Evidence for God, click here....?
2010-01-15 12:46:39 UTC
The universe has a beginning according to recent cosmology findings. Either it came from ABSOLUTELY NOTHING or God created it. Which seems more logical? For those of you who say the universe is eternal, where the evidence?

Next, objective morals. If objective morals exist God exists. Objective morals exist therefore God exists. If you disagree that objective morals exist, then do you believe in evil? If evil exists, then how do u know its wrong? because we have morals. God exists.

Jesus life death burial and resurrection. His empty tomb was discovered by a group of His women followers, followers, skeptics, and even enemies saw Him alive after death, and the origin of Christianity. For those of you who think it orginated from Judiasiam, your wrong! the resurrection of Jesus is NO WHERE TO BE FOUND in the Old Testament. God exists.

Bible says draw near to God and He will draw near to you. I recommend praying and searching for Him. It is not an easy task, but if your open minded, open heart, and cognitive faculties work properly He will be found. Go here for mroe info.

Btw. Does God exist? debate March 24th, check it out!

Oh, lastly, we appear to be intelligently designed. There are countless conidtions that are JUST PERFECT for the conditions of life.
23 answers:
2010-01-18 08:33:45 UTC
This question is logically problematic. If everything needs a creator, than no matter what exists, it must have been created. Furthermore, to be created means that someone or something had to create it. But then, who created the creator and so on? Logically, this would mean there would be an infinite regression of creators (prior causes), and we would never be able to find the first uncaused cause, since by definition (the question says that "everything needs a creator") there wouldn't be any uncaused cause. This would mean that the sequence of creations is eternal. But, if it exists that there is an eternal regression of creators, then who created the infinite regression of creators? Remember, the question presupposes that all things need a creator -- even the eternal sequence of creators -- which becomes logically absurd. Furthermore, if there is an eternal regression of creators that are eternal, then the question is not answered. In fact, it cannot be answered, since its weakness is that "all things need a creator." Of course, this only begs the question in that how did the process begin? Therefore, the question only raises the same problem it asks, and it is a question that, by its own design, cannot be answered. Therefore, it is invalid.

The question is better phrased as a statement: "Everything that has come into existence was brought into existence by something else." This is a more logical statement and is not wrought with the difficulties of the initial question. In the revised statement, "Everything that has come into existence" implies that the thing that "has come into existence" did not already exist. If it did not already exist but then came into existence, then something had to bring it into existence, because something that does not exist cannot bring itself into existence (a logical absolute). This pushes the regression of creators back to what we would call the theoretical "uncaused cause" since there cannot be an infinite regression of creators as discussed above; and since an infinite number of creators would mean there was an infinite number of creations and created things, including things that cannot be destroyed since they would constitute things that exist. If that is so, then the universe would have had an infinite number of created things in it, and it would be full. But it is not full. Therefore, there has not been an infinite regression of creations.

By definition, the Christian God never came into existence; that is, He is the uncaused cause (Psalm 90:2). He was always in existence and He is the one who created space, time, and matter. This means that the Christian God is the uncaused cause, and is the ultimate creator. This eliminates the infinite regression problem.

Some may ask, "But who created God?" The answer is that by definition He is not created; He is eternal. He is the One who brought time, space, and matter into existence. Since the concept of causality deals with space, time, and matter, and since God is the one who brought space, time, and matter into existence, the concept of causality does not apply to God since it is something related to the reality of space, time, and matter. Since God is before space, time, and matter, the issue of causality does not apply to Him.
2010-01-15 13:01:20 UTC
Are you being serious? This post has got me thinking that you're a troll.

"Either it came from ABSOLUTELY NOTHING or God created it." - We don't know for sure how the universe started. So what makes you think you can automatically assign the answer in the form of God? Ever heard of "God of the gaps"? That's what you're doing here. Second, why is it YOUR choice of deity that's the one who created it all? Why not Allah, or a deistic type deity?

"For those of you who say the universe is eternal, where the evidence?" - My evidence is the First Law of Thermodynamics, which states that energy cannot be created nor destroyed. The logical assumption is that the universe has ALWAYS existed. If you're going to say that the universe was created by your deity, where's your evidence?

"If evil exists, then how do u know its wrong? because we have morals. God exists." - Do you realize how circular your argument is here? "God made morals, and because we have morals, God exists." You can't tell me you're being serious. Morals and rules exist ONLY for the society or community that they affect. That's why our rules are different from another country's or even another state's. Take a look at the times today and the times of a few hundred years ago. The rules were VERY different from then until now, and that alone is enough to show that objective morality does NOT exist.

"Jesus life death burial and resurrection." - I have little doubt that Jesus existed. But him turning water to wine and walking on water? That's what I have issues with. The whole magical thing is a bit hard to accept, and it's childish to ask why.

"Bible says draw near to God and He will draw near to you." - Funny how people always pull the "open-minded" card. If you end up not believing in God, then you're closed-minded? You haven't stated anything that makes your claims anything more than just claims.

"we appear to be intelligently designed. There are countless conidtions that are JUST PERFECT for the conditions of life." - Us "appearing to be" anything does NOT mean that it is. It's arrogant to think that the world was made just for us. We're here because the conditions of the Earth were just right for us to live, not the other way around. If they weren't "perfect" for us (and they're totally NOT perfect), we wouldn't be here talking about it. Giving God the credit is a claim, and nothing more.

"watev, i appreciate your insight, but please keep in mind. we have 42 sources that say Jesus was a real person. explanation?" - I never said that Jesus didn't exist. You have those sources because he existed as a person. I have little doubt that "Jesus" existed. It's his supernaturality that people, including myself, don't believe. And I hope you don't wonder why people wouldn't simply accept that he was magical.

"and what evidence is there for an eternal universe? there is aboslutely none." - Then let's suppose that the universe was created. Does this automatically mean that YOUR deity did it? No, and I already addressed this from the first question.

"but that it was created. if it was created, it needs a cause. God was nod created, so He doesn't need a cause" - And again, these are just claims. You don't have any evidence justifying any of these beliefs. The universe having a beginning is NOT, I repeat, NOT evidence that it was created by somebody. You twisting the argument is a strawman.
2010-01-15 13:02:20 UTC
First Statement:false dichotomy first of all your choices of god did it or it came from nothing are not the only choices to why the universe is here

Second Statement: um no just no you went like from point A to point F without including Points B,C,D,E, in other words that is an immense leap of logic there, and you are begging the question

Third Statement: Anecdotal stories are not good evidence the bible was not officially written until like 200 years after jesus died those stories you read from the bible are not first hand experiences they are second third and fourth hand, and you know what happens to information that gets passed from one ear to another like that game "Whisper Down The Lane"

Last Statement: just no because we look intelligently designed does not mean we are, i could point out flaws in the human body structure that would show you that god is a blind, and plumb stupid engineer, take oh i dont know the spinal cord, it has no real good support for a bipedal organism, it has to carry an immense weight, the torso, around on a thin rod with a two leg foundation, this is why we have back problems when we get older, or how about the fact that we eat and breathe from the same hole, now if our bodies screw up even once, and the brain is known to do that for everyone once in a while, and we are not paying attention we could choke to death. we should have a blowhole there would be less chance of us choking to death that would be an intelligent design. god apparently did that for the dolphins and whales, but why does he hate us so much?
Andrew H
2010-01-15 12:54:10 UTC
1 - The big bang theory only talks about a singularity expanding. It doesn't say that anything "came from nothing".

2 - If one thing (god) can exist without a creator then why can't another (the universe). You have no proof, evidence or reason for your position other than that it's what you like to believe.

3 - Morals argument - this has been refuted so many times I'm actually insulted you've even brought it up again. Moral behaviour has been observed in numerous species. Social species thrive because they behave that way and help each other making them more likely to survive. Your "god" on the other hand has supposedly committed genocide again and again, created every disease and defect of the human body, ignores things like the holocaust, asked a man to murder his own son and will send almost everyone who ever lived to an eternity of torment. That is NOT a moral god.

4 - Jesus - provide just one shred of evidence. Go on. Just one single bit of evidence. Or alternatively shut up.
2010-01-15 12:54:42 UTC
NOTHING in science has EVER suggested the universe came from "absolutely nothing". Magic is the creationist claim, not the theory supported by evidence.

Morals are subjective. You have only to look at the laws in each country, such as Yemin, where it's legal for a 35 year old man to rape his 8 year old wife daily, to see that morals are entirely subjective. Evil is also subjective.

Your tripe about Jesus is entire crap. The SOLE SOURCE for EVERY claim you made is unconfirmed scrolls which are not backed by historical fact. In fact, there is evidence to show that some things in the New Testament most assuredly did not happen.

Again, BS. I did pray, I did search, it made me atheist.

Intelligent Design assumes that the conditions were designed with life in mind. That is putting the carriage before the horse. Life evolved the way it did to match the conditions. Aside from that, if those conditions weren't "just perfect" we would not be here to have this debate. In a debate where you either win or you don't debate you can't call yourself the winner.
Ha ha ha!
2010-01-15 12:53:47 UTC
You're right, potholes are designed perfectly to fit puddles.

"The universe has a beginning according to recent cosmology findings. Either it came from ABSOLUTELY NOTHING or God created it"

False dilemma.

"For those of you who say the universe is eternal, where the evidence?"

Matter and energy are neither created nor destroyed.

"Next, objective morals. If objective morals exist God exists. Objective morals exist therefore God exists. If you disagree that objective morals exist, then do you believe in evil? If evil exists, then how do u know its wrong? because we have morals. God exists."

Evil exists as a subjective construct. Your argument falls apart here because there is no establishing that objective evil exists. You also have no basis for the statement that God must exist if objective morals exist.
2010-01-15 12:56:27 UTC
I think you misunderstand the cosmology finding. All the matter was always here but life and the form the matter is in had a beginning. Chemical reactions started life. Therefor what you are saying does not work

Just because objective morals exist does not mean god exists. I do not believe in god and yet I have morals.

And all of that is only found in the bible, and that book's reliability is in question. So there is not proof here.
Richter 8.6
2010-01-15 12:54:34 UTC
"Either it came from ABSOLUTELY NOTHING or God created it."

False dichotomy. You provide two possible choices and then claim those are the only two. That alone causes your entire argument to collapse, unless you are then able to show that those really are the only two options.

In this case, they aren't. I would bet that you consider your god to be eternal.

If you can accept that in a deity, then why are you unable to accept it in a non-conscious universe? In other words, what if the universe didn't come from anything? What if the universe always existed?

The Big Bang doesn't propose that the universe came from nothing. It proposes that the sum of all matter and energy in the universe was found, compressed in a point singularity, and a catalyst caused that singularity to began to expand outward.

Oh, and by the way, the conditions in which we live are not perfect for life. We adapted to the conditions in which we found ourselves. Many other species were unable to do so.

You've presented ABSOLUTELY NOTHING new, and have provided nothing that resembles credible evidence.
2010-01-15 12:50:54 UTC
"Either it came from ABSOLUTELY NOTHING or God created it."

That's where you're wrong. Like god, it's possible the universe has just always existed. We don't have evidence that the universe was created by god or came from nothing either, so why do you only need evidence for the universe being eternal? As I see it, if the others aren't true this is just the default.

You make more false premises also. People are capable of creating there own morals, because we are social animals and we have emotions and we are able to understand others feelings and act gently towards them.
Gen. Stiggo (Atheati-in-Chief)
2010-01-15 12:55:16 UTC
If you actually believe that what you wrote (or, more likely, cut and pasted) is true and is evidence that god exists, that is just laughable.

Nobody who understands science says the universe came from absolutely nothing. That is a stunningly ignorant claim to make. In any case, you have failed to establish how those are the only two possibilities.

What do morals have to do with god? Please explain why we need god in order to have objective morals.

There is no actual evidence for any of the stories about Jesus' life, so you can't claim any of them as evidence.
2010-01-15 13:07:24 UTC
Our Universe did not come from either nothing or god created it. No it came about through a release of energy in a density of matter, so where did you get the "nothing" from. Give up trying to waffle your way into intelligence, the term intelligent design was itself constructed by a group of lawyers and spin doctors employed to protect the republican christian vote, cant you go away and do something less harmfull to our future generations than aiding and promoting appocolyptical events.
2010-01-15 12:55:42 UTC
1) I generally stick with the universe just popped out of nowhere. (thats just me)

2) Don't know what you're getting at with the morals. There are morals, but who says God made them? maybe society did.

3) Pretty sure they just found an empty cave. And he hasn't come back yet, so don't think he resurrected. And if that happened, we'd have a zombie.

4) okay.......
2010-01-15 12:50:57 UTC

Either it came from ABSOLUTELY NOTHING or God created it.

Science does not state it came from absolutely nothing.

We're working with a 'mathematical' singularity here. Not anything new... (We use the same things as I understand it at the center of black holes.) But Christians don't take exception when we use them there!!!!

Now look, you also seem to fail at the idea that something other than a GOD could cause the big bang. There are already dozens of ideas as to what NATURAL thing could cause this.

Now look, don't go around passing about such terrible misinformation without qualifiers on it.
2016-12-09 06:34:36 UTC
3. no longer counter with info (through fact there is not any), yet counter with why your could-be info is bogus. P.S. additionally element out that if actual info have been chanced on, 2 issues could have befell: a million. James Randi could be out a million candy ones. 2. Scientists international could have jumped throughout it, attempting to verify greater. I.e., Yahoo! solutions does no longer have been the 1st place we could heard approximately it.
2010-01-15 12:51:18 UTC
Where's the evidence that your god is eternal? And if he isn't, who created him?

Why should it be so much easier to accept an all powerful, eternal entity for which we have not conclusive evidence vs. the an enternal universe which we can observe and study everyday?
2010-01-15 12:53:12 UTC
Using the Bible as evidence means you have to first prove what the Bible says.

As for your assumptions, you claim that the universe cannot come from nothing, but this god had to come from nothing as well if you are also stating something cannot always have existed.
2010-01-15 13:10:36 UTC
"Either it came from ABSOLUTELY NOTHING or God created it"

-Text book example of a logical fallacy- False dilemma.

Come back when you have a rational argument.
2010-01-15 13:22:13 UTC
This has to be a Poe.

Nobody can be this wrong by accident.
2010-01-15 13:05:52 UTC
I'm a Christian, and I have to say...

Your logic sucks.
2010-01-15 12:55:10 UTC
very good points. and to everyone who says "then where did God come from?" i have an answer. Time is relative to matter. for time to exist matter has to exist. this means that since God is not made of matter, he is not subject to time. and since having a start requires time, God did not have a start. It is a very hard concept to grasp, but that is basically how it works.
2010-01-15 12:57:17 UTC
march 24th what will happen?
2010-01-15 12:53:40 UTC
Very good, Jason!

And well worth consideration.
No Gods, No Masters
2010-01-15 12:51:43 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.