If you believe in God, please click here.?
2006-07-23 19:35:23 UTC
I'd like moderately educated believers in God to explain why it is that they believe in Him. I'm agnostic, and I'm very open to ideas. Tell me what makes you live your life for Him. Be specific, too, "I just do, I can't explain it" may be valid, but isn't very helpful. Thanks!
29 answers:
Ana Thema
2006-07-23 19:53:48 UTC
I'm moderately educated, but I cannot offer you a philosophical discussion on why I believe in the existence of God. You will have to look to the great theologians for that. I can only tell you that I see Him in everything, the good and the bad, nature, the universe - everything. And I feel Him in my heart, my mind, and my soul. And every once in a while I get a glimpse of pure understanding of His plan, but before I can put words to it, it's gone. And that is where faith comes in. An agnostic only denies that it is impossible to KNOW whether or not God exists, not that He exists. If you ever get hit with the faith stick, you'll know.
2006-07-23 19:53:07 UTC
I'd like to think of myself as above moderately educated, but I will take a crack at it anyway. I believe in God because:

1. The words of Scripture. I know this doesn't mean much to an unbeliever, but to me, it is the most important. The Bible doesn't set out to prove His existence, it presupposes it. It assumes God exists and that it isn't even debatable.

2. The complexity of the universe. Take the earth itself.

"The Earth...its size is perfect. The Earth's size and corresponding gravity holds a thin layer of mostly nitrogen and oxygen gases, only extending about 50 miles above the Earth's surface. If Earth were smaller, an atmosphere would be impossible, like the planet Mercury. If Earth were larger, its atmosphere would contain free hydrogen, like Jupiter.4 Earth is the only known planet equipped with an atmosphere of the right mixture of gases to sustain plant, animal and human life.

existence of God The Earth is located the right distance from the sun. Consider the temperature swings we encounter, roughly -30 degrees to +120 degrees. If the Earth were any further away from the sun, we would all freeze. Any closer and we would burn up. Even a fractional variance in the Earth's position to the sun would make life on Earth impossible. The Earth remains this perfect distance from the sun while it rotates around the sun at a speed of nearly 67,000 mph. It is also rotating on its axis, allowing the entire surface of the Earth to be properly warmed and cooled every day.

And our moon is the perfect size and distance from the Earth for its gravitational pull. The moon creates important ocean tides and movement so ocean waters do not stagnate, and yet it restrains our massive oceans from spilling over across the continents."(1)

3. The complexity of life itself. Take just a DNA molecule. The amount of information can fill libraries. This information determines everything about you. Information cannot come from matter, it can only come from a greater source of information, i.e. God.

4. Mere "chance" is not an adequate explanation of creation.

Imagine looking at Mount Rushmore, in which the likenesses of Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt are carved. Could you ever believe that it came about by chance? Given infinite time, wind, rain and chance, it is still hard to believe something like that, tied to history, was randomly formed in the side of a mountain. Common sense tells us that people planned and skillfully carved those figures.

5. The life of Christ. Here was God in the flesh, the real persona of God. Examine His life, death and resurrection.

6. The continuing existence of the Jewish nation. Here is a people who have been persecuted, enslaved and had wars waged on them by some of the greatest, most powerful civilizations in history, the Romans, the Babylonians, the Assyrians, the Third Reich and the collective Arab nations. Yet they have survived while most of these have crumbled to dust.

I could go into much more detail, but space does not permit. I ask you to examine the evidence without prejudice or presuppositions and come to your own conclusions. I think you will see that God is real and active, then come to His Son Jesus.
2006-07-23 19:44:44 UTC
This is a deep question that is very personal, but I will try to help. When I didn't believe in God, I was empty and without hope, though I found things to fill that void, but those things left me just as empty or more so than I felt before. When I held my first child and looked into her eyes, I couldn't understand how I never believed before. When I look at a sunset, when I first read the book of John, when I became filled with the hope that there is something worth living for - it's the same thing worth dying for, and that is love. God is love. I feel it. People say they can't see God so they don't believe, but you can't see love either, yet it is one thing that people believe in and yearn for above all else.

I could go on and on, but I'll spare you any further explanation.
2006-07-23 19:46:43 UTC
I have always believed in God - I've been a Christian since I was 13, that was 31 years ago - but when my baby boy was born - my life seemed so small compared to him - How can anyone look at a baby and say - you are just a freak of nature - a mistake made billions made years ago.

Answer this question and then check out my web site:

How can life come from non-living material? That is what happened according to science. It is plain and simple - it takes Life to produce Life. Ever see a dead person - dead means heart stopped , brain dead - conceive and give birth to a baby?

No - because it just cannot happen - so check out my site:

Check out

Look at "Studies in the Bible"

many answers to everyday life

can be found there.
2006-07-23 21:39:19 UTC
Okay, I'm a Hindu and I believe in God. That said, I should probably define the term "God". Hinduism uses the word Brahman and then divides Brahman into Nirguna Brahman and Saguna Brahman. Nirguna Brahman is the unmanifest and Saguna Brahman is the manifest. In Hinduism it is said the out of God the entire universe manifested (came out of) and yet God also pervades it unmanifested. Thus God is both everything with form and also is beyond all form. The word Brahman comes from two Sanskrit words Brah and Manah and means "Expanding Consciousness", "Cosmic Consciousness". So that is what I mean when I say the word "God".

That said (without getting into too much Hindu theology) I believe in God because:

1) I exist, am conscious and aware

2) I can see the universe around me, I can touch all things...all of these are manifested from God, yet God also is what is beyond all form.

3) I can rationalize that if there is everything with form now and that at one time there was no form that God and God is both and is consciousness then because I can sense that I am conscious then God must exist because God is the source of consciousness...God is Consciousness. It exists, I exist, the universe exists...all of it is consciousness at the deepest level. There are multiple levels of consciousness: the consciousness of the waking state, the consciousnees of the dream state, the consciousness of an even deeper state. Hindus use the sound Aum (Om) to represent these three states of consciousness A-U-M. It is said to be the first sounds of creation (that correspond to Prakriti (matter), Purusha (energy), and Prana (life force) coming out of God). When one chants Aum they are connecting to the cosmic vibrations that have occured since the creation of this universe (this is not the first nor last universe that has manifested from God). Chant Om, Om, Om, Om. Each time you say Om that represents Saguna Brahman: the manifested aspect, the pause between each time you say represents Nirguna Brahman: the unmanifested aspect. Nirguna Brahman is the nothing from which everything emanates from. It is what sees through your eyes, what hears through your ears, etc, etc, etc. Saguna Brahman is the more touchable, connectable aspect. It is all forms, all names, all that is manifested.

I hope that helps explain my position and why I believe. It is not perfect, but I tried.

Peace be with you.
2006-07-23 19:48:24 UTC
I subscribe more to a Deist notion of God - one based on reason and logic - moreso than any organized religion's notion of God - Who is often encountered through revelation.

I also tend to have a pantheist notion of the world - that God is in everything (which sorta goes against certain Deist tenants) and does not exist as separate from it. Again, this doesn't fit within certain organized religions which have people looking towards the heavens to find God and hoping to get into heaven to be with Him.

But can I *prove* that God exists? Hmmmm .... I'm glad you only asked if I believe, because I do.
2006-07-23 19:49:01 UTC
Let me keep it simple, for me I went to church all my life and I was not a believer. The situations that I've been through in my life allowed me to see that God is working. When I call on his almighty name, alone, the pain the hurt goes away. If you dont know, just that HE can take any place of any person in your life that left, it puts my spirit at ease. I know He's real cause if HE wasnt I would not even be here. I been through situations that I didnt even trust God in and I wonder " God, why are you so merciful? Ive done so much against you." He loves you regardless of what youve done, so just that alone shows that He will never leave you nor forsake, like any other person would have done in your life. He is so great, He is more than that. He is what words cant even describe. I live my life for Him because He is worth living for. He has done to much in my life for me to be not glorifying Him, for not taking recognition of him. All praise be to God. I dont deserve His mercy, I dont deserve His son dying on the cross for me. I dont deserve it, so Im giving Him my life, for Him to take control. So my life now belongs to Him, every aspect.
2006-07-23 19:42:17 UTC
I always thought I was grounded in science, until someone said in regards to the big bang theory - "If earth was created by a big bang, when these materials collided, where did the materials come from? And if science as proven that the universe is so big, where did that come from? I just can't believe it was just HERE. God is the reason. God created everything.
2006-07-23 19:57:50 UTC
I believe that God created all things because it is evident. the trees, rain, animals, the ocean... they are all things that are so complicated and balanced and beautiful that i can't not think that God has a hand in it. how could something so fragile evolve from an explosion of nothing creating a rock the size of a baseball that supposedly turned into this fine planet of ours? i can't think of it without luaghing inwardly, hoping that one day, it will be as clear to others as it is to me. I get shivers when i pray, or when i'm at church, and I can just feel His presence all around me. it's like the wind. you can't see God, but you can definately feel him. knowing that God has control over all things helps me to realize i am smaller than i think and that i don't have to worry, because God has plans.

Living life for God is easy, just have common sense, forgive others, and treat them with respect. that is how you live life for God. when people ask me, "how can you be nice to people who treat you so badly?", that's when the phrase WWJD comes in. it's what Jesus would do. "love one another as I have loved you." is a phrase i try to live by everyday. but when i slip up, it's nice to know that, even though it is impossible to be good enough, He loves me and i'm forgiven because of Jesus' dying for every sin that ever had existed and would exist in the future.

God loves you, even if you aren't sure if you love him back. He is incredibly patient, and is just waiting, hoping that you will come to Him and He can embrace you and take you into His kingdom. He wants us to choose Him, because He has already chosen us. His love is unchanging, meaning no matter what you do, how you act, or who you love, He will always love you. always. God is waiting for you to want to meet Him, and all you have to say is, "Go ahead, Lord. I'm listening." He will show you things and give you that feeling of fullfillment. your life will be a constant journey toward building your relationship with God, and you will discover new things everyday. i hope you will give it a go, because God is talking to you right now, through me and every other person who positively answers your question. the people who say, "God is fake" and "God doesn't exist" are people who just don't want to see that God is anything but fake. they need guidance.

sometimes i question my faith too. but what i always say to myself is, "i'd rather live my entire life thinking there was a God and then find out there wasn't and be bummed, then live my whole life defying Him and His word and find out that the real way to prevent burning was 'son' screen!"
2006-07-23 19:52:03 UTC
Because He touched my heart and change my life, I encounter in many ways His love for me, His comfort is so real and His providence never ends.

One time when I was a teenage, my parents was quarreling to the point picking up a knife in the kitchen, it frighten me very much I almost can't speak. that time I was a young Christian, I don't know what to do, I was crying and i called my pastor, she prayed for me immediately over the phone, God present was so real that, immediately, He lifted up my fear and sadness, immediately extraordinary total peace enter my heart, my mother ran away that night, I thank God nobody is hurt physically, I was sleeping like a baby that night although I feel sad, I can feel the present of God, I felt like He is wrapping me in His arms and comforting me. I will never forget His present that night.

Many times also when time I ran out of money in my life, God sustain me miraculously. From all the suffering in life I experience the kindness and grace of God. I understood what really the bible says, it is not just merely theory anymore, but it really enter your heart when you encounter the situation.

I encounter God promises and He Himself. I can witness a lot a lot of situation where He really be there for me. He is my Father my Creator, my Saviour, my Shepherd, the lover of my soul. I am loved and highly favour by Him.

I love Him because He first love me.
Holy Ghost Girl
2006-07-23 19:57:23 UTC
God is everything to me, and without Him the world has no purpose. He blesses me everyday with simple gifts that many people take for granted. He breathes life into my lungs, He protects me, comforts me, and heals me. Through God I have confidence in myself, and confidence in others. God has made a way out of no way many times for me. He's full of grace and mercy, He is our creator, and he determines where we will spend our eternity. God loves us so much that He gave up His only Son to be crucified on a cross; so that we may live and not die. Jesus took the burden of all our sins on the cross, that's why He is our Lord and savior.

He loves all of us despite our shortcomings, and that is why I believe in God.

-God Bless
2006-07-23 19:56:28 UTC
I live my life for God because He saved me from eternal damnation. I was born a sinner. I have no way of becoming perfect on my own (this is evident even to non-believers - we are naturally on a downward spiral). God provided a way for me to enjoy the benefits of being righteous by sacrificing His son (the only perfect man on earth after the fall of Adam and Eve), and Jesus defeated death by rising from the dead on His own. I'm eternally grateful for my salvation, so I try my best to live the way God wants me to. And thank God for forgiveness :)
2006-07-23 19:42:19 UTC
I believe in YHVH because not only can I see His works all around us, but after carefully studying the Word in the original languages with a qualified teacher who teaches scripture by scripture and verse by verse I can see that not only does it make sense but it completely meshes with science and history.

I don't believe in organized religion or the type of Christianity practiced in any of the churches today, but I have total and complete faith in our Father and His Word.
2016-12-10 18:09:21 UTC
God replaced into "got here across"(created for my area) an fairly long term in the past. in the previous God there replaced into no explanation for something and no answer for somethings. i think that a God replaced into created to convey order to a society.(observe how are regulations are very reminiscent of the ten Commandments) They used the assumption of dying(which no person understood on the time) to get the human beings to hearken to. asserting that God replaced into in charge for dying and different unexplained phenomena this have been given the human beings to fall the instructions of God. Which replaced into somewhat (now that's only my opinion) the instructions of the guy who ought to solely refer to God. ultimately corruption happened(because it constantly does whilst a small form of human beings have capability over a great form of human beings) some began to lose faith interior the guy relaying the "words" of God, then built their own ideals on how God could want us to act. (that's the reason there are distinctive adjustments of books conversing of a similar God) thinking this ... i don't be conscious of the place to coach for faith. I in basic terms take the thought it somewhat is at the back of all faith: Prey for the final, and have self belief that i can acquire the capability to get via. -Johnathan S-C
† PRAY †
2006-07-23 19:39:13 UTC
because When I prayed and asked him to forgive me, he did. Then he has done many miracles in my life. His ways in the Bible are correct (His laws) The prophecys in the Bible are coming true in the news on the TV. He is good to me all the time. I am so satisfied with my christian life that I would never go back.. Probably won't make any sense to you, but I am truly happy.
2006-07-23 19:38:01 UTC
How else did we get here? Evolution's been proven false. Look at world events and compare them to Bible prophecy. Take a good look at all of history...there's this pattern.

I don't just believe God exists...I KNOW God exists!
Dogman 61
2006-07-23 19:43:28 UTC
I always believe in God for He is real listener whenever I pray to Him. He has answered me last Saturday. Praise the Lord!
Humming Bird
2006-07-23 19:51:03 UTC
Because he gave me life to live my journey on earth and once I accomplish it and grow old and when my time comes I can go and live in the eternal world with god and my family.
2006-07-23 19:41:01 UTC
The very reason I believe in God is because of my measure of faith . He gives us all a measure of faith , some know what it is and others don't understand it . God bless you and your family
santosh s
2006-07-23 19:42:12 UTC
science and religion should combine. there is a supreme being that created us but we evovle on our own. scriptures say god created man in his own image. i think the supreme being created us to replicate him or her and evovle to a being of light, just like we will in the far future. think about the billion sleeping cells in our body, if all that cells were to be awake at once, i think we will be beings of light. i suggest reading works by david icke "gods in amnesia"
2006-07-23 19:38:57 UTC
I believe in God,because he is my savior and without him, I would here for no reason. Just look around you - everything that you see, he created. He is awesome!
2006-07-23 19:42:10 UTC
me? one of my reasons is that I believe in God so that he would be my no. 1 reason to do good things. otherwise I take no. 2 reason and so on...

he is also our reason of being good people with good acts and clear minds and others...
2006-07-23 19:38:51 UTC
Because,he created me,Kathy1000,and Im living proof...Hallelujah
2006-07-23 19:48:08 UTC
i belive in him, cuz well why are we here?

we had to start off somewhere.

and i think its good to believe in someone with unearthly powers. As in he can perform miracles and such.

hes the ALMIGHTY!
2006-07-23 19:41:02 UTC
Evolution simply does not work. You think we came from a rock soup?
2006-07-23 19:40:31 UTC
cuz he gave his life for us on the cross and there is no greater love then jesus's love he helps and protects us the least we could do is to live our life for him
charlotte m
2006-07-23 19:41:46 UTC
How else does the sun rise, and the sun set?
- - - ^^ - - -
2006-07-23 19:38:54 UTC
'cause i need him to guide me through the right numbers @ the lottery...
2006-07-23 19:40:04 UTC
Jesus Christ, Christians are stupid. They can't even answer your question.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.