There is a significant difference between "secret society" and a "society with secrets." The only true secrets (that aren't very secret) are some passwords and some funky hand-jive so that we can ensure that someone we meet and claims to be a Freemason is truly a Freemason.
It may remind you of a religious denomination, but there isn't a religion preached in Lodge - the only religion involved is a requirement for members to believe in a higher power - and all meetings are opened and closed with a non-denominational prayer.
Some folks get upset about the non-denominational part, and jump up and down saying that we have to invoke one deity or another. We commonly call the unnamed deity the "Builder of us all" or the "Grand Architect of the Universe." We do this to keep from offending our membership - because there may be Catholics, Baptists, Universalists, Agnostics, Jews, Muslims, Hindi and many other religions involved and present - and if we prayed to ONE specific deity, we'd be excluding some members. The prayers are also pretty generic, running along the lines of, "Builder of us all, thanks for letting us all get together in fellowship, and please extend your blessings upon those that need them - as well as those that can't be here tonight. Amen."
As a former Ordained Christian Minister, I can't find any problems with a prayer like that.
A cult is an offshoot religion that is very controlling of it's members - and we fail on two parts - we aren't a religion, and we don't control our members.
As for real secrets, you don't need L33T google-fu skills to get all of the information that we consider "secret" - and like was mentioned above, we mark our meeting places and we have listed phone numbers.
We have secrets - just like a School Board or the Police Department - but in too many cases, people that are kept in the dark try to describe us using unkind and untruthful words.