I am an atheist.... I am very moral Do i really deserve to burn in hell forever?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
I am an atheist.... I am very moral Do i really deserve to burn in hell forever?
48 answers:
2008-08-20 01:14:30 UTC
Well, it's really up to God who goes to heaven and who doesn't, so no one here can really tell you what will happen once you die.

However, let's have a look at the 10 commandments :

1. You shall have no other Gods but me.

2. You shall not make for yourself any idol, nor bow down to it or worship it.

3. You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God.

4. You shall remember and keep the Sabbath day holy.

5. Respect your father and mother.

6. You must not kill.

7. You must not commit adultery.

8. You must not steal.

9. You must not give false evidence against your neighbour.

10. You must not be envious of your neighbour's goods. You shall not be envious of his house nor his wife, nor anything that belongs to your neighbour.

From a Christian perspective, there's also what Jesus said:

" One of the teachers of the law came and heard them debating. Noticing that Jesus had given them a good answer, he asked him, "Of all the commandments, which is the most important?" "The most important one," answered Jesus, "is this: 'Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.' The second is this: 'Love your neighbour as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than these."

Jesus himself says the most important one is loving God. Loving 'thy neighbour' comes second. Even in the 10 commandments, the first one is about how your attitude to God should be. If you spend your life pushing God away, then there may be consequences for you. I tend to think of it like driving. You could have read up on the highway code, and actually be a really good and careful driver. But you don't have a licence. So, if something happens such as you end up in a collision with another vehicle (whether it was your fault or not), the police are probably not going to be too interested in how great your driving was anyway.
day day
2008-08-20 02:05:18 UTC
No you probably dont,but were not your judge.

The real question from Gods point of view (as ive read it),is,what does God owe you?.Man cut themselves off from God a long time ago.Thats why we suffer,thats why we die,and thats why we belong to the other guy and not to him.He has paid a heavy price to get us back, when Jesus suffered and died for us.It not about being worthy.None of us are.or even being sinless!.All God asks is that you axcept his free gift, and him as your God.If he is your God you will try to do his will and do your best not to sin.This is what you will be judged on.Your soul will go where your heart is.If you rejected God in this life ,you will probably reject him in the next too.But if you look for him with an open heart,he will find you:).
2008-08-20 17:11:08 UTC
To be quite frank, we ALL deserve hell. The Bible says there is none righteous no not one. God is Holy, and will not be in the presence of sin. And not believing on Jesus and receiving forgivness of sin, is sin. Besides, why would God take you to heaven to be with HIM for ever, when in this life, you claimed to not believe in him, and chose not to have anything to do with him? In Psalm 14:1 "To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David. The foolhath said in his heart, There is n God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.
2008-08-20 01:02:01 UTC
No. And you wont. The teaching of a hell where people are tormented is in error. The Bible's teaching for those who are damned (and I don't say you are, mind you) is that eternal oblivion. (for scriptural proof see my homepage, subject Hell Fire or Sheol and Judgment)

Recently, my Bible study has lead me to a possibility that perhaps you may want to hear. I am not saying this is certain, however.

The Bible does teach that those who are to be saints and have a heavenly resurrection must be Christians, holy Christians.

The point of uncertainty is this: it seems that those who shall live on earth and who survive Armageddon may be a mixture of all kinds of faiths and thoughts at first. What damns such ones is their righteousness or wickedness. Thus we read in Revelation and in other places what seems to give room for the possibility that those who are righteous, no matter their faith, may perhaps survive Armageddon. If during the great tribulation or Armageddon they succumb to wickedness then they surely shall die as would any Christian.

Again, one would definitely be better off as a Christian, since righteous Christians are guaranteed eternal life, but here too, there are many problems that could cause loss of life. Too much to discuss here.
2008-08-20 01:32:10 UTC
Being an atheist naturally violates the first commandment.

And God says the soul that sins shall surely die.

You may burn going to hell, but once there it's over forever,

unless Jesus calls you back, otherwise God deletes you

from His memory.
2008-08-20 00:55:36 UTC
Of course not, just because you are confused about God and not really a believer, how can God possibly punish you for being doubtful about him?! After all, you are moral and kind and in effect following your values rather than what is taught in the Bible, they just happen to come from within you instead, which is surely a more true love of humanity.

Just for the record, I was a strong believer as a child, as I grew up however, I opened my eyes and saw how dangerous the concept of religion is. All this Holy War and 'My God is better than your God' Sh*t is dumb.
Ha ha ha!
2008-08-20 00:50:56 UTC
See Wikipedia on the Problem of Hell: It reveals that Martin Luther believed that we DO deserve to burn in hell if we're even the tiniest bit bad, because that is a transgression against God. God is infinitely holy, and therefore no matter WHAT you do you must be infinitely punished for these transgressions.

I don't personally agree with this, but apparently a twisted sense of justice is par the course in Christianity.
2016-05-30 05:22:43 UTC
Anyone who would condemn a feeling being to an eternity of suffering with no hope of reprieve, obviously deserves such a sentence himself. The God of the Bible is in Hell. He is the only person who has ever deserved that.
2008-08-20 01:11:19 UTC
Why are you scared of going to hell? You're an Atheist right? you shouldn't believe in things like that if you're an Atheist. But I guess being an Atheist doesn't prevent you from going to hell IF it does exist, huh?
2008-08-20 10:32:34 UTC
I ask you, are you a sinner? Have you ever lied, stolen, lusted, coveted, or been angry with someone unjustly? Have you ever offended God in any way? If so, then you have sinned. Your sin is against God because you have broken His law. Also, because He is infinite, your offense to Him is infinite. You are not capable of appeasing an infinite God because you are a sinner. Nothing you can do can undo the damage caused by your sins.

The Bible says that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Rom. 3:23). That means that your sins have caused a separation between you and God (Isaiah 59:2) and the result is death (Rom. 6:23) and wrath (Eph. 2:3). The only way out, is to be saved by faith in Christ (Eph. 2:8-9; Rom. 5:1). You must trust in what Jesus did on the cross to forgive you of your sins and not trust anything else, not even your own sincerity or works.

Jesus is the one who died for the sins of the world (1 John 2:2). He is the only way to the God the Father (John 14;6). He alone reveals God (Matt. 11:27). He has all authority in heaven and earth (Matt. 28:18). It is only through Him that you can be saved from God's wrath (Eph. 2:3). He can forgive you of your sin (Luke 5:20; Matt. 9:2). He can remove the guilt that is upon your soul. Jesus can set you free from the bondage of sin that blinds your eyes, weakens your soul, and brings you to despair. He can do this because He bore sin in His body on the cross (1 Peter. 2:24) that those who trust in Him would be saved.

Jesus is the One you need.

If you are not a Christian, and want to be delivered from the consequence of your sin, which is damnation, then come to the One who loves you. Come to the One who died for sinners (Matt. 11:28). Turn from your sins. Believe in Jesus. Receive Jesus, who is God in flesh, who died and rose from the dead (1 Cor. 15:1-4) as your Lord and Savior (John 1:12). Ask Jesus to forgive you, to come into your heart, and to wash you clean from your sins. Pray to Jesus. Seek Him. Ask Him to save you.

He will.
2008-08-20 00:54:36 UTC
No, of course you do. Remember their god is a narcissist. He is apparently into playing the cruel and pointless games of "I don't think you really love me. Prove me" kind, the ones the neurotic 16 year old during PMS would play with her boyfriend, so yes you aren't proving it quite right - you go straight to the imaginary plane called hell no scientists have yet to find a trace of. And don't forget, it's f-o-r-e-v-e-r! Verrry scarry stuff.
Jesus M
2008-08-20 01:01:09 UTC
Yes, according to the Bible you will really suffer to be burn to the lake of fire in Hell because you do not believe in God and you will not believe His teachings as written in the bible.

God is good and He love his creatures but He punished those who do not believe him. That is a penalty given to those who do not believe him.

Before you die inorder to gain salvation, you must repent and return to God. It is advisable now to return to God before it is too late for you to do. You do not knowwhen will be your death, either after reading this answer, tomorrow or some other days.
Darth Veda
2008-08-20 08:01:44 UTC
God eventually saves all of us from sin and shares His complete happy experience of eternity with everyone...

God reconciles all to Himself through Jesus Christ, Who makes peace through His shed blood and crucifixion (Col 1:20). Jesus is the Lamb of God Who takes away all the sins of all the world (Jn 1:29). The creation itself, also, shall be freed from the slavery of corruption into the glorious freedom of the children of God (Rom 8:21).

Hell's punishment is not forever but until the end of the eons - eonian punishment. People don't sin enough during their mortal lives for God to choose endless punishment besides it would spoil the future of eternity to have a section continually reserved for endless torture...

People are made by God to rebel against His ideal will for them and then offered a choice - forgiveness of their rebellion, or, punishment for their sins until they have paid the last 'penny'... After punishment, those who went through torture in hell come to realise they need faith on God to succeed in life and they are converted into God's kingdom so that they cease from sinning and are rewarded for their compliance...

There are two bible translations which uphold the doctrine of Universal Reconciliation with God, and the union of all beings into experience of God as the all in each of us. For a free download of these bibles you can try this website:

An outline of the bible references which support Christian Universalism has been posted at this webpage:
2008-08-22 13:07:44 UTC
The teachings of Hell Fire as "eternal torment" is NOT from the Bible. The TRUTH about Hell Fire & Death can be found in the article:
2008-08-20 01:16:47 UTC
The way the body is designed to do all the various things that it does, is a miracle in itself. The way a caterpillar turns into a butterfly is a miracle in itself. This world is full of miracles!

You need to understand something about God...God is a God of love, but He also is a God of judgment. You need to understand something about hell...God does not send anyone there! People send themselves there! Let me explain...if someone steals a car and they are found guilty, the judge will give him a jail sentence. Now, who was it that sent the car thief to jail...was it really the judge or was it the actions by the car thief? The same way goes with God. All of man is on trial and we all have to stand before God. Why is man on trial, you might ask? Because man falls short of God's standards. God's standards are perfection. But who can measure or stand up against that, you might ask? No one can, because there is always something in everyone's life that has allowed him or her to miss the mark of perfection, that God requires. If you went your whole life and told only one miss the mark!

Okay, back to the trial setting... So everyone is on trial and everyone falls short of God's standards and the verdict is "guilty!" The punishment is death and separation from God; however, there is a way out, because God did not want man to be forever separated from Him. Jesus stood before the Father and received man's punishment. He took upon Himself the sins of the world. And only Jesus could do such a thing, because He came to this earth perfect and He died perfect, yet with the sins of all of mankind (past, present, and future), and He rose from the dead, thus conquering death.

The debt has been paid; however, there requires an acceptance of His death. A belief that Jesus died on the cross for your sins. If you do not believe, than you make Jesus to be a liar, saying that His death did not cover your sins at the cross. It is only by believing in Him and receiving Him into your life as Lord and Savior. He is the Savior from your sins "and" the punishment of death and separation from God. Jesus bridges the gap to God and now we can obtain a hope of everlasting life.

So now, when you stand before God one day, having believed in His Son, the verdict will still be guilty, but the judgement/debt will already be paid by the blood of Jesus. Its like having a "get out of jail free card." However, if you stand before God, without having Jesus by your side, you will have to pay the debt, which is eternal separation from Him.

And you too, as you read this can have that assurance of knowing where you will go when you die. Its not a matter of chance or if you gamble with this or that, but it comes down to a peace of mind that surpasses all comprehension...a peace that comes from knowing Jesus personally. And I would invite you, if this message has spoken true to your heart, not by anything clever that I have written or said, but by the conviction of the Holy Spirit that is speaking to your heart right now, to bear witness that the words that I write, that you read are true; say this prayer:

Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner and I fall short of God's standards. I believe that you died on the cross for my sins and rose from the grave. I want to turn from my sinful ways. Please come into my life as Lord and Savior, from this day on. Amen."

That's it. And if you said this prayer, please contact me.
2008-08-20 00:50:56 UTC
why would you waste time on this? if your mind is truly made up then go onto your next question and stop feeding the part of you that feels the need to sound like you are not convinced of what you say you are. ok you are atheist .... get on with being atheist and stop trying to prove God to yourself.
2008-08-20 00:50:18 UTC
Im wiccan, I do not believe in a hell and i dont believe in jesus. I worship the god and goddess . I believe that you will not burn in a fiery damnation, and miricles dont happen, and if they do ( id say prove it cuz i never seen one...)

i welcome you no matter your religion, just dont try to convert me, cuz it wont work.

and i have broken some of the "ten commandments" and i believe that i will not go to damnation, so why would you suffer any different? :)

blessed be :)
2008-08-20 00:57:54 UTC
since you lived on earth i think you could deal with a few puny flames:D

but serously im not a christian, though i believe in a hell dememsion though a void of darkness that extends forever, your lost forever in there, thats what i think hell is
2008-08-20 01:38:33 UTC
If you're an atheist, you won't burn in hell.

Only those who believe in Hell will burn in it.
2008-08-20 00:52:16 UTC
well some people of some religions believe you and people from other religions,will burn in hell. but if I were you, I wouldn't worry about it. since you supposedly don't believe in heaven/hell
2008-08-20 00:48:11 UTC
Haven't broken any laws? I doubt that. I saw you crossing the street against the light the other day. Burn, you hypocrite, burn!
2008-08-20 00:48:16 UTC
I don't think you deserve to suffer. And if there is truly a God I believe that God is so merciful, understanding that He would not make you suffer. If there is a God He will judge the good of your heart, and the fact that you tried to believe in Him.
2008-08-20 01:03:08 UTC
Been listening to the Fundies again huh?

It is easier for a good Atheist to get to heaven than a Christian who sins continuously, and is not repentant.
2008-08-20 01:07:09 UTC
Sorry, their 2000 year old book says you must BURN, NO EXCEPTIONS! You've been beleived to hell!
2008-08-20 00:54:58 UTC
Look at it this way:

If you end up if hell, at least you wont have all those christians trying to convert you.
kenny p
2008-08-20 01:09:11 UTC
"No one may come to the Father but through me".............Jesus Christ

And EVERYONE has broken some of the Ten Commandments.

2008-08-20 00:52:46 UTC
I already have a pentacle-house suite paid for so drop on by and we will have one hell of a party .
2008-08-20 01:06:37 UTC
You deserve to be lightly char-grilled until crisp and tender.
Elsa L
2008-08-20 01:00:49 UTC
Well if the God I believe in is real, you will be saved. You are His child, if you believe in Him or not. I love my kids even if they lash out and say they hate me. God loves us no matter what.
2008-08-20 00:48:46 UTC
I wouldn't let it bother you. Christianity is just based on the whole fear concept to keep the sheep in line. You have nothing to fear. I am an atheist who works in a hospital. It is tough being one of the few who isn't overtly Christian.
2008-08-20 00:49:48 UTC
Dont worry, the only you'll go when you die is in a wide box in the ground with maggots crawling through your rotting brain.
2008-08-20 00:48:38 UTC
Yes you have to burn in hell forever, isn't it nice to have such a loving and just god?
2008-08-20 01:04:46 UTC
Do good & forget about the hell.
2008-08-20 01:00:40 UTC
If it's any consolation, at least in hell we'll still get to make s'mores.
2008-08-20 00:50:53 UTC
I am a moral atheist as well and I don't care the least about any sort of hell, or any other fantasy dreamed up by religious people. Why do you?
2008-08-20 00:48:34 UTC
You don't deserve to burn in hell, you don't even deserve to be eaten by worms when you die. Most people deserve to live as long as they would like to, sadly I don't think it happens.
2008-08-20 00:48:01 UTC
That is the kind of paradox that sends most atheists away from the religions they were indoctrinated into.

The Riddle of Epicuris

Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.

Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.

Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?

Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?
2008-08-20 00:47:25 UTC
Unless you are part of the elite club, then yes, I suppose so. I'll see you there :D
New Creation
2008-08-20 00:52:43 UTC
A man or woman that rejects the holiness and righteousness of God is not as moral as they would like to think.
2008-08-20 00:51:41 UTC
Why don't we all be friends now, and put down our silly sticks and stones?
Anna B
2008-08-20 00:49:37 UTC
Since you are an atheist you have broken some of the commandments, like remembering the sabbath, keeping it holy..
Ken Shabby
2008-08-20 00:47:42 UTC
Whether you deserve it or not, "they" will believe you to Hell
2008-08-20 00:48:11 UTC
Religion uses dire consequences to keep their members in line.

Hell does not exist, don't worry about it.
2008-08-20 01:05:19 UTC
please click my profile to get a better understanding. go to my answers. new convert. please, please, please, give it a shot....just ask God to make a connection with you if He is real. be sincere. i think you will be amazed. please keep me udated. i would love to hear who/what God sends you.

have a great day.
2008-08-20 00:47:54 UTC
No, you don't.

If Christian religion turns out to be true. you and I will make friends with Satan and slaughter the Holy trinity, ok?
2008-08-20 00:48:43 UTC
Wherever you end up, it probably won't be with Falwell, so it can't be THAT bad.
Beer Guy
2008-08-20 00:48:04 UTC
if you're atheist, why do you believe hell exists?
Just Ragles
2008-08-20 00:46:49 UTC
No, you don't.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.