What makes you think that suddenly science has no flaws and that no bias has entered into certain theories and hypotheses? Much science being taught today is mostly opinions based on non-empirical evidence, such as the Primordial Soup story. It's neither based on evidence as even after decades the most brilliant scientists in the world cannot produce abiogenesis in the lab - even after millions of dollars and the most sophisticated state-of-the-art lab! Yet, you just believe it by faith?? Look at some of the past teachings which were considered "facts" at the time they were taught:
Piltdown man - walking ape man intermediate which was discovered to be a hoax after 40 years
Nebraska man - an entire ape man intermediate constructed from ONE pig's tooth
Lucy - a recent human intermediate but even the prominent scientist Richard Leakey said: ." Lucy's skull was so incomplete that most of it was “imagination made of plaster of Paris”. It's since been dismissed as the human ancestor they hoped to have found.
Here is what Darwin said, according to his scientific research about women:
" Further, some of the traits of women "are characteristic of the lower races, and anti therefore of a past and lower state of civilization". In summary, Darwin concludes that men attain,
. . . a higher eminence, in whatever he takes up, than can women—whether requiring deep thought, reason, or imagination, or merely the use of the senses and hands. If two lists were made of the most eminent men and women in poetry, painting, sculpture, music (inclusive of both composition and performance), history, science, and philosophy, with half-a-dozen names under each subject, the two lists would not bear comparison. We may also infer, from the law of the deviation from averages, so well illustrated by Mr. Galton, in his work on "Hereditary Genius" that . . . the average of mental power in man must be above that of women (Darwin, 1896).
Here is what another prominent contemporary of Darwin said in the name of Science:
Gustave Le Bon (1841-1931). This scientist, whose classic study of crowd behavior (The Crowd; 1895) is familiar to every social science student, wrote that even in:
." . . the most intelligent races . . . are a large number of women whose brains are closer in size to those of gorillas than to the most developed male brains. This inferiority is so obvious that no one can contest it for a moment; only its degree is worth discussion. . . . Women . . . represent the most inferior forms of human evolution and . . . are closer to children and savages than to an adult, civilized man. They excel in fickleness, inconsistency, absence of thought and logic, and incapacity to reason. Without a doubt there exist some distinguished women, very superior to the average man but they are as exceptional as the birth of any monstrosity, as, for example, of a gorilla with two heads; consequently, we may neglect them entirely".
Do you really think that Science is not making mistakes today?? Today's mistakes will be laughable tomorrow. But when these conclusions are proclaimed as "scientific fact" then it becomes outrageous to those affected. Of course Christians are not anti-science -- most great discoveries were made by Christians and Jewish scientists. But we are just a bit less gullible when scientific bias is presented as fact.
@she-devil: I have done much more research than you have. You have exclusively looked to only the pro-evolution/abiogensis . But I went further and looked at BOTH sides of the issue. When the main evidence is historical, both sides should be evaluated and neither suppressed and/or dismissed. But are you even capable of considering another point of view? What Intelligent Design books have you read? Where is the empirical evidence for abiogenesis and macro evolution?
@shedevil: "Nobody" took Nebraska Man seriously? Why was it printed in many major newspapers including the New York Times and the London Times? Why are there many many artists' renderings of the ape man?? This was a GROSS and INEXCUSABLE error made in the name of Science! This ape-man was proclaimed by the eminent evolutionist Dr. Henry Fairfield Osborne (Then head of the department of paleontology at the American Museum of Natural History), to belong to the first anthropoid (man-like) ape of America! And Piltdown Man was accepted for 40 years!