains they suffered in this life by evil doers will seem like a fleeting nightmare that quickly passed.

Yes there are many who profess God while doing evil. They are hypocrites and will receive greater damnation. Jesus plainly warned us that there shall be MANY false prophets and false apostles. He warns us that we shall be persecuted and the persecutors shall think they are doing God's will. Muslim terrorists bomb innocent people and think they are doing God's service. Mormons killed innocent people in the Meadows Mountain massacre. Christian mobs killed Mormons and drove them out of Missouri (in this land of freedom for religion no less).

Just because professors of the Bible do not follow the Bible does not mean the Bible is false... only the professors. Jesus said " Many shall say unto me Lord Lord, have we not done many wonderful works in thy name, and they shall be told Depart from me ye workers of iniquity, I know ye not".

The "Word of Jesus" forbids persecuting those who are not of the church. It teaches we should love our enemies, do good unto those who persecute us. It is not the Word of Jesus that causes these problems but those people who fail to follow the Word of Jesus.

I know hypocrites can cause many to reject the word of God. Jesus says these not only shall not enter heaven, but prevent those who are trying to. These hypocrites compass land and sea to make one convert and once they do they make them twice the child of hell.

Belief that at the judgment day a restitution of these things requires faith. That is where you lack.
2007-09-07 18:56:40 UTC
Jesus is not responsible for all those bad things you mention...God gave men free will and sometimes they make very bad choices. When God gives you free will, he will not interfere with your decision,,,you are stuck with it. but he can turn your mistake into a blessing for you if you trust him and believe in him...

There are some truly bad people in this world and they make life hard for the rest of us who try to live right. Sometimes, children suffer because of their parent's choices...but for free will to work, God must not interfer...

One choice you have is to believe in God or to be an atheist. Your choice, and if you pick the wrong one, you will go to Hell...but God won't send you there. You send yourself by your own words. So, don't blame God for what happens in this world. Jesus told us, that in this world we would have trials and tribulation...and most of it comes from poor choices we make because God wanted us to be able to make up our own minds.
2007-09-07 18:49:51 UTC
First of all God gave authority to man over the earth, When he created man in his image, the ruler ship of earth was part of it. He isn't an Indian giver, he is not going to invade mans domain and rape man like some savage. When The forbidden fruit was eaten man gave Satan the right to take over. Jesus came to give that right back to man, We are to rule, and govern this earth. Please do not blame Jesus for what man has done, that is cowardly.
dogpatch USA
2007-09-07 18:34:23 UTC
there is a big difference between understanding the message like an adult and like a child . children believe in magic Jesus cause that's what they are taught but the message is the same as it has been for thousands of years long before the Christ . the fault lies in ourselves not the stars .
Even Haazer
2007-09-07 18:46:16 UTC
Are you saying that you would love god that would destroy you at your first sin? When? The very next instance you would be burned.

"Or do you think lightly of the riches of His kindness and tolerance and patience, not knowing that the kindness of God leads you to repentance? But because of your stubbornness and unrepentant heart you are storing up wrath for yourself in the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God" (Romans 2:4,5)

"And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent:

Because he hath appointed a day, in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained; whereof he hath given assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him from the dead."Acts 17:30,31
2007-09-07 18:42:13 UTC
The same reason they are still blaming him. This is a perfect example of it. What makes you think its his fault? He could stop it and he is going to. Its called the Second Coming of Christ. The OT is full of examples of what happened to the people who disobeyed God. If it weren't for the blood shed of Jesus Christ it would still be happening.
Gray Wanderer
2007-09-07 18:37:26 UTC
So you blame Al Gore for the Unibomber victims?

BTW: Those things were condemned even in the very book you mention.
2007-09-07 18:35:44 UTC
You can not blame the sins of man on Jesus. Men do bad in the name of Jesus all the time, and yet, we (Christians and non-Christians) know that it is the fault of the person who committed the act.

You give only two choices, and neither are correct. So I'm picking "C" as my answer. We will all be judged for our sins when we die. We will answer to Jesus for those sins. And we will pay for it then.

People kill in the name of Satan. You don't see him renting time on cable tv to condone the actions of the evil-doers.
2007-09-07 18:34:56 UTC
Well for crying out loud it was religious people who claimed to love and obey God's word who had him crucified! (Jesus) picked a murderer over him! He considers spiritual victory more important than our earthly bodies. Spiritual victory being forgiveness, mercy and Love. These are to be respected more than anything. The people who did what they did will get their punishment believe me. God is a just God.
2007-09-07 18:36:35 UTC
what you should realize is all that is mans way not Gods way. Man has done things in Gods name and it had nothing to do with God. To blame God for any of it just shows the weakness in mankind, that they cannot take responsibility for their actions. Its easy to blame than to say we are the problem. I guess thats why its so hard to accept truth.
Robert S
2007-09-07 18:35:05 UTC
GOD loves even you;-} he gave you the freedom to write this.

GOD knew all these mistakes would be made in his name.

That's why he gave his only begotten Son, to reconcile us.

You see, we also have the gift of eternal life with Him.

So all these people who were killed, just get there sooner.
Reagan's Mommy
2007-09-07 18:33:44 UTC
We are given a Freedom of Choice... Ppl chose to do those things... why is it that... we can never be responsible for the things that we do... we have to blame them on someone else.

So A bunch of Stupid Ppl... do a bunch of Stupid things... back in the Day and all of the Sudden it's Jesus' Fault!

Give me a Break!
2007-09-07 18:37:43 UTC
Jesus : He doesn't support what you are doing, but it hasn't stopped you so far.So go hog wild, justify as you please. He is not coming back, he despises what you have done to his good name too much to do so.

Bet he never wanted a religion that would take his words, uttered lightly, as absolute truths.
2007-09-07 18:33:31 UTC
if you look at all the GOOD things that have happened due to the word of God

eternal life, love, mercy, faith, kindness....etc

it would help if you weren't so bitter towards Jesus and actually research Him in stead of looking for things that MAN did wrong.
2007-09-07 18:33:47 UTC
Ah! But what we don't know is, how many people would have been killed and murdered had Jesus not come!
2007-09-07 18:35:09 UTC
I notice that you did not give any scripture to back up these "christian teachings" that Jesus gave telling us to burn witches, run an inquisition, murder heritics, abuse children, have pogroms, etc. Why is that, if He taught us to do that please document it.
2007-09-07 18:33:51 UTC
fath is all about choices.... and these people made bad choices.(as you are.) at the moment. I wont sit here and shove my christanity down your throat. I am sorry you feel this way. and I can only pray that you will have a change of heart. (and you should be rolling your eyes at me ................right about
2007-09-07 18:33:17 UTC
I believe in Jesus and I will clean all the mistakes made by his name.. because Jesus has the power of Love.. to love the sinners
2007-09-07 18:36:32 UTC
Stop cussing.

Don't do this again. You may affect the weak minds.
2007-09-07 18:44:11 UTC
All justice will be served in the end...

2007-09-07 18:36:12 UTC
If I killed someone, would you put my father on trial?
2007-09-07 18:34:15 UTC
Hey go easy on Jesus! How much can you blame him for being such a prick--his own Dad didn't even like him. Just look at what "the Father's plan" for him eventually turned out to be! "Hey girls, any of you know a good place to get my "nails" done?!!! LOL
God is love.
2007-09-07 18:43:11 UTC
You do not know God!
2007-09-07 18:32:54 UTC
It's not Jesus's fault that people fight for their religion and their beliefs, he was not a fighter, and if you knew him and his very nature you wouldn't blame Jesus for the fault of the world and worldly men. You'd blame the world and worldly men.
2007-09-07 18:41:14 UTC
#2. If he did exist I would despise him, as he didn't I just despise the people who created him.
2007-09-07 18:35:37 UTC
The answer has always been # 2

When I go to the bathroom I always think of the bible as being full of #2 also .
2007-09-07 18:33:15 UTC
You have fallen for the oldest trick in the book. The BLAME Game. Human beings have been doin it since Adam blamed God for giving EVE to him.

What a bunch of ungrateful, selfish fools we are. We deserve HELL, God paid for our entrance into heaven with His own blood and we spit at Him and blame Him for all the evil in mens hearts that He is trying to save them from.

Typical of an unregenerate , carnal , LOST soul.

2007-09-07 18:32:40 UTC
how about the fact that Jesus will not condemn until the last day...
2007-09-07 18:46:19 UTC
And now we know.
2007-09-07 18:34:24 UTC
cry me a river. build a bridge. and get over it...
2007-09-07 18:31:51 UTC
It's answer 2.
2007-09-07 18:39:05 UTC
Sorry, you're so wrong.
2007-09-07 18:32:19 UTC
Your panties are showing. Grow up.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.