Jehovah’s Witnesses do NOT deny the divinity of Jesus Christ. What we deny is the unscriptural doctrine of the Trinity which teaches that Christ is equal to Almighty God rather than just the divine “son” of God.
Jesus is the divine SON of God and can be called “god” just as angels and humans can be called “god.” But being truly "divinity," or of "divine nature," does not make Jesus as the Son of God coequal and coeternal with the Father, any more than the fact that all humans share "humanity" or "human nature" makes them coequal or all the same age.
Christ's earthly brothers at their heavenly resurrection will also have divinity as sons of God.
(1 John 3:2) . . .Beloved ones, now we are children of God, but as yet it has not been made manifest what we shall be. We do know that whenever he is made manifest we shall be like him, because we shall see him just as he is.
(2 Peter 1:4) . . .Through these things he has freely given us the precious and very grand promises, that through these YOU may become sharers in divine nature,
So, having divinity does not make you God almighty.
Witnesses believe in the "divinity" of the Son but the Bible ALWAYS places Christ as less than Almighty God. Christ himself taught this.
True Christians accept Christ's own words when he says that "The Father is greater than I" and even after his resurrection and return to heaven Jesus stated that he had a God over him. (Jn.14:28; 20:17; Rev. 1:6; 3:2; 3:12). In fact, the Bible speaks of Jesus having a God over 17 times! (Mic.5:4; Rom.15:6; 1Cor.11:3; Heb.1:9).
Even though Jesus is described as THEOS (God, divine or deity) in EVERY occurrence the context ALWAYS shows that he is separated from and less than the Eternal, Almighty *God* (cf. Heb.1:8 w/ Heb.1:9!).
Even though Christ is divine, he NEVER shares the attributes of Almighty God:
Christ was not OMNISCIENT:
Jesus did not know what Almighty God knew on earth or even after he ascended to heaven. He did not “know the day or hour” while the Father did (Mk.13:32 ). Rev 1:1 says even after his ascension Christ had to receive a revelation about the future. EVERYTHING Christ knew was GIVEN or revealed to him by God.
Christ was not OMNIPOTENT:
In every case Christ had to be "given" or "receive" his power and authority from a superior! (Mt.28:18; 11:27; Jn. 5:22; 17:2; 3:35; 2Pt.1:17). Even after ascending to heaven, he had to be "given" authority and was still not powerful enough to subject things to himself (1Cor.15:27; Eph.1:17,22; Hb.1:3).
Christ repeatedly states that he "cannot do anything by himself" (Jn 5:19; 5:30; 8:42). It would be ludicrous for an omnipotent, all powerful, being to say such words. Would Almighty God not be able to do anything on his own? If Jesus were Almighty he would have no need for anyone to give him power and authority or have to have someone else subject things under his feet!
Also, Jesus *never* has the "same power" as Jehovah God. Even when Jesus is as high as he will ever get 1Cor.15:27,28 shows that Jesus will still be "subject" to his God in the same way we are "subject" to him (See RSV).
None of these things could be said of one who is "by nature" Almighty God!
Christ was not ETERNAL:
Scripture explicitly states that Christ "died" (Heb.2:9;14; 13:12; Rev.1:18). While Almighty God is ontologically immutable and thus cannot die (Hab.1:12; Ps.90:2; Dan.6:25-26), Christ is clearly neither immutable nor eternal prior to his resurrection! (Rm.14:9; 1Cor.15:3).
Next, Jesus was never WORSHIPPED on an equal level as God.*ONLY* almighty God receives "sacred worship" (LATREUW) (Mt.4:10; De.6:4,5,13). But LATREUW is NEVER given to Jesus. The "worship" which Jesus accepted is PROSKUNEW and is the same as that given to humans (Mt. 18:26; Ex. 18:7; Dan.2:46; Rev.3:9). Obviously, just because humans receive PROSKUNEO hardly means that they are God. Nor does it mean that Jesus is God.
All these are things which clearly demonstrate that Christ NEVER intrinsically has the attributes or prerogatives of the Almighty, Eternal, Omniscient God.
We can continue to force our own definitions into the words for divinity/deity as applied to Christ (and others), but every explicit statement in Scripture always places Jesus as less than Almighty God at every point of his existence. Jesus always has a God over him and is subject to Almighty God (Mic.5:2-4; Jn. 14:28; 20:17; Mk.13:32; Rom.15:6; Rev.3:2,12).
At the highest position Christ will ever attain, he is still "subject" to *GOD* the same way we are "subject" to him (1Cor.15:27,28).