2011-08-23 17:18:09 UTC
I don't believe in a god, a heaven or a hell and that pretty much defines my atheist beliefs but for some reason I find it fascinating how different religions work and affect it's followers, I seem to find religious people interesting because there is some that are so weak minded that they are drafted into a controlled life set by the church with the promise of heaven, the threat of hell or because they are so weak minded they think their life is pointless with out religion and on the other side we have religious followers that are so strong minded toward their religion that they will blow themselves up for it.
I find it interesting that most religions will try and repel each other I.E. the christian religion says their is only one god, the christian god. and when I say God does not exist they would say prove it, and besides the fact that we need to prove a theory before we give it ground, not vice versa, the prove he isn't real thing is very hypocritical because the "almighty ala" (a.k.a. the muslim religion) is believed just as strongly in the middle east as god is in the western world but we cant prove that wrong either.
so I can say that there is a city of gnomes at the core of the earth guarding a sacred box where dead souls go to rest in harmony, and you cant prove that wrong either but untill it's proven it's just an illogical theory like any religion. oh and I find it very amusing that Christians believe that atheists are bad and immoral but we are normal people with normal views, we see the sense in the whole "love thy neighbour" thing, it is common sense because our consciousnesses tells us that hurting people is wrong and will isolate us from friends BUT we do believe that people can do what they want, think what they want and be who they want as long as they are hurting no one. i'm not gay but christian's hate gays and I think that is wrong because if I see two guys kissing, i'll agree that it is different, maybe even a little repulsive for me to imagine myself kissing an other guy but I don't exactly think they are hurting anybody so i'd let them be, but anybody religious would turn their nose up at them which one is more moral? so atheist's aren't bad people, many Christians would call us satanists but isn't that just contradictory?
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