Please someone explain to me how god can be real?!?
2014-06-22 23:14:32 UTC
I don't mean to offend those of you who are very religious.....I'm just trying to get some help.
What I don't understand is how god can be real. Like I said in one of my other questions, just think of Greek or other cultural mythology. Most of them focus on many gods and goddesses. And are those real? No. So what's the difference between those gods and this god?
Also, if there is a god, why does everything bad in the world that happens happen if god is supposed to be so good and powerful? Most people say its the devil that does the bad things, but common now. A red man with a pointy stick and tail that lives in the middle of the earth? I'm sure most people have taken some kind of science class so I'm not even gonna explain that one. And besides, with the world we live in now everything is bad. Are you trying to tell me that satan is overpowering god and one day will rule the earth and everywhere will be a firey hell?
Sorry if I'm being a little overly dramatic, but this whole idea is bizarre.
But the real reason that I'm asking is because I am only 14 and my whole family is religious and expects me to believe all of this and I lie to them saying I do because who knows what they will do if I don't.
So explain to me how god CAN be real after reading what I have to right, and hopefully it's a better answer than "God is real. Know one knows how or why but he is." Which is what most people say.
25 answers:
2014-06-23 12:41:54 UTC
How can the universe create itself out of nothingness? Doesn't it make sense to assume the existence of a Creation. This statement is tricky because it sneaks in the false assumption that GOD came from somewhere and then asks where that might be. The answer is that the question does not even make sense. It is like asking, “What does blue smell like?” Blue is not in the category of things that have a smell, so the question itself is flawed. In the same way, GOD is not in the category of things that are created or caused. GOD is uncaused and uncreated—He simply exists.

We know that from nothing, nothing comes. So, if there were ever a time when there was absolutely nothing in existence, then nothing would have ever come into existence. But things do exist. Therefore, since there could never have been absolutely nothing, something had to have always been in existence. That ever-existing being is what we call GOD ,GOD is the un-caused Being that caused everything else to come into existence. God is the uncreated Creator who created the universe and everything in it.

The universe requires a cause because it had a beginning, GOD unlike the universe, had no beginning, so he doesn’t need a cause. Einstein’s theory of general relativity, which has much experimental support, shows that time is linked to matter and space. So time itself would have begun along with matter and space. Since GOD is the creator of the whole universe, he is the creator of time. Therefore He is not limited by the Reality, Time dimension He created..
Bamboo tiger
2014-06-23 04:50:57 UTC
The Bible shows that the ruler of the world is Satan. He is not the ruler of the world because he is more powerful than God, but because most people choose not to listen to God and do his will.God allows this rebellion against him for a time to settle the issues raised in the Garden of Eden. Satan claimed that humans would be better off ruling themselves and that they could decide for themselves what is right and wrong. So Jehovah has allowed thousands of years for man to try every form of self government and even to develop scientific understanding and technology.

Another issue raised in the Gorden of Eden is whether there are humans who would remain faithful to Jehovah and try their best to do his will and live by his standards. It is like a courtroom trial, and the small number of humans who have chosen to listen to Jehovah and obey him are called his witnesses.

(Isaiah 43:10) 10 “You are my witnesses,” declares Jehovah, “Yes, my servant whom I have chosen, So that you may know and have faith in me And understand that I am the same One. Before me no God was formed, And after me there has been none.

Satan the Devil is not red, does not live underground somewhere, and does not have a pointy stick or a pointy tail, or anything like that. He is an invisible spirit creature and according to the Bible he was cast down from heaven and is now in the vicinity of the earth.

(Revelation 12:9) 9 So down the great dragon was hurled, the original serpent, the one called Devil and Satan, who is misleading the entire inhabited earth; he was hurled down to the earth, and his angels were hurled down with him.

Here is more information for you.

Why Does God Allow Evil and Suffering?
2014-06-24 21:10:30 UTC
I am speaking from a Catholic's point of view and I do not mean to offend or attack any atheists. I highly respect atheist's opinion's as well. But any religion that looks up to a superior being, in this case, God, must be faithful. The definition of faith is to believe and trust something that has no evidence or proof. That being said, us Catholic's (and Christians) only have faith as our only evidence. To me, I am very faithful, but I respect anyone that might see this as preposterous. Anyway, there are some natural signs that refer to God. For example, there is a galaxy in space that is shaped like a cross. There are also lunar signals that refer to the Bible as well. But for most of us, we must be faithful. If I were to speak from an atheists point of view, it would be easier to doubt a superior being. Why? Because there is no proof. I hope that helped. Sorry if I offended anyone
2014-06-23 02:56:08 UTC
Everything in life has a positive and negative. However much people moan, there is still more positive than negative or there would be nothing at all. Without a creator or anything to maintain the elements needed for life there would still be nothing. If you think there is nothing and you don't exist, then carry on being an atheist. I know different.
2014-06-23 01:19:52 UTC
lots of different answers. are you willing to know you have seen God. God made male and female in His image. when you look in a mirror do you see your image or nothing. now google Genesis 1 v 16 and know last 5 words were added. read again without those 5 then read Deuteronomy 11 v 12. one day or one year. you like all on earth look at God yet everyone ignores that fact. now turn to Isaiah 43 v 10-13.
2014-06-24 01:50:35 UTC
God is more than just the Bible. God is universal. Look beyond yourself and you'll realize and ask yourself how COULDN'T God be real? How could anything exist without God? It couldn't.

hari bol
2014-06-23 01:37:32 UTC

I am not surprised by your confusion, as people today portray God and Satan as mythical figures...why?

Well the answer is simple, people generally have absolutely no idea of who God is. They have been told so much lies, distortions and misundertandings that they are all thoroughly confused.

Unfortunately instead of checking in, or reading the Bible, themselves and asking God for His help to understand it. They rely on people, their priests, pastors and clergymen to tell them what the Bible teaches.

Now think about it, the clergy themselves have no idea, what the Bible states, and have interpreted the scriptures according to their own understanding....they have not relied on God. How can I state this?

Well if that is not the case....why then are there so many religions within Christendom?

Most of Christendom's clergy do not acknowledge Satan, and so little is taught about him. Hence people now mock and portray Satan as a little red devil, with two horns and a forked tail...they even make him appear cute and innocent as a cartoon figure. So people do not take him seriously

If you read the Bible, Satan is a very powerful force, in fact he was once a high ranking angel of God. However he wanted all worship for himself, and was jealous of God's position as Sovereign Ruler.

Satan wanted all people to worship him, so he made himself an enemy of God, even telling God, that if God gives him enough time, he will prove that he can get people on his side. God is allowing Satan the time now, to do this. You see God, whose name is Jehovah, wants us all to have choices. All He asks of us, is to get to know Him, to find out who He is, and how much He loves us. The more knowledge we have of Jehovah God, the more we will come to love Him !

Satan knows this, so what has he done? Well easy....he has confused people so much about Jehovah God, that they accept anything that they are taught. So Satan has used people to help him, confuse

Simple,,,, Satan uses people who serve God, out of selfishness. There are many religions set up, for material gain and power. These religions do not know God, and they do not care about God, they are in it for their own desires. So Satan cunningly uses such people to distort the word of God, the Bible, and so many lies about God, and even Satan have been spread.

Many religions have done more damage than good, and have been Satan's puppets for many decades.

People though, have been so misled and confused that many have turned their backs on God, without ever knowing Him. Even God's name is unknown to them.

Do you agree that Satan has been really subtle and clever, in misleading mankind?

There is so much to show you from the Bible and to tell you about, that unfortunately there is not enough space to do so here. However if you want to know more, I am willing to show you, so that you then can see what the Bible really teaches, and then make up your own mind. If you wish, you can email me at
2014-06-22 23:16:33 UTC
It can't.

More important question: what is this aversion to paragraphs I've been seeing?
2014-06-24 11:54:55 UTC
bad things in the world doesnt preclude God
2014-06-23 02:41:14 UTC
Your rant here proves to me God is real. There is no way that if there is no God you would be bothered like that.

If you really want to find God(Jesus) then really make an effort to seek him. I challenge you to rant to Jesus to prove himself to you. Not just for a couple minutes but 21 days.
2014-06-23 01:43:26 UTC
Check out

on that webpage there's amzing evidence for God's existence.

I'd like to answer you and give you very valid proofs, but i don't want my reply to very looONG. so i'm just going to share everything with you and then you can do your own research and look up what i said

- T-Rex proves the earth is young when they found soft tissue on it.

- T- Rex's teeth proves he was not a dinasour eater. his teeth were drenched with chlorophyll from the inside. also his teeth are only 2 inches deep so he couldn't bite into the hide of another dinasour.

-the magnetic field of the earth proves that the earth is young. the magnetic field is decaying and 20 thousand years ago (if evolution is true), the magnetic field would have equaled that of a star. In this condition life could not exist.

- the mienrals in the sea prove that the earth is young. as we know rivers and streams carry with them minerals down to the sea all the time. if evolution is true and the earth millions and billions of years old, there should be enough mineral salts in the sea to make us literraly walk on our sea.

-the perfect conditions for life on earth. such stuff cannot happen by chance.

-the fossils that havce been pushed forward as proof by evolutionists have been disproved one by one - some even proved to be hoaxes, the fastest example would be piltdown man. i don't understand how people still believe the same people who are LYING to them.

-there has been no observation of evolution at all. hearing, sight, or touch, or smell. it's sad how evolutionists will say "i don't see God, i don't hear Him, then He doesn;t exist" but creationists can't use the argument, " i don't see evolution, i don't observe evolution, then it's simply not true".

- evolution is like that cinderella story of the pumpkin turning into a chariot. The evolutionist made it more believable by saying it took millions of years for it to occur. the only difference is that it's the other way around, life from non life.... Can you believe that we somehow turned into other creatures?! If so shouldn't we find transitionary fossils (go back above to the point i made about fossils)

- the geologic column that evolutionists protray in their textbooks are not obeyed in real life. they've found mixed fossils in the layers.

- read up on why carbon dating is a very wrong method of dating. they once dated a living snail and it turned out to be 27 000 years old!!! WHEN IT WAS ALIVE IN FRONT OF THEM. (the evolutionist will now claim there are other ways to date). my answer is "read up on why the other methods of dating are also wrong". found on

-evolution taught that a strange species called the coelacanth went extinct 66 million years ago. problem is recently fisherman caught it! so creationist question goes like this, "if evolution is true why has that species stayed the same for more than 60 million years UNEVOLVED?

- there are many flows in evolution, especially with the dates they put on animals. in one instance or two, the evoluted creature turned out to be older than his ancestor.

-have you ever heard that nebraska man was built from a tooth of a pig? how about neaderthal man being built from the bones of a man who died in France in from arthritis?

-have you heard of scientists studying the DNA and finding out that we as humans are devolving rather than evolving.

simply visit the first link above and you'll receive enough evidence anyway
2014-06-23 00:21:59 UTC
Evolution is more senseless than religions ,not to say that some religions are wrong.

How can any living thing come out of nothing?

Definitely Christianity is false.Yes,there are scientific miracle in them like facts which no one at that time knew but there are scientific flaws so blatant that any non-christian child could point it out.The Bible was changed and altered through time,so no one should accept it as a whole.There was a period in time when people thought that the world was flat and circular .The Bible says exactly that "the world is a circle".Note that a circle is 2D like a flat coin unlike a 3D sphere.Even if someone thinks the word circle means sphere,it is still wrong because the world is not spherical.It is oblaque like an ostrich's egg.An ostrich's egg is exactly like the earth,It is spherical-like but flattened at the poles and bulging from the middle.

There are many many mistakes and contradictions in the bible.

And yes there is such a things as Heaven and Hell because there exists the God who judges.

Yes God exists but Christianity is not the true religion.

Everything around you is proof of God.Everything in nature plays in harmony and works together to form a perfectly sustainable system.There is not a single flaw that exists which would be even remotely detrimental to overall life on earth.Think about this clearly,deeply if you will and things will start to makes sense.How can this be possible ......

Of course God exists but the true religion is neither paganism,nor superstition,nor christianity,nor Buddhism nor Hinduism.

Just look at yourself for example.How perfect the human form is.With whatever necessary needed to make it the dominant species in the long run.

[The Human body is the most perfect creation of God.It is not 'perfect' but it s as perfect as possible.As I've said we have whatever it would take to become the dominant species in the long run thereby putting us top of the animal kingdom despite animals having certain advantages over us.So we have the overall/net advantage.]

Just look at the flaws of evolution.There is something called 'a missing link' where there is a hole in the appeared evolving of animals.All of a sudden there appears to be a sudden change in animals all around the world.Also Some animals thought to have evolved seperately from other animals have developed the exact same mechanism as those animals that took a different evolutionary path.How is this possible.

Now just think,suppose a evolution did happen and a micro organism formed by accident.At the immediate second it became alive it had to have the ability to eat,breath,excrete ,reproduce etc. at the very instant it was born. IF even one of the mechanisms did not exist then the organism would die the next second it was born.So how did everything come exactly as life would require it?And that too in a single instant the 'mistake' happened?Let us now consider single aspects at a time- So suppose if the organism was born it would have to have evolved the ability to reproduce.But it had no ancestors to evolve from.So it could not multiply (without considering it would die due inability to breath,inability to eat,missing digestive system for specific food it eats etc.) and therefore no offspring.Therefore no life would be there today.Now suppose an organism was born by accident,it needs a developed system for food and excretion from the very instant it came alive because the food not only has to be captured but it also has to be utilised and the waste removed because the waste would possibly cause harm.The same applies to the other requirements for life.Further more,DNA is like a DVD that requires a computer to be of any use.DNA just floating around does not do anything.It requires a body capable of reading the information and then implementing it.You see ,so the organism 'also' had to have a DNA containing all the information of the body structure (even the the body structure was by accident-so how did it know?) and also a system capable of containing the information and processing it.

Scientist have created proteins in situations similar to those of a young earth.Guess what.Like DNA,protein does not mean life.It requires an already fully functioning body to be of any use in life processes.

The ability for an animal or organism to learn from it's surrounding and genetically adapt is within the DNA.So what small modifications we 'do' see are nothing but "adaptive mutation".Without DNA that allows for the specific changes in DNA,evolution could not occur.So yes we are evolving now, but did not evolve into existence.Many who do not believe in God embrace the theory that living things emerged from lifeless chemicals through unknown and mindless processes.

Supposedly, at some point a bacteria-like, self-replicating organism arose, gradually branching out into all the species that exist today. This would imply that ultimately the mind-bogglingly complex human actually evolved from bacteria.Bacteria!

Since evolution is not true in any way the only plausible conclusion is that a Single Creator exists.Even by using one's wisdom one must realise that everything had to come from something that had always existed.This is the only way how our reality of cause-and-effect can operate.If every effect had a cause which is also an effect of another cause and so on ,the universe could not exist. It's like asking who created us ?Who created God?Who created that God and so on....therefore an entity who always existed and with the power of creation is the only way else we would not be here because the effect requires a cause which is itself not an effect.So even from an evolutionary point of view,the blob of matter and energy that exploded at the time of the big bang always existed no matter how far back in time you go.There has to be a starting point which itself did not have a beginning.This applies to God too.He can only have always existed else we would not be here.He is an element of reality just as 2+2 equals 4.

The theory of evolution is also embraced by many who claim to accept God. They believe that God produced the first burst of life on earth but then simply monitored, and perhaps steered, the process of evolution. That, however, is not any religion says. Creationists are simply confused between two things that seem or appear real to them.So they crammed the idea together.

But you see there is sufficient evidence 'against evolution ' that scientists just ignore as 'unexplainable'.But what they fail to realise is that if even a single piece of evidence contradicts evolution then evolution is false.Evolution seems the way to go because it seems logical on the surface,but just as I've explained in the previous post there are logic flaws you will come across if you dwell too deeply on the subject .Because nothing can come into existence by itself by simple logic.

I think evolutionist have been under an illusion due to so called evidence of ancient animals that appear similar to today's animals and such (even though a 'missing link' exists!). But the real evidence is logic which they failed to analyse.The burden of proof rests on the person making the positive claim? If you cannot understand the explanations of it given by me on this forum then Google it and maybe you'll find an explanation that you can understand.

Of course religions have been altered and many bad things and wrong things are happening because of it .Only one true religion exists that has never been altered but i think it would be best if i did not tell you here.

also According to evolution we cannot have free will as we are just a cocktail of chemical and electrical signals in a lump of flesh called a brain.SO you and I think we are real and think we have a choice when actually we are influenced by happenings in the surrounding which we cannot control.

The world has become more materialistic-more atheistic.There is no true happiness there.Have'nt you noticed how famous rich people try drugs/alcohol/gambling etc. to fill in that empty void in their hearts?They mentally satisfied but in thier heart there is nothing but emptyness.IN the end even these high class people end up with depression,anxiety and what not.You may even probably be better off than some of them believe me(they've tried rehabilitation several times yet still jump to drugs and suicide)

Also I will give you a simple solution to your problems that I have been meaning to give to other people as well.

Follow what is common between the major religions.In that way you are most likely to be safe cause believers in god would not suffer 'eternal hell' (unless they did something really wrong)

Here are some of the rules-

1.Worship only one god(Monotheism)

2.Do not pray to god through anyone else(like a priest or a saint or a dead person etc.)

3.Do not at all commit Murder,theft,adultery,gambling ,indulging in intoxicants(like drugs ,alchohol etc.),unprovoked retaliation etc.

4.Do not have an image of god even in your mind

Even in hinduism there are religious texts proclaiming one god but says that idol worship is okay but only for people of lower level of connectedness with god.But in other religions this is one of the biggest sins.

Don't ever look to Atheism for an answer.Coz,what if you die and then it turns out that there is a god.Better safe than eternally sorry.


[Also(I'm not exactly sure) if you follow what is common between Christians and Muslims (these guys are the most misunderstood people in the world ,anyways if you follow what is common your safe in judaism and hinduism and buddhism as well -this is my conclusion from the research i've done in my life]

Email me at for some answers.I can try to help you but I too am only young.
andy c
2014-06-23 00:11:13 UTC
The devil wants you to think the idea of a malevolent spirit is ridiculous. In the Book of Revelation it states that just before the End, things will get worse- many Christians believe we are nearing the End.

God is real because the universe is too orderly to create itself. Do you really think the diversity of life on Earth is down to random mutation? The Bible has lasted thousands of years, and is read in just about every country. Billions of people believe that they have experienced Jesus in their lives- just because you haven't yet, doesn't mean He is not real.
2014-06-22 23:48:35 UTC
If you think about it, how can everything exist without God(Christian). God made everything but he did not make sin; Lucifer did. If you believe in the 'Big Bang Theory', explain to me how can a explosion create a thing(s) and how did it all began? Nothing existed from the past but God did. He was always there.
2014-06-22 23:41:34 UTC
"The gods can either take away evil from the world and will not, or, being willing to do so, cannot; or they neither can nor will, or lastly, they are both able and willing. If they have the will to remove evil and cannot, then they are not omnipotent. If they can, but will not, than they are not benevolent. If they are neither able nor willing, then they are neither omnipotent nor benevolent. Lastly, if they are both able and willing to annihilate evil, how does it exist?" — Epicures, 300 BC
The Whistling Gypsy
2014-06-22 23:38:10 UTC
I'm not sure if this will help, but please give it a try. Dealing with parents who suffer from delusions can be difficult. I've been there. Good luck.
2014-06-22 23:24:42 UTC
bad things in the world doesnt preclude God
2014-06-22 23:22:53 UTC
Most people say He is real simply because of life.

That there is life, and they are alive.

Basically, that is what it boils down to.

From there, having accepted such a reality, they look for signs.

Because God hides, or is not we are all looking for signs.

How you look at life is how you find God.

If you are looking for God....this is how we have to track Him.

Through our personal spiritual deserts, through our tragic selfish desires, through our crushed spirits.

Until we are thoroughly beaten by life, until we are face to face with the terrible and wonderful things we experience....this is a way to see God.

To understand our limitations while at the same time dealing with our powerful egos.
2014-06-22 23:22:29 UTC
I've questioned the existence of a "God" many times. But the Christian God is very real and has proved himself to me time and time again. One thing that really sticks out to me is how did the Big Bang happen? Something can't just form from nothing. An obvious act of God. Anyways you might not care for what I have to say, but just flip through a bible one day. It's one of the most interesting things you'll ever read. I hope this was of some help to you, and I pray you come around to faith in God.
Mackenzie Kay
2014-06-22 23:21:16 UTC
How cant God be real? Do you think the bible was written by Nicholas sparks and made to make girls cry in the movie theatre? No. Look around you at the good. If there was no God there would be no good. Why? God made it. It's too hard to explain why God is real or how He is real. It honestly is. I've been taking religion class for 15 years and I still can't explain it. That's how wonderful His Majesty is. He's too real to explain. To amazing to even get a small glimpse and still be the same.
2014-06-22 23:20:18 UTC
Because we first have to decide what we mean by "real"!

whatever "god" means (besides 'dog; spelled backwards) is is NOT anything we can imagine.

the Zen buddhists say " the TAO is not the TAO" . Tao being something like what we call god. If you you think you know, you MUST be wrong.

Science is about how the universe works to the best we can guess. No scientist is ever 10.00000...% sure science ideas are right complete and correct. Religious people often CLAIM to know the "TRUTH" Some are willing to die for their beliefs, too many are willing to kill others for their won beliefs.
2014-06-22 23:19:02 UTC
God is more than just the Bible. God is universal. Look beyond yourself and you'll realize and ask yourself how COULDN'T God be real? How could anything exist without God? It couldn't.

hari bol
2014-06-22 23:17:56 UTC
Google. Deism Why Does Suffering Exist.
2014-06-23 18:31:03 UTC
bad things in the world doesnt preclude God
2014-06-22 23:56:57 UTC
Religion & the belief of God are based on faith. Either you have Faith (you believe) or you do not.

People cannot convince you, or at least they shouldn't be able to. If you can be spoon fed the info now, someone will likely spoon feed you the opposite later on. You will spend your life confused about your religion/beliefs since it's a VERY confusing subject. There are ppl who don't even read the bible or tanakh who will tell you what they think it says/means. You just have to read the bible or tanakh for yourself. If you allow people to just tell you this stuff, or if you see a person that has a lot of faith & it makes you believe more - that's no good. You really have to believe it for yourself, because it's what you believe. That's faith. It cannot be swayed. Otherwise, you'll wind up being one of those people who starts out in one religion, & then starts religion hopping just b/c they get married to someone from that faith system or whatever. You should choose a religion/believe in God because you actually believe in it. You should be able to stay that way for your entire life. If you can't you simply don't believe in it & have no business wasting anymore time on the subject unless it's to do research.

I know it seems like a daunting/disheartening task, but its very important. Most people give up on God/Religion/Faith because it's so difficult to sort it all out. Some ppl say there are contradictions, which actually isn't true this is based on multiple professors work, while others aren't even willing to look into it. Realize things happen in the bible that are not physically possible. That's why ppl don't accept it. Also, because they don't want to live like it says. There are a lot of people who misunderstand the messages. There are some who twist the words so it means what they want. You really have to do the research & think for yourself. Don't let other ppl say, "well, do you think that's possible." b/c when it comes down to it anything is possible with God. You just have to find God for yourself. & you will find your faith. Some ppl find God b/c he shows himself to them (eyewitness accounts of ppl seeing Jesus, God, Angels, Near Death Experiences, etc). Some ppl find God b/c they ask for his grace. They'll be in a tight pinch & pray asking for a miracle or something outstanding - it happens so they are convinced. Most ppl can't believe it so they keep asking for things, only to come to the realization that it can't possibly be coincidence or probability. So what approach are you going to take?

Find your faith/belief there in the words of the lord. Pray. If you want to know God or the son of God pray & ask the Lord to show him to you. There are plenty of people who have done this & claimed to have had their prayers answered. Most people are content to look around. None of this can happen on accident. You soon realize that science, physics, & quantum physics are not fully understood or explained. Even their theories will change in the next 100 years. Because no one knows for sure. There is no definitive proof.

Any proof related to God - is recorded in religious texts. It's all eye witness accounts, or people who wrote about those who experienced it. There is no scientific proof. However, there are scientists who believe there is evidence - some believe the god particle is one of them. Do the research for yourself.

You'll realize when you read the christian bible that it's based off the tanakh. you will realize that it was once written in another language. You will realize that there are mistranslations because of this. You will realize very quickly that it's all based on Faith. & you'll be back at square one.

Do yourself a favor. Read the religious texts. Pray to God directly & ask him to show himself to you. If you ask him to give you a sign you could totally mistake it. Keep asking. The only way to get proof of God is by asking God himself to give it to you.

If there's anything any religious document has taught's that you have to ask & you shall recieve. So ask, don't give up, & see what happens. See if you feel differently. Good Luck!

Pray & ask for God to show himself to you or make your faith stronger. Read your Bible.

Check out this Near Death Experience this lady died & her surgeon even thinks she really saw heaven/etc.

There's other stories on youtube of ppl praying asking to see God or Jesus. Youtube it up. BTW the bible facts you posted are incorrect you really need to READ your bible. Even if you don't believe in it. You will have to read it to authenticate your claims & to be sure other people aren't feeding you b.s. Because you can sit there and argue all day, you'd better be able to back up what you are saying. Even on here some of the answers you got with 'proofs' are total bull. You need to do the research. Please don't let these people spoon feed you info about religion. Especially since it's all based on Faith either way. If people understood - i mean really understood - the bit about having Faith....then no one would have to argue. Because they would realize it's not a choice, either you believe or you don't. You can do research all day if you have a certain belief you will almost always stick to it. Even if someone presents another valid point (if you're stubborn). What you believe is what you believe. That's the main ponit of the bible is that it's based on faith. & that goes for every other religious system/text.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.