What's your take on Evolution Vs Creationism?
2016-04-29 19:24:48 UTC
What's your take on Evolution Vs Creationism?
39 answers:
2016-04-29 19:36:04 UTC
I take science seriously. There is a "black box" between fact and theory. I always want to be sure to open that black box to confirm whether a theory is correct.

The black box between "evolution" and fact is best opened by the book in the 'source' below.

Neither creation nor evolution can be proven through the application of the scientific method.

Because the fossil record and the geologic record is best explained by ID, I accept creation as a better explanation of an orderly universe and the origin of life.
2016-04-29 19:29:51 UTC
There is no debate, there never has been. Evolution is proven, it's survival of the fittest, or the survival of those who survive and reproduce, it's about as impossible to misinterpret as it can be, but is it any wonder that it's the complete morons who don't understand anything and believe whatever a book tells them, because they were told to believe it, who get told that evolution is a lie, and they believe it? God is the universe, and I only call it that because energy cannot be created or destroyed, it only changes form. This idea that God is love, or Jesus, or a spirit just comes from the utter stupidity of the human race.
2016-04-29 19:29:18 UTC
There's no comparison. One is supported by proven facts, and is taught in schools Worldwide.

The other is an outdated fairytale that belongs in a church, not a classroom.

If creatards had any clue what evidence was, they might have an argument. But after flops like ken ham and that retard who makes crappy christian chrismas movies, they're basically laughing stocks to anyone who doesn't have their head up their ***.

I mean, maybe if we were 200 years in the past, there would be an argument, but there simply isn't anymore. The DNA matches the fossil record. GG.
Doubting Like Thomas
2016-04-29 19:34:08 UTC
Evolution claims that the DNA evidence strongly indicates that we are descended from an ancestor common to humans and bonobos chimpanzees.

We are more closely related to the chimps, than chimps are related to gorillas.

Creationism claims that we are all descended from an animated mud pie which just HAPPENED to be shaped very much like all the other species of primate.

If a Creationist was arrested for a crime, and the DNA evidence strongly suggested that some other individual had committed it, would the Creationist DEMAND that his or her defense attorney NOT rely on that evidence?

If they think DNA evidence is not reliable, they should be CONSISTENT about not wanting anybody to believe it, ever.
2016-04-29 19:43:40 UTC
Evolution has evidence that can be backed up. Creation is just an idea out of a book. Being brought up taking the bible literally, I was taught that creation was the only answer. I was heavily interested in science as a child and was curious about evolution. It seemed logical to me and made more sense than creationism, however those beliefs were instilled into me until my teens, and at that time I started to think for myself. Evolution is just mutations that happen in each generation that are beneficial to procreation, that slowly change a species over time (into another). The more I learned, the more I accepted it.
2016-04-30 22:36:27 UTC
I believe that all scientific evidence points in a much higher degree to the universe having a creator rather than it having come from... nothing...

for example: the law of cause and effect, which is the most universal and most certain of all laws,states that every material effect must have an adequate cause. Material effects without adequate causes do not exist , therefore we come to the conclusion that the Universe did not create itself! We know this for a scientific fact, because matter cannot create matter. So, whatever caused the Universe could not have been material.

some people today are saying that the Universe evolved from nothing. However, if there ever had been a time when absolutely nothing existed, then there would be nothing now, because it always is true that nothing produces nothing. If something exists now, then something always has existed.

If we contend that every material effect must have a cause, and we say that only God could have caused the Universe, then the obvious question is: “What caused God?” Doesn’t the law of cause and effect apply to God, too?

There is a single word in the law of cause and effect that helps provide the answer to this question—the word material. Every material effect must have a cause that existed before it. Scientists formulated the law of cause and effect based upon what they have observed while studying this Universe, which is made out of matter. No science experiment in the world can be performed on God, because He is an eternal spirit, not matter (John 4:24). Science is far from learning everything about this material world, and it is even farther from understanding the eternal nature of God. There had to be a First Cause, and God was (and is) the only One suitable for the job.

another scientific fact that prove "something must have created what we have...

The Earth...its size is perfect. The Earth's size and corresponding gravity holds a thin layer of mostly nitrogen and oxygen gases, only extending about 50 miles above the Earth's surface. If Earth were smaller, an atmosphere would be impossible, like the planet Mercury. If Earth were larger, its atmosphere would contain free hydrogen, like Jupiter.3 Earth is the only known planet equipped with an atmosphere of the right mixture of gases to sustain plant, animal and human life.

The Earth is located the right distance from the sun. Consider the temperature swings we encounter, roughly -30 degrees to +120 degrees. If the Earth were any further away from the sun, we would all freeze. Any closer and we would burn up. Even a fractional variance in the Earth's position to the sun would make life on Earth impossible. The Earth remains this perfect distance from the sun while it rotates around the sun at a speed of nearly 67,000 mph. It is also rotating on its axis, allowing the entire surface of the Earth to be properly warmed and cooled every day.

And our moon is the perfect size and distance from the Earth for its gravitational pull. The moon creates important ocean tides and movement so ocean waters do not stagnate, and yet our massive oceans are restrained from spilling over across the continents.4

Water...colorless, odorless and without taste, and yet no living thing can survive without it. Plants, animals and human beings consist mostly of water (about two-thirds of the human body is water). It has wide margin between its boiling point and freezing point. Water allows us to live in an environment of fluctuating temperature changes, while keeping our bodies a steady 98.6 degrees...


there are so many "scientific evidences" that point to a creator that they are just too numerous to are just a few more briefly mentioned:

The universe operates by uniform laws of nature, Much of life may seem uncertain, but look at what we can count on day after day: gravity remains consistent, a hot cup of coffee left on a counter will get cold, the earth rotates in the same 24 hours, and the speed of light doesn't change -- on earth or in galaxies far from us.

How is it that we can identify laws of nature that never change? Why is the universe so orderly, so reliable?

All instruction, all teaching, all training comes with intent. Someone who writes an instruction manual does so with purpose. Did you know that in every cell of our bodies there exists a very detailed instruction code, much like a miniature computer program? As you may know, a computer program is made up of ones and zeros The way they are arranged tell the computer program what to do. The DNA code in each of our cells is very similar.You cannot find instruction,and precise information like this, without someone intentionally constructing it.

SCIENCE is the best key we have to prove the existence of God, therefore ... there is no struggle.. only complete logic and proof through scientific evidence...
2016-04-30 01:22:08 UTC
Maybe God did create everything in 6 days and rested on the 7th. But its more of a metaphor. The Word also says that one day for Him is like a thousand for us. So maybe They are both right; evolution is what we have discovered and it is actually the style of Gods creation. After all we were created from the earth and science shows that we are made from most of the elements/minerals from the dirt.
2016-04-29 19:38:23 UTC
It is time for students of the evolutionary process, especially those who have been misquoted and used by the creationists, to state clearly that evolution is a fact, not theory, and that what is at issue within biology are questions of details of the process and the relative importance of different mechanisms of evolution. It is a fact that the earth with liquid water, is more than 3.6 billion years old. It is a fact that cellular life has been around for at least half of that period and that organized multicellular life is at least 800 million years old. It is a fact that major life forms now on earth were not at all represented in the past. There were no birds or mammals 250 million years ago. It is a fact that major life forms of the past are no longer living. There used to be dinosaurs and Pithecanthropus, and there are none now. It is a fact that all living forms come from previous living forms. Therefore, all present forms of life arose from ancestral forms that were different. Birds arose from nonbirds and humans from nonhumans. No person who pretends to any understanding of the natural world can deny these facts any more than she or he can deny that the earth is round, rotates on its axis, and revolves around the sun.

The controversies about evolution lie in the realm of the relative importance of various forces in molding evolution.

- R. C. Lewontin "Evolution/Creation Debate: A Time for Truth" Bioscience 31, 559 (1981) reprinted in Evolution versus Creationism, op cit.


-Debating creationists on the topic of evolution is rather like trying to play chess with a pigeon — it knocks the pieces over, craps on the board, and flies back to its flock to claim victory.-Scott D. Weitzenhoffer
The Football God
2016-04-30 07:13:01 UTC
Creationism planted the seeds for evolution. For if nothing was here, what could evolve from it? A group of Ethiopians and Swedes swap where they live for generations. No intermingling and different gene pools. At the end the Swedes we be darker and win marathons, the Ethiopians will be lighter. That is evolution.
2016-04-29 19:29:49 UTC
Evolution and creationism are in conflict with each other.

I believe that God created everything in six (24-hour) days.

First law of thermodynamics. That there is nothing being created in terms of either matter or energy. That's true now. When the six days were over, God did not create anything else.

Second law of thermodynamics. That everything is running down from order to disorder. Energy is slowly running down. Everything is moving toward entropy. That's true too.

And that's a huge problem for evolutionists because in order for everything to "evolve" the opposite must be happening. But that violates the second law of thermodynamics.

Evolutionists like to object at this point, and mumble on about "open" and "closed" systems. This is just nonsense. We are talking about the entire universe.

The theory of evolution is one of Satan's more sophisticated deceptions. And they keep coming up with new twists and turns in an effort to make it more believable. But it is all nonsense.

--- (A Yahoo! User)

Evolution is Absurd (part 1, 2, 3) (10 minutes each)
2016-04-29 21:59:33 UTC
No one just evolved, if so why we are they not evoking around us today. Jehovah created us all, and the earth. He's our father our creator, and evolution has no backing in our society today, all anyone have to do is read Gods word on the matter. I believe in our creator Jehovah and his son Jesus , evolution has nothing to do with our creation.
Sagan Ritual
2016-04-29 20:51:37 UTC
Science is about theories, religion is about belief. Fundamentalists "believe in" creationism. A typical atheist (or non-fundamentalist theist) might say they "believe in" evolutionary theory, but they don't: if some bizarre discovery were to contradict evolutionary theory, they would be astounded and skeptical, but they would look into it a bit, find it plausible, notice the scientific community rejoicing, and they would embrace the new theory. And there would indeed be much rejoicing, more than when we realized Newton was wrong about gravity.

A typical atheist would not cling to a defunct evolutionary theory, tell people the new theory is a lie, claim the discovery was a hoax, demand that schools teach the controversy, etc., etc.

Ask a creationist whether any fact could ever be found that would shake them loose from their "creation theory". Actually, someone did ask, at the debate between Bill Nye and Ken Ham in early 2014. "What would make you change your mind?"

Nye: evidence

Ham: nothing

Creationism is a belief system. Evolutionary theory is not, and can't be.

P.S. To any atheists (and non-fundamentalist theists) reading this, don't ever defend evolutionary theory. Hope for a discovery that contradicts it. To paraphrase Isaac Asimov, the most thrilling exclamation in science is not "Eureka!" but "That can't be right!"
2016-04-29 19:40:11 UTC
It is a phony battle, made up by evolutionists to distract everybody. The devil spreads confusion to disguise his actions. The devil doesn't care about right or wrong, he just wants central authority: one man telling everybody what's what. First he tries to get a law forcing everybody to pretend to believe one way. If that is blocked then he bribes academic people to force students to pretend to believe. When he has a majority, then he tries again to get laws passed. Science has nothing to do with it.
2016-04-30 16:06:10 UTC
I believe in Creationism, but we could be all wrong on how the world was created and it could have been creation using evolution.
2016-04-30 09:21:17 UTC
Creation VS Evolution

Atheists found out that Darwin based his whole THEORY of evolution on the Islands of the Galapagos. There are different animals on all the continents, many of whom are not in the areas he studied.

Evolutionists can ridicule all they want (it’s all they have left), but they can’t prove that inorganic matter evolved into organic matter that evolved into the complex life forms we are and see around us. Evolutionists can’t get from atoms to people. It’s even worse for them since they can’t account for the original matter or the organized information necessary to organize the matter.

To believe in evolution is to believe in magic — literally. At least stage and street magicians start with a deck of cards, a coin, or a rabbit. Magicians can’t really make something appear out of thin air. But that’s exactly what evolutionists claim for evolution. When I say exactly, Imean exactly. Here’s an example found in the prestigious Scientific American:

“It is virtually impossible to imagine how a cell’s machines, which are mostly protein-based catalysts called enzymes, could have formed spontaneously as life first arose from nonliving matter around 3.7 billion years ago.”[1]

It’s impossible to imagine because it’s impossible, but that’s what evolutionists believe. One of the first scientific truths a biology student learns is that spontaneous generation is not science, and yet in order to be an evolutionist, you must believe in it even though it’s contrary to logic, experience, and experimentation.

Did you notice that the authors describe cells as “machines”? When has a machine ever spontaneously come into existence? Never! “But there was this time 3.7 billion years ago. . . .” Helmuth writes, “Whatever levels of analysis you care to use, from molecular to planetary, they all mutually reinforce the discovery that all living things evolve through a process of natural selection. Absolutely nothing in the 154 years since Origin was published has undermined the theory.” “Absolutely nothing”? Do I detect a hint of desperation and fear?

OK, like you, I started with the molecular. Using observation (no one was around 3.7 billion years ago and no one has seen nothing become something) and experimentation (no one has been able to produce life in the lab), demonstrate to us how evolution took place. Don’t theorize. Don’t assert. Don’t propagandize. Show us. You can’t and neither can Richard Dawkins or any other evolutionist living or dead.

And they call us Christians stupid.
King Ragnor of Waterford
2016-04-29 19:45:40 UTC
If we were created, why do males of all mammals have nipples to feed babies? Only evolution would answer to that! If created males would not have been given nipples, it's a simple as that!

EDIT. As for bringing the laws of thermodynamics into the discussion, totally irrelevant for either side of the argument!
2016-04-30 12:13:45 UTC
To answer your question Evolution is not base from the Bible it's man teaching. Creation is and will always be Bible base. In Genesis 1 chapter it helps us to understand that Jehovah God created the earth and everything after that. There no facts or teaching of evolution. Please take time to Read Genesis so that you will have an understanding of who created the earth, animal, man and anything else. Please visit JW. org to receive more information on this subject.
2016-04-29 19:37:33 UTC
People who speak against evolution constantly and consistently demonstrate their lack of knowledge about it.

They exclusively argue with fallacies, usually in the form of an argument from ignorance, although others such as the appeal to consequence pop up now and then.
Serene E
2016-04-29 19:45:36 UTC
I'm a Baha'i, a member of the Baha'i Faith. In our writings we are told that a form of evolution is correct - humans evolved but whatever we were, we were human, not apes. And whatever happened, happened because God commanded it.
2016-04-29 19:47:37 UTC
Creationism has no proof. Evolution is a proven occurrence. That's all there is to it.
2016-04-29 21:06:57 UTC
Evolution is an observed fact, Creationism is a bunch of stories made up by people without any scientific knowledge (which is why its often wrong).
2016-04-30 17:53:06 UTC
We disproved creationism as a class exercise in methodology. The answer is easy. It is a trivial task to exclude creationism.
Grinning Football plinny younger
2016-05-01 08:29:28 UTC
I am an atheist, but I know most theist figure a basic life form was created that evolved. Also most theist believes in the big bang, it was theorised by a Catholic Priest George Milenur I think his name was.
great knight
2016-05-01 02:05:53 UTC
Evolution is admitted lie. Jesus Christ is the truth, the way, and the life! Jesus loves you. Get a king James bible and believe. Read Romans chapter 1 and 5 and 8 and 10. Read John chapter 1 and 3. Read 1 John chapter 4. Read 1 Corinthians chapter 1. Read Genesis.

See, and all Patton videos, the editor threatened to resign if it wasn't retracted but no bias, right? You should read those hate comments sick because science journal said human hands created!! And,

Jesus Christ is the truth, the way, and the life! Jesus loves you. Believe in Jesus Christ and you shall have everlasting life! Jesus loves you. "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."- the Word of God.
2016-04-29 21:57:21 UTC
Really want to know the truth about all this? Watch this small seminar from a former university professor who used to teach evolution, and is now a creationist :
A Second Witness
2016-04-29 19:46:03 UTC
Both beliefs, Creation and Evolution, require faith.

Unlike Selective Adaptation, which is substantiated, and is therefore a theory, Evolution is unsubstantiated, and is therefore only an hypothesis. That means that, although it may seem possible for Evolution to happen, there is no evidence that families of one species have transformed into another species through however many incidents of Selective Adaptation.

Putting faith in Evolution requires either conflating hypotheses with theories, or conflating evidence of Selective Adaptation with evidence of Evolution. By comparison, belief in Creation simply, and admittedly, requires faith, so there is no double talk.

Faith is not a bad thing, as long as one admits to himself, that it is faith, rather than substantiation by scientific evidence.
2016-04-29 19:40:52 UTC
God made the world in 7 days. evolution is a lie. end of story. anyone who disagrees is uneducated and should read the Bible, WORD OF GOD
Neckbearded Atheist
2016-04-29 19:31:37 UTC
False dichotomy.
Sheltie Lover
2016-04-29 19:49:39 UTC
Creation is logical ... Evolution is not.
2016-04-29 19:27:32 UTC
evolutionism and creation use the same data but come up with different conclusions/results.

evolutionism depends upon the fossil record to show how species transformed into other species, but there are no transitional fossils.

creation shows the earth sedimentary layers reveal the global flood.
2016-04-29 19:42:53 UTC
There is no evidence for evolution yet. I have been watching this debate for 25 years.
2016-04-29 19:26:22 UTC
There's no "versus". One is truth, the other just a story.
2016-04-29 21:25:03 UTC
evolution is just an undemonstrated theory- just talk- nothing more

The Wisdom of Buddha.
2016-04-30 03:52:36 UTC
Check it out
2016-04-29 19:26:58 UTC
2016-04-29 19:42:37 UTC
The latter is the explanation fathomed by ignorant men.
2016-04-29 19:40:51 UTC
The book was better than the movie.
2016-04-29 22:00:40 UTC
neither is real
2016-04-30 04:28:29 UTC
Is Evolution Compatible With the Bible?

IS IT possible that God used evolution to make men from beasts? Did God direct bacteria to develop into fish and then to continue developing through reptiles and mammals, so that finally a race of apes became humans? Some scientists and religious leaders claim to believe both the theory of evolution and the Bible. They say that the Bible book of Genesis is a parable. Perhaps you have wondered, ‘Is the theory that man evolved from animals compatible with the Bible?’

Understanding our origin is vital to understanding who we are, where we are going, and how we should live. Only with knowledge of man’s origin can we understand God’s permission of suffering and his purpose for man’s future. We cannot enjoy a fine standing with God if we are not sure that he is our Creator. So let us examine what the Bible says about man’s origin, his present condition, and his future. Then we will see if the theory of evolution is compatible with the Bible.

When There Was One Man

Evolutionists generally claim that a population of animals gradually developed into a population of humans, denying that there was once only one man. However, the Bible presents a very different picture. It says that we originate from one man, Adam. The Bible account presents Adam as a historical person. It gives us the names of his wife and some of his children. It tells us in detail what he did, what he said, when he lived, and when he died. Jesus did not consider that account as just a story for uneducated people. When addressing well-educated religious leaders, he said: “Did you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female?” (Matthew 19:3-5) Jesus then quoted the words about Adam and Eve recorded at Genesis 2:24.

Luke, a Bible writer and a careful historian, presented Adam as a person who was as real as Jesus. Luke traced Jesus’ genealogy back to the first man. (Luke 3:23-38) Also, when the apostle Paul spoke before an audience that included philosophers who were educated in the famous Greek schools, he told them: “The God that made the world and all the things in it . . . made out of one man every nation of men, to dwell upon the entire surface of the earth.” (Acts 17:24-26) Clearly, the Bible teaches that we descended from “one man.” Is what the Bible says about man’s original condition compatible with evolution?

Man’s Slide From Perfection

According to the Bible, Jehovah made the first man perfect. It is impossible for God to make things any other way. The creation account says: “God proceeded to create the man in his image . . . After that God saw everything he had made and, look! it was very good.” (Genesis 1:27, 31) What is a perfect man like?

A perfect man has free will and is able to imitate God’s qualities completely. The Bible says: “The true God made mankind upright, but they themselves have sought out many plans.” (Ecclesiastes 7:29) Adam chose to rebel against God. By his rebellion, Adam lost perfection for himself and his offspring. Man’s fall from perfection explains why we often disappoint ourselves, even though we want to do what is good. The apostle Paul wrote: “What I wish, this I do not practice; but what I hate is what I do.”—Romans 7:15.

A perfect man would live forever in perfect health, according to the Bible. It is evident from what God said to Adam that if the first man had not disobeyed God, he would never have died. (Genesis 2:16, 17; 3:22, 23) Jehovah would not have declared the creation of man to be “very good” if the man had a tendency to get sick or to rebel. The fall from perfection explains why the human body, though marvelously designed, is susceptible to deformities and disease. Evolution is therefore incompatible with the Bible. Evolution presents modern man as an improving animal. The Bible presents modern man as the degenerating descendant of a perfect man.

The idea that God directed evolution in order to produce man is also incompatible with what the Bible says about God’s personality. If God guided the process of evolution, it would mean that he guided mankind into its present diseased and distressed state. However, the Bible says of God: “The Rock, perfect is his activity, for all his ways are justice. A God of faithfulness, with whom there is no injustice; righteous and upright is he. They have acted ruinously on their own part; they are not his children, the defect is their own.” (Deuteronomy 32:4, 5) Therefore, mankind’s present suffering is not the result of God-directed evolution. It is the result of one man’s losing perfection for himself and his offspring by rebelling against God. Now that we have considered Adam, we can turn to Jesus. Is evolution compatible with what the Bible says about Jesus?

Can You Believe in Both Evolution and Christianity?

“Christ died for our sins.” As you probably know, that is one of the basic teachings of Christianity. (1 Corinthians 15:3; 1 Peter 3:18) To see why evolution is incompatible with that statement, we first need to understand why the Bible calls us sinners and what sin does to us.

We are all sinners in the sense that we cannot perfectly imitate God’s glorious qualities, such as his love and justice. Therefore, the Bible says: “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23) The Bible teaches that sin is the cause of death. “The sting producing death is sin,” says 1 Corinthians 15:56. Our inheritance of sin is also the underlying cause of sickness. Jesus indicated that there is a link between sickness and our sinful condition. He said to a paralytic, “Your sins are forgiven,” and the man was healed.—Matthew 9:2-7.

How does Jesus’ death help us? The Bible contrasts Adam with Jesus Christ and says: “Just as in Adam all are dying, so also in the Christ all will be made alive.” (1 Corinthians 15:22) By laying down his life, Jesus paid the price for the sin that we inherited from Adam. Thus, all who exercise faith in Jesus and obey him will receive what Adam forfeited—the prospect of everlasting life.—John 3:16; Romans 6:23.

Do you see, then, that evolution is incompatible with Christianity? If we doubt that “in Adam all are dying,” how can we hope that “in the Christ all will be made alive”?

Why Evolution Attracts People

The Bible reveals how such teachings as evolution become popular. It says: “There will be a period of time when they will not put up with the healthful teaching, but, in accord with their own desires, they will accumulate teachers for themselves to have their ears tickled; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, whereas they will be turned aside to false stories.” (2 Timothy 4:3, 4) Although evolution is usually presented in scientific language, it is really a religious doctrine. It teaches a philosophy of life and an attitude toward God. Its beliefs are subtly attractive to mankind’s selfish, independent tendencies. Many who believe in evolution say that they also believe in God. However, they feel free to think of God as one who has not created things, does not intervene in man’s affairs, and will not judge people. It is a creed that tickles people’s ears.

Teachers of evolution are often motivated, not by the facts, but by “their own desires”—perhaps a desire to be accepted by a scientific community in which evolution is orthodox doctrine. Professor of biochemistry Michael Behe, who has spent most of his life studying the complex internal functions of living cells, explained that those who teach the evolution of cell structure have no basis for their claims. Could evolution occur at this tiny, molecular level? “Molecular evolution is not based on scientific authority,” he wrote. “There is no publication in the scientific literature—in prestigious journals, specialty journals, or books—that describes how molecular evolution of any real, complex, biochemical system either did occur or even might have occurred. . . . The assertion of Darwinian molecular evolution is merely bluster.”

If evolutionists lack explanations, why do they preach their ideas so loudly? Behe explains: “Many people, including many important and well-respected scientists, just don’t want there to be anything beyond nature.”

The doctrine of evolution attracts many clergymen who want to appear wise. They are similar to those described in the apostle Paul’s letter to Christians in Rome. Paul wrote: “What may be known about God is manifest among them . . . His invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship, so that they are inexcusable; because, although they knew God, they did not glorify him as God nor did they thank him, but they became empty-headed in their reasonings and their unintelligent heart became darkened. Although asserting they were wise, they became foolish.” (Romans 1:19-22) How can you avoid being deceived by false teachers?

Evidence-Based Faith in the Creator

The Bible stresses the importance of evidence when it defines faith. It says: “Faith is the assured expectation of things hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities though not beheld.” (Hebrews 11:1) True faith in God should be based on evidence that demonstrates the reality of the Creator. The Bible shows where you can find the evidence.

The inspired Bible writer David wrote: “I shall laud you because in a fear-inspiring way I am wonderfully made.” (Psalm 139:14) Taking time to reflect on the amazing design of our own body and of other living things fills us with awe at the wisdom of our Maker. Every part of the thousands of systems that cooperate to keep us alive is ideally designed. Also, the physical universe displays evidence of mathematical precision and order. David wrote: “The heavens are declaring the glory of God; and of the work of his hands the expanse is telling.”—Psalm 19:1.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.