"No, Jehovah's Witnesses have not changed the original meaning of the Bible." Witnesses feel that the Bible is the inspired Word of God and are intensely interested in making sure that we understand what the original text really says. They also will use almost any modern translations when they study with others, while at the same time they realize that some translations are better overall than others.
When they translated the NWT, their intent was to produce an accurate translation that correctly reflected the original Hebrew and Greek. They realized that while the old KJV was, and still is one of the best translations around, it was flawed with not having the oldest manuscripts and also being controlled by the theological bias of the rulers and clergy.
A good example of this doctrinal bias is found in the translation of the Hebrew and Greek words for "hell" (SHEOL/HADES). In the KJV, SHEOL is translated 31 times as "grave" and 31 times as "hell" and three times as a hole in the ground. Because of their bias when a good person went to "hell" they translated it as "grave" and when a bad person went there it was translated "hell" because this kept people from seeing that it was actually the same place that everyone went to a death and not a burning place of torment.
So actually most other Bible translations are the ones that have actually changed the original meaning while the NWT (and other translations) is the one that has not changed the Bible, making the original meaning clear: that the definition of death is a return to the "dust" and an unconscious state (Gen.3:19; Eccl.3:20; 9:5,10; Ps.6:5; 115:17; 146:4; Isa.38:18,19; 63:16; Job 14:21; Ezek.18:4; etc.).
Another obvious place where almost all other translations have changed the inspired text is where God's personal name is used. It is irrefutable that the personal Name of God was written almost 7,000 times in the original Hebrew bible and has been replaced with the common, ordinary title "LORD." This is a blatant change to God's inspired word!
Young's Concordance under Jehovah says "This name is incorrectly replaced by LORD in the KJV".
God placed this Name almost 7,000 times in his Word. Obviously, He wanted his children to use and respect that Name! If a child doesn't know his father's name, what does that make him? Jehovah condemned those who would "try to make my people forget my name ... as their fathers forgot my name for Baal." Significantly, the Hebrew word Baal means "Lord." (Jer. 23:27).
Replacing the Divine name with a common title "LORD" is the most blatant of blasphemies. It is imitating Satan, who never used that Name, and it is a refusal to imitate Jesus who "made that name known" to all his followers and placed it first, of primary importance, in his model prayer (Jn.17:6,26; Mt.6:9). In the end times True Christians would be associated with that Name (Acts 15:14; Amos 9:11,12). Refusal to use some proper form of that Name would therefore be a denial of being truly Christian.
We can properly render the Hebrew "tetragrammaton" YHWH/JHVH as Yehowah, Yahweh or Jehovah which are all real translations, but removing that Divine Name by replacing it with a completely different word such as "LORD" would elicit the strongest of condemnation (Rev. 22:18,19). How can someone who is under this curse be trusted to teach the truth about anything?
There are many other examples I could give, but the basic fact is that the New World Translation in one of the best translations in existence. In my youth I seriously questioned the accuracy of the NWT and began studying the original languages, gathering dictionaries, lexicons and any other reference works on the original languages.
What I personally found over the years is that in every case where the NWT is criticized by so-called "scholars" it has usually proved to be accurate, and at the very least its rendering is solidly based on the laws of translation such as following the original grammar and word definitions. This is something that I can prove regarding any contested verse in the Bible by e-mail if anyone wishes.
People who claim that we needed to translate "our own bible" in order to support our beliefs are being misled. Most of JW's beliefs had been long established before the NWT ever came into existence and they used the KJV and the ASV.