Christians, why do you beleive in your god?
2007-07-03 08:49:18 UTC
Not bashing anyone right now, this is for an assignment. My teacher apparently thought it would be funny to give the atheist the topic of religion. The choices were media, religion, and politics. I used to have media, but she made me switch because she was "interested in my views."

Right, well, I guess others can answer this too. But I'll a separate question for Jews, Muslims, Wiccans, etc. later on.

What is it that draws you to beleive in your god?
Do you beleive in a devil? Why?
What do you think will be waiting for you in afterlife?
For non-beleivers?
Do you agree with everthing you church does?
Do you interpret the bible word for word? Why or why not?
Do you pray regularly?

Really, I need in depth answers to these questions, and anything else you're willing to give me. Please, no rude answers. I will have to site this page in my references, and it will look bad on behalf of the Christians.

Also, please include your church in your sources. (ex. Catholic)
22 answers:
(insert creative name here)
2007-07-03 08:53:34 UTC
im catholic,

I feel that the teachings of Jesus are good, and therefore go along with His teaching of God.

I do believe in the devil, for many reasons:

1. Jesus believed in the devil(original point0

2. by having a negative force, you can choose good.(it would be kinda pointless if God said "ok, you can choose to do good, or good, there's nothing else") -i think thats the jewish view of the devil

In the afterlife I hope is heaven.

By non-believers do you mean atheists or non-Christians? Either way, I think that if they were good, and lived a good life, dedicated to whatever faith they had, I think they would go to Heaven.

I don't agree with everything my church does. For example I think gays should be allowed to marry. It doesn't have to be in the catholic church, but they shouldn't push legeslation to block it.

I don't interpret it literally. Many parts are supposed to be taken allegorically. For example, In Rev., it mentions a half-killed lamb destroying evil. That makes no sense literally, but figuratively, Christ was a half-killed lamb and will destroy evil in the end.

Yes, i pray regularly.

if there's anything else feel free to contact me.
2007-07-05 09:03:36 UTC
I would not try converting you to anything, since you are an individual in supposedly many. I am too, so I'd say that I would not appreciate anyone converting me!

Now to your questions :

I am not drawn to believe in God., only may I be compelled to think so, when I feel guilty or scared way over my faculties. Therefore, I am more the hypocrite, than a believer.

If I don't believe in God, then what reason would I have to believe there's a Devil?

Are these two "entities" not so important to BOTH exist for the sake of contrast or comparison?

What waits for me in the after life, if there exists one is not of any concern of mine when it comes to practicality or refuge. I'll just find out, if there is something to find out.

I'll not be a hypocrite and take a safe route there to be on the right and sunny side of the afterlife. Too much good brain matter betrayed IN THIS LIFE, to reserve a better place in another.

The above answer has already replied.

Of course I do not believe in what the church or any other organized group does. More so, am I interested in what individuals do. I hate being bunched up together into any herd-holding corral!

I have read bits and pieces of the Bible, but I am keenly aware that ALL of it was written by the hand of man through his evolution. What was then said, may now be differently interpreted. Above all, I do not trust that the word of man, even if he should think to be so inspired by the Spirit of "GOD", that it instantly becomes sacred.

Man can say a lot of things as time changes. So why would one give him, even if believed speaking or writing for God, much credence at all?

No, I do not pray regularly, I only wish in my heart for wellness and safety surround others, for as much and as long as it would be possible.

I was born into Catholicism, but was expelled from Catholic school at 7 for asking questions, I should not have, of their ONLY ONE TRUTH!

Then wandered about not belonging to any religion, without fear of Divine Punishment, by the way, until I discovered and took an intellectual interest in Buddhist PHILOSOPHY, for Buddhism IS NOT a religion, no matter what some people may try to turn it into.

And to this day, I remain Buddhist, for it is a practical, full of common sense, philosophy of being and living.

When you are ready to "separate" the others : Jews, Muslims, Wiccans and the etc.'s - in which category I may find myself in, I hope I see your posted queries, so that I may indeed, as well, Answer!

And one more thing . . why is it that I seem to hear the buzz of a fly in your ointment?

Since you are not bashing "anyone", why does the introduction to your questions, and the statement, that "WHAT?", for I am not so sure, will look bad on behalf of the Christians?

Your tongue in cheek style is missing refinement and/or subtlety, my dear little ill-hidden bully!
2007-07-03 09:01:20 UTC
I am a Christian who grew up in the Methodist Church. I currently go to a Presbyterian Church but am not really happy there because of the rigidity.

I have faith in God. I believe the Bible. I can't "prove" there is a God, but I can't "prove" there isn't one, either. Faith is believing something without seeing it. That's as best as I can explain it. I would also be less than honest if I didn't say that the notion of God/Jesus, Heaven gives me comfort. I know I'll see my loved ones again one day. (Everyone in my familt is dead.)

I believe in a devil because of my faith. I believe the Bible.

I believe I will go to Heaven when I die.

No way do I agree with everything my church does. That's why I am leaving it and finding another church. (My church is fundamental, and I am turned off. I do not believe in the fanaticism.)

I do not interpret the Bible word for word. If you did that, none of it would make sense. The Bible was written by a bunch of different people, all of whom had their own interpretation of things. I also believe that the Bible is full of allegories and symbolism.

I pray all during the day, thanking God for my blessings and asking for help.

I guess I am non-denominational.
The_Cricket: Thinking Pink!
2007-07-03 09:00:52 UTC
I'm a nondenominational Christian who attends a Baptist church. NOT the Westboro Baptist Church, just to make that perfectly clear.

What draws me to believe in God? Well, there are so many things that it would take ages to type it all out. I used to be an atheist, and I spent a lot of time researching. What I found was that there is enough scientific evidence to support the idea of intelligent design. Even atheist scientists admit it, but they use the disclaimer that since they don't believe in God, intelligent design isn't an option. I have the quotes, and I can give them to you.

Yes, I believe in Satan. I've had too much experience of darker things to NOT believe in evil manifested in one place.

What will be waiting for me in my afterlife? Well, none of us knows for sure, except for the dead. I would hope that what's waiting for me is eternal peace with my God. I don't want to think about what will happen to non-believers.

No, I do not agree with everything my church does, nor do I agree with all of its parishioners. Some of them are quite ignorant.

Do I interpret the Bible word-for-word...well, that would depend upon the passage. I also study the original Hebrew, so I have to consider things that might have been lost in translation, and the use of idioms are different in each culture. Some of the Bible is literal, some of it is not. For example, I don't believe that the Earth was created in six days of our time, though I'm sure that God could have done it that way. To accept the existence of God is to accept the existence of miracles, and it's my opinion that it's entirely possible that the Earth was made to appear older than it actually is. But I don't know for sure.

Yes, I pray regularly. I try to pray without ceasing, whenever I can. It's important to me to stay in touch with God.
2007-07-03 09:06:23 UTC
What is it that draws you to believe in your god?

I believe in God because there is no way all of this happen by chance. Everything has a creator like someone made the car you drive and built the house you live in therefore someone must've created us. I believe in the christian God because of personal experience .

Do you believe in a devil? Why?

Yes, I believe Satan exists. Because of all the evil in this world and because of the bible states He is a real being and he is the current ruler of this world until Christ Returns.

What do you think will be waiting for you in afterlife?


For non-believers?


Do you agree with everything your church does?

No, in fact i don't even attend church because a lot of churches teach doctrines like the pretribulation which I do not agree with because it's unbiblical.

Do you interpret the bible word for word? Why or why not?

Yes. It's all true though there are metaphors such as the parables Jesus preaches.

Do you pray regularly?

2007-07-03 09:00:25 UTC
I believe in the teachings of Jesus because what he teaches is the way of peace and love. I strongly believe in non-violence, this is what I believe Jesus taught.

I don't really believe in a devil.

I think everyone will see the same afterlife, very scientific explanation for this, also quite long.

I case you couldn't tell from my first answer I disagree with much of what the church does. I like that they do so much for the poor but I disagree with most of their political stances.

I don't interpret the word literally because we know so much more now than they did when the Bible was written although much of it is just historical writings.

I pray sometimes not very often. I do not attend church regularly.

Mostly I just try to live my life like Jesus did. If you were to read it for yourself I think you would find a much different Jesus then how is usually portrayed.
2007-07-03 08:59:22 UTC
Christians, that is true believers and followers of Jesus the Christ, believe in their God for various reasons. The most popular reason is everlasting life. They believe that there is a devil, because the Word of God states that their is one. They believe that there will be either eternity with God, or everlasting punishment in the afterlife.

Non-believers have various reasons for denying the existence of God. To list them here would be fool-hardy and involve way too much typing for my already tired fingers.

Most church-going Christians, (real believers), don't believe everything their church teaches and/or does, since so many churches nowadays are crafted after mankind's beliefs and teachings, and not the Word of God.

Believers of the Word, real Christians, believe that every word of the original bible (the Hebrew and Greek texts) is God inspired, and therefore true. They do pray regularly and are not afraid to admit that they believe in Christ.

May God touch your heart and give you understanding.
2007-07-03 09:02:44 UTC
Non-denomination Christian. - Calvary Chapel

"What is it that draws you to believe in your God?"

Being an imperfect human, I could not reach God with my puny good works or deeds. So God paid the price for my sin with His own Son's blood. It is a free gift, all I need do is believe and receive.

"Do you believe in a devil? Why?"

Yes. Because my Savior identified him as being real and an accuser of believers and the enemy of God's people--the Jews. (I am pro-Semitic) You can see the devils destructive hand throughout history--most in the name of religion.

"What do you think will be waiting for you in afterlife?"

Eternal fellowship with God. (via free will choice)

"For non-believers?"

Eternal separation from God. (via free will choice)

"Do you agree with everything your church does?"

No, but then again, the church is an imperfect institution. But I must say, they do their best to walk according to the Word.

"Do you interpret the bible word for word? Why or why not?"

Interpret? No, I depend on translations for the majority, and just look up Hebrew and Greek for words where the translation is critical. The original Hebrew and Greek are inerrant. Modern translations are acceptable.

"Do you pray regularly?"

I'm praying right now. Prayer is just talking with God. I do that all the time because I have a personal relationship with Him.
Liet Kynes
2007-07-03 12:39:03 UTC
*Is Catholic*

Message me for more info. I really enjoy helping out with people's research and assignments. I can give you more in depth answers if you message me.

I would also be interested in reading your paper when it is done.

Obviously I am Catholic. My rite is Roman Catholic but sometimes I worship with the Melkite Catholics.

1. What draws me to believe in god is my years studying science, literature, and art. To me, it is rather silly to say "there is nothing" when you can look around at the world and see that "there is something". Of course it is a long way to go from there to Christ, but that is the start. Only a heart that is cold to beauty can say that there is no god(s) for the universe sings of god. Perhaps one does not understand the music, but the music is there, none-the-less.

2. Yes. More so because of my Catholicism. But one must also understand that because we know that creation sings of God, but we do not easily understand the music, that there must be something wrong. That which is wrong we call evil or the devil. Because of my Catholicism I also believe that humanity was told about the devil and we have passed this knowledge down through the generations.

3. What awaits is heaven or hell. I hope for heaven and I strive after it. Do you need more info on what heaven and hell is like?

4. What awaits non-Catholics is also heaven or hell. Just because you are not a Catholic doesn't mean that you are going to hell. This is an official teaching of the Catholic Church to the point where if you say that all who are not Catholic go to hell, you are a heretic.

5. It is not a part of the Catholic faith to believe "everything" because not everything that the Church does rises to the quality of the requirement of being necessary for salvation. If you do not believe this, read the opening chapters of THE FUNDAMENTALS OF CAHTOLIC DOGMA by OTT. I believe what is the Faith, side with the Church on what I am unsure on, side with the Church's decision where they have the authority to make the decision, and humbly listen to the advice of the Church and her Bishops on matters that are not matters of the faith. For example, I do not agree with the teachings of certain bishops on the matter of the death penalty. I agree with the fundamental dogma concerning the death penalty. My own position is greatly informed and modified by the teachings of those bishops even whereas I hold different views because I respect them and their authority and see them as my spiritual fathers and guides. Thus I work with and do not dismiss, and even incorporate their thought into my own.

6. No I do not interpret the bible word for word. First because that idea is really really stupid simply from a literary point of view. If you have ever read scripture you know that by its own language that it is not meant to be taken word for word. Additionally the Catholic Church says that the bible is not to be taken word for word (see DEI VERIBUM) but rather it needs to be read in context with history, read in context with tradition, and read in accordance with the literary forms for that specific book and chapter. Scripture is true but it is true according to the literary form and it is not all word for word historical fact. For example, it is not possible to take poetry and say that it is historical fact even if the poetry is true and depicts reality.

7. Yes I pray regularly. Several times a day. I do part of the Office of the Hours as well as private prayers.
farm girl
2007-07-03 09:01:49 UTC
Yes Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. I have seen Him at work in my life and in the lives of others. He does still preform miracles every day. He also answers prayers

Satan does exist. He is always trying to come in and destroy Christians and temp them to turn away from God.

Heaven is waiting for me in the after lifeI don't know what it will be like, but I am very exited to be going there. I know that I will love it no matter what it is like.

After life for all non believers is hell. The only way to heaven is through the Son Jesus Christ. God's Word is very specific about that.

Yes I believe the Bible word for word. Because it is God's words.

Yes I pray every night with each of my kids. I also spend quiet time daily praying to God.
2007-07-03 08:55:52 UTC
I believe in God, that's why I'm a Christian.

Since I believe in a Loving, merciful God it only stands to reason I know there is a devil. After all could there be a down without an up.

Eternal life in Heaven with God, the Father and Jesus Christ His Son.
2007-07-03 08:55:13 UTC
What is it that draws you to beleive in your god? creation... his word

Do you beleive in a devil? Why? yes... the bible says... the world around us

What do you think will be waiting for you in afterlife? resurrection here on earth

For non-beleivers? non existence... death

Do you agree with everthing you church does? yes

Do you interpret the bible word for word? Why or why not? laws not to interpret... principals are

Do you pray regularly? yes
2016-05-17 12:05:02 UTC
Good question. We believe he is the ultimate creator of everything...and that there is nothing he cannot do. If we were to say that God is NOT all knowing...then we would be placing God in a box and placing boundaries around him...thus stating that he is NOT capable of doing anything and everything. Hope this helps! Good luck, and may God continue to shine on you. -Shalom
You Know It!
2007-07-03 09:04:13 UTC
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints ("Mormon")

i believe in God because everything points to Him. everything ive ever been taught just makes sense. and i feel His Spirit in my life all the time. there is no doubt in my mind. after this life, there is the spirit world, comprising of paradise and prison. those who have recieved the gospel and lived it faithfully will go to paradise, and those who havent received it will go to the prison. and there are missionaries (the righteous) going to prison and teaching them. when Christ comes, then comes the Millenium of peace and happiness, and then we will be judged according to our works, and we're judged by what is written. then we're sent to either the Celestial, Terrestrial, or Telestial Kingdoms, according to our faithfulness.

yes, Lucifer, the Son of the Morning, said he wanted to force us to do what is right while on this earth and there would be no evil, and the glory would be his. when God chose Christ, he rebelled, and was cast down to be Satan.

the Bible doesnt necessarily need to be interpreted word for word. you need to understand what it means, not what the words say. follow the meanings, yes. so in a way, it's word for word.

i pray morning and night and before each meal, and then when i need to. and i keep a prayer in my heart.
John C
2007-07-03 08:58:19 UTC
I am a Atheist and I in now way agree with the church on any sort of scale. I feel that they use their own agenda to try and push their morals on people through laws and legal systems. I think that the churches stance on Birth Control, Gay Rights, and similar issues is intolerant and more backwards than the flat earth society.

I do feel that a local church can be good in helping people that need help. But when a church gets into a mode where its accept Jesus then you get food I have huge freaking issues with that almost to the point I want to start firebombing them.
2007-07-03 08:59:47 UTC
1) He created me

b) evolution is completely bogus

c) pascal's wager

d) jesus + proof that Jesus is God

e) He is actually real

2) Yes...the Bible says so

b) Who else would tempt us

c) That's how evil began basically

3) For me- heaven for people who never accept christ- hell

b) I don't know what heaven will be like cuz i've never been there

4) My church-yeah...All REAL christian churches- sadly no...

5) Yep...unless it gives clear wording that whatever it's talking about is a metaphor

6) Yes...But unlike muslims...we don't have to pray at a specific regularly I mean daily
2007-07-03 09:16:07 UTC
I think you need to do your own homework, and since you believe enough that god doesn;t exist, you should be willing to back that up with your OWN reasons, not give some random questions, take it out of context, and try and DISPROVE it. That is just my opinion, from reading what your teacher wanted
2007-07-03 08:55:18 UTC
Because I know God, and the Bible tells me. Apostolic Pentecostal.
2007-07-03 08:55:10 UTC
Jehovah is the name of God. He has a faith named after himself. He sent his son to buy back mankind from death and sin.

Worship Jah you people and you will get away safe....Do not fall into Satan's snares and be belligerent towards God.
2007-07-03 09:09:23 UTC
Well, I'll try to answer your questions to the best of my ability:

1. What is it that draws you to believe in your God?

I was raised a Christian, so I've always believed that there was a God. But I didn't really know Him until just recently, when I really gave my heart and life over to Him. That is when I began to know of His love, grace and mercy. I am drawn to Him because He is drawn to me. I am a complete sinner, and God hates sin. Yet He loves me so much that He became sin, the very thing that He hates most, for me. He did this because He loves me so much that He couldn't stand the thought of living without me. So He gave His life for me. That is the ultimate form of love. Because He loves me so much, I want to love Him back.

2. Do you believe in the devil? Why?

Yes, I do. Satan is the adversary of God, and the complete opposite of His character. The Bible tells us that there is a devil, and even outlines the story of how he came to become the devil. I believe the Bible to be the inspired word of God, so I believe what it says about Satan.

3. What do you think will be waiting for you in the afterlife?

Well, first of all, I don't believe that the Bible teaches that we go straight to heaven or hell when we die. According to the Bible, death is nothing more than a sleep. Those who have died lie in their graves until the second coming of Christ. Then they those who have died in Christ shall be raised and taken to heaven along with the living believers in Him. Those who have died outside of God's grace will be raised after the one thousand years in heaven, and that is when hell will take place. Hell is not eternal, but will only burn until everything in it has been burned up. So since I believe this, I know that when I die (unless Jesus comes first), I will just sleep until Jesus comes and wakes me up to eternal life. (Rom. 6:23; 1 Tim. 6:15, 16; Eccl. 9:5, 6; Ps. 146:3, 4; John 11:11-14; Col. 3:4; 1 Cor. 15:51-54; 1 Thess. 4:13-17; John 5:28, 29; Rev. 20:1-10.)

4. For non-believers?

I already told you what I believe about life after death. The Bible says that some will be awaken to everlasting life, while others to shame and everlasting contempt (Dan. 12:2). Those who have knowingly rejected Christ and His free gift of life will be awaked after the millenium in heaven to...well, hell. This whole world will burn with fire, and all of those who chosen the world over Christ will burn with it. As soon as the fire has burned itself out, then Christ will create a new earth, and the redeemed will live forever on this new earth. As to those who have never heard the name of Jesus, the Bible says that God "winks" at their ignorance (Acts 17:30). They will be saved if they have lived their lives in accordance to the light that they know.

5. Do you agree with everything your church does?

No. As with any church, the Seventh-day Adventist church can go wrong if we allow Satan to guide us, and forsake Godly counsel. There are some people in my church who go to one extreme and become legalistic (believing that their own works can save them, while our works are as filthy rags to God {Isaiah 64:6}. Only the blood of Jesus can save us, not our deeds, no matter how good they are). And then still others go to another extreme and become liberalistic (believing that we only have to accept Christ and not allow Him to change our sinful habits). That is the main thing I don't like that sometimes happens in my church. But most Adventist churches are not like that at all, and I will never leave this church because I believe that our doctrines are as close to the Bible as any church has gotten so far, and I will always love this church. God is guiding His church, it is only when people refuse that guidance that things go bad.

6. Do you interpret the Bible word for word? Why or why not?

I think what you mean here is whether or not I take the Bible literally. The answer is yes for some of it, and no for other parts. For example, there is a lot of prophecy in the Bible, especially in Daniel and Revelation. Prophetic interpretations shouldn't be taken literally, but as symbols for what will happen. Another example is that the Communion bread and grape juice (wine) are not really Christ's blood and body, but symbols of the blood He shed and body that was bruised for us. But Bible stories and other things I do take literally. For example, I believe that the earth was created in six literal days, and that on the seventh day, God rested and blessed the day forever, literally.

7. Do you pray regulary?

I'm not going to lie to you. Sometimes I do forget to have daily devotion and prayer. But I try to make it a habit to pray and ask God to guide my life daily. As I said before, I didn't always know God personally, and it hasn't been very long since I have. There are many things that I'm still working on. God isn't finished with me yet! But I do pray mostly on a regular basis.

I hope that this helps you. I am a Seventh-day Adventist Christian, by the way, and I'm sorry if I've sounded like I wanted to convert you to my church. I'm not trying to force you in any way at all. I'm just speaking from my heart what I believe, and trying to cite my sources like all good advice-givers on YA should! Please don't be offended, but would it be all right if I prayed for you? I know that you're an atheist and you probably don't agree with prayer, but would you mind if I did pray for you?

I hope that your assignment gets an A+! Have a nice day!
2007-07-03 08:53:44 UTC
I like the fact it's about what I wish to be true even if I can't prove it, and I surround myself with dittoheads to make it more believable

I like the "brotherhood" of like dolts whom I flock together with and they too enjoy the idea that "ignorance is bliss" and we just have a great time and hope that our wasted life as religious zealots will not be for naught when we cash our check in upon our death
2007-07-03 09:02:11 UTC
Religion is like masturbation.---It feels good, even if it's not the real thing.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.