Will Islam ever disappear?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Will Islam ever disappear?
27 answers:
2011-06-23 12:20:53 UTC
it will. as the followers are nothing but a threat to humanity there will be a revolution.

the quran is corrupted, muslims have not memorized the quran it's all a hoax. islam is a hoax
2011-06-23 08:05:08 UTC
It's very likely that, even if it doesn't disappear altogether, it will face extermination in the foreseeable future.

Look at what the Muslims are, all over the World.

Over 90 % of them are living below the Poverty Line, according to their own Income Tax filing. Most of the Muslims, who aren't living off Charity and doles etc, are cab drivers, janitors and generally unskilled labor in dead end low paying work.

Ever wonder why?

Because they are born of uneducated, unskilled fathers who sired large families that they could ill afford to feed, leave alone educate. And those boys went and sired more of their miserable kind making the vicious circle that has the Muslims breeding like pigs in the squalor of their slums. Their Poverty is what breeds the youth joining the Muslim Gangs that sell Afghan drugs nowadays which fund their Terrorists. Sick people who go around sadistically raping local women while their Imams blame the non-hijabi ways of the local women for this. Ruffians who beat up gays and lesbians just to show their "Superiority" and also prey on other weak and defenseless people for the heck of it.

Literally, this makes the Muslims a burden on our Society because the large majority of them cost us for their existence while the very few that do have a decent education and a decent life, cannot contribute enough to offset the drain on our resources. And then, they are incessantly making demands for special treatment and more benefits, while they are already being an unwelcome burden on our Society.

That's the main reason why everyone is now turning against the Muslims and even the Liberals and their PC Brigades have ditched them.

Today, the Liberals and their PC Brigades have ditched the Muslims because they realized that the Muslims are a dead weight that will drag them down with themselves. It's also the main reason behind all the well to do Muslims becoming Muslims by name and not going to their mosque and avoiding the "True Muslims" because they don't to be associated with those kinds.

ACLU and the PC Brigades have distanced themselves from the Muslims.

Barak Hussein Obama the Second [according to his latest birth certificate] even supported the strengthening and extension of the Patriot Act that was earlier used against the Muslims to tap their phones and track their Internet etc, and even done the the Osama bin Laden song and dance drama to say that the Muslims are no longer his Friends.

Now, he's doing the "Irish Roots" song and dance drama instead of his earlier "Islamic Roots" routine.

The Movement to Stop the Spread of Islam is growing stronger every day and issues are being made of the burkha, the hijab, loudspeakers in mosques and the Friday Prayer spill over on to the roads. All of these are the prelude to the soon to come demand to ban Islam and to disenfranchise and deport the Muslims.

Once the mosques are banned, there will be violent riots in protest by the Muslims and this will lead to a Civil War where the Muslims will be slaughtered and the survivors will get disenfranchised and deported. And then, something or the other will spark off the total War against Islam and lead to the Third World War of the rest of the World against Islam where, as any one can see, the Muslims will be slaughtered and this madness will come to an end.

It's already begun in Scandinavia where they are constantly fighting the Muslims rioting. And, it will spread through Europe to the rest of the World.

2011-06-23 07:56:23 UTC
That would be the day !
Christian Sinner
2011-06-23 07:55:40 UTC
Yes, I believe it will because when Christ returns they wont be here. Especially if they took the Mark of the Beast . . . which something to consider concerning the Antichrist. He will require worship along with that mark, will a Muslim take the Mark of the Beast and worship the Beast or his image? If they do, then they will have become a Muslim apostate. If they don't, the Antichrist will have them killed. So I'm thinking that a part of the Muslim population will be exterminated in that way, wars another way, and when Christ returns, there will not be Muslims in the Millennium, nor any other religion.
2011-06-23 07:53:29 UTC
Jeeze, I certainly hope so. Actually I believe that at some point in our future, all religions will be reduced to oddities.
2011-06-23 08:00:03 UTC
for islam to disappear that would also mean the Judaism will disappear too. for one of those to happen means the world has come to an end and we all know that will be a long time b4 anything like that happens. so in a short little nice it will not disappear.
2016-07-14 06:06:13 UTC
I distrust any group who relies on the word or deed of some non-physical entity in the sky or other natural element. You want to worship something, worship the sun. as the life-giving, life-stealing be-all and end-all of human existence. be glad it's there, trust that it will always be there, until it expands to consume our world. beyond that, live and let live. and remove only those who absolutely refuse to stop killing/raping/abusing animals or children. Problems solved. Religion of any kind is a disease wherever it is being used for more than to comfort grieving widows and the like. Religion that even hints at you having to kill someone for not believing, or believing in some other invisible entity in the sky or ground, is not worth the paper it's written on. If islam is so damned peaceful and pretty, perhaps y'all should stop the buggers who dishonor its name. cause the publicity they engender do not serve your cause in the slightest.
2016-04-14 02:48:03 UTC
2016-02-11 21:54:09 UTC
If Allah created the world, who created the PIG?? You might say Allah did that to test humans. If Allah created humans, why does he test his creation? God means he is the most I correct?? So, if he is the superior power why cant he just create something full proof, no faults, no hunger, no health complications, no rich or poor, no war???

If Allah created the world, who created the Christians, Hindus, Buddhists....etc??? Why cant Allah or Jesus come down and stop all this human slaughter, animal slaughter and destruction in the world??? Why cant a Muslim question their so called God? Why cant Christians question their God??? If Islam is a religion of peace, why are they trying to destroy all other religions and philosophy s in the world and force Islam to be the only religion in the world??? Look at what they are doing to women, children, animals in the Gulf countries, specially Saudi Arabia. Why cant a Buddhist or an Hindu carry their Buddha s or god s pictures, books or let them practice them in Saudi or even in Maldives??? Is that the so called peace Islam practice???

There are many predictions that Islam and many other religions which are pushing their believes down people s throats will dissapear from the face of this earth in another 40 years approximately. I have a feeling that people will start to see this destruction and start to realize what they follow does more harm to the human kind than doing any good. It will not be very far that we will see these type of destructive religions will be rejected by people.

I see a bunch of people who has blind faith, not suppose to question their god or not learnt to respect other views are blindly following a religion which has created all present day s destruction in the world. I have nothing against anyone and I believe in one thing, that is humanity.
2011-06-23 07:52:26 UTC
If you convert and you stick with it, it will never disappear, even if you're the only one left. :P
2011-06-23 07:52:54 UTC

Millions of Muslims have the Quran memorized word for word.

All other religions might perish, but ISLAM's message will never be lost.

And God protects His true religion.

So rest assured that Islam will never disappear.
2013-11-05 02:57:13 UTC
Islam like other religions is rearing its head in the middle east as a religion of violence in regards to tolerance of kafur (google hindu and muslim and check the images, though they are not for the faint of heart).

They are getting no more converts than other religions but that pool is drying up due to secular education and people becoming more aware of abuses within religions (women's rights, violence, lack of freedom of speech).

Yes you do have your moderates but they still harbour values of Islam, and quite a few of those values just do not translate into modern culture and life. Islam and Christianity are well known for their intolerance of apostates, kafur, atheists, free thinkers, pro-choicers, LGBT, democratic government, other religions and even other sects of their own religion (look at Shia vs Sunni muslims and Catholic vs Protestant, or more recently Baptist vs Lutherans which is a sect within a sect).

The main problem with Islam over Christianity is that Christians got over the militant aspect largely a few hundred years ago, Islam never has moved on from the aggressive expansion and also where the Bible is open to interpretation and many vicars will tell you that it is not all literal and can be taken with a pinch of salt (and they are the majority of vicars), the Qu'ran is not under any circumstance open for debate or change. You can even look at respective prophets where Jesus is a blatant rip off of Horus and other pre-Abrahamic gods but also only really physically punishes the priesthood ripping off the poor, and Mohammed is violent towards Kafur when they do not wish to be converted, you can see that in the Verses of Violence.

The only reason Islam is in the spotlight is because of the violence and aggressiveness of albeit a minority, but a large minority, the majority of Muslims seem to not deal with themselves.

In terms of Islam disappearing, like other religions it is likely to go one of two ways, either it evolves into a truly peaceful religion like Buddhism or Jainism, or the militancy grows over the West rejecting Islamic doctrine on the street and that leaves most Muslims unable to fully integrate (which is sad) with other cultures and that leaves some marginalised leading to more militants which will inevitably end up going the way it did in China, where the people get so annoyed that laws are passed and action is taken to remove Islam from the west as a precautionary measure (I personally hope the first option happens).

I am personally an Atheist, I reject all religion because humanity is my business, not a deity, I personally do not really care if you convert to Islam or not, it is not my life nor my spirituality. However of all the religions that are prone to a volatile destiny, it is Islam, as you can see in terms of the issues I have outlined above.

Just for the record I do not intend to offend, I only intend to give a well thought answer and obviously not all Muslims are militant, but there are other issues within the religion besides violence which means it will never gain too much traction before people start getting angry, especially with the whole tension in the Middle East threatening to engulf the world because everyone wants Jerusalem and cant get past their religious intolerances and share.
2011-06-23 08:20:33 UTC
The stats state otherwise. Its gaining followers, loads and loads of them. According to PEW there will 2.2 billion Muslims in less than 20 years. Much more than Christianity.
2011-06-23 08:39:42 UTC
peace be up on you

brother...Islam is the last religion and the complement of all religions

islam doesn't have contradictions and it's a religion built on science and logical so there is no way that islam will disappear and the people are keep converting to islam especially from USA and allah said in quran that he will complete his light even if the disbelievers hated

Brother in Humanity
2011-06-23 08:03:00 UTC
Thank you for asking me about my religion.

Before i began to answer your question, i would like to state two important things:

1. As Muslims we cannot lie about anything, especially about our religion.

2. We have original recorded sources of our religion:

A) The Quran

B) Teachings of Muhammad - the Authentic saying or Sunnah

This is a unique part of Islam, not available in any other ancient religions.

Your fears will subside once you learn the TIMELESS nature of Gods message preserved in the Quran and Sahih hadith which are memorized by MILLions of followers of isamic faith.

rendering it impossible for ANYONE to change what has already been preserved over 1400 years of time through DIVINE copy right law.

Do read following links and remove any misconceptions pertaining to islam:

I Want to embrace Islam but ...

OK then, convince me... Why accept Islam

Islam will continue to succeed, with the permission of Allaah, so long as those who work for its sake are sincere and its followers adhere to it and believe in it, and apply its laws.

The fact that there are those who are not committed or who fall short will not prevent Islam from succeeding, with the permission of Allaah, and nothing can distort its beauty. Its light will not falter because some people abandon it or fail to adhere to it. What Islam has given humanity in the way of progress and civilization, and lifting them up from the darkness of oppression and enmity, is pride enough.
2011-06-23 07:53:57 UTC
No, there are more converts everyday to Islam then converts to any other religion. Go to the local mosque to get more answers or you can google Growth in Islam vs time.
2011-06-23 07:52:11 UTC
About the same time that Christianity disappears.
Initial contact
2011-06-23 07:59:13 UTC
Yes! Revelation says God will destroy all false religion.

Men will turn on each other to accomplish this.

God will put it into their hearts (Holy spirit) will cause them to turn on one-an-other.
2016-11-09 17:06:23 UTC
Bullshit from midwest. Go **** yourself
2011-06-23 07:53:19 UTC
Isaac and Ishmael are until there is nothing.
2011-06-23 08:00:13 UTC
No but Islam will proclaim over everything because Islam is the only true religion of God:

"Surely the true religion with God is Islam.." [Quran, 3:19]

"O ye who believe! Fear Allah as He should be feared, and die not except in a state of Islam." [Quran, 3:102]

"If anyone desires a religion other than Islam (i.e submission to God), Never it will be Accepted of God, and in the hereafter he will be in the ranks of those who have lost(all spiritual good)." [Quran, 3:85]

"Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error..." [Quran, 2:226]

"Say, 'The Truth is from your LORD': Let him who will believe, and let him who will reject it..." [Quran, 18:29]

"It is He(GOD) who hath sent His Messenger (Muhammad) with guidance and the Religion of Truth, TO PROCLAIM IT OVER ALL RELIGION, even though the Pagans may detest this religion." [Quran, 9:33]

***This is a clear promise of God, Islam will proclaim over all religion:

1. CNN - Fast-growing Islam winning converts in Western world - Apr. 14, 1997 (click here)

2. NBC news: 20000 Americans convert to Islam each year! (click here)
Padma Dhar N
2011-06-23 07:56:51 UTC
2011-06-23 07:55:23 UTC
No one can finish Islam
2011-06-23 07:56:40 UTC
Christianity'll probably go first, seeing as its older
2011-06-23 07:56:40 UTC
It'll take a few hundred years of evolution belore the Muslims wise up!

God, Devil, Heaven, Hell don’t exist outside of the Bible/Quran! There is hardly any historical or archaeological evidence that any Bible story ever took place or that the main characters ever existed. In all the contributions that the Jews are making to humanity, SH*T HAPPENS! They wrote the Bible stories that are taken seriously by all brands of fundamentalist Christians and Muslims to bring so much death, wars, pain and suffering into our world! RELIGION IS AN INSULT TO HUMAN DIGNITY. With or without it, we do have good people doing good things and evil people doing bad things, but for any decent person in our society to do evil it takes religion. The POLITICALLY ORIENTED CLERGY know all about brainwashing!

Religion is a MENTAL DISORDER characterized by abnormalities in the perception and/or expression of reality. Distortions in perception may affect all five senses. It is a serious social disorder. In most severe cases, those affected are WILLING NOW TO KILL AND DIE, or at least SUPPORT THOSE WHO ARE PROMOTING SUCH BEHAVIOR! Religion has the power to change their mind to behave very silly in public. Among religious people of like faith and practice they are the champions of their own delusion!

MUSLIM MEN ARE SERIOUSLY LOOKING FORWARD TO GET 72 VIRGIN GIRLS IN PARADISE TO DEFLOWER FOR EVER AND EVER FOR ZILLIONS OF YEARS. As soon as they withdraw their blood stained penis from a girl’s vagina, she automatically becomes an inexperienced tight virgin again with a brand new hymen! The Muslim men will never lose their erection!

Judeo/Christianity has King Solomon DOING the same trick not on just 72, but on 1,000 girls of royal birth long before any Islamic religion ever existed! GOD made him “THE WISEST MAN EVER TO SET FOOT ON THE EARTH” (1Kin3:12) AND IT SHOWS! (Ecc9:5,10)

1 Kings 11:3 (NIV) He* (*King Solomon) had seven hundred wives of royal birth* (*700 neighbor Kings were breeding princesses just for him!) and three hundred concubines* (*300 sex partners with full benefits!)

SEX IS THE MAIN THEME IN THE BIBLE AND QURAN STORIES! Jesus will enjoy NOT 28, but 144,000 virgin Jewish boys, while Fundamentalist Christians (Luk20:34-35) will spend an asexual ETERNAL LIFE in Heaven worshiping a mysterious Holy Trinity “day and night, for ever and ever” (Rev 10:5-8). The 144,000 Jewish boys will surround Jesus Christ FOR ZILLIONS OF YEARS! THEY WERE “NEVER DEFILED BY WOMEN!” This obsession is DEEPLY ROOTED IN THE JEWISH BIBLE STORIES! Watch the 2 ladies missing in the picture!

Jesus taught that all sorts of body mutilation including CASTRATION are sure ways to get to Heaven without a hustle (Mat5:29-30)!

Mat 19:12 (Jesus says) and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs* (*guys crushing their testicles! The Islamic self bombers would die laughing if they heard about it) for the kingdom of Heaven's sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it* (*this ain’t NO BULL CRAP!)

Mormons, especially GOP Presidential candidates wear magic undergarments to keep them from sinning. Clinton didn’t wear any of that! Christians ignore the Bible story that in the days of Noah GOD’S ANGELS had to come down to this microscopic speck of dust called the Earth located in the back alley of this humongous universe because ONLY HERE they found “beautiful girls” to hook up with (Gen 6:1-4).

Revelation 14:3-4 (NIV) And they* (*CASTRATI --Google Wikipedia) sang a new song before the throne …NO ONE* (*in Heaven) COULD LEARN THE SONG except the 144,000 boys who had been redeemed from the earth* (*to be in Heaven for ZILLIONS of years and NEVER LEARN THE SONG?) These* (*144,000) are those who DID NOT DEFILE THEMSELVES WITH WOMEN* (*they are virgin!) for they kept themselves pure* (*To believe that you can find 144,000 virgin Jews anywhere in the world TODAY is a trick worth watching –Rev 7:1). THEY FOLLOW THE LAMB WHEREVER HE GOES* (*any straight Christian guy wishing to come near Jesus, aka “The Lamb” must elbow himself in through these 144,000 virgin Jews, while Christian ladies need to be very careful not to touch them!).

Only in the Jewish religion the Rabbis have the US Constitutional right to suck the penis of an infant boy NOW, TODAY, in this ONE NATION UNDER GOD EXACTLY like they did on the penis of God the Son Jesus Christ back in Bible times!

The Clergy knows how to make people feel guilty almost about anything! JWs won’t allow any life saving blood transfusion. Mormons won’t let their people drink coffee, Coca-Cola… and so on.
2011-06-23 08:05:39 UTC
No. The creator knows best. Allah choose Islam which means submission and obedience to one God. Muslims Prostrate to Allah only and none other.

I pray to Allah that he lighten your heart and make your journey in Peace. My Brother Peace and Blessing of Allah (ST) be with you. Ameen
Wandering Stranger
2011-06-23 07:51:52 UTC
Doubt it.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.