serious question for all atheist!?
2010-11-10 08:52:14 UTC
so, being that you do not believe in God, i suppose that you have to believe that we, humans, come from someone/where else! please, in detail, describe how we got here. ive heard all the theories......the big bang and etc. i just do not see how any of that is possible! i mean the human body is so amazing! two eyes, a nose to smell, even number of fingers, and toes, a heart. what are the chances of BAMMMMM..... multiple cells clash together and a man is formed then BAMMMMM a women!!!!! it not strange how a man and a women fit so perfectly together? also, if we just popped out of thin air.....did we pop up as babies or adults? how would babies servive and what are the chances of a women and man forming out of nothing and together they make more perfect bodies?

im not being rude or disrespectful. this is an honest please....answers:)

44 answers:
2010-11-10 08:58:09 UTC
:) Why do so many theists think all atheists are scientists? And why do so many theists fail to realize that many other theists also accept the theories of the big bang and evolution?

I don't know exactly how everything began, but "I don't know" is not synonymous with "God did it" and even IF "God did it" that would not automatically mean YOUR god did it.

I don't know anyone other than creationists who believe that BAMMMMM a man suddenly appeared. You find it easy to believe that a man was suddenly created from dirt and a woman was created from his rib but you balk at the idea of humans evolving over time.

Please, learn a little about evolution before you ask such questions. You really aren't doing your side any favors by knowing nothing about it and showing your ignorance. Know what it is you disagree with before you so publicly disagree.

~Ex-fundie-xian; agnostic atheist
Jabber wock
2010-11-10 09:01:43 UTC
I strongly suspect Poe, and if so not bad at all!


No, I take that back, I now think you're genuine.

Well, where to begin - you seem to have no science grounding at all, so here's a quick summary of the universe:

For some reason, still unknown, there is something rather than nothing, and the something is (or at least includes) our universe.

The nature of the universe is that there is space and time (combined as space-time), and that has expanded from a zero point we can identify as being 14 billion years ago. That's described by Big Bang Theory.

Within the universe is also energy in various forms, and that has formed matter. There are other aspects to the universe, notably forces like gravity and electromagnetism.

Gravity has caused the matter to form in clumps like galaxies, and inside these, more localised clumping forms stars and planets.

Stars go through a life-span, and convert light elements (e.g hydrogen) into heavier ones (e.g helium, carbon, iron, etc). Stars can also eject this material, and it gets 'recycled' to form new stars and planets.

Our Sun is just such a star, and Earth such a planet. It is a small rocky planet compared to some others, and has various materials such as hydrocarbons. The effects of weather and other conditions made the hydrocarbons form self-replicating molecules, later more complex organisms, and this is the basis of life. The process is called abiogenesis, and is still not fully understood.

Once this life got going, it spread and adapted to all sorts of local conditions, resulting in all sorts of organisms. As the Earth environment has been continually changing over time, this has meant that the life has kept changing too. Some species go extinct, other adapt to become new species. Hence the current life is mostly very different from that millions of years ago.

So, humans are just one of those modern species, and are well adapted to the conditions. Our ancestors were other creatures such as earlier primates, earlier mammals a bit like lemurs, and further back, reptiles and fish. All the way back to the earliest microbes, in fact.

In a few million years it could well be that there are no longer humans, but we evolve into other species. That sort of thing is impossible to predict, though, as we can't really predict how conditions will change.

So there was no 'suddenly appearing' from nothing, just a long process of evolution after an initial life-causing process.

Similarly it took billions of years of the universe evolving before our Sun and Earth ever came to exist. All through perfectly natural processes.

However, that's a brief description of many different processes - if you want more detail I suggest you ask about each one.
2010-11-10 09:21:48 UTC
I see you're not getting much, so far, from the atheists, so perhaps you'll take an answer from a Christian.

The thing you have to notice is that a child is not identical to its parents. Each person is a little bit different. That's also the case (though we're not so good at noticing it) with all species that reproduce sexually, like us: each individual is different.

Over many generations, these differences add up. If two populations from the same species are kept entirely separate, some characteristics will naturally disappear from the genetic pool of each, and the disappearing characteristics won't always be the same ones in both populations, so the populations will become genetically more different over time. Continue this process over enough generations, and they might become so different they cannot interbreed any more; they might become different species.

That requires a lot of generations. But most species produce new generations much more quickly than humans do. There are also other ways to get genetic changes than this genetic drift: one of them, mutation, can cause differences among individuals of species that don't even reproduce sexually. Mutations that survive are rare, but in species that reproduce asexually, genetic drift is less likely to eliminate them, and since there is no interbreeding in such a species, any two different genetic makeups that survive can only continue to diverge.

The result is that over many generations, species change, and eventually the changes add up and the result is new species. Nothing pops out of thin air; so far as we can tell, and we've collected a huge amount of evidence now, all species of life on this planet are descended from common ancestry. Go back enough generations, and you can find a species which is a common ancestor of both humans and apes. Go back even further, and you can find one which is a common ancestor of all primates (humans, apes, monkeys).

Go back far enough (and this involves going a very long way back), and the evidence suggests there were species that were common ancestors of human beings and trees.

I fully agree: the human body is amazing. So is the human mind, perhaps even more so. On the other hand, it's not so amazing the way a man and woman fit together: that's a logical necessity for our life cycle to work at all. If we didn't fit together, our species would have died out--but in fact males and females of the same species have fit together since long before our particular species turned up, because that's how we got here.

This is, to me, a far more amazing set of facts than some notion that each species got separately designed and created. The design process (including eliminating failed designs, what we call "natural selection") is actually built in to the whole system. It doesn't have to be redone from scratch for each species.

Whether we conceive of this whole process as representing the hand of God in our creation is pretty much an individual choice. The process is the same either way because it runs itself: once self-replicating biochemical entities (that is, life) appeared, evolution was going to happen.

I do happen to believe in God, but not because I need God as an explanation of how we got here. As far as I'm concerned, the point of my beliefs is not explaining where I came from, but deciding where I'm going.
2010-11-10 09:13:40 UTC
You just asked us to explain everything from astrophysics to biology to you on Yahoo Answers. That isn't a reasonable request, but your curiosity is reasonable and you should be congratulated for it. The reason you think everything must be the work of a magic man in the sky is the same reason ancient people thought rain was the work of magic men in the sky: you are ignorant. That isn't an insult. I'm ignorant about alot of things too. (I should not try to work on anyone's car or wire a house.) But you have chosen to remain uneducated about simple facts concerning reality. I'm not trying to be rude or disrespectful either, but unless you are 12, you have no excuse for being so clueless about concepts you have decided are impossible or ridiculous. The argument you have made here is a logical fallacy called argument from ignorance. You basically said, "I don't know how it works, so it must not be true". The plain fact is, you could know how it works. You could take a class, go to the library, visit Khan Academy online etc and start educating yourself today. It is well within your ability to build your knowledge base. You don't need my explanation. You need to learn critical thinking skills and get excited about learning if you want to understand what you have denied and replaced with the rather boring and silly catch all "godidit". If you can't or won't do that, I can't help you.

Maybe this will inspire your journey though:

You could also visit
2010-11-12 09:12:19 UTC
If you don't accept evolution and natural selection, there really isn't any answer that you will accept based on scientific evidence.

So here's an argument based only on logic (and the premise that the laws of the universe are the only operant force).

Either the laws of the universe allow human beings to evolve through the workings of chance, or they do not.

If they do not...we wouldn't be here to ask whether the laws of the universe allow human beings to evolve through chance.

Therefore, the laws of the universe do allow human beings to evolve through the workings of chance.

All else is left as an exercise for the reader.
2010-11-10 08:58:47 UTC
If you've heard all the theories, why are you asking us then? It's not like we can make up multiple, colorful plots to depict the creation of the universe. I'm sure I speak for most, if not all atheists that we believe in one common scenario, the creation of the universe from the big bang and the creation of life through molecular interaction.

Multicellular organisms developed through an long, doldrum process of survival of the fittest. The first multi-cellular organisms were bacteria who's body's didn't completely split, and this gave them the advantage of size against others, allowing the development of more complex multi-cellular organisms.

A man and woman fit together not because of genetics, but because the womans body is designed to adjust to the man.
Logic / Reason / Evidence
2010-11-10 08:58:31 UTC
Oh not this old question again! OK - Hey guess what, I DON'T KNOW HOW THE UNIVERSE CAME TO BE! Alright? Satisfied? I kind of doubt a magic being poofed us into existence either - How do YOU know? You just trust an ancient book MUST be right & invoke the God of the Gaps -There is a gap in our knowledge (currently). I know: God MUST have done it! Somehow! Great theory - how about a reason we DON'T know the answer for currently? -Just like evolution (which PERFECTLY explains the human form etc...)
2016-09-10 03:38:11 UTC
No atheist KNOWS how the universe was once created. The idea of the large bang presently suits what we do understand nonetheless approximately the increasing universe. Now the idea of the large bang was once at first introduced up by means of a catholic priest so it's quite no longer in clash with faith in keeping with SE. The predicament along with your declaration that the whole thing calls for whatever to create it's that you don't quite KNOW that both you simply feel it with the proof you feel you could have in entrance of you. The suggestion that god existed with no writer will have to supply you a few suggestion how we will feel that topic exists previous to lifestyles as we all know and could have actually endlessly. The large bang might have occurred billions of instances reduced in size and occurred once more in accordance to a couple theories. The invisible hand of god is used as a default right here, by means of announcing given that we do no absolutely have an understanding of the production of the universe than it have to be attributed to an invisible being. Well the early cultures didn't have an understanding of the solar and so they attributed it to a fiery chariot pushed by means of a god. equal premise in my brain comfortably seeing that I can not conceive of whatever at this level does no longer make it inconceivable, however I don't have got to motel to the default function of attributing it to a god.
2010-11-10 09:08:37 UTC
There's no question of just "popping out of thin air" and if that's how evolution has been presented to you, then the person who told you that is a liar.

The forming out of nothing thing is what religious people claim happened...people who accept actual facts know that it took hundreds of millions of years of a long, slow series of changes and adaptations to different environments for the species we see on earth - including humans - to have evolved.

You can learn about the actual basic facts of the process from this website:
2010-11-10 08:56:37 UTC
I believe (as an essential atheist, Buddhist) that all things arise due to causes and conditions. When the causes and conditions are "right" for a certain thing to arise, that we presume is "perfect", then we perceive them as such, however such a view is illogical in light of the true nature of everything.

"Man and a women fit so perfectly together"? How? Hopefully you're not discussion sex, in which that is not always the case, physically speaking. If you're discussing relationships, that's not always the case either, psychologically speaking.

Barking Toad
2010-11-10 09:07:10 UTC
"ive heard all the theories"

Clearly, if you have, you have heard about them from people who know nothing about them. Or from liars, I suppose.

Do yourself a favour: Get a hold of a copy of an actual science textbook (not one from a home-school curriculum either, by preference), and start reading. It's hard, yes. It's difficult to understand some of it, so you may have to read some bits more than once. But once you do, we can have an actual conversation about how stuff works, rather than you thinking we believe that everything just BAMMMM..... suddenly exists. You are the one who believes in magic. We don't.
2010-11-10 09:01:19 UTC
It's kinda complicated. If you REALLY want to know (and not just try to bait us godless) you should read the following:

Why Evolution is True- Jerry Coyne

Greatest Show on Earth- Richard Dawkins

If you want to know about the BIg Bang (which is not so much the Origin of life and more the Origin of the universe) well...Just Wiki it.
2010-11-10 08:58:15 UTC
Since I don't believe that a magic man living in the sky created us and everything from his magic that means I have to know enough to explain in detail about our origins?

The truth is I am not obligated to explain everything simply because I do not accept the story that you have. The atheist can simply say "I don't know" and with the questions that you have posed would be fully justified in doing so.
2010-11-10 08:57:11 UTC
If we could answer that, there wouldn't be so many religions (or possibly any at all).

Aside from that, it just isn't logical to have an invisible man in the sky, that is all-forgiving, all-loving, and yet he sends you to a place of eternal suffering anyway.

Oh, and according to the ones that are highest on "God's Hierarchy" (Pastors, Priests, etc.), he needs LOTS of money.
A is for Atheist
2010-11-10 09:10:07 UTC
I'm sure Zeus has a "plan" for us all.....or was that Thor? I get them mixed up sometimes...

This is just another version of the first cause argument. If we have a cause, then god must also have a cause. If you say he is "eternal and without cause, then I can say the same thing about the universe itself.....or me.

For instance, energy cannot be destroyed, it merely changes form. (first law of conservation) So I am "eternal" in that sense.
John the Buddhist,-Lotus fan 卐卐
2010-11-10 08:55:42 UTC
You don't understand the big bang theory. It was billions of "years" (our planed no exist to have time yet) before our bodies so complex came into being. It was a slow process.

May your deity bless you
2010-11-10 09:05:43 UTC
Your question is soo ignorantly stated it's hard to take it seriously. My advice would be to research for youself online or at your local library. Most of us who became atheist became atheist by asking questions and seeking out reasonable, logical answers. Most of us who became atheist own several bibles (all the versions) the Muslim Quran, morman bible, Buddhist teachings etc. In my opinion to become a good atheist, one needs to take religion seriously because unforunately it is all around us. Now my friend my motto is, education and humility, not ignorance and conformity. Take care.
2010-11-10 08:57:35 UTC
You suppose incorrectly. Lacking belief in other people's claims about magical gods does not impose or demand any *other* belief of any kind.

"I just do not see how any of that is possible!"

If you got some education, then you would see how it's not only possible, it's what all the evidence we have shows happened.

Arguments from ignorance/incredulity are fallacious and worthless.

2010-11-10 08:57:20 UTC
As Richard Dawkins states, why do we not have eyes like Ospreys as their eyesight is far superior and better organised than ours. Why do some people have genetic defects and the human body is very frail indeed. It is imperfect evolution my good friend.
2010-11-10 08:56:04 UTC
If you'd like to know, there are many wonderful universities with fantastic biological science programs. I can tell you that you're personal incredulity comes from a deep misunderstanding of established theoretical frameworks of cosmology, physics and biology.

I can't possibly write out what it takes years to learn.
2010-11-10 08:55:38 UTC
Only the religious seem to think we just 'popped' out of thin air...

It would be a waste of time to go fruther with your question...

For the rest of us, we are happy with the statement, "I don't know"... but we will try to find out...

only the religious claim to have all the answers... goddidit...
2010-11-10 08:55:34 UTC
I think you need to stretch your rather small and confined mythological world, so that you might try and imagine vast....VAST....lengths of time in which life developed on this planet.

As implausible as life might seem to you, nothing could be more implausible than a Bearded Sky God who makes people out of dirt.
2010-11-10 09:00:40 UTC
to find out the origins of the earth and to a larger extent the universe please read about cosmology and astriphysics

to find out about the origins of man please read some books on evolutionary biology

to find out the origins of life please read about abiogenesis

there is not enough space here to go into detail about all of these and im frankly too lazy to expand, do the research yourself

what you are doing is invoking the argument from ignorance which is: "i dont see how this can happen so god did it"
2010-11-10 08:58:04 UTC
Science & Mathimatics is over thataway. I would recomend you check it out, as you appear to be in desperate need of knowlage on the subject
donutkid: hammer of Thor
2010-11-10 08:54:58 UTC
Sweet Zeus....your paragraph is so full of logical fallacies I don't know where to begin. Look up argument from ignorance. It's as good a place to start as any. Then see
2010-11-10 08:55:04 UTC
I dont know how we got here, but that doesnt give me a reason to assume a God created us.
Random Panther
2010-11-10 09:00:49 UTC
What is the point of asking us questions if you make it clear in your additional details that you will disregard all of our answers?

You mentalist.
2010-11-10 08:54:35 UTC
If by "BAMMMMM," you mean over the course of 4.5 Billion years, then YES! BAMMMMM! here we are.
2010-11-10 09:14:34 UTC
Look up "argument by incredulity" logical fallacy sometime...
2010-11-10 08:54:21 UTC
Oh no, I guess I don't know how we came to be. That must mean we should just go with "goddidit".

Whenever you don't know something, it's okay to answer 'goddidit'. Remember that on your next test.
2010-11-10 08:59:52 UTC
So where do you get your God from, then?

Think I just punctured your argument from incredulity.
It's not PMS, it's you
2010-11-10 08:59:41 UTC
I'm ok with not knowing.... but I do think believing it was sky daddy magic makes people look like morons.......
2010-11-10 09:05:09 UTC

well even when many people dont believe in my God. i still do and im confident that im in the right path. this how we were created 26 Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground." 27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. 28 God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground." 29 Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. 30 And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air and all the creatures that move on the ground--everything that has the breath of life in it--I give every green plant for food." And it was so. 31 God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning--the sixth day.
2010-11-10 08:55:44 UTC
No i will not satisfy you're ignorant brain just to prove a point.
2010-11-10 09:01:31 UTC
Ya haven't a clue; have ya?

Sheesh kid, if brains were dynamite, you wouldn't have enough to part your hair.
2010-11-10 08:59:57 UTC
you say you've heard all the theories but clearly you haven't
2010-11-10 08:55:08 UTC
So even if that was true, what would make your specific deity responsible?
Barney Google
2010-11-10 08:59:49 UTC
I thought you were going to ask a SERIOUS question.
2010-11-10 08:53:58 UTC
Sorry, I don't have to believe anything, I just don't believe in any of the gods, especially yours.
A Little Curious
2010-11-10 08:56:42 UTC
We evolved.Something theist can't seem to comprehend.
2010-11-10 08:53:29 UTC
I think what you're describing is Emeril Lagassism, not atheism.
2010-11-10 08:55:17 UTC
we're made of the elements. like water, earth, fire, and air.

so one day, some plants started to grow. and then they turned into monkeys. and then they turned into people.

how did god create people?
2010-11-10 08:54:41 UTC
it's called the theory of evolution, please research it.
2010-11-10 08:53:36 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.