Why do Jehovah's Witnesses, say they believe in the divinity of Christ...?
2013-09-11 12:43:20 UTC
How can Jesus be divine and not be God?
Fourteen answers:
2013-09-11 13:17:22 UTC
That is one their problems in that they come just this close to referring to Jesus as God (Divine), but then insist on using lesser meanings of the word "Divine". The evidence is so great that Jesus is God that even JW's cannot deny Jesus is "Divine". So they just give it a lesser meaning. Jesus has the same Divine Nature of his Father making Jesus coequally God just as all humans are coequally human in that no one is more or less human than the other. However, since humans are created they are unequal in all other ways.
2013-09-12 02:44:19 UTC
Actually,Jehovah's Witnesses do not believe in or teach the "divinity of Christ". Nowhere in the scriptures will you find any verse or context teaching such a thing. Whilst we believe that Christ is and should be the focal point of our faith,we do not believe that he is God. John 14:28 states quite clearly Jesus' words when he said,"the father is greater than I am". Philippians 2:5-7 also says of Jesus: "Keep this mental attitude in you that was also in Christ Jesus,who,although he was existing in God's form, gave no consideration to a seizure,namely,that he should be equal to God. No,but he emptied himself and took a slaves form and came to be in the likeness of men."

The Apostle Paul called Jesus "the firstborn of all creation;because by means of him,all other things were created." (Col 1:13-16). Because of these sound reasonings and others like them,I can say to you that we do not believe in the "divinity of the Christ",nor have we ever said such.
2013-09-11 21:02:57 UTC
Everyone who lives in the spirit realm lives in the divine realm as they are the same place. All spirit beings are divine. The Almighty Creator is to be worshiped as such.


Biblical monotheism is...

I'll add that since Trinitarianism teaches that Jesus is truly 100% man and truly 100% divine, that it unwittingly denies the full divinity of Christ.
2013-09-11 14:33:36 UTC
There are a number of well thought out answers given hers. And some that are just drivel.

Here is what the Bible in Proverbs says about this point.

"The heart of the righteous one meditates* so as to answer,+ but the mouth of the wicked ones bubbles forth with bad things."_____Prov 15:28

As to the question at hand. Jesus himself said he is God's son. I believe him. He ought to know.

Or look at it this way, "He is a chip off the old block" Is the chip the whole block? Is the block just a chip? You figure it out.''

And the Bible at Isaiah 9:6

" 6 For there has been a child born to us,+ there has been a son given to us;+ and the princely rule* will come to be upon his shoulder.+ And his name will be called Wonderful Counselor,*+ Mighty God,*+ Eternal Father,*+ Prince of Peace.*"

Among other things, he is called might god.

That term in Hebrew----"Or, “Mighty Divine One.” Heb., ʼEl Gib·bohr′ ; Sy, “Mighty God of times indefinite”; Lat., De′us for′tis."

Yes Jesus is divine in nature. A real son of the most high.
2013-09-11 12:54:14 UTC
According to Liddell and Scott’s Greek-English Lexicon, the·o′tes (the nominative form, from which the·o′te·tos is derived) means “divinity, divine nature.” (Oxford, 1968, p. 792) Being truly “divinity,” or of “divine nature,” does not make Jesus as the Son of God coequal and coeternal with the Father, any more than the fact that all humans share “humanity” or “human nature” makes them coequal or all the same age.

Also, when you look to the Bible, you see that Jesus himself said that he was not equal to Jehovah God. In fact, John 14:28 tells us in part that, "the Father is greater than I am." If Jesus was God, or was a part of a Trinity, how could he say that? It would be a lie, and we know that both God and Jesus do not lie.

I hope this helps!
2013-09-11 12:50:59 UTC
You MUST define what "god" is for you, which ones you talk about, and at what time. Otherwise, you will end up as many in this page: clueless, ignorant and in the darkness. Is that what you want?

"In the beginning... The Word WAS with God, and the Word was (a) God", then it explains He Himself "was BEGOTTEN" - The First Begotten Son of God. All others were created by this Spiritual Creature we now call Yeshua. The word used in Hebrew is Elohin. He was an Elohin before, not Adonai Elohim Yahweh. BIG difference!

For Man, all spiritual creatures are called elohim (plural). At His Resurrection, He became "Me and the Father are One" with His Father, at the Right Hand side (like Psalm 110 says). He has been given that Privilege. No one else has it. The Father "has given Him a Name above ALL OTHER NAMES..."

That means, well, you figure it out on your own...

btw, I am not a JW, but I give you this testimony.
2013-09-11 13:40:40 UTC
His Father desired that he had divinity.

Col 1:19

New American Standard Bible

For it was the Father's good pleasure for all the fullness to dwell in Him,

King James Bible

For it pleased the Father that in him should all fulness dwell;

Thus, all fullness dwells in Christ because it “pleased the Father” (KJ, Dy), because it was “by God’s own choice.” (NE) So the fullness of “divinity” that dwells in Christ is his as a result of a decision made by the Father. Further showing that having such “fullness” does not make Christ the same person as Almighty God is the fact that Paul later speaks of Christ as being “seated at the right hand of God.”—Col 3:1.

Considering the immediate context of Colossians 2:9, it is noted that in Col 2 verse 8, Christians are warned against being misled by those who advocate philosophy and human tradition. They are also told that “carefully concealed in [Christ] are all the treasures of wisdom and of knowledge,” and they are urged to “go on walking in union with him, rooted and being built up in him and being stabilized in the faith.” (Col 2:3, 6, 7) In addition, Col 2 verses 13 to 15 explain that they are made alive through faith, being released from the Law covenant. Paul’s argument, therefore, is that Christians do not need the Law (which was removed by means of Christ) or human philosophy and tradition. They have all they need, a precious “fullness,” in Christ.—Col 2:10-12.

Finally, at 2 Peter 1:3, 4 the apostle shows that by virtue of “the precious and very grand promises” extended to faithful anointed Christians, they “may become sharers in divine nature, having escaped from the corruption that is in the world through lust.” Elsewhere in the Scriptures, Christians are referred to as ‘sharing’ with Christ in his sufferings, in a death like his, and in a resurrection like his to immortality as spirit creatures, becoming joint heirs with him in the heavenly Kingdom. (1Co 15:50-54; Php 3:10, 11; 1Pe 5:1; 2Pe 1:2-4; Re 20:6) Thus it is evident that the sharing of Christians in “divine nature” is a sharing with Christ in his glory.
2013-09-11 14:53:37 UTC
Because they say He is "a" god...Jn1:1 (NWT) not God.. they have no idea what they say.. they only repeat what is taught to them, if they studied the scriptures and tested every manuscript written by man and opened up their hearts to understanding they too would see the truth...They contradict themselves constantly...

I'll point out a few:

1) In Jn 17:3 it says...There is only one true God..., and NWT JW"s say-Jn 1:1.Jesus is "a" God ..But if there can only be ONE true God then how can Jesus be "a" god... would that make him..a false God? or a true God? if he is a false God then why would they believe in him and follow his teachings since he is false... yet if he is a true god then why does Jn 17:3 tell us there is only ONE true God?

2) Is 42:8 I am the Lord; that is my name; my glory I give to no other... and yet in numerous passages Jesus Himself talks about sharing God's Glory..(NWT)-JN 17:5 So now you, Father, glorify me alongside yourself with the glory that I had alongside you before the world was. and REV 5:12 saying with a loud voice: “The Lamb that was slaughtered is worthy to receive the power and riches and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and blessing.” If Jesus is not God Himself then How is God sharing his Glory with him.. God(Yahweh) said He will NOT share his Glory?

3) Only God (the one true God) is Worshiped...even Jesus knows this... in Luke 4:8 .. JESUS himself tells us to worship ONLY God... yet in REV 5.. Jesus is worshiped... in Phil 2:10 (NWT) that in the name of Jesus every knee should bend of those in heaven and those on earth and those under the ground

; Jesus is Luke 17:16 (NWT) And he fell upon his face at [Jesus’] feet;( Jesus never stopped him from falling down and thanking Him (worship) now you could say that this man was just thanking him in Gods name..but then why would Jesus be worshiped in other places of the bible (Jn 9:38, Matt 14:38;28:9; Heb 1:16... its important to note that the NWT say "Obeisance", instead of worship, which they claim to be less than worship.. but I looked it up and look what this word is synonymous for...respect, homage, worship, adoration, reverence, veneration, honor, submission) and why did Jesus never stop in Rev 22:8-9 when the Angel stopped John from worshiping the Angel. JW's might argue this but in almost the whole of Revelations ... everyone is honoring or glorifying or worshiping Jesus. Why would God (Jehovah) allow this if He Himself tells us He is the ONLY one to be worshiped...

there's so much more but i cannot fit in this context but you can go for those that don't believe that God is ONE "Triune" God
2013-09-11 12:44:19 UTC
in the book "reasoning from the scriptures".. it calls both Jesus and God divine.
2013-09-11 12:55:55 UTC
Firstly, Jesus is the son of God, not God. I could spend hours giving you scriptures to prove this but you have decided to follow instead lies made up hundreds of years after Jesus died for us. Of course there were trinities of Gods in Babylon and Egypt and they also used the cross as their fertility symbolism but if you really believe that God is happy with you worshipping pagan gods and enjoying pagan festivals, then you have made your choice.

To the poster who claims children have died because of JW doctrines - I doubt very much you can provide evidence that any child died through lack of a blood transfusion alone. BUT how many RC, C of E, christendom and all other religions have allowed millions and millions of their children to die by killing each other. Thats ok, is it? (not to mention the hundreds of thousands infected/dying with AIDS, hepatitis, CJD, and other blood carried infections through transfusions)

Open your eyes, minds and hearts to the truth.
2013-09-11 12:58:30 UTC
JW's get to say what their beliefs are....

because Jesus is the SON of God.
2013-09-12 01:06:01 UTC

Jehovah’s Witnesses do NOT deny the divinity of Jesus Christ. What we deny is the unscriptural doctrine of the Trinity which teaches that Christ is equal to Almighty God rather than just the divine “son” of God.

Jesus is the divine SON of God and can be called “god” just as angels and humans can be called “god.” But being truly "divinity," or of "divine nature," does not make Jesus as the Son of God coequal and coeternal with the Father, any more than the fact that all humans share "humanity" or "human nature" makes them coequal or all the same age.

Christ's earthly brothers at their heavenly resurrection will also have divinity as sons of God.

(1 John 3:2) . . .Beloved ones, now we are children of God, but as yet it has not been made manifest what we shall be. We do know that whenever he is made manifest we shall be like him, because we shall see him just as he is.

(2 Peter 1:4) . . .Through these things he has freely given us the precious and very grand promises, that through these YOU may become sharers in divine nature,

So, having divinity does not make you God almighty.

Witnesses believe in the "divinity" of the Son but the Bible ALWAYS places Christ as less than Almighty God. Christ himself taught this.

True Christians accept Christ's own words when he says that "The Father is greater than I" and even after his resurrection and return to heaven Jesus stated that he had a God over him. (Jn.14:28; 20:17; Rev. 1:6; 3:2; 3:12). In fact, the Bible speaks of Jesus having a God over 17 times! (Mic.5:4; Rom.15:6; 1Cor.11:3; Heb.1:9).

Even though Jesus is described as THEOS (God, divine or deity) in EVERY occurrence the context ALWAYS shows that he is separated from and less than the Eternal, Almighty *God* (cf. Heb.1:8 w/ Heb.1:9!).

Even though Christ is divine, he NEVER shares the attributes of Almighty God:

Christ was not OMNISCIENT:

Jesus did not know what Almighty God knew on earth or even after he ascended to heaven. He did not “know the day or hour” while the Father did (Mk.13:32 ). Rev 1:1 says even after his ascension Christ had to receive a revelation about the future. EVERYTHING Christ knew was GIVEN or revealed to him by God.

Christ was not OMNIPOTENT:

In every case Christ had to be "given" or "receive" his power and authority from a superior! (Mt.28:18; 11:27; Jn. 5:22; 17:2; 3:35; 2Pt.1:17). Even after ascending to heaven, he had to be "given" authority and was still not powerful enough to subject things to himself (1Cor.15:27; Eph.1:17,22; Hb.1:3).

Christ repeatedly states that he "cannot do anything by himself" (Jn 5:19; 5:30; 8:42). It would be ludicrous for an omnipotent, all powerful, being to say such words. Would Almighty God not be able to do anything on his own? If Jesus were Almighty he would have no need for anyone to give him power and authority or have to have someone else subject things under his feet!

Also, Jesus *never* has the "same power" as Jehovah God. Even when Jesus is as high as he will ever get 1Cor.15:27,28 shows that Jesus will still be "subject" to his God in the same way we are "subject" to him (See RSV).

None of these things could be said of one who is "by nature" Almighty God!

Christ was not ETERNAL:

Scripture explicitly states that Christ "died" (Heb.2:9;14; 13:12; Rev.1:18). While Almighty God is ontologically immutable and thus cannot die (Hab.1:12; Ps.90:2; Dan.6:25-26), Christ is clearly neither immutable nor eternal prior to his resurrection! (Rm.14:9; 1Cor.15:3).

Next, Jesus was never WORSHIPPED on an equal level as God.*ONLY* almighty God receives "sacred worship" (LATREUW) (Mt.4:10; De.6:4,5,13). But LATREUW is NEVER given to Jesus. The "worship" which Jesus accepted is PROSKUNEW and is the same as that given to humans (Mt. 18:26; Ex. 18:7; Dan.2:46; Rev.3:9). Obviously, just because humans receive PROSKUNEO hardly means that they are God. Nor does it mean that Jesus is God.

All these are things which clearly demonstrate that Christ NEVER intrinsically has the attributes or prerogatives of the Almighty, Eternal, Omniscient God.

We can continue to force our own definitions into the words for divinity/deity as applied to Christ (and others), but every explicit statement in Scripture always places Jesus as less than Almighty God at every point of his existence. Jesus always has a God over him and is subject to Almighty God (Mic.5:2-4; Jn. 14:28; 20:17; Mk.13:32; Rom.15:6; Rev.3:2,12).

At the highest position Christ will ever attain, he is still "subject" to *GOD* the same way we are "subject" to him (1Cor.15:27,28).


the Christian
2013-09-11 13:03:55 UTC
There confused...or there lying to you. Jesus loves you so much
2013-09-11 12:45:07 UTC
anyone who let their children dies when science can help them should be put in jail.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.