Some binding spells can cause physical manifestations.
You feel as if invisible strands of hair or thin strings are wrapped around you.
You can’t see them but you can feel them and nothing you do can make that sensation stop.
Here is a way to dispel a binding. Cut a bit of your own hair and set it in a small bowl.
Light 3 candles, 1red, 1 white and 1 green. In a fire safe bowl or incense brazier, light
a piece of charcoal and add some myrrh, patchouli and sandalwood incense
(powdered kind not cone or stick).
Take a sterile needle or pin and prick your right index finger.
Squeeze three drops of blood into the smoldering incense.
As you drop the hair onto the lit incense repeat these words:
With blood, candle and scent times three
No longer shall this binding be
Free to live and free to soar
Let me leave the house once more.
As I burn this hair, a part of me
Let my heart and soul be free!
And for those who doth cast despair
Binding me with sightless hair
I send to them this well-earned curse
Let their evil spell reverse!
Teach them mercy and love’s sweet gift
Once learned, this simple spell shall lift.
As is my will, so mote it be!
Let the incense burn out and scatter the ashes outside.
Lifting the binding spell should take care of the problem.
Keep an eye on those around you. Someone who wished you ill will start to experience the
torment they put you through. Once they understand that what they did was wrong, then the
sensation will fade and they will be back to normal.