Well, I'll try to answer your questions to the best of my ability:
1. What is it that draws you to believe in your God?
I was raised a Christian, so I've always believed that there was a God. But I didn't really know Him until just recently, when I really gave my heart and life over to Him. That is when I began to know of His love, grace and mercy. I am drawn to Him because He is drawn to me. I am a complete sinner, and God hates sin. Yet He loves me so much that He became sin, the very thing that He hates most, for me. He did this because He loves me so much that He couldn't stand the thought of living without me. So He gave His life for me. That is the ultimate form of love. Because He loves me so much, I want to love Him back.
2. Do you believe in the devil? Why?
Yes, I do. Satan is the adversary of God, and the complete opposite of His character. The Bible tells us that there is a devil, and even outlines the story of how he came to become the devil. I believe the Bible to be the inspired word of God, so I believe what it says about Satan.
3. What do you think will be waiting for you in the afterlife?
Well, first of all, I don't believe that the Bible teaches that we go straight to heaven or hell when we die. According to the Bible, death is nothing more than a sleep. Those who have died lie in their graves until the second coming of Christ. Then they those who have died in Christ shall be raised and taken to heaven along with the living believers in Him. Those who have died outside of God's grace will be raised after the one thousand years in heaven, and that is when hell will take place. Hell is not eternal, but will only burn until everything in it has been burned up. So since I believe this, I know that when I die (unless Jesus comes first), I will just sleep until Jesus comes and wakes me up to eternal life. (Rom. 6:23; 1 Tim. 6:15, 16; Eccl. 9:5, 6; Ps. 146:3, 4; John 11:11-14; Col. 3:4; 1 Cor. 15:51-54; 1 Thess. 4:13-17; John 5:28, 29; Rev. 20:1-10.)
4. For non-believers?
I already told you what I believe about life after death. The Bible says that some will be awaken to everlasting life, while others to shame and everlasting contempt (Dan. 12:2). Those who have knowingly rejected Christ and His free gift of life will be awaked after the millenium in heaven to...well, hell. This whole world will burn with fire, and all of those who chosen the world over Christ will burn with it. As soon as the fire has burned itself out, then Christ will create a new earth, and the redeemed will live forever on this new earth. As to those who have never heard the name of Jesus, the Bible says that God "winks" at their ignorance (Acts 17:30). They will be saved if they have lived their lives in accordance to the light that they know.
5. Do you agree with everything your church does?
No. As with any church, the Seventh-day Adventist church can go wrong if we allow Satan to guide us, and forsake Godly counsel. There are some people in my church who go to one extreme and become legalistic (believing that their own works can save them, while our works are as filthy rags to God {Isaiah 64:6}. Only the blood of Jesus can save us, not our deeds, no matter how good they are). And then still others go to another extreme and become liberalistic (believing that we only have to accept Christ and not allow Him to change our sinful habits). That is the main thing I don't like that sometimes happens in my church. But most Adventist churches are not like that at all, and I will never leave this church because I believe that our doctrines are as close to the Bible as any church has gotten so far, and I will always love this church. God is guiding His church, it is only when people refuse that guidance that things go bad.
6. Do you interpret the Bible word for word? Why or why not?
I think what you mean here is whether or not I take the Bible literally. The answer is yes for some of it, and no for other parts. For example, there is a lot of prophecy in the Bible, especially in Daniel and Revelation. Prophetic interpretations shouldn't be taken literally, but as symbols for what will happen. Another example is that the Communion bread and grape juice (wine) are not really Christ's blood and body, but symbols of the blood He shed and body that was bruised for us. But Bible stories and other things I do take literally. For example, I believe that the earth was created in six literal days, and that on the seventh day, God rested and blessed the day forever, literally.
7. Do you pray regulary?
I'm not going to lie to you. Sometimes I do forget to have daily devotion and prayer. But I try to make it a habit to pray and ask God to guide my life daily. As I said before, I didn't always know God personally, and it hasn't been very long since I have. There are many things that I'm still working on. God isn't finished with me yet! But I do pray mostly on a regular basis.
I hope that this helps you. I am a Seventh-day Adventist Christian, by the way, and I'm sorry if I've sounded like I wanted to convert you to my church. I'm not trying to force you in any way at all. I'm just speaking from my heart what I believe, and trying to cite my sources like all good advice-givers on YA should! Please don't be offended, but would it be all right if I prayed for you? I know that you're an atheist and you probably don't agree with prayer, but would you mind if I did pray for you?
I hope that your assignment gets an A+! Have a nice day!