Obama represents a party that is pro-choice, this does not mean he is pro abortion. He is for women having the right to decide whether or not to have a child.
In answer to your question, I do believe that life begins at conception.
You ask how can I vote for Obama as President? Well I take into consideration the other things he is for, such as universal health care.
It is not for us to tell others what choices to make or how to live their lives. Only God is the judge of man, not us.
Although I personally do not agree with abortion, I consider the overall good that Obama will bring to our country.
You want to save POTENTIAL lives in the womb, but what of the millions living today, babies, children and adults who suffer simply because they do not have access to health care.
This should be the greater sin we ignore them and their situation.
Then he will say to them, 'I tell you with certainty, since you didn't do it for one of the least important of these, you didn't do it for me.' -Matt. 25:45