Does anyone know about the Masonic Lodge?
2008-11-05 09:15:38 UTC
Why is it such a secret society? I don't know much about it other than one of my friends son is in it and there are things that cannot be revealed. I just don't understand why. It reminds me of a certain church denomination.
If it's such a secret, could it be considered or construed as a cult?
Twenty answers:
Apologetic Avenger
2008-11-05 09:33:21 UTC
Wow. This is a topic that requires alot of time and objectivity to really give an appropriate level of understanding.

It certainly could be classified as a cult, depending on how you view it.

It claims to not be a system of religion, but can function as a system of studying religion from an objective, universalist approach. It also focuses on building character in people of all faiths and backgrounds. I happen to think it is incompatible with various religious claims, but that is always debated.

However, much of the content and teaching, for those who actually pursue, can be seen as very supportive of more of a hermetic philosophy. (keep in mind many members don't get anymore involved than hanging out at the meetings and paying their dues)

Many of its members in the past have strangely been directly responsible for the formation of most modern occult beliefs and societies. (probably because of how it approaches the study of all "universal religious truths")

But what you make of it, be careful not to generalize. I know some really great Christians/Freemasons, one who is even pretty high in the Scottish Rite.

EDIT - the ear of corn is a representation of harvest/grain. For agricultural societies, like Israel and surrounding areas, a good crop was a sign of blessing and abundance. Baal and similar Canaanite/Phoenician deities can be tied in to gods of harvest/grain...(I would give more detail but my notes are at home)
2008-11-05 09:36:26 UTC
There is a significant difference between "secret society" and a "society with secrets." The only true secrets (that aren't very secret) are some passwords and some funky hand-jive so that we can ensure that someone we meet and claims to be a Freemason is truly a Freemason.

It may remind you of a religious denomination, but there isn't a religion preached in Lodge - the only religion involved is a requirement for members to believe in a higher power - and all meetings are opened and closed with a non-denominational prayer.

Some folks get upset about the non-denominational part, and jump up and down saying that we have to invoke one deity or another. We commonly call the unnamed deity the "Builder of us all" or the "Grand Architect of the Universe." We do this to keep from offending our membership - because there may be Catholics, Baptists, Universalists, Agnostics, Jews, Muslims, Hindi and many other religions involved and present - and if we prayed to ONE specific deity, we'd be excluding some members. The prayers are also pretty generic, running along the lines of, "Builder of us all, thanks for letting us all get together in fellowship, and please extend your blessings upon those that need them - as well as those that can't be here tonight. Amen."

As a former Ordained Christian Minister, I can't find any problems with a prayer like that.

A cult is an offshoot religion that is very controlling of it's members - and we fail on two parts - we aren't a religion, and we don't control our members.

As for real secrets, you don't need L33T google-fu skills to get all of the information that we consider "secret" - and like was mentioned above, we mark our meeting places and we have listed phone numbers.

We have secrets - just like a School Board or the Police Department - but in too many cases, people that are kept in the dark try to describe us using unkind and untruthful words.
2008-11-05 12:13:19 UTC
Freemasonry is a social fraternity, it is not a secret society. Why should your friend tell you everything about the group? Do you have any information you keep private from him? There is a big difference between privacy and secrecy. Freemasonry is private, not secret.

It should not be considered or construed as a cult.

Freemasonry studies morality through ritual, symbol and allegory based on architecture. its main tenets are faith, hope and charity and they provide more charity than any other group on the planet.

You can completely ignore Chris, he as admitted to many of us that he is lying, he has never read Pike, when i sent him the quote that Leo Taxil used to create the luciferian lie about freemasonry he admitted there was nothing satanic about it. anyone who knows anything about freemasonry knows there is no satan worship in any form of freemasonry, and that freemasonry would never work toward a one world government.

to some others:

there is no masonic symbolism on the US $1 bill,

it does not claim to be a system of studying religion

there is no ear of corn nailed to any wall in a lodge... not sure what fraternity you are talking about but it isn't freemasonry


Thanks for correcting me, Eric, on the corn... i remembered the bit you talk of, but another Brother noted corn and waterford and I thought --- oops, how did I forget that! oh well, we're all human, eh?
Eric S
2008-11-05 12:40:08 UTC
I can clear up the "Ear of corn" reference a bit. In the 2nd degree there is a complex bit of business about the word "Shibboleth" (if you look it up you'll find it's an old testament password) which generally involves a picture on the wall of a sheaf of grain suspended over a body of water. In addition a Mason in the 2nd degree receives the symbolic wages of an ancient workman: Corn, Wine and Oil which stand for Nourishment, Refreshment and Joy. They mean that in your representation of a Workman you have risen to the point where you can afford not only the basic requirements of life, but some luxuries.

See? We aren't that secretive at all.
2008-11-05 09:23:19 UTC
Hi, I have a cousin and his friends that is with the Masons. The Masonic Lodge isoften termed a Private Lodge or Constituent Lodge in Books of Constitutions, is the basic organisation of Freemasonry. Every new Lodge must be warranted by a Grand Lodge, but is subject to its direction only in enforcing the published Constitution of the jurisdiction. A Master Freemason is generally entitled to visit any Lodge in any jurisdiction in amity with his own. He is first usually required to check, and certify, the regularity of the relationship of the Lodge - and be able to satisfy that Lodge of his regularity of membership. Freemasons gather together as a Lodge to work the three basic Degrees of Entered Apprentice, Fellowcraft and Master Mason. Free Masons are Masons that believe that they have a plan for Salvation, but then false Savior. Masons are in cults, like shriners and things, some believe like Christians and they just keep secrets. Basically, Masons talk to another Mason, and then they both have no secrets about thereselves. I know this because of my cousins...Hope Ive helped, and Good Luck.

2008-11-05 09:28:23 UTC
I come from a family of Mason's it is the most eeriest society I have ever experienced. From all the symbols to their rituals. I feel it is an occult to a certain degree. Go to google type in Mason Symbols or freemason of Templar Knights there is a whole new world to explore. Why your there check out the history and the symbols on the $1 bill. Mason's as I understand it were after the The Templar Knights which guarded King Solomon's treasure. thus the freemasons. It's an interesting site. Templar Knights. Demolay, Masons, Rosacrucians (Order of Rose Cross), Order of The Eastern Star. Scary! Read it for yourself.
Stacies Mom
2008-11-05 11:01:17 UTC
The Masons, as far as i understand it, are pretty much just a fraternity for grownups. They do charitable work and all of that---the secret handshakes and that kind of stuff exists to create and air of exclusivity. i was in a sorority in college and we had a secret handshake, believe it or not. Funny, the mason's facility is where I go to vote!
Robin G
2008-11-05 09:19:51 UTC
The Lodge of Freemasons is a large and extraordinary fraternal society. Many of these (Elks, Oddfellows, etc.) have a variety of secret practices and rituals. It's there to provide an aire of decorum and brotherhood, and in some cases to protect members of the organization. I suggest researching more on wikipedia if you're interested, the article is very informative!
2008-11-05 09:23:38 UTC
It is not a secret society. You can look it up on the web and find all kinds of info on it. yes maybe certain passwords or rituals might not be public, but then there are alot of groups , fraternities,or sororities that have secret passwords or handshakes. Doesnt make them a secret society. I believe you can even go to some of their meetings if you like.
2008-11-05 09:21:01 UTC
A lot of men in my family belong to that lodge. I can't tell you much, but they aren't a cult I don't think, my dad is actually the leader of the lodge this year.. I've met the members and their all pretty nice guys. All I know is that they wear apron things and they have a guy sit outside the lodge with a sword to guard it. They also have an ear of corn nailed to the south wall of the lodge...

I have no idea why.
Bee Bee
2008-11-05 10:28:59 UTC
My brother in law is a mason and Has been for years. But he will not talk about it at all. sorry wish I could help. But my sister is very bothered about it as they have Always shared everything. she feels so not a part of that part of his life. So it dose take a toll on a marriage.
Prophet 1102
2008-11-05 09:20:13 UTC
It's not a secret society - the lodge address is in the phone book. There's signs outside the door. Minutes are kept, charity works highlighted in the newspapers, etc.

It is a "private" men's club with rules.
2008-11-05 09:25:19 UTC
No if I was a member I wouldn't even answer your question. You will never know the secret as I will never know either. My grandfather is a Mason & sometimes he flashes signals with his hands to others & they signal him back. Its kind of interesting to know what it is all about. I believe it all started in the 16th century with the Knights of the Templar.
Andymcj78 (Atheist)
2008-11-05 09:21:02 UTC
My family was closely involved in it and in fact they were involved with the Mother lodge which has the number 0 and has precedence over all other lodges. It isn't a cult as such and it's pretty harmless to be involved in it. I live in Scotland and here membership of it is quite widespread. Just in advance so we're clear- thumbs downers f*ck off okay? I express an opinion- you don't like it - go and f*ck yourself. Just as long as we've got that through the thick skulls of some of the halfwits on here. T!ts.
2008-11-05 09:19:21 UTC
They are a wonderful organization that provides more money for the needy and poor than any Christian denomination, and most of them combined.

Christains dislike the Masons because they have rituals and ordinances that Christians don't understand. Most Masons are Christians.
2008-11-05 09:19:16 UTC
Muslim America - obama raised muslim !!!?

The one faction that hates Christian America no longer has to oppose USA, they planted a muslim in office.

We moved from a socialist country because of Ronald Reagan's free America, and now the hope is gone with this monster in office - having contolled more fraud votes (ACORN was trained by oscama) in the history of America than we have seen in Russia !

You black Christian voters, you biggots, you only voted for obama because he was black, but he is not Christian, but attended his childhood muslim school sent by his Kenyan muslim father.
2008-11-05 09:19:11 UTC
I have heard of it, and I know they do some community service and things like that, but they won't share anything else
ben b
2008-11-05 09:18:25 UTC
kelly k
2008-11-05 09:18:05 UTC
never even heard of it
2008-11-05 09:19:13 UTC
They sacrifice goats and hump sheep up in there behind them walls!! Stay away, stay away.

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