It is also interesting to note that the word "Baptism" itself means immersion according to Greek meaning of word "Baptizo".
But just to answer your question, that idea of sprinkling was facilitated by the Satan himself because he knew that God chose immersion as to signify your faith in Christ for the following reasons:
1. Babies cannot be baptized because they would die if they were immensed in water.God was basically affirming that "YOU NEED TO BE OLD ENOUGH TO EITHER REFUSE SALVATION OR ACCEPT IT!Satan wants people to live with the deception that their being "baptized" when they were babies will let them enter heaven, thereby living in sin with a false believe that their salvation has been dealt with when they were babies...that they need not work out their salvation with fear and trembling...but that's a lie of Satan.
2. By authorising immersion, God was also affirming that Children enter heaven by grace as Jesus said so you need not force them into the kingdom of God!They need to be waited for until they are old enough to make a conscious decision to accept or refuse to receive Christ...this coincides with FREE WILL POWER that God gave humanity.
3. Baptism calls attention of unbelievers:If for example, you walk in Iraq, and you came across Sadam Hussein being baptized for Jesus, it would surely strike your heart with awe because you knew what kind of a person he were...it would really make you be interested in knowing about Jesus Christ if you did not know Him.You would ask yourself, what kind of God was able to humble a proud man like him such that he even enters into water with his clothes on.Satan hates the idea of EVANGELISM!
4.Baptism also signifies the death of Jesus Christ, that we died with Him and we rose with Him. Satan hates the realistic topic of the death of Jesus Christ because he knows that he was defeated through the death of Jesus Christ.Jesus Christ took the keys of life and death from him during the three days He was dead. The death and the ressurrection of Jesus Christ released power for those who will believe in Him, thus being able to overcome sin and Satan.