Was the Holy Bible describing aliens and not angels?
2016-01-06 18:22:27 UTC
During the first century people claimed to see things flying from the heavens. There was no word for a flying vehicle, the only way they could describe was referring to it as a chariot of fire. Is it more likely that these people were witnessing UFOs?

Was Christ an alien hybrid, or maybe just an alien?

2 Kings 6:17

"6 So he answered, "Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them." 17 Then Elisha prayed and said, "O LORD, I pray, open his eyes that he may see." And the LORD opened the servant's eyes and he saw; and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha."
77 answers:
2016-01-07 19:37:46 UTC
Weird Sh!t has happened down the ages and people describe the same things over and over, but explain them differently according to their current local belief systems.

A glowing light in the sky could be explained as a dragon, an angel, a fiery chariot or the Flying Dutchman.

Anything is easier than saying "I don't know"

Some of the stuff in the old testament could be related to the phenomena we now attribute to aliens. I'm sceptical about both the idea of aliens visiting earth and angels, but I find it easier to believe in aliens visiting earth in the distant past than now.

I don't see any good reason to think Jesus was an alien. IMO he was a radical Jew doing a bit of faith healing and flim flam. Afterwards the stories grew in the telling. It's possible he was caught up in some pagan stuff as well, that caused him to be a human sacrifice, but that could just be Greek guys messing with the story.

The Aetherius Society think he came from Venus. I love those guys :-)
2016-01-08 05:32:48 UTC
My dear, angels and aliens are not so far to each other, for they are both just watching YOU.

but some will tell you some stories like this one:

No, the only "aliens" are devils: Genesis 6:,4; 1 John 3:13, John 6:70-71, Ephesians 6. There are angels and their are devils. The devil himself, often referred to as "the devil" is a cherib: Ezekiel 28:14. he was Lucifer but pride got a hold of him - Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 28 - and he fell. Now he creates endless problems for sinners, governments and society. When he is put down, and he will be, the LORD JESUS CHRIST will Govern and there will be peace on earth. There is a lot in the King James Bible 1611 regarding the future coming peace on earth. The curse on the ground and the hostility of animals will be taken away. Children will ride on the back of leopards and so on: Isaiah 9, 35, 55, etc.
2016-01-08 01:37:42 UTC
People always see what they believe in. There might be other living things in other planets as the universe is vast and massive. And God say He created many things and in all human are the best creation. That mean, we are the highest in the list. If these Aliens came down to earth, We already been slave of those Aliens. Why, well even ourselves fighting for the resources we have in this world, because there are many resources that we are in dear need. Think about Aliens than. Even if we think that they intelligent, well; there are some animals intelligent as well, there would be the same as animals, try to show off their capturing a prey. but the case is very rare.

The problem is that we already been fed by movies and syfy stories about Alliens. Many want to see this happening. Some even has belief. So, everything come simpler to put in the case of proving. As many said in here, its very rare opportunity the Allien over take human civilation.
2016-01-07 03:40:07 UTC
It is statistically probable that there is life on other planets. The probability that there is intelligent life is lower. If our planet has ever been visited by a civilisation from another planet it must have happened prior to the evolution of humans. The visiting aliens have left no trace of their visit. Their visit is highly improbable.

There is absolutely nothing in human history to suggest that at any time there has been a visit by creatures from another planet. The probability of such a visit is close to zero.

We can safely say that the writers of the various parts of the Bible saw neither aliens or angels. They may have believed that they saw something. This could have been the result of a neurological pathology, a mental disorder, or the effect of some drug, or a combination of any two or all three of the former. They may simply have written it as part of their fiction.
2016-01-07 14:47:46 UTC
No, the only "aliens" are devils: Genesis 6:,4; 1John 3:13, John 6:70-71, Ephesians 6. There are angels and their are devils. The devil himself, often referred to as "the devil" is a cherib: Ezekiel 28:14. he was Lucifer but pride got a hold of him - Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 28 - and he fell. Now he creates endless problems for sinners, governments and society. When he is put down, and he will be, the LORD JESUS CHRIST will Govern and there will be peace on earth. There is a lot in the King James Bible 1611 regarding the future coming peace on earth. The curse on the ground and the hostility of animals will be taken away. Children will ride on the back of leopards and so on: Isaiah 9, 35, 55, etc.
2016-01-07 00:46:25 UTC
Extra-terrestrial beings are possible. In fact, given the billions of planets there are they are almost inevitable. But an imortal being, who sees everything, can be anywhere and can do anything - but whom nobody has ever seen or heard - that is far less likely.

The main reason why we have not (yet) been in touch with extraterrestrials is simply that the distances involved are so great; even a vehicle travelling close to the speed of light (which scientists believe cannot be exceeded) would take 4 years to get here from the nearest star - and up to millions of years from the more distant galaxies.
2016-01-08 07:35:42 UTC
Simple answer No!

Aliens quite probably do exist but Jesus almost certainly did not. Have you never heard that the Bible is the 'greatest Story eve told'. The main word there is STORY.

There once was a cow that lived on a hill and then she gave birth to a dolphin. That is a story...and about as believable as the Bible.
2016-01-06 22:15:30 UTC
No, but 'aliens' are creatures God at one point in time, made, then rebelled against His rule. They have existed for 15 billion years. Angels are loyal servants of the Almighty. So, there is only Angels: loyal and rebels.

You do not call milk marmalade to diarrhea, just because they had the same colour. Neither call "aliens" to angels. In reality, ALL are extraterrestrials, for they are from outside the Earth.
2016-01-07 14:44:18 UTC
The Bible describs only angels.
2016-01-07 19:01:22 UTC
Who says they aren't actually angels themselves? The prophet Ezekiel described things that bear a striking resemblance to flying saucers. wouldn't you think that a demon would abduct someone pretending to be from another world and then change their story over and over with each new abductee? We should have already heard from them by now since they would likely be many thousands perhaps even millions of years more technologically advanced than us. Just where are they from anyway the milky way the Andromida galaxy some other deminsion of space time? There is obviously something very fishy going on.
2016-01-06 21:02:59 UTC
You have to look at the text and believe what the text is saying. If it says "chariots of fire" then that is what they were! There is a fact that most people want to believe, yet have a hard time believing; there are angels all around us, and one for each one of us to protect us. That is also in the text! Read it!

On the other side of the issue; we also have the presence of "fallen angels", and they are appearing in different forms - I certainly do believe that these "alien beings" are representative of them. I certainly do believe that we are seeing the beginning of the end; these demonic forces are able to move "in and out" of our existence and may very well appear as alien space ships. However, they do NOT reside on other planets; they reside in a different dimension that they somehow can break out of and move into ours. That is how it appears that they show up one minute and are gone the next! It has little to do with speed, even though the speed they move at is hyper speed and beyond. They are here to deceive us - before the Master of Existence will appear; the Creator of all things and take with Him everyone that belong to Him and have claimed His name as their salvation!

Have you?! Do it now! His name is Jesus Christ!
2016-01-07 01:23:25 UTC
You should not confuse things. God is not of this universe, nor are most of his heavenly creation, angels. All belong to the original universe of God. Ours is a created one; theirs is an everlasting one.

It is also indicated that several, number unknown, worlds are inhabited. That God has millions and millions of chariots (heavenly vehicles) Thus all angels are aliens, as in not belonging or having been created on earth.

God is primarily a God of life. How much life he has created on planets is not disclosed. Yet, all of it is of his making. So, if there are planets out there inhabited by beings that have offspring and are more intelligent, or as intelligent, as we are, they still are doing God's will (unless they have joined Satan).

As to the angels, several varieties have been described. As to fallen angels, disregarding their varieties, there are at least two groups: those who follow and serve Satan, and those who just left their original post and did their own thing. About these latter ones, we are told that they now reside in dark underground prisons around the earth. This kind has not been judged yet and some may be returning to God's service after the kingdom begins its reign.
2016-01-07 07:06:16 UTC
I keep an open mind of anything that is possible. People ask me if I believe in the Holy Bible and it's writings and do I believe in God. My answer to them is ' yes' and 'no ' . Who is God? We can't see Him but yet we see His creations. The Bible states that God created the heavens and earth in 6 days but yet scientists say differently. The Bible also states in the Book of Genesis that God created Man and Woman but yet here again scientists say differently that we evolved from the apes. God created Man in His own image so if man evolved from apes does this mean that God is a Silver Back? I can't picture God as a great ape sorry, if this is true then Adam and Eve were running around the Garden of Eden in monkey suits wearing fig leaf aprons to cover their shame after eating from the Tree of Knowledge. This is what I question when it comes to the writings of the Bible. I believe that there is a 'Higher Source' now what or who this Higher source is we probably will never know until we meet our maker. In my opinion I feel that God or this Higher source started the creations but I also believe that evolution took finalize it. The scientists can't be completely wrong. On the subject of angels however I believe there is something as to angels or something similar. When you sit and watch movies like ' Knowing' or " Legion" it makes one ' think' on the possibility. Did the shepherds of the field during Christ's birth witness Angels or beings of another nature? We will never know that answer since we weren't there, this is where our faith comes into place. When most of us were growing up we went to church to learn about our religion. To those that are Christians believe in God and the Bible and the teachings of Christ. So with this in mind is the Bible true in it's writings and that's why we believe or is it because we as children believed in what we had been taught through the years. It's something to think about. Where does your faith come in? Do you believe in your heart or because you were taught to believe.
brother trucker
2016-01-06 19:18:57 UTC
Ezekiel 1 is the closest description we have of what is certainly flying ships of some kind. They are also mentioned throughout Ezekiel and in Psalms. None of these occurred any where around the 1st century.

If we know God Jesus is not an alien. If we have never contacted God there is a lot that is alien to us.
2016-01-06 20:41:26 UTC
To everything you are saying: NO. Aliens are not real, and yet there are real entities masquerading as aliens. The "fallen angels" spoken of in the bible are real, evil, spiritual beings and they are able to take on many different forms. They were the Roman pagan gods, the Egyptian pagan gods, the ascended masters, and most recently aliens. Chris White did an awesome job of debunking the supposed UFO's in artwork in this video, which is only about 10 minutes and you should definitely watch it:

If you want to know the TRUTH about aliens, watch this video, but it is about an hour:
2016-01-07 18:32:36 UTC
This phenomena hails from beyond our dimension. Most certainly not from another planet.

They're back you know. Maybe they never left though to be honest.

The interdimensionals show up in certain ways for certain reasons and have several upon several things they can do with appearing from our physical universe.

The tricksters always liked dressing up in a half evolved looking monkey guy suit and walking by random people making strange noises, hahahahahaha!

You could call them "alien" though, it would make sense to say that.

They have the knowledge and tech to save our lives.But will they?! Who the **** really knows?! It's a heart pounding adventure! Are they going to do it?! ahhhhhhhhhhhh!
2016-01-06 21:27:33 UTC
The whole thing is about a message from intelligence that is above us explaining how it all came down. Of course, how do you explain to something that is so far behind you in evolution how it is and why it is the way it is? You give them some experiences and then let them figure it out from there. And that is what the Bible is, a historical account of our relation with that higher intelligence. Or at least the history of our trying to relate to what many think is a higher relationship in intelligent ways. And some don't see it that way at all.
2016-01-07 08:45:17 UTC
Angels are in Heaven, and since God created all things, if there is life on other planets they are God's people. When they die, they could go to Heaven, and may become Angels. At that point, they would be angels of God. Even if they began as beings not from earth, angels are angels, and what they were before that they are angels.
2016-01-06 18:45:00 UTC
The Bible was describing angels from god, not aliens.
2016-01-08 10:43:10 UTC
Sounds like you enjoy the HISTORY CHANNEL a lot! lol

Don't believe everything that you hear; most of that is just "theory" as is usually stated at the start of the show.

The Bible, on the other hand can be trusted, because it's been proven many time over in archealogical findings and it is the WORD OF GOD!
o O o
2016-01-08 05:35:59 UTC
Angels are definitely alien to this world that is for sure. Even devils are called cosmic powers in the bible.
2016-01-06 20:13:40 UTC
In past church KILLED scientists who found fossils and what are under ground church said they are Satan. And in past church believed touching can heal people. In past rain of foods gave happiness for the hungry.

and bullshit don't happen these days.

Because there are media and internet and science.

If something happen like this modern scientists examination it and reveal what inside. The magician and his deceives most of the time caught easily and with.modern physics and technology and scanning and many things.

I don't hate god.After praying what I got is "never believe in books and priests and use your mind and leave all religion" So I am.

You can see there are unlimited number of planets and higher rate of finding aliens and intelligent civilizations out there.

I believe God is an Alien king.

Who is Almighty in all things.

But I don't believe in old books.

This is just my belief.

You can neglect if you disagree

Nobody should force anybody for anything :)

Have good life :)
the re - chosen one
2016-01-06 19:37:50 UTC
Your train of thought is on the right track.

If our Intelligent Designer could build flying machines like the one in the Book of Ezekiel He also would have been able to build water craft like the one that abducted Jonah for three days before it let him go that Jonah mis describes as being a big fish. Jonah could easily survive three days inside the dark hull of a submarine before being released to carry out God's will.
2016-01-07 02:28:59 UTC
Both are endemic to the whole of Scripture but most notably in the prophetic books of Revelations, Ezekiel, Daniel.Scientifically why else do the CERN scientists encourage the most demonic entities from Saturn and elsewhere to appear? Why indeed do they actually worship and dance to the Hindu god of Shiva which is destruction?Why do they adopt its image as a huge sculpture and (though atheistic) declare their main pursuit of becoming gods themselves? .Why seek to break into the Dark portal beyond the speed of light?To enable dna streaming in digital code from Saturn they say. Why do some scientists literally disappear? Of course this is sci fi imagination isnt it?In fact reality is a good deal worse as we see the very language of Revelations in common currency amongst our elite scientific community.CERN has a logo of 666 The very mark of The Beast in Revelations!
2016-01-07 06:58:38 UTC
the first answer is NO ! UFOs in the presense of medeval painting is not the same thiing as saying UFOs appeared while Mother Mary wa alive.

i doubt that any disciple of jesus saw a UFO. that said there are at least 4 things in the bible that describe UFO type sightings. however, not everyone can or will agree that UFOs are the cause of christian beliefs.

there is no doubt that Jesus was just as much a human as we are ! the difference is, that Jesus was also the son of God. the only savior, the only messiah that was born or ever will be born of a female woman, or of any tribe of man.
Space Wasp
2016-01-08 10:57:52 UTC
It is most likely that if stories of "chariots of fire" were based on anything other than imagination, they were based on sightings of meteors/meteorites.

Angels, like demons, are imaginary beings that do not exist. Likewise, although it is statistically likely that there is life somewhere else in the universe, all aliens that have been described are also imaginary.
2016-01-06 22:29:42 UTC
The bible is describing mythical beings called angels.
2016-01-07 06:36:46 UTC
Angels and Aliens are the same, aren't they? Jesus said I am not from this planet, neither is my Father whom you say is YHWH your God but that is a lie and that is why you seek to kill me for if my Father was YHWH, your God, you would be told by YHWH to love me but instead you desire to kill me?

Anyone not from this planet, or looking like us, can be called an Alien? I am an Alien, I am from better planet, but I am human, have a family, work, etc.
2016-01-07 01:51:36 UTC
they could possibly be the same thing. but the bible does not talk about aliens. the bible tals in a way the prophets can translate it. words that do not or may not literally mean something else we are unsure of this
2016-01-07 03:15:50 UTC
We are said to be from alien stock. the Lords of the Flame of Venus came to earth and saw that the maidens were fair and come in unto them and that must have impoved our stock etc

Some 18.5 million years ago the Lords from Venus gave us our minds for at that far off time some humans were ready for this upgrade etc..
2016-01-06 19:18:11 UTC
How about this one?

“And it came to pass, as they still went on, and talked, that, behold, there appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and parted them both asunder; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven.”

‭‭2 Kings‬ ‭2:11‬ ‭KJV‬‬

Don't you think if those people back then would have seen a 747, don't you think what we call engines may have been called horses of fire?

Have you ever read chapter 1 of Ezekiel? Weird stuff.
2016-01-07 13:56:23 UTC
No. Bible does not talk about Aliens. Lot of people have spent their all life studying bible and they don't believe in UFO.
2016-01-07 10:26:50 UTC
Turn your question around and you have it right. The Bible describes ANGELS ...NOT...aliens.
great knight
2016-01-07 14:24:18 UTC
No. Jesus Christ is the Living God! Read Romans chapter 5 as well. There are several things you need to consider from the people who are telling you this. First, you were warned over 2000yrs ago that the false one(devil) would come first to deceive. Only Christians know the false one comes first. Now you see the "jews" waiting for one to appear which is false. You see "islam" waiting for one to appear which is false. you see "buddhists" always waiting for "next reincarnation" to appear which is false. Now you see atheists/evolutionists are waiting for "alien" to appear and spend billions waiting for it!!! You can't make this up! Check out last 20 min or so here, Fascinating that all researchers have access to this data but choose not to mention it because it doesn't fit with lie of evolution. There is no need for you to be deceived. “But take ye heed: behold, I have foretold you all things.” - the Word of God. And some other interesting things, and so on. and so on. This is particularly interesting, and part 2. This man made predictions based on Bible and 6000yrs. The evolutionists made predictions based on "millions" of years. The data came back from OUTER SPACE and guess which shown correct? Evolution destroyed again and Bible shown correct again!!! The very planets are showing you this!! Why isn't that in textbook? They have to omit facts to deceive people. It is the only working model now based on Bible!!!! But that doesn't fit with lies of aliens and evolution so they don't mention that. Study the Word of God.

Jesus Christ is the truth.
mia delight
2016-01-07 08:14:29 UTC
If the birth and visitors were being described today , the operative word would be aliens.
Alan H
2016-01-08 00:27:23 UTC
Almost certainly not. The word Angel just means messenger
2016-01-06 20:41:15 UTC
aliens are demons in disguise it's in the bible many times
2016-01-07 22:51:54 UTC
You know you may be onto that being described in the BIBLE is totally Foreign to the natural on earth.
2016-01-08 13:15:10 UTC
It's possible.

Trouble is, there is no more proof of aliens than there is of angels.
2016-01-07 15:59:34 UTC
Christ identified who He was and who the angels were. With billions spent on the SETI program looking for aliens, NOTHING has ever come of it.

What does that tell you?
2016-01-08 17:53:37 UTC
2016-01-06 18:46:15 UTC
Aliens don't exist, but Jesus does. Think about that.
2016-01-06 19:07:26 UTC
Looking close at that picture, I see a shark, and the ufolooks more like a boat.

The shark looks like a shadow in the upper left hand corner.
Dr Yes level 9 since 1999
2016-01-07 09:44:39 UTC
Technically the angels of God are alien because they are not of this world.

The angels of the lord, his "satans", are of this world.
2016-01-07 21:13:19 UTC
If you check the 6th chapter of Genesis, it refers to "the sons of God," which is a reference to the offspring of the "gods," that is, the people who've been coming here to this planet since before humans existed. Their offspring came here and did what they weren't supposed to do (Read, "The Book of Enoch") and as a result, the women they mated with (read "raped") gave birth to children who grew into giants (read the ancient scripture, "The Book of Giants"); many HUGE human skeletons have been found (which The Smithsonian has admitted to burning huge numbers of) for many centuries. The word "angel," by the way, translates as messenger. In the Old Testament, Abraham was sitting in the door of his tent when 3 men appeared. One was referred to as "the Lord," and there were two "angels" with him. Many believe that this was God and two winged angels, but it says nothing about wings. Even so, many painters have depicted the two angels in this episode with wings. Abraham gave these 3 guys food and they all ate. God dropped in for lunch?? No, of course not. The "Lord" was clearly one of the people in the ships, likely the commander, and he brought two of his agents with him. Those same two agents walked over to Sodom later on and met Lot, if you recall. There is much in the Bible that isn't understood, and part of the reason for this is because, as Graham Hancock has said, "we are a species with amnesia." Right. We've forgotten our ancient roots, our ancient past. But it's in the Bible, it's in the ancient texts of the Sumerians, Babylonians, and Mesopotamians, etc. And I should point out that the people we refer to as "aliens" are not aliens. WE are the aliens because they were here before we even existed; the story of how they made us is mentioned (although not elaborated upon) in chapter 2 of Genesis; you'll see a reference to anesthesia (verse 21) and to cloning (verse 22). The Christians are not aware of the meanings of those verses but that's what they're about. Verse 7 seems rather metaphysical & poetic, yes, and may even have a hidden meaning ("And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground") but if you compare all of this to the Sumerian and Mesopotamian texts, you'll see what I mean. Those people were scientists, geneticists who blended their own DNA with that of the creatures that were already here in order to create what we now refer to as "human beings." But they regretted it later on: Read Genesis, Chapter 6, verse 6. They one in charge of the project lamented that they'd created this creature because they were (and still are!) so violent. So they created (with technology) a massive flood to wipe us out, but unfortunately some of us survived, and look at the situation we have again today. But another mass-extinction is on the way, so none of you (us) have to worry. Incidentally, the people in the ships are also mentioned in the ancient Vedic ("Hindu") scriptures. The ships are referred to as "vimanas" and that is something worth looking into ...
2016-01-08 02:53:22 UTC
Depends what you mean by "aliens". Read books by Erik von Deniken on that subject.
2016-01-06 20:52:05 UTC
Sounds legit
2016-01-06 18:23:09 UTC
That is crazy I love ancient aliens. I think it's possible.
tony m
2016-03-08 11:28:02 UTC
i dont think anyone thinks this picture is scary, the fact that a guy is watching a ufo and the main person is a beautiful woman who apears to be wearing sth over her head. its trying to say sth. like they are here to mate, and men are powerless
2016-01-07 10:47:36 UTC
Nope. It was describing acid trips of ancient shamans. That and made up stuff.
2016-01-07 15:35:46 UTC
No, there are no aliens, but there are angels!
2016-01-07 18:28:35 UTC
you sound like the history channel even though aliens do sound more believable
2016-01-07 09:16:39 UTC
That is called a 'probability argument'. Anything can be probable if you interpret it your way.
2016-01-07 11:40:51 UTC
Superior beings from other worlds who came here to help us
2016-01-06 18:33:17 UTC
No Jesus died for your sins, he was not an alien. Satan deceives men.
2016-01-07 16:15:24 UTC
Both I expect
2016-01-07 10:15:55 UTC
After reading your question I had a painful headache and it had your name on it.
2016-01-07 00:53:35 UTC
Lol that image is funny. I think that it is just a coincidence though
2016-01-07 18:35:54 UTC
Yes, Yes and Yes.
The Arbiter of common sense
2016-01-07 20:28:16 UTC
magical creatures for which there is zero evidence. What doesnit matter what they called them?
2016-01-06 20:09:26 UTC
the bible had no pictures
2016-01-07 04:32:27 UTC
2016-01-07 11:48:59 UTC
It says angels, why would you think otherwise?
2016-01-07 03:21:53 UTC
Probably from your home planet.
Sky Is The Limit.
2016-01-07 15:49:39 UTC

2016-01-07 17:15:34 UTC
er yes
2016-01-07 15:57:40 UTC
2016-01-06 21:04:56 UTC
2016-01-07 14:16:56 UTC
2016-01-07 17:48:36 UTC
it is not truly known, one can only speculate.
2016-01-09 23:55:10 UTC
There demon read revelation
2016-01-08 17:36:35 UTC
2016-01-08 10:07:44 UTC
it is God and His dominions... God is the creator of all... ALL, ready my lips.
2016-01-06 21:31:54 UTC
2016-01-07 20:49:37 UTC
2016-01-06 18:23:38 UTC
2016-01-07 06:35:50 UTC
No, it was not.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.