1rst, the Bible severely warns us not 2 trust humans (including clergy), not even ourselves (Jer 10:2-5,23; Is 2:22; Job 12:11; Prov 14:12; Acts 17:11). So carefully think over what I say. Dont just believe or dismiss what I write so u wont make the mistake many have, getting caught up in religious beliefs that wont lead u 2 God (things written about the Bible r by man not Jesus - like books/commentaries).
Never forget: Neither a label, title, name, its history, # of members, amount of time it existed or whats claimed about them means anything - its whats practiced that makes it valid or a lie or not useful (even with respect 2 Bibles). Most Bibles contain the truth but many hv bad errors (also, spinning wheels over a name isnt useful - the JWs got so rapped up in Jahovah issue that they completely missed the truth of who God & Jesus actually r which nullifies all they teach & they r good @ gathering all kinds of knowledge, much of it carnal, but the root of their problems is so great they'll never know who Jesus really is or how 2 follow Him).
Many dont know that God is well aware many would [un]intentionally twist & prevert His Word so He invented a system in the Bible that will never change (Just like God & Jesus - more visible in word 4 word/literal versions). No matter how many people tried [un]intentionally 2 rewrite or change the language of the Bible God protected the real truth that stands 4ever unchanged - so discussing/debating KJV issues r moot points especially b/c its obsolete (the tree/stake or cross argument is also nonsense & trivial compared 2 major issues omitted by many but it was a cross).
No matter how much well-meaning people (religious or not) read the Bible they cant find Jesus Christ without going directly 2 Jesus thru His Biblical instructions (Jn 5:39; 10:1,7; 3:3,5). God outsmarted man - the Bible's the only 1 that cant b properly understood without Jesus (Jn 14:6; II Cor 3:14; Is 29:11-12 - If Jewish people cant pierce the veil over the OT without Jesus then 4 sure all gentiles cant). Thats why theres many interpretations & many thinking its just fairytales (Jesus came with the sword of division).
While the King James version (even with some errors) was fine in its day its now obsolete. This is b/c Older (including the Middle English KJV) English hasnt been spoken fluently 4 nearly 175 years (even word 4 word/literal translation methods wont help much) & since we dont have that mindset (along with non-usage or different usage of words since then) its much more difficult 2 understand, almost like learning a new language. The continued usage of Older English after it was no longer used publically by well-meaning (as well as others with hidden agendas) people trying 2 hang on 2 tradition only wound up promoting & continuing Biblical ignorance - its hard enough 2 understand whats in the Bible even in plainer modern English without adding more roadblocks present in Older English.
Well-meaning people will tell u the KJV is the only "authorized" version (KJV is authorized by a "human" king not God). It doesnt matter which religions (Catholic, Protestant or other) continued 2 use it b/c religion, its rituals & its human traditions cant lead u 2 the real Jesus. While KJV may b poeticly nice the Bible isnt about poetry. Choosing a Bible b/c its popular isnt the right/best criteria 2 base 1's choice on. The truth's hidden in the Bible. It takes lots of time & energy 2 mine it as is.
Use a Bible version that gives 1 the quickest path 2 the truth 4 the best chance not 2 b confused, which u'll hv along the way - especially 4 young people - what u feed children spiritually will affect the outcome - imput = output (Always get a Bible with references 4 related texts). I hv access 2 30+ translations (only 2 r the best so others rnt useful - see below).
I recommend the English Standard Version (ESV) as its an easy 2 read but more accurate version than what others will suggest. Its very important 2 understand the most accurate Bibles r those that r word 4 word or a combination of word 4 word + the right amount of literal translation (4 readability). Presently, theres over 30 versions of the Bible. Only a few r translated close 2 whats in the original text. The ESV adheres 2 the word for word method while making it easy 2 read (literal method) - the best accurate Bible 4 the younger crowd - but its good 4 parents, children & others 2 be reading the same Bible 4 good communication (get 1 with verse references so u can easily look up related text).
Be wise stay away from all other popular versions b/c they, 2 1 degree or another hv rewritten passages/verses as translators tried 2 make versions so-called easier/more pleasurable 2 read - the Bible isnt a storybook or novel. Many were trying 2 please humans instead of God. While many were well-meaning they watered down/caused significant changes 2 the meaning of God's actual message/block the true power of God's word from being rightly understood. The more liberally applied the worse the version (especially 4 hidden agendas) - perversion 2 1 degree or another. The translations that hv inherent problems/errors (including those having any so-called "lost" or Apocrypha books b/c they dont adhere 2 the foundation/structure of the rest of the Bible) include but r not limited 2:
All old(er) English versions like the King James Version (KJV), American Standard Version (ASV), Revised English Version (REV), Darby; & all Catholic versions; middle of the road type versions - CJB, NJB, the (NASB), NKJV, NRSV, HCSV, CEV, GNB, NCV; worse versions (If u want 2 know God's actual message dont use these versions @ all - they will give u a distorted picture/message & u could wind up remembering them that way - especially our impressionable children) - the LT, NIV, NIRV, NLV, NLT, TNIV, NLV; The Way - Paraphrased + the Message Bible (worst offenders).
Then theres other so-called Bibles that cant lead u 2 God @ all - the New World Translation (JWs), BOM (Mormon), the Qu'ran (Islam/muslims) & others claiming 2 b from God, another testament, update or restoration.
Many miss this - Jesus is the only 1 in history who said He's "the" way, "the" truth & "the" life & NO 1 can know God except thru Jesus (Jn 14:6 - ref Acts 4:12; Jn 5:39; 10:1,7). So "the" whole truth was complete & there4 finished thru what Jesus taught/did or God doesn't know what He's doing & cant be God. The truth is either fully true or its a lie. The full truth cant contain a lie - the absence of any lie. So any so-called new teaching, other religious beliefs or from self-proclaimed prophets & teachers r null & void & cant lead u 2 God. But God always knew what He's doing & all Jesus would do.
Jesus couldnt have done nor said what He did unless He fully knew the entire OT (the NT didnt exist @ the time of Jesus) - only possible if God sent Him & the Apostles couldnt write down the NT unless Jesus allowed them 2 remember & know His purpose (Lk 24:25-27,45). Not possible unless God caused it.
Religions made many fatal errors. They built religions on what man would like God 2 b like. They cant all b right (i.e. Theres 1 Bible, why so many interpretations? - II Pet 1:**19-21). Religion wont teach u much about God (they cant teach what they don't know).
I know many Biblical things but most important is do u know about being Born Anew (Jn 3:3,5)? Whats Biblical is built on it (NT - John is the place 2 start, Chap.3 1rst - the whole Bible is connected 2 John). Im not religious under "church" type labels b/c the Bible is about eternal life not how many rituals u can do (wrong use of the Bible - part of why theres many interpretations). By loving the truth 1rst u'll learn the true love of Jesus Christ.
2 begin 2 find our real Jesus, start with Jn 3:1-14 - note: Nicodemus was very religious but Jesus flatout told him he had missed the 1rst most important step - being Born Anew. 2 be Born Anew u must 1rst understand that no1 can live without breaking God's Law = sin that separates us from God (Rom 3:23; Acts 3:19). There4, u must pray 2 Jesus asking Him 2 forgive ur past sins, accept Jesus Christ as ur 1 & only Savior, ask Him 2 give u God's Holy Spirit (Lk 11:11-13; Jn 15:26; 14:26), seek 2 know & follow Him - u always need a Bible (Jn 7:17; Jn 1:12,13; 3:16,17;21; 36; 5:24: 6:37; 8:12; 10:9; 11:25; 14:6; 20:31; Is 34:16;46:10 - memorize this set of verses - later they helped me).
Whoever seeks Jesus Christ with all his heart & soul will find Him (u shall know the truth & it will set u free). But u can lead a horse 2 water but u cant make them drink. Why should God want u 2 live with Him forever if u dont want 2 know Him (reason 4 free will - Jn 1:12-13)? The truth of God remains forever while things of a man dies with him, including his religions & gods made in his image. Theres everlasting hope only in Jesus Christ.