The way the body is designed to do all the various things that it does, is a miracle in itself. The way a caterpillar turns into a butterfly is a miracle in itself. This world is full of miracles!
You need to understand something about God...God is a God of love, but He also is a God of judgment. You need to understand something about hell...God does not send anyone there! People send themselves there! Let me explain...if someone steals a car and they are found guilty, the judge will give him a jail sentence. Now, who was it that sent the car thief to jail...was it really the judge or was it the actions by the car thief? The same way goes with God. All of man is on trial and we all have to stand before God. Why is man on trial, you might ask? Because man falls short of God's standards. God's standards are perfection. But who can measure or stand up against that, you might ask? No one can, because there is always something in everyone's life that has allowed him or her to miss the mark of perfection, that God requires. If you went your whole life and told only one miss the mark!
Okay, back to the trial setting... So everyone is on trial and everyone falls short of God's standards and the verdict is "guilty!" The punishment is death and separation from God; however, there is a way out, because God did not want man to be forever separated from Him. Jesus stood before the Father and received man's punishment. He took upon Himself the sins of the world. And only Jesus could do such a thing, because He came to this earth perfect and He died perfect, yet with the sins of all of mankind (past, present, and future), and He rose from the dead, thus conquering death.
The debt has been paid; however, there requires an acceptance of His death. A belief that Jesus died on the cross for your sins. If you do not believe, than you make Jesus to be a liar, saying that His death did not cover your sins at the cross. It is only by believing in Him and receiving Him into your life as Lord and Savior. He is the Savior from your sins "and" the punishment of death and separation from God. Jesus bridges the gap to God and now we can obtain a hope of everlasting life.
So now, when you stand before God one day, having believed in His Son, the verdict will still be guilty, but the judgement/debt will already be paid by the blood of Jesus. Its like having a "get out of jail free card." However, if you stand before God, without having Jesus by your side, you will have to pay the debt, which is eternal separation from Him.
And you too, as you read this can have that assurance of knowing where you will go when you die. Its not a matter of chance or if you gamble with this or that, but it comes down to a peace of mind that surpasses all comprehension...a peace that comes from knowing Jesus personally. And I would invite you, if this message has spoken true to your heart, not by anything clever that I have written or said, but by the conviction of the Holy Spirit that is speaking to your heart right now, to bear witness that the words that I write, that you read are true; say this prayer:
Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner and I fall short of God's standards. I believe that you died on the cross for my sins and rose from the grave. I want to turn from my sinful ways. Please come into my life as Lord and Savior, from this day on. Amen."
That's it. And if you said this prayer, please contact me.