It'll take a few hundred years of evolution belore the Muslims wise up!
God, Devil, Heaven, Hell don’t exist outside of the Bible/Quran! There is hardly any historical or archaeological evidence that any Bible story ever took place or that the main characters ever existed. In all the contributions that the Jews are making to humanity, SH*T HAPPENS! They wrote the Bible stories that are taken seriously by all brands of fundamentalist Christians and Muslims to bring so much death, wars, pain and suffering into our world! RELIGION IS AN INSULT TO HUMAN DIGNITY. With or without it, we do have good people doing good things and evil people doing bad things, but for any decent person in our society to do evil it takes religion. The POLITICALLY ORIENTED CLERGY know all about brainwashing!
Religion is a MENTAL DISORDER characterized by abnormalities in the perception and/or expression of reality. Distortions in perception may affect all five senses. It is a serious social disorder. In most severe cases, those affected are WILLING NOW TO KILL AND DIE, or at least SUPPORT THOSE WHO ARE PROMOTING SUCH BEHAVIOR! Religion has the power to change their mind to behave very silly in public. Among religious people of like faith and practice they are the champions of their own delusion!
MUSLIM MEN ARE SERIOUSLY LOOKING FORWARD TO GET 72 VIRGIN GIRLS IN PARADISE TO DEFLOWER FOR EVER AND EVER FOR ZILLIONS OF YEARS. As soon as they withdraw their blood stained penis from a girl’s vagina, she automatically becomes an inexperienced tight virgin again with a brand new hymen! The Muslim men will never lose their erection!
Judeo/Christianity has King Solomon DOING the same trick not on just 72, but on 1,000 girls of royal birth long before any Islamic religion ever existed! GOD made him “THE WISEST MAN EVER TO SET FOOT ON THE EARTH” (1Kin3:12) AND IT SHOWS! (Ecc9:5,10)
1 Kings 11:3 (NIV) He* (*King Solomon) had seven hundred wives of royal birth* (*700 neighbor Kings were breeding princesses just for him!) and three hundred concubines* (*300 sex partners with full benefits!)
SEX IS THE MAIN THEME IN THE BIBLE AND QURAN STORIES! Jesus will enjoy NOT 28, but 144,000 virgin Jewish boys, while Fundamentalist Christians (Luk20:34-35) will spend an asexual ETERNAL LIFE in Heaven worshiping a mysterious Holy Trinity “day and night, for ever and ever” (Rev 10:5-8). The 144,000 Jewish boys will surround Jesus Christ FOR ZILLIONS OF YEARS! THEY WERE “NEVER DEFILED BY WOMEN!” This obsession is DEEPLY ROOTED IN THE JEWISH BIBLE STORIES! Watch the 2 ladies missing in the picture!
Jesus taught that all sorts of body mutilation including CASTRATION are sure ways to get to Heaven without a hustle (Mat5:29-30)!
Mat 19:12 (Jesus says) and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs* (*guys crushing their testicles! The Islamic self bombers would die laughing if they heard about it) for the kingdom of Heaven's sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it* (*this ain’t NO BULL CRAP!)
Mormons, especially GOP Presidential candidates wear magic undergarments to keep them from sinning. Clinton didn’t wear any of that! Christians ignore the Bible story that in the days of Noah GOD’S ANGELS had to come down to this microscopic speck of dust called the Earth located in the back alley of this humongous universe because ONLY HERE they found “beautiful girls” to hook up with (Gen 6:1-4).
Revelation 14:3-4 (NIV) And they* (*CASTRATI --Google Wikipedia) sang a new song before the throne …NO ONE* (*in Heaven) COULD LEARN THE SONG except the 144,000 boys who had been redeemed from the earth* (*to be in Heaven for ZILLIONS of years and NEVER LEARN THE SONG?) These* (*144,000) are those who DID NOT DEFILE THEMSELVES WITH WOMEN* (*they are virgin!) for they kept themselves pure* (*To believe that you can find 144,000 virgin Jews anywhere in the world TODAY is a trick worth watching –Rev 7:1). THEY FOLLOW THE LAMB WHEREVER HE GOES* (*any straight Christian guy wishing to come near Jesus, aka “The Lamb” must elbow himself in through these 144,000 virgin Jews, while Christian ladies need to be very careful not to touch them!).
Only in the Jewish religion the Rabbis have the US Constitutional right to suck the penis of an infant boy NOW, TODAY, in this ONE NATION UNDER GOD EXACTLY like they did on the penis of God the Son Jesus Christ back in Bible times!
The Clergy knows how to make people feel guilty almost about anything! JWs won’t allow any life saving blood transfusion. Mormons won’t let their people drink coffee, Coca-Cola… and so on.