If you check the 6th chapter of Genesis, it refers to "the sons of God," which is a reference to the offspring of the "gods," that is, the people who've been coming here to this planet since before humans existed. Their offspring came here and did what they weren't supposed to do (Read, "The Book of Enoch") and as a result, the women they mated with (read "raped") gave birth to children who grew into giants (read the ancient scripture, "The Book of Giants"); many HUGE human skeletons have been found (which The Smithsonian has admitted to burning huge numbers of) for many centuries. The word "angel," by the way, translates as messenger. In the Old Testament, Abraham was sitting in the door of his tent when 3 men appeared. One was referred to as "the Lord," and there were two "angels" with him. Many believe that this was God and two winged angels, but it says nothing about wings. Even so, many painters have depicted the two angels in this episode with wings. Abraham gave these 3 guys food and they all ate. God dropped in for lunch?? No, of course not. The "Lord" was clearly one of the people in the ships, likely the commander, and he brought two of his agents with him. Those same two agents walked over to Sodom later on and met Lot, if you recall. There is much in the Bible that isn't understood, and part of the reason for this is because, as Graham Hancock has said, "we are a species with amnesia." Right. We've forgotten our ancient roots, our ancient past. But it's in the Bible, it's in the ancient texts of the Sumerians, Babylonians, and Mesopotamians, etc. And I should point out that the people we refer to as "aliens" are not aliens. WE are the aliens because they were here before we even existed; the story of how they made us is mentioned (although not elaborated upon) in chapter 2 of Genesis; you'll see a reference to anesthesia (verse 21) and to cloning (verse 22). The Christians are not aware of the meanings of those verses but that's what they're about. Verse 7 seems rather metaphysical & poetic, yes, and may even have a hidden meaning ("And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground") but if you compare all of this to the Sumerian and Mesopotamian texts, you'll see what I mean. Those people were scientists, geneticists who blended their own DNA with that of the creatures that were already here in order to create what we now refer to as "human beings." But they regretted it later on: Read Genesis, Chapter 6, verse 6. They one in charge of the project lamented that they'd created this creature because they were (and still are!) so violent. So they created (with technology) a massive flood to wipe us out, but unfortunately some of us survived, and look at the situation we have again today. But another mass-extinction is on the way, so none of you (us) have to worry. Incidentally, the people in the ships are also mentioned in the ancient Vedic ("Hindu") scriptures. The ships are referred to as "vimanas" and that is something worth looking into ...