Anti-Abortion argument that doesn't have to do with God, the Bible, etc.?
2015-08-12 23:16:59 UTC
Hi, I decided to look up abortion arguments from both sides in an attempt to make my own decision about abortion without being biased. I have noticed, though that pro life articles and such always seem to cite God or the Bible as a reason for their argument.
I do not believe in the Christian God, and I have never read the bible. Therefore, I find it very difficult to take these things seriously.
I guess your stance on abortion depends on if you consider a fetus to be alive or not. So currently, I am pro-choice, though I really hate the idea of late-term abortions. I feel like if the fetus could survive if it was born at that point, then it should not be aborted.
Anyway, my opinions are still able to change, they always will be, so please tell me what you think no matter which side you are on. Again, I ask that you refrain from using your religion as an argument. Try to use common ideas that everyone can relate to, not a belief system you were raised with.
Fourteen answers:
2015-08-17 23:27:25 UTC
To be a human being you have to be self aware. No fetus is self aware. So at an arbitrary point we say a fetus is alive. Until late in the 19th century Catholic Church declared that 'life' began at the quickening... about the fourth month. Roe vs Wade declared that abortion was a woman's right in the first trimester, a medical reason was required in the 2nd and the mothers' life in the 3rd. While all of this is arbitrary, reasonable rules are required for almost everything. How much toxic waste can you dump... how fast can you drive... what constitutes a passing grade... what constitutes guilt beyond a 'reasonable doubt', what is the age of consent? None of these questions are straight up like 'what is the freezing point of water'? Some things we can know for a fact and others we can't. Abortion and the rules concerning it require some elasticity... Roe vs. Wade had it about right. We should leave it at that!
2015-08-13 00:28:54 UTC
Science doesn't know when life begins. Religion does, but, you don't want religious answers! Basically, is a zygote alive? Many people think so, thus, abortion is murder.

That is the crux of the argument - when does life begin? Science down't know. Religion says very early - perhaps at conception. Hence, the differences of opinion. Many suggest if the life is viable on it's own, in the mid-20 weeks age or later, abortion should not happen. Others would suggest an even later time. But, many would say not after conception has happened, or very shortly thereafter.
2015-08-13 00:32:19 UTC
I am pro-choice as well.

I do support abortions, but only in specific circumstances. Repeated abortions are the kind of ones that get kinda iffy to me. One thing I once heard a comedian say that stuck with me about abortion, was "How come the majority of people why disagree with abortion who consider fetus' as human beings will say 'We have 2 kids and one on the way' instead of 'saying 'We have three kids.'"
2015-08-13 01:23:34 UTC
Firstly, I operate on a moral premise that all living humans have certain inalienable rights; including the right to not-be-killed.

When defining whether or not an unborn child qualifies, I go by the post-birth murder test. As in, what are the requirements of the victim for the death to be considered as murder?;

1) The organism has to be alive (initially). Definitions of life vary (usually a list of processes such as reproductive capacity, metabolise its environment, autonomous respirations etc.). In order to be consistent, the definition of life has to be applicable to all living organisms.

2) The organism has to be human life; i.e. human offspring (or genetically human) – a human form (or subcategory) of life.

3) The organism has to be a unique living human – as in, not merely a part of a human (this can also be genetically determined if necessary).

If such an organism is killed (without rational justification), then a murder has been committed. If any one of these criteria are absent in the victim, the act is not murder. All of these criteria exist in an unborn human child.

Conception is the most objective starting point for human life. Haploid cells (i.e. egg & sperm) have no potential to mature into an adult human, but a diploid embryo has everything it needs (given the right conditions) to live a full human life. The embryo/zygote/foetus is therefore a unique human life with the same value and rights as all other unique human lives.

To deny an unborn child the right to not-be-killed requires an appeal to subsequent logical entities such as the nebulous concept of person-hood, or reliance on the activity of some preferred vital organ. These are completely subjective criteria – motivated by a desire to justify abortion (often under the guise of women’s rights).

All morality has some element of subjectivity from a finite human perspective. Nevertheless, surely a civilized society would err on the side of life, rather than potential infanticide.
Benoni "Light"
2015-08-12 23:34:33 UTC
I was against abortion before I wanted anything to do with the God of the Bible. Humans give birth to other humans so I've never been able to see why people acted as if there was some sort of rational debate as to whether a fetus or embryo is a human being. What do you think it is?An apple? An orange,? A zebra? When two humans reproduce it results in another human. That's was and is a no-brainer for me. Secondly, people ignore and downplay the cheapest and one-hundred percent effective method of not getting pregnant or not getting anyone pregnant and that's abstinence. If you aren't ready to be a parent, then for pete's sake, don't do what is required to become one. It won't kill anybody to keep their underwear on. If you couldn't and you're a parent, I think you should take that responsibility . Nobody should have to die just because you didn't want to keep your pants on. As for rape, it is tragic and it can result in pregnancy, but even then I still don't support abortion . There is adoption for those who can't bear to be reminded of that traumatic event by the presence of a baby. No matter what you believe in, we don't give life to anyone. and we don't have the right to murder anyone.
2015-08-12 23:29:53 UTC
Lol, no one can make a case about anything without using some belief system as a referral point.

If that's what you're waiting then my friend, you will spend a good deal of life believing in lies.

There is only one rational in existence on which to inherently value human life: God.

If you reject that, then you are rejecting the proposition that human life has inherent value.
2015-08-13 06:38:19 UTC
Reasonably stated. As a lover of people I will state my stance. Abortion is a term meaning "rejection" referring to natural processes by which an abnormal host or unviable offspring that would have no reasonable ability to survive is allowed to perish in the hope that nature will reproduce at a later time of greater health. There is no argument against that process that likely meant our species survival in times of great crisis of famine or desease. Adversely, if I load a rifle and go into the woods to hunt down a whitetail deer and do not need the food nor the skin to survive than it is referred to as "sport" ( and that the kindest term ) So when the host mother is viable and the offspring is viable for survival without injury to the host mother than ending the life of the offspring is as best "sport". If I were to quote many of several "animal rights activists" and describe what is being done to humans (who appearantly have less rights than a cat or a seal) and being unbiased against any animal of the earth than I would have to say this... "Then I saw the hunter hit the momma seal with a tranqualizer dart. He then stabbed her with another needle and waited looking at his watch. Then after about an half-hour he reached up inside the momma seal and grabbed ahold of the unborn baby seal by its back fins and pulled it out if its momma all but the head. Then he made sure his ice cooler was ready and cut the baby seals body completely off at the neck and left the head inside the momma. I was crying so hard but the game warden kept me from doing anything! he said "Nothing you can do sir. This is all perfectly legal." The hunter held up the baby seal still convulsing in shock though its head was severed off and proclaimed "I do this for the good of all seals that some day no seal will have to suffer disease!" But I screamed "That seal and its momma didn't have any disease!" The game warden said "If you don't relax you are going to jail!!" The hunter put the baby seal in the cooler and said "Sorry everyone, this unborn seal has no ability to survive and is not really a seal anyway." "He reached back up inside the momma seal and pulled out the babies head. It's jaw was still moving and I barfed right there. I don't know what happened next because I fainted. Maybe some day hunters will stop selling baby seal bodies for research." We all know an unborn fetus is alive. We all know an unborn seal is a seal and an unborn human is a human. We justify the unneeded murder of our own kind to avoid inconvenience and responsibility. Say what they want. Were it their purebred poodle dog and its pups they would beat the veteranarian half to death.
2015-08-13 11:02:50 UTC
ok, no belief system.

when a living sperm and a living egg fuse , it becomes a living embryo.

the first stage of LIFE is formed in a woman's body.

no one has a right to kill that innocent life ... yes or no.

the only exception i can think of is if the pregnancy endangers the life of the mother, then there is good reason to terminate the pregnancy.

instead of abortion, how about being a responsible person ?

why get pregnant when ...

- one is not ready or cannot afford to have a baby

- one is not married

marriage is holy ... the marriage bed is holy. Sex is allowed only in this circumstance.

Men + women have trampled this sacred institution and prostituted themselves in lust creating a spiritual vacuum where evil entities enter and wreak havoc w the passage of time. Tis why the whole world is groaning w pain, broken lives ...

think about this.
2015-08-12 23:31:42 UTC
Pragmatic might be interested that ...nowhere! in the bible is abortion mentioned!

Druggies, prostitutes, homeless often mentally unstable, schizophrenics, can all get pregnant.

So MORE of these?

Unless running a welfare scam, most abort.

Every foetus knows...if loved, hated, rejected.

Many are born depressed, become druggies, gang members. .

they weren't wanted.

If you or I had been aborted, so? So we wouldn't be here.

I don't see tragedy.

My motto? Every baby...a chosen, wanted, CHERISHED baby.

A better, happier world.

Most ppl don't follow the bible. The bible does not even mention abortion.

Pro life is pro death of many death, I mean FORCED

Not all women love or want babies. They shouldn't have them.

This is Roman Catholic man's doctrine,
2015-08-12 23:42:01 UTC
Does a fetus's right to life override a woman's right to freedom? In most cases, the right to live does not override one's right to freedom. Hence the concept of "necessary force." Even with God, its difficult to argue that abortions are murder. After all, God himself didn't seem to think so.

But morality is a subjective. If you believe life begins at conception and that the right to live override the right to freedom, then that's what you believe.
2015-08-13 16:42:25 UTC
Basically, it comes down to whether you think life starts at conception or not. I am pro-life because I m 100% convinced that life starts at conception and will never be okay with killing babies, whether they have yet to be born or not. I can t be pro-choice because I don t believe a woman s "right to choose" overrides her child s right to life. I don t support a woman being given the right to have her baby killed.

Inside the womb, unborn babies can feel and they respond to things like touch and sound very early on. They dream, or at least regularly experience REM sleep. They are completely human and completely alive. The only difference is their stage of development. But people are in different stages of development throughout their entire life. Your stage of development doesn t define your humanity. People claim that the baby is just a mass of cells, but, really, we are all a mass of cells. And that s not all an unborn baby is. If what s growing inside a woman is literally just a mass of cells and not a human baby from the beginning, then she can t be really pregnant. You can t be pregnant with a mass of cells.
2015-08-12 23:29:50 UTC
If it was before 20 weeks it's a miscarriage and past 20 weeks a premature birth. Late term abortion is nothing more than an induced premature birth, then the pre-mature baby is killed at the hands of the doctor.

But if you plan to have an abortion make sure it is done as early in the pregnancy as possible.
2015-08-12 23:56:53 UTC
when you are lying on a hospital bed and a doctor gives you an injection to speed up your demise , just remember what you wrote , because sure as eggs, euthanasia is a follow up of abortion and it is happening
Dollar Bill
2015-08-12 23:32:24 UTC
Science says that a fetus is alive at conception. Look at an ultra sound you can see the fetus is a baby that is alive. Listen to the fetus heart beat.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.