CHRISTIANS PLEASE! Will Jesus Christ consider my services as a Muslim?
2008-06-06 16:49:10 UTC
After asking 4 successive questions, I am of the opinion, about Christianity, as follows:
(Do correct me by all means if I am wrong, please)

- Jesus is one of the gods among the three
- Jesus was either the first creation/begotten (as the case may be) of God All-creator - Instead of Creating Jesus, God begot him
- he also created something as well, like Salvation for the Christians only
- Jesus Christ’s mercy is conditional to some extent for you have to believe in Jesus Christ.

As you all can see I have a Muslim nick & am a Muslim (nothing hidden). Now my question is…

Q1- Muslims already believe in Jesus Christ as Messiah, and one of the Prophets of God, and gives him the due respect which is also given to Moses, Abraham, Muhammad, Noah, and the rest & all of the prophets of the God-head (The God)

… in such a case, where do I stand?
Will Jesus consider my services to him, my love & respect to him...
or I shall be neglected?

Do inform honestly please!
43 answers:
Paul W
2008-06-06 16:56:40 UTC
I think Christ is more concerned with how you treat people. If you are kind, tolerant, loving, merciful, and understanding, then I think Christ will accept you. I don't think God just throws people of different beliefs into Hell. I think God find's the Atheist's perspective interesting, even if it is wrong in his eyes.

Allah bless you, my fellow servant of God. We may believe particular things differently, but overall, we must love each other and be forgiving. I think our purpose is to spread love and kindness, not intolerance and bigotry.

Take care :)
2008-06-06 17:01:08 UTC
Christians believe in one God, who has three parts. Jesus, God the Father and the Holy Spirit represent one being, the Holy Trinity. This is a fundamental and basic concept of Christianity. 1 God, 3 parts. All three began to exist at the same time, since they are one complete being. We believe that God, in the form of the Trinity, has always been and will always be.

The other groups who reference Christ, but do not believe the above are LDS and Jehovah's witnesses. They do not represent mainstream Christianity and have very diverse believes from each other as well as all other Christian groups. This is to the point where the many Christians do not consider them to be Christians, though both groups claim to be.

Salvation is only available through Christ, because of His sacrifice. But there is no way for any Christian to tell you whether or not God will give you another chance to change your beliefs after you die or if He will consider the fact that you are living according to the morals that your parents have taught you. We simply don't know.

However, you would not be considered to be a Christian, a follower of Christ, unless you worship Him as part of God through the Trinity. Hope this helps, great question!
2008-06-06 17:03:33 UTC
Okay... Let's begin.

- Jesus is one of the gods among the three -

No. Jesus is not 1 of 3 Gods. Christianity believe God is God alone.

- Jesus was either the first creation/begotten (as the case may be) of God All-creator - Instead of Creating Jesus, God begot him -

Jesus has alway existed as God. The Muslims use "begotten" to mean sex, and there's a mother somewhere in there. No. That's not the case.. Begotten only means FROM GOD. Which is the same as SENT FROM GOD or God in essense.

- he also created something as well, like Salvation for the Christians only -

Jesus is God the Creator of ALL that exist. John 1:1-3 and Col. 1:16

- Jesus Christ’s mercy is conditional to some extent for you have to believe in Jesus Christ. -

Believe in THE GOSPEL of Jesus Christ. Not a mere acknowledgment that He exist.

Jesus Christ condemns Islam because they don't believe His message of salvation. John 3:16 is His message, John 3:18, 36 tell of those who do not believe He alone is salvation.
Jon Owen (AKA Milarepa)
2008-06-06 16:59:13 UTC
- Jesus is one of the gods among the three

Wrong. Jesus is part of the one true God

- Jesus was either the first creation/begotten (as the case may be) of God All-creator - Instead of Creating Jesus, God begot him

Wrong. Jesus is eternal. He is the word, the truth, an integral part of the Godhead.

- he also created something as well, like Salvation for the Christians only

Wrong. Through him all things were created.

- Jesus Christ’s mercy is conditional to some extent for you have to believe in Jesus Christ.

Wrong. It is 100% grace. Belief is a gift created along with everything else.

You come close to the truth, but you are still off a ways.
2008-06-06 17:10:40 UTC
We as Christians will NEVER be good enough for God. No deeds can ever make us good enough to enter Heaven.

However since Jesus took our place and gave us the chance to form a relationship with him to bridge the gap which sin made, we have that second chance.

As my Dad has said, most true Muslims deeds are much better than mean NOTHING to matter what we do we are not worthy of his Salvation alone. Only through Jesus the son of God are we.

By accepting Christ as the Son of God, whom died for OUR sins, NEVER sinned once and yet still took our place so we could repent and be accepted into heaven, we have that chance.

So to answer your question honestly, Islam does not accept Christ as the Son of God, it actually says that we who do accept it *Christians* are blasphemious, our religion tells us straight away we are never going to be good enough to deserve eternal peace with God but because of Jesus we can. You can only start this by accepting him as part of the Trinity which Islam detests.

I am a practising Christian learning every religion at a fair rate to help me in the future better understand them all.

It is a much nicer feeling to know that everything that has happened, is happening and will happen has already been planned by God, what's more before he even made the world he knew that Sin would destroy our relationship with him and that innocent blood would be required to give us any chance, that chance came with Jesus who was sinless yet took every sin of ours as his own punishment.

When he was ressurected it meant Sin was defeaten and we could form a relationship with God through Jesus and the Holy Spirit will guide us to him. He*the Holy Spirit* exists today, that is who Jesus meant when he said "I must leave or else he will not come* he didn't mean Mohammad, he meant the Holy spirit.

Also note it isn't three God's it is one in three, NOT three.

It is a little hard to explain but a website I once read from had a lovely comparison but be careful how you comprehend it.

Water can be as a gas, a liquid or as a solid*ice* I hope that explains it abit better:)

Christs forgiveness is for EVERYONE, all you have to do is accept him as God the son whom died for each of our sins.

Peace be with you and should you want to ask me any questions then please do so.

EDIT: Here is a thought...only Jesus Christ ever came back from the dead...Mohammad didn't.

To the muslim who says we are wrong: With all due respect The Bible clearly explains the history of Man, you're book doesn't because it cannot. There is no plan in your book to restore man, nor is there any admittance of sin and our fall. How can we be good enough for God with just deeds? We simply cannot be good enough for God with deeds. None the less you have the right to be wrong.
2008-06-07 06:10:01 UTC
You see JESUS as just another prohet like muhammed, moses etc well this is where Christians are insulted by your denegration of the SON of G-D, who, I might add was out with the people preaching G-D s message and performing miracles while Muhommed had seven wives to contend with the youngest of whom was 6 when she was married to the prophet and 9 years old when mohommed consumated the marriage and and still have time looking after his vast, inherited, wealth while occassionally hitting the race track.

You see to put mohommed on the same level as JESUS is not only the greatest insult that you spilt in our faces but it is an insult to G-D to even think that HE would choose a paedophile to carry HIS message.

May JESUS forgive allah for the crimes against the innocent that are committed in his name.

Walk with G-D.
2008-06-06 17:23:09 UTC
I just love your question - very sincere and brutally honest ! As a Christian, myself, I can tell you, that some of the things you have observed about Christianity are not accurate. Some of these things are: "salvation is only exclusive to Christians" - this implies, that unless one is a Christian in this human life, that he or she will not recieve salvation. Now; arrises the question, what about the billions, who never had the opportunity to hear or read about Jesus Christ because their governments would not allow Christianity into their country (Russia - under Stalin, some Muslim countries, and other countries of varying beliefs - what about BEFORE Jesus was even, born as a human being ? Did God make salvation only, exclusive to Christianity - or does God have a plan in mind YET to unfold for the "uncalled"? To address another conclusion by you, concerning the love of Jesus as being "to some extent, conditional". This is not true - God's [Jesus'] love is unchanged and is always UNconditional to ALL humans, alike.

Finally; to address your question concerning "Jesus considering your service to Him , etc.?" The truth be known, Jesus has considered everything regarding the human creation - whether people accept or reject Him - God - Jesus has a plan in the making for us all. Eternal life is nothing to "play" with or to make exclusive to a very few people now - but everyone shall be given an equal chance to learn about God's offer of salvation when God, decides the time is right .

It is God, the Father [you call Him, Allah] , who decides this when HE draws or calls us into a spiritual relationship with Christ (read it in the Bible: see Book of John, chapter 6, verse 44) . This is not for any man to decide because God does not play games with eternal life for His human creation.

Your answer ... Love God, with ALL your heart, mind and strength and love your neighbour, as yourself. If you can do these things, the Kingdom of God is not far from you !

I really enjoyed your question ... peace to you !!!
2008-06-06 22:32:34 UTC
You have a few things misconstrued both about the Christian faith and your own faith as a Muslim. First off, the glaring mistake for me is that Muslims do NOT believe that Christ is the Messiah at all. Your faith doesn't say that at all. Islam says the following: 1) Jesus is a messenger of God. 2) Jesus was born of a virgin. 3) Jesus had a miraculous birth. 4) Jesus spoke from the cradle. 5) Jesus performed miracles. 6) Jesus was NOT the son of God. 7) Jesus is NOT a part of the trinity. The trinity is false according to this religion. and 8) Jesus did NOT die on the cross nor was he resurrected. Without believing in the divinity of Christ, you cannot possibly accept him as the Messiah. Islam declares NO need for a Messiah! Now, there are other problems with what you said. I will go over them point by point.

1) "Jesus is one of the gods among the three." There are not three gods. There is but ONE God. God has THREE PARTS. That is the trinity. This is something that Islam denies completely. I am a sister to my brother, a daughter to my parents, and a student to teachers. These are three roles I play in my life. They are all different. They have different responsibilities and so on, but I am still only one person. God also has different roles, yet he is divine completely. The miracle of the trinity is that he can exist in these three roles at the same time. He is, though, the same God and only ONE God exists in Christianity -- not three. Jesus is the Messiah.

2) Jesus is the begotten son of God. He is from God. He is not just some creation. However, there is a problem with this. This may be your belief, but it is absolutely not a believe of Islam. Islam emphatically states in the Qu'ran, "Say: "God is Unique! God, the Source [of everything]. He has not fathered anyone nor was He fathered, and there is nothing comparable to Him!" Surah 112:1-4 Islam teaches God has no son. Your belief isn't a Muslim belief at all.

3) Jesus didn't create salvation. Jesus IS the salvation.

4) Christ's mercy isn't conditional in the way the way that you have to act a certain way, live a perfect life, and so on. Christ's mercy is open to EVERYONE that accepts Christ.

Where do you stand? You may say that you love and respect him as a prophet, but you do not accept him as a Messiah. You are not tell the truth. Islam doesn't say that Jesus is the Messiah - ONLY Christianity says that. If you want to accept that as your faith, well, that's another story. But, I cannot and will not say where you stand with God. That is for him to tell you. I can say a few things that. You can draw your own conclusions from this and one verse. You are considered as a follower of Christ when you accept him as your savior and as your Lord - not as you think Islam says because what you say isn't true. Also, it has nothing to do with your "services". Islam is a religion based upon good works. Christianity is based upon the grace of God. This is something Islam denies.

I leave you with these verses that you really need to ponder.

Luke 6:46, "Why do you call me 'Lord, Lord,' and do not do what I tell you?"

Matthew 7:21-23, "Not everyone who says to me 'Lord, Lord', will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven. On that day many will say to me, 'Lord, Lord did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many deeds of power in our name?' Then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; go away from me, you evildoers.'"

John 3:3, "Jesus answered him, 'Very truly, I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God without being born from again.'"

Be born again. That is the only way to stand well with Christ. You cannot do that through works. You cannot do that through Islam. This is your choice to make, but you are going down the wrong path to do it.
I'm A Believer
2008-06-06 17:18:44 UTC
I know of Christian Muslims and one is a repentant terrorist.

You have to give up Muhammad thought he has no part in

the salvation of Jesus Christ.

You ask God our Father in heaven, to forgive you of your sins and to fill you with the Holy Spirit to reveal Gods truth to you,

and ask it in the name of Jesus.

Because Jesus said,"No one comes to the Father but through Me," so whatever you ask in My name the Father will do"

Salvation is for sinners that ask God's forgiveness.

Christians have salvation because they ask God's forgiveness.

Something important to remember.

There is the trinity God-head Father, Son and The Holy Spirit.

People can deny God and Jesus and be forgiven, but if they blasphemy the Holy Spirit they cannot ever be forgiven,

that is the unforgivable sin.

You do not enter heaven by good deeds/works they are only counted if you have lived your life for God.

There are a lot of people that don't believe in God they are good and kind by their up bringing, but it counts for nothing in God's eyes if you are not saved. That is what is considered dead works.

You sound as if your heart is in the right place and if you give up this Muhammad and ask God to forgive you, and you believe Jesus died for your sins and was raised from the dead then you too will have salvation, but you need to read the Bible and not the the book of Muhammad.
2008-06-06 17:17:03 UTC
I am sure Jesus has already noted your love and respect for Him, and is drawing your heart to a place where you need to make some kind of decision about to whom you belong.

Could you maybe ask God honestly to show you if He can best be known through Jesus Christ, or not? He will surely make His will known to you, like He did to three of my friends who were brought up in the Muslim faith, but had a real and vivid experience of the Lord Jesus, because He is ALIVE!
2008-06-07 05:07:34 UTC
honestly, i cant say yes because Jesus doesnt have a problem with anyone but their inability to appreciate the work he did on the cross for the forgiveness of sins. Jesus really wants people to believe that he is the son of God and to call on him when they are in trouble.

The only problem Jesus would have is that muslims call him a prophet, but he calls himself the son of God as mary gave birth to him through the holy spirit and no through joseph.

2008-06-06 17:18:07 UTC
Yes, he will and as you believe his prediction prophecy to come and his words he will honor you more and more in your service to being good.

Jesus is the only one called the sinless Messiah the only one waiting in heaven to return and reign as Messiah over the earth.

Christ means the annointed one/the Messiah, it comes from the Greek word Cristos=the Messiah

we are either a sinner saved by grace, or a sinner not saved yet, or ever to be saved,

but we are all sinners, if we tell one lie in our life, we broke the law of sin=we are a sinner, if we tell 100 truths we still already broke the law by the one lie.

Messianic Jewish (from the Greek for the anointed one Cristos/ Hebrew is Moshiach, not the other so called Judaism that has replaced Moses' rule for a blood atonement for sins Leviticus 17:11 claiming there are other ways to atone for sins, while in each of those given the giver also sacrificed the blood atonement too. These 'Jewish' reject Isaiah's fulfillment to the new coventant (Jeremiah 31:31) "He shall be exaulted but first marred more than any man, and he will be REJECTED, and lay down his life to make atonement for our sins." Isaiah 52:13-53:12

The non Messianic Jewish many claim that it is Israel that died innocent for its sins= total willful blindness.

Isaiah 9:6 shows why the Messiah is to be worshipped and on earth received worship too "Unto us a child is born, a son is given, he is mighty GOD, wonderful in counsel, and the prince of peace.

then we have others with only one requirement that they reject the Messianic Jew and the Messiah of the Jewish Scriptures and they are accepted even

athiest Jews, Reformed Jews that say there is no Messiah and they will be the Messianic age, or the orthodox Jewish some of whom believe Rabbi Schneerson was/is the Messiah.

PREACHES BELIEVING IN THE MESSIAH=TOTALLY JEWISH. Jonah preached to the gentiles in Ninevah to repent of sins and believe in God too. Why would other than Messianic Jews teach about what they reject? but the orthodox have preached that Rabbi Schneerson is the Messiah, yet so wrong. He wasnt even born in Bethelhem, but in Europe.

Bethelem though you are small from you will come the one from eternity." Micah 5:1&2

today Bethelem has been given to the PLO Arabs, so if Jesus isnt the Messiah, then the 'Jewish' Messiah will be a plo arab!

Hell? Daniel 12:2 teaches there is the place of everlasting abhorance for unbelievers those that choose to reject the salvation offered by the Messiah Jesus.

good question too,

David in Messiah my good Shepherd Psalm 23/John 10 and best friend, I wont give you that verse again, ok I will just in case you forgot the words of love from the Jewish Messiah spoken from heaven; Revelation 1:1, & 3:19&20 knocking on our heart door to come in forgive sins and be our personal Messiah and best friend.
2008-06-06 17:10:13 UTC
On the day of judgment all will stand before Jesus. In that moment the truth of our hearts will be revealed. If your heart is His you will enter into life. (paradise) But how to know if you are his? Only you can answer that. None of us can earn God's gift of life-- it's free for the asking. The real question is not do you respect Jesus. It is rather, do you trust Him to do what is right with you? Make no mistake: Jesus the Christ has been appointed the judge of humanity. I pray that when you stand before Him, you will be ready.

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David Mali
2008-06-07 06:15:29 UTC
Dear Seeker.

I am going to answer in a very unconventional way. Using the Laws of Moses. It will be providential for you to get a more thorough understanding of the blessings of the old covenant with Abraham, in order for you to understand the New Covenant which God provided in Jesus.

Zimbabwe: Robert Mugabe: Intercession Key


Went to prayer this night and I was just amazed at the insight that I received.

Where is the key for Zimbabwe and President Mugabe?

This insight is due to spending time in Mali, in a society that knows & practices the Laws of Moses. And one of the keys of the Laws of Moses is the welcome of the stranger.

- Exodus 22.21 “You shall not wrong a stranger nor oppress him,

. . You shall not afflict any widow or orphan.”

Lev. 19.34 “The stranger who resides with you shall be to you

as a fellow citizen! You shall love him as yourself!”

Scripture will bring insight and so does the above scripture bring insight to the situation in Zimbabwe. So the British colonials were strangers to the land and even with independence continue to be strangers in Zimbabwe. The country is African and thus the white Caucasians even though they have been citizens for many generations are still strangers in the land. Thus the policy of taking the land back for the Africans is simply contrary to the wisdom of scripture that is to bless the stranger within your land.

Thus I believe this is a key to intercession for Zimbabwe.

It is no wonder that when a policy to oppress the stranger within their land was applied, the opposite of blessing happened in Zimbabwe. When the stranger was disdained with natural wisdom, the blessing of the stranger simply disapeared. So even though the land is now under African ownership, the blessing does not come with ownership but rather in being faithful to the Laws of Moses.
James the less
2008-06-06 20:00:09 UTC
Why dont you read the Bible for yourself?

Surely that is better than asking man's opinions?

The only way to fnd out about Jesus Christ is to read the only record we have, given by eyewitnesses, which is in the New Testament.

I suggest you start with the Gospel of John as being direct and easy to follow.

You can obtain a free download of the Bible from and other materials if you want, with no obligations and no follow ups. That is what it is for.

The only way to become a true Christian is by revelation from God. Even Peter needed that as you will find in Matthew 16.

All need to seek God for themselves and He promises to those who seek Him with their whole heart He will be found of them.

God promises a true living relationship to those who truly seek Him. How can I explain that? It means you can truly come to now Him and He will impart His Spirit to you so that you do.

I cannot sufficiently describe this to you, you will have to read and seek and find out for yourself.

Let God speak to you through the Bible. You need to hear His voice, not mine.

Don't be led about by men whether from the Muslim religion or from those in the Christian religion.

Find God for yourself. That is what is promised and what Christ died for.

As I say, read in the Bible, especially in the Gospels, and I suggest start with the Gospel of John, for God is well able to show you Himself if you seek Him.

May God bless you in your enquiry.
2008-06-06 16:58:45 UTC
First, Jesus is considered by Christians as THE messiah, not A messiah, and, while he is called "son of God" it doesn't refer to a blood son but rather he is the essence of God in human body. In other words, there is only ONE God, which has manifested to humanity three ways - as the spirit of Himself, as a human to show us what sacrifice really means, and as Himself - the Creator.

Second, it depends on what flavor of Christianity as to whether you (as Muslim) get "points" for being a good person. Myself, I think yes. But there are those who believe that if you don't believe in Jesus as Christ, then too bad for you. So, like Muslims, Christians come in all ilks from way-conservative to way-liberal.
2008-06-07 18:23:58 UTC
Hello Habib

I have noticed that you have asked several questions about the Trinity and therefore I felt I would like to respond to this. The way you descibe it, is not very accurate. I would therefore ask if you could take the time to read this explanation.

"Trinity" is a term that is not found in the Bible but a word used to describe what is apparent about God in the Scriptures. The Bible clearly speaks of God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ), and God the Holy Spirit...and also clearly presents that there is only one God. Thus the term: "Tri" meaning three, and "Unity" meaning one, Tri+Unity = Trinity. It is a way of acknowledging what the Bible reveals to us about God, that God is yet three "Persons" who have the same essence of deity.

Some have tried to give human illustrations for the Trinity, such as H2O being water, ice and steam (all different forms, but all are H2O). Another illustration is an egg having a shell, egg yolk and egg white, but this egg illustration shows that there would be "parts" to God, which isn't the case.

God the Son (Jesus) is fully, completely God. God the Father is fully, completely God. And God the Holy Spirit is fully, completely God. Yet there is only one God. In our world, with our limited human experience, it's tough to understand the Trinity. But from the beginning we see God this way in Scripture. Notice the plural pronouns "us" and "our" in Genesis 1:26 -- Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground."

Though not a complete list, here is some other Scripture that shows God is one, in Trinity:

"Hear, O Israel! The LORD is our God, the LORD is one!" (Deut. 6:4)

"I am the LORD, and there is no other; Besides Me there is no God." (Isa. 45:5)

There is no God but one. (1Cor. 8:4)

And after being baptized, Jesus went up immediately from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending as a dove, and coming upon Him, and behold, a voice out of the heavens, saying, "This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well-pleased." (Matt. 3:16-17)

"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit." (Matt. 28:19)

Jesus said: "I and the Father are one." (John 10:30)

"He who has seen Me has seen the Father." (John 14:9)

"He who beholds Me beholds the One who sent Me." (John 12:45)

If anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Him. (Rom. 8:9)

[Jesus speaking to His disciples] "And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever; the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it does not behold Him or know Him, but you know Him because He abides with you, and will be in you." ... "If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him, and make Our abode with him." (John 14:16-17, 23)

In response to your other question. I believe that it is wise to pray to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Only he can answer your question honestly. None of us can truthfully answer you, for we are not God. If you sincerely and humbly call out to God and seek him with all of your heart, he will hear you. If you love Jesus too, then ask him what the truth is.

P.S Salvation is offered to anyone who believes who Jesus was. That he willingly and in love, chose to suffer and die on the cross for the atonement of their sins,(paid their debt). If they believe that Jesus is not dead, but that he was resurrected and ascended into heaven. If they turn their back on their old sinful life, confess their sins, repent and finally trust, obey and follow Jesus in their lives, then they shall receive salvation. I can only recommend that you read the gospels in the New Testament for yourself. Asking questions on here, you will get various answers. Just as there are devout Muslim's, there are also some who are less devout. It is the same with Christian's. I believe it is important to educate and understand the scripture for yourself, so that you can read the words of Jesus for yourself.

God bless.
2008-06-06 17:06:42 UTC
There is only ONE God.

In His human incarnation, He is called Jesus.

He is also known as God the Father, and as God the Holy Spirit.

Interestingly, even though we agree that God is omnipotent (all powerful) and omnipresent (everywhere) and omniscient (knows everything), only ONE of us seems to be able to accept that this all-powerful, ever-present, all-knowing God might possess the ability to be in more than one place at a time.

Amazing, eh??

To answer your question, what "services" have you done for Jesus??

Have you washed the feet of His saints, perhaps??

Have you called on Him for salvation??

Have you accepted Him as your only Lord and Savior??

Because, unless you have, then I'm afraid you have not served Him at all.

If you have denied His Deity, you have not shown Him love or respect.

He is not one of the prophets...He is the One the prophets foretold. (Not counting Mohammed, who is not a prophet at all).

I am afraid, my friend, that you shall be both neglected, and rejected.

You will hear the dreaded words

"Go away from Me, I never knew you."


It is not too late for you.

Kiss the Son, while He is in the way....

Please, accept your Lord and the Only Savior there is...

Come to Christ, before it is too late...
2008-06-06 17:13:31 UTC
You answered your own question by saying you are a muslim . John 14:6 "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father but by me " Who will pay for Your sins ? Romans 10:17 "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God."
2008-06-06 17:42:48 UTC
if you are asking would Jesus save you then the answer is yes,all you need to do is ask.

but do you believe that he is the son of God?

that's important.

admit your sins to Christ and ask forgiveness with a sincere heart and repent.

Jesus died for the sins of man and that means ALL men.
2008-06-06 17:12:29 UTC
Jesus accepts anyone--ANYONE--who is willing to accept Him.

However, he isn't created as Moses Abraham Muhammad and Noah were. He is God.

Anyone who accepts him as God will be accepted no matter what their previous religious experience has been.

Galatians 3 says

26For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.

27For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.

28There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.

29And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.
2008-06-07 06:55:51 UTC
me and u know it....

he will appreciate our service more than anyone, because we didnt do any wrong in his name, we simply followed what he told humanity to do... worship one god

if u love someone so much ,u dont go and sin and then dump all ur sins on him..... thats so selfish and senseless.... with all due respect

but u r all disrespecting my prophet here, he doesnt want ur sins, nor did he sacrifice himself for ur disobedience.... and he never claimed anything against the ten commandments as to be a third god or something...

sorry im harsh, but i feel obliged, as i know why u are all lost and astray
2008-06-06 17:00:28 UTC
please hear me my friend..There is a man who was raised Muslim, but who found Christ. His name is Ergun Caner and brother Emir Caner. try to find one of their books which will help to explain better to you. They know where you are coming from.

I have a friend who is Muslim, i gave him a bible. He too has asked some of the same questions you have.

the Christian God is only one. To help you understand this is like You are a father, a son and a husband but you are still only one.

I know that you must have some doubts or you would not be questioning. Seek truth by asking. God promises us that if we want to know what the truth is, than just pray for it. He will show Himself to you my friend, He promises if anyone should call out my name that He will show you. God bless you, I will pray for you.
2008-06-06 17:06:30 UTC
--Jesus is not one of the gods among the three -- There is only one God. Jesus was God himeself who took on flesh and became man. The Holy Spirit is simply the spirit of God, the will of God, that God sends to teach us and guide us in truth. One God, but illustrating three different functions of this one God.

--Yes, Jesus, as a human, was "begotten" of God, not made.

--Salvation is for ALL people. Jesus did not come in to the world to condemn the world, but to save the world.

--Jesus' mercy is sufficient and available to all people. But believing in him and accepting his gift of salvation is the condition, yes. Consider this illustration. A couple recieves a wedding present, but theydo not open it. The present is completely available to them, but they can't fully enjoy it or know what it is until they take it upon themselves to fully recieve the present and open and discover it for themselves.

I'm not Jesus, of course, and I don't know the full extent of how merciful he might be, but according to scripture, it's not enough to give Jesus the same respect you give Moses, Abraham and Muhammad, et al, because Jesus reigns above them as their Lord and God.
2008-06-06 17:09:37 UTC
...your answer is found in Scripture... Read Matthew, chapter 7 vs.21 thru 27. (The Words of Jesus Himself).
Eman (faith)
2008-06-06 17:27:07 UTC
Yes habib, the Messaiah will ,inshaallh, congratulate you of being such a good Muslim, who follows Allah and the Qur'an, in which Allah says :

285. The Messenger has believed in what was revealed to him from his Lord, and [so have] the believers. All of them have believed in Allāh and His angels and His books and His messengers, [saying], "We make no distinction between any of His messengers." And they say, "We hear and we obey. [We seek] Your forgiveness, our Lord, and to You is the [final] destination."
2008-06-06 17:01:27 UTC
Jesus is the son of God not part of any Trinity, that is a man-made teaching.

God is one.

The Bible clearly states that if anyone believes anything other than the Gospel of Christ in the New Testament he is condemned.

But you are half way there already, don't give up - there is the reward of eternal life and a place in God's kingdom on earth.

I really think you would benefit from reading the Bible thoroughly and checking these things out for yourself.

I hope this helps.
Captain Awesome
2008-06-06 17:01:31 UTC
I went to a camp with a Christian who was born and raised Iranian. His name is Afshin Ziafat. He told a wonderful story about his testimony and I would really suggest you email him or check out the web page. He will know more about what you are talking about than most people will. thanks, and I hoped this helped.
2008-06-07 07:59:43 UTC
what ever you do without doing it for Jesus is not going to save you..

Jesus saves you..just him!!

and you believe he is a prophet..and that is a great insult for both god and Jesus..

God Bless You Brother.................if you deserve :)
Mr. Graham
2008-06-06 17:03:46 UTC
Yes, may be, you are son of God, like all us.

Jesus is a Prophet like Muhammed was in Muslim Religion.

Jesus was created like Mahoma to his image.

Jesus died for all us, without matter religion.

Yes I know because I have read Q¨ran, exactly, Jesus is a Prophet like Moses, Muhammad, Noah and Qran and New testament have many concidences because descended of the antique testament and over the earth were sent some Prophets like Muhammad, Jesus, Sidharta.

Conclusion for you and me, we are all brothers and we descend of the same persons.

Just, Jesus teached to Christians if we receive offence, offer our other cheek, but I dont understand why some people kill their enemies.
2008-06-06 16:56:35 UTC
"For if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and beleive in your heart that God raised him from the dead. You WILL be saved" Romans 10:9

My child, the Lord is with you right now as i write this, He loves you and knows the intent of your heart. Obviously you are committed to finding the truth and the way. He will recognize that and you will be blessed for it. may God be with you.
2008-06-07 06:06:27 UTC
to do that you have to accept jesus died on the cross and rose again other wise no
Just lil O me
2008-06-06 16:53:41 UTC
Jesus will accept you if you ask Him into your heart as your own personal savior: "Pray this so that you can hear yourself pray and say to Jesus, Jesus, come into my heart and save me from all sin and hell, forgive me of the same and write my name in the book of life, so that on judgement day my name will be found and I will be escorted into heaven, thank you Lord, for I believe I am now forgiven and you are now in my heart thus I am now born again, In Jesus Name I pray, Amen". after you pray this read the bible book of St.John, to learn more
2008-06-06 16:56:08 UTC
Your Muslim not Christian. If you want to follow Jesus then you must not have any other gods before him.
2008-06-06 16:55:12 UTC
You appear sincere, so I will be straight with you. Islam is a fake religion based on lies mixed with truth. The things you say about Jesus are by and large true, but he is not subordinate to Mohammed, and your service to him, as you put it, will be of no use to him if he doesn't know you. Not even the fake Christian deceivers like Benny Hinn will be accepted by Jesus on that day. You need to get to know Jesus personally. Once you do, only then will you know what a sham the Koran really is. I am sorry to have to put it so grossly, but would you prefer me to lie and placate you instead?
2008-06-06 16:53:42 UTC
Really, you will have to talk to Jesus about this one....
2008-06-06 17:42:58 UTC
What is your aim to ask these kind of questions ? And what do you trying to prove ? Tell me please.
2008-06-06 17:03:28 UTC
Habib does it really matter, It should only matter what Allah thinks
2008-06-06 16:54:02 UTC
I believe in superman so i wouldnt not about this i guess thats your opinion
2008-06-06 16:52:45 UTC
habib dude what do u care if he neglects you or not? are u forgetting ur a muslim man, the only thing you should care about is allah neglecting you not not jesus
Ⅾαɼƙ Uɱɓɼҽoɳ™
2008-06-06 16:56:42 UTC
Why are we trying to please someone who lived 2000 years ago? Its all in the past. Lets try and please the people who live now!
2008-06-06 16:53:22 UTC
Well, considering Jesus never existed I think you're safe.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.