Why did God make his bible so hard to understand and interpret ?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Why did God make his bible so hard to understand and interpret ?
114 answers:
2020-09-13 15:21:59 UTC
Because the knowledge level of God is above all. 

When God speaks to mankind in the scriptures, he teaches them the secrets and laws of the world. So to understand them, we need basic knowledge. 

Differences in perceptions are due to differences in this basic knowledge and understanding. The prophets have the best understanding, but the understanding of others is incomplete, so God commands the prophets to guide others.
The Fish
2020-09-12 23:39:45 UTC
So people could bastardise it to justify atrocities in his name. 
2020-09-12 05:39:57 UTC
So we could not go against His prophesies which He prophesies people are gong to do evil all of the time IF they do not repent. When they don't want to do what He tells them they are going to do. He does it to trigger people.
Not Applicable
2020-09-11 22:19:23 UTC
Perhaps, English is not God's first language. 
2020-09-10 21:19:01 UTC
God has been born on earth countless times (I will never leave you nor forsake you) because Jesus had 4 different writers all people keep on about is that one life. 19 lives written and many more not written. God abhors those who refuse the truth. you keep a diary for 10 years. One birthday is extra special. you write about it many times in different years. your diary is lost only to resurface 200 years later. someone reads it and see the special time. They base their faith in that one day foregoing all the rest of the days. That is like Gods' diary. Too many keep on about Jesus (one body) and leave out the rest.. Get a King James (in the main the most accurate) Read it carefully.

A few examples. 

And Moses said "I am your God"

and Enoch walked with God. Can you walk with someone and they not be there. 

and Jesus said "Again I leave the earth.

and people wonder why God now refuses to listen to them. Maybe it is because they refuse Gods' truth.
2020-09-10 19:16:30 UTC
Correction - hundreds of different denominations of Protestantism. Jesus Christ founded one Church, said it was to remain one, and promised that one Church "The Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth", and "Whatsoever you bind upon Earth is bound in Heaven", and "He who hears you hears Me". Because of these divine promises, His one Church (which includes well over half of all Christians) remains one in belief, one in teaching, one in worship, one in biblical understanding throughout the world after 2,000 years, with no conflicting denominations. This one Church compiled the Bible from its own writings (and early Jewish writings), declares as binding truth that these 73 texts are the inspired Word of God, and is the sole authoritative interpreter of its own book. It is only a few hundred years since Protestantism defected from God's Church, yet it has already fragmented into more than 6,000 conflicting denominations, plus 20,000 so-called "non-denominational" churches, each claiming to follow that same book of Catholic teachings, but having no source of authoritative interpretation. 
2020-09-10 10:40:25 UTC
The more you READ the Bible the more you'll understand and love the Author.

Because satan said to himself, "I WILL influence what people HEAR and SEE." Isn't that why we have evolutionists, atheists, cults, and apostates? Paul warns us in [Ephesians 4] to walk worthy, not to give the devil an opportunity. Unfortunately, these will soberly, and painfully figure it out quickly once they die. So, to keep them blinded and deceived while they are still alive on this planet, satan allows them to drift further and further away from the Truth (God's voice) and right into the abyss.

Since there are many false teachers and false gospels in the world, it is important for Christians to know the actual content of their faith, so they won't be seduced by counterfeit versions. It would mean to focus on a loving relationship with God and others, and not to focus on abstract rules or doctrine. It would mean an experienced faith and not just one that looks to a book from the past.

Therefore, be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour” [1 Peter 5:8].
2020-09-10 07:06:19 UTC
get the Good News Bible. It is written in very simple language
2020-09-10 06:47:01 UTC
People getting to Heaven does not depend on them clearly understanding the Bible but on clearly repenting before God for their sin and trusting in what Jesus did to save them. Millions have done that without having a copy of the Bible, also those who are blind, or illiterate - they can be still be saved. But the Bible is designed to expose what's in our hearts and it tells us that. "To the faithful you show yourself faithful; to those with integrity you show integrity. To the pure you show yourself pure but to the wicked you show yourself hostile. You rescue the humble, but your eyes watch the proud and humiliate them." - 2 Samuel 22:26-28 NLT"For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires. Nothing in all creation is hidden from his sight." - Hebrews 4:12-13 NLTWe are tested by God every time we read His word, as to whether we are pure in motive and humble in spirit, seeking His truth, or if we are out to ridicule God and His holy word. The latter are on the highway to hell but if they humbled themselves under God's mighty hand, they would be spared

Jesus said to religious people, "...nor does [God's] word dwell in you, for you do not believe the one he has sent. Search the scriptures; for in them you think you have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me, yet you refuse to come to ME to have life." (John 5:38-40)  Those religious people could quote the scriptures (the Hebrew scriptures) and seemed to know them inside out and back to front, yet their knowledge of them did not amount to sincerely searching them! Otherwise, they would have recognized Jesus as the Messiah foretold in them!  As Jesus added, "If you believed Moses, you would believe me, for he wrote about me. But since you do not believe what he wrote, how are you going to believe what I say?" (vss 46-47)

Here's a relevant quote from the Christian A.W. Tozer: "To those who have (unintentionally) degraded their conception of God to the level of their human understanding, it may appear frightening to admit that there are many things in the Scriptures and more things about the Godhead that transcend the human intellect. But a few minutes on our knees looking into the face of Christ will teach us humility...Coleridge gave it as his considered belief that the profoundest sentence ever uttered by human lips was the spontaneous cry of the prophet Ezekiel in the valley of dry bones when asked by the Lord whether those bones could live: "And I answered, O Lord God, thou knowest" (37:3). Had Ezekiel answered yes or no he would have closed off his heart to the mighty mystery which confronted him and would have missed the luxury of wonder in the presence of the Majesty on high...No one should be ashamed to admit that he does not know, and no Christian should fear the effect of such a confession in the realm of things spiritual. Indeed the very power of the cross lies in the fact that it is the wisdom of God and not the wisdom of man. The day we manage to explain everything spiritual will be the day that we have (for ourselves) destroyed everything divine."
John S
2020-09-10 22:37:28 UTC
I agree with you. It is weird. Almost like.. by itself, alone -- the Bible as a total standalone solution is... hmmm... 'incomplete' or something like that. 

Like a piece is missing...right?

Cause if everyone is expected to pick it up - read it, and come to some sorta belief -- then why is it so difficult to understand and WHY are their so many DIFFERENT interpretations.


So IF we see a problem -- either there is a solution OR we've misunderstood/misjudged the situation.  RIGHT?

So here are my thoughts....

1) ::Technically'::  "God" didn't create the Bible - he only inspired it. Christians, say that God inspired humans to write it and regarding KEY moral and spiritual concepts - but it truly is a work of human hands. We should not confuse things by literally thinking that God created it -- wrote it himself. It gets important concepts correct and is in that way - infalliable, but it was written in a specific time in history, by multiple authors, and using idioms, figures of speech, dialect, and styles common to THAT era and not ours. The same would be the case if it were written today and read 2,000 years in the future.

2) Your issue is truly only a major problem IF you assume a particular viewpoint of Christianity - a viewpoint called "sola scriptura" or 'bible alone' -- This idea that we should ONLY go by the Bible and nothing else is a relatively NEW idea only coming into existence about 500 years ago and about 1,500 years AFTER Christianity existed. So 'bible alone' is a later idea and NOT something any Christian prior to the 1500s really took seriously or believed to the extent we do today. 

This idea of "sola scriptura" has become SOOOO prevalent in the last 100 yrs. or so, that most Christians in the U.S. and Europe ASSUME it's correct and the ONLY viewpoint in Christianity. 

Even many NON-Christians 'assume' that ALL Christians have this viewpoint. It is a major argument that non-theists and people of other faiths use to attack Christianity - it really is seen as a weakness by many non-Christians. 

But if you aren't 'married' to this idea - if you don't assume that it is 100% correct - than some or most of this problem goes away - or at least is much less of an issue.

3) Early Christians actually wrestled with this issue - and we even see hints of this IN the Bible with some of Paul's writings. Christ himself even addresses incorrect interpretation of Scripture when he attacks the Pharisees for being too legalistic. 

4) There is an old Catholic saying that goes: "What's the good of an infallible book without an infallible interpretor" -- That is to say - no matter HOW perfect or clear the Bible (or any book) may be -- it STILL requires someone who can CORRECT interpret it and understand its meaning. Just like the civil Law is thrown into chaos with multiple interpretations and applications without a Judge - SO TOO is the Bible thrown into chaos (thousands of different denominations) when it lacks an interpreter to tell us WHICH meaning is the correct one.

5) The idea that Christians should go by "bible alone" and nothing else is actually a minority view, based on population #s. If you counted everyone that claims to be "Christian" in teh world, you'd end up with around 1.8 to 2.0 billion people. OF those - only about 33% are Protestant and believe in sola scriptura. 2/3rds or about 1.2 billion of those Christians are "Catholic" and do NOT resume that the Christian faith is by 'sola scriptura' - In otherwords they don't assume everyone should just pick up a Bible and read it cover to cover and become a Christian because of the Bible (alone).
2020-09-10 15:23:39 UTC
You demonstrate the very reason there are so many denominations. 

Assumptive Reasoning. 

You have a number of assumptions you believe to be true, then you read your assumptions into the Bible, thereby misinterpreting the Bible. 

The Bible is already easy to understand, once you learn not to read your assumptions into it. 

Those with the most damaging assumptions are those who are proud and arrogant. You might well refer to them at the "know-it-all" type, and Scripture states that God resists the proud.

"Going to heaven" or "salvation" is plainly taught in Scripture to be a function of faith, ONLY, in Jesus, ONLY. The proud and arrogant cannot, and will not believe this. Their egos demand that they take an active part in their salvation, and that isn't going to happen.
No Chance Without Jesus
2020-09-10 14:44:04 UTC
For those of us who bow down to the Lord and are saved we have His Holy Spirit, which leads us into all understanding. Unless you know the Lord, the words have no context for you.
Robert De Angelis-Italy-United States
2020-09-11 19:16:46 UTC
Why do you not accuse your religious brothers and sisters?

They are the ones who are outside Christian doctrine, God has left the Holy Bible for those who intend to do His will, so it is very clear, and where there is something difficult, the Christian prays and asks God for the right interpretation and Revelation! Whoever is not from God, does not entirely listen to His word!!

Just as you do!
2020-09-11 03:02:21 UTC
"All (ALL) scripture is given by inspiration of God ...." (2 Timothy 3:16-17). Since God is well aware of what mankind can and cannot understand, after all He IS the Creator, do you think He would levy a message that cannot be or is "too difficult" to understand by mankind? The problem is not comprehension, rather the problem is submission and rebellion. Here is what the Apostle Paul wrote about our times: "Now, brethren, concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him ...  Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition" (2 Thessalonians 2:1-3). Paul is talking about the coming of the antichrist, then followed by Jesus' return. The "falling away" precedes both. And the "falling away", or apostasy, also embracing false doctrines, is what we are seeing today. It is not because of difficult or incomprehensible passages of scripture, it is because of rebellion and sin. Paul warned us, "The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron." (1 Timothy 4:1-2).
2020-09-11 02:17:06 UTC
It depends a lot on how bad you want to understand it. It's alright to question God but be open to His answer. You don't have to understand the entire Bible in order to be saved. The plan of Salvation is simple. Admit that you are a sinner. Determine here and now that you are turning from your sinful desires (Repent) and through Faith Trust or Commit your life to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. If you sincerely do this with all your heart you are now a Christian on your way to Heaven.
2020-09-10 14:56:25 UTC
He didn't... people just like to say it's difficult to understand to create a demand for "spiritual leaders" (pastors, priests...etc) when the reality is you don't need them. you need to be able to read and a dictionary... there are no hidden meanings and if people tell you that there are they are probably using scripture to achieve their own hidden agenda. 
2020-09-12 12:15:37 UTC
(Romans 15:4) For all the things that were written beforehand were written for our instruction, so that through our endurance and through the comfort from the Scriptures we might have hope.

(2 Timothy 3:16, 17) All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, 17 so that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work.

for it to be beneficial and instructional it has to be to be understood

people often misunderstand passages they read in the Bible. But why would God allow that to happen? Some might reason: ‘If God is all-wise and all-knowing, he could have provided us with a book so clearly written that everyone would easily understand it. Why did he not do that?’ Consider three reasons why the Bible is often misunderstood.

The Bible is designed to be understood by those who are humble and willing to learn. Jesus said to his Father: “I publicly praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have carefully hidden these things from wise and intellectual ones and have revealed them to young children.” (Luke 10:21) The Bible is written in such a way that only those with the right attitude would understand its message. People with a proud attitude—a common trait of “wise and intellectual ones”—tend to misunderstand the Bible. But people who read the Bible with the attitude of “young children”—humble and eager to learn—are rewarded with a better understanding of God’s message. How skillfully God has designed the Bible!

2. The Bible is directed to people who honestly want God’s help to understand it. Jesus showed that people would need help to understand fully what he taught. How would they receive it? Jesus explained: “The helper, the holy spirit, which the Father will send in my name, that one will teach you all things.” (John 14:26) So God provides his holy spirit—his powerful active force—to help people understand what they read in the Bible. However, God withholds his spirit from people who do not rely on him to help them, so the Bible often seems obscure to them. The holy spirit also moves more knowledgeable Christians to come to the aid of those seeking greater understanding.—Acts 8:26-35.

3. Some Bible passages can be understood by humans only at the proper time in history. For example, the prophet Daniel was told to write down a message for the future. An angel told him: “Daniel, keep the words secret, and seal up the book until the time of the end.” Over the centuries, many people have read the Bible book of Daniel but could not really understand it. In fact, even Daniel himself did not understand some of what he wrote down. He humbly admitted: “I heard, but I could not understand.” Eventually, people would correctly understand God’s prophecy written down by Daniel, but only at the particular time in history that God selected. The angel explained: “Go, Daniel, because the words are to be kept secret and sealed up until the time of the end.” Who will understand God’s messages? “None of the wicked will understand; but those having insight will understand.” (Daniel 12:4, 8-10) So God does not reveal the meaning of certain Bible passages until the right time arrives.

The Bible promises: “If you call out for understanding . . . , you will find the knowledge of God.”—Proverbs 2:3-5.
2020-09-11 23:34:46 UTC
its easy to understand through faith. did you try having faith?
Den B7
2020-09-11 22:02:34 UTC
Matt. 13:13 "...“Though seeing, they do not see; though hearing, they do not hear or understand. 14 In them is fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah: “‘You will be ever hearing but never understanding; you will be ever seeing but never perceiving. 15 For this people’s heart has become calloused; they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts and turn, and I would heal them.

In short, you must be one with the spirit in order to understand. If you are not reading with the spirit within you, you will find it "hard to understand and interpret."
Ernest S
2020-09-09 18:44:49 UTC
Because you do not hear Him.
2020-09-12 23:56:50 UTC
What does this mean? Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.
2020-09-12 17:14:04 UTC
The bible was never meant for individuals as a whole, it was not spread around in publication like today, only scholars and scribes possessed the original writings which could be accessed or taught within the synagogue's or somewhere related, households didn't possess these writings, the logic in this was to promote peace by limiting differing beliefs among the people, the bible is a dangerous tool in the hands of a child, no different from giving your child the keys to your car and sending him or her on their way, ever person knows this is foolish yet every Christian does it when they put a bible in the hands of the unlearned and instruct them to go learn God's will from it. Jesus had a whole different concept of learning God's will apart from the bible and that was through the Spirit, Jesus declared God is Spirit, Jesus never declared God was the scriptures but He dealt with them by saying " search the scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life " Jesus said the Spirit was truth, concerning the scriptures He only said, " it is written" or " it has been said in old times " no doubt straight out of the scriptures, every single person that reads the scriptures come up with differing opinions concerning the meaning of them, no doubt this causes division, which is why there are so many different denominations, remember Jesus said He didn't come to bring peace but a sword, He was the first to rebel against the teachings of the scribes and pharisee's concerning God's will as opposed to the scriptures they possessed, a eye for a eye, adultery, hating your enemy and many other examples, it's no different today than back then, only many more people that are trusting scripture to save them than back then, this happens because people NEED some kind of assurance concerning their lives as to whether they are going to heaven or hell when they die, the assurance they seek comes from the scriptures rather than from the Spirit, so not knowing what the Spirit is they end up relying on the scriptures to give them that assurance, Jesus was the first one to teach faith as the means to please God, and taught to others by the apostles ( without faith it's impossible to please God ) literally books could be published on this and impossible to explain it all in here, you can only be invited to join the war concerning what you believe to be true and just and righteous, trust me, you WILL meet those that don't agree with you but irregardless stand firm in your faith or you will be overcome by others that don't agree with you, I say this assuming you are a good person that believe's in God and that Jesus is God's only begotten son He raised from the dead, beyond that you will not even be heard.
2020-09-12 14:06:52 UTC
I am here to teach you today, even you.

Can a total stranger understand your mind? Your heart? Your motives? Who you are? Why you do what you do? What you think?

Only the spirit within a man knows his thoughts.

And only the Spirit of God can reveal the heart behind the Book He wrote.

Do you think The Mighty One will share his secrets with his enemies? Of course not. He is not his own traitor.

Therefore you must get right with your Maker and he will give you wisdom. Right now you cannot understand it because you are in the dark.  

Jesus said to the religious Pharisees - who studied the scriptures daily..... 

“You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about me, yet you refuse to come to me to have life.”


“But do not think I will accuse you before the Father. Your accuser is Moses,” he said, “on whom your hopes are set. If you believed Moses, you would believe me, for he wrote about me. But since you do not believe what he wrote, how are you going to believe what I say?”

(These same Bible-thumping men called for Jesus to be murdered - all the while really believing they were doing God's work.) 


Think about it.





And then there was the rich man who ignored the poor man named Lazarus. Lazarus had died, went to heaven and was comforted by Abraham. The rich man died and went to Hades. In torment from that place, he called out and begged Abraham to send Lazarus to his five brothers (to warn them away from his terrible fate). 

Abraham replied…“They have Moses and the Prophets; let them listen to them.”

“No, father Abraham,” he said, “but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent.”

He said to him, “If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.”

Therefore do what the Scriptures say: go to Jesus and learn from him. He is the one and only way to have eternal life.
2020-09-12 12:11:12 UTC
Yes most people cant read it.
2020-09-12 11:59:13 UTC
Catholics say do not take too much time reading it because that is the job of the Priest to explain the passages to the flock. 
2020-09-12 04:01:40 UTC
This reminds me of that TV commercial that goes " I am Ronald Reagan.....not afraid of burning in HLLL"   I have sat next to people who saw that commercial who kind cold shivers hearing that.
2020-09-11 22:52:12 UTC
The bible is written by man. It's like a history book with a book of laws which people don't follow for whatever reason. I suggest you read the Qur'an. It is a short book that you can read in about two weeks and clarifies what is in the bible. It is said to speak of the truth of some stories of the bible that are relevant and gets straight to the point. May I suggest the Muhammad Asad translation. The Gospel of Barnabas, may I suggest, is an account of Jesus seen in a different light. It goes along with the Qur'anic interpretation of the bible so it's said to be the truth of the matter. The bible is easier to understand when you have the right resources to supplement it.
2020-09-11 13:21:53 UTC
God didn't.  The Bible is one of the strongest arguments against Christianity.  How could a "perfect" god create a testament that is so filled with flaws?  
2020-09-11 09:09:49 UTC
The idea of the Bible is like a newspaper every day it is different and it gives us ideas for that day or any time. That is why they call it The Good News or New Testament. The Old Testament was meant to get us ready for the Savior of the world. The New Testament a newspaper following the life of just that the Messiah.
2020-09-11 02:29:32 UTC
It had to be both true and SIMPLE enough for primative people to understand and get something out of it.    And more advanced people to read the truth "between the lines", so to speak.    So it UPDATES itself.
2020-09-11 01:32:37 UTC
Some of the writing is inspired, but most of it is an attempt to instill morality in people, which has had only limited success.
Your Word is a light to my roadway
2020-09-10 21:17:19 UTC
God says in his written inspired word that Christianity would go into apostasy. God said he would in the last days re-establish pure worship and Jesus Christ said by their fruits you would know who his true disciples were. Who is actually doing the will of God and remaining no part of the world? Who as a whole keep themselves clean without spot or blemish in the world, who are not involved in the world's politics, who shows love for both God and neighbor, who are preaching the Good News of God's Kingdom in all the earth? Who does the world and even other religions show hatred toward because they won't compromise on God's standards? There is only one brotherhood of God's people who do this, Jehovah's Witnesses.
2020-09-10 17:58:18 UTC
Firstly, you will have to believe that God exists. 

Another point, as a human being, your entire nature centers around humility. E.g., curiosity, eating, sleeping, apologizing, gratitude, and 'doubt.' Having doubt is not pleasant. It leads to uncertainty and confusion. However, faith eases doubt. If we were all 100% certain about anything, that would make us omniscient. Hence, like gods. So the Bible is not convoluted. Rather, it's a book full of mysteries. You can't solve any mystery unless if you're certain. You can only reach absolute certainty only if you trust your judgements. As a human being, you will always have doubts. Yet, faith makes doubt tolerable, and having faith makes you human, which is what you're, humble.

You're also not forced to believe what the Bible says about us being sinners who have supposedly fall short of God's glory. You can dismiss that as nonsense, and believe that God has instead failed to meet your standards. 

Faith makes belief possible. Everyone is free to accept or reject a thing. In this case, the Bible. 
2020-09-10 16:31:20 UTC
Keep reading it and ask GOD for wisdom and understanding. I guarantee your success.
2020-09-10 14:38:47 UTC
To search and study the Scriptures is what God wants from us.  When we diligently seek Him, He shows up.  Ask before reading Scripture, ask the Lord to fill you with the Holy Spirit for understanding of His words.  It is the Holy Spirit who teaches us all things concerning Christ Jesus.  Now, get you a King James Study Bible that has footnotes to help you.  There have been many great Bible commentators throughout history.  When you don't understand, read what they have interpreted.  Study the Bible, like a school book, but it is far better and very rewarding.
Forrest Toney
2020-09-09 20:02:23 UTC
The Book of Mormon simplifies it as it transitions to the New Covenant .
2020-09-13 06:59:55 UTC
Amen Steven! 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌

I don't know why you blame God for not understanding His Word when He commanded mankind to "Seek ye first Holy Spirit baptism" in Matthew 6:33 so (((HE))) could "guide you into all truth" (John 16:13)?

People don't know what they're reading without Holy Spirit guidance especially in Matthew 6:33.  Since Scriptures were written by holy men moved by the Holy Ghost only those who are moved by the Holy Ghost that is received after Holy Spirit baptism can understand because they've received "the knowledge of the secrets of the Kingdom of heaven" (Matthew 13:11)!

"Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost" (II Peter 1:20-21).

10 "The disciples came to him and asked, "Why do you speak to the people in parables?" 

11 He replied, "Because the knowledge of the secrets of the Kingdom of heaven has been given to you, but not to them. 

12 Whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them. 

13 This is why I speak to them in parables: "Though seeing, they do not see; though hearing, they do not hear or understand. 

14 In them is fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah: "'You will be ever hearing but never understanding; you will be ever seeing but never perceiving. 

15 For this people's heart has become calloused; they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts and turn, and I would heal them" (Matthew 13:10-15)!

Therefore when you don't obey Matthew 6:33, it's like Steven said "GOD WILL PUT A STUMBLINGBLOCK IN YOUR PATH" (Jeremiah 6:21) and you will believe ANYTHING!
2020-09-12 17:49:25 UTC
Because God did not write the bible.  Men wrote the bible.  Some people think the men who wrote the bible were inspired by God.  I do not.  God would not tell the Jews to murder other tribes, including their women, children, and animals.  But that is what the bible says.  God would not tell people to kill homosexuals, or a thousand other things that don't make sense.
2020-09-12 17:37:35 UTC
Language evolves. Like the KJV is written in English that has evolved making it harder to understand.
2020-09-12 01:32:21 UTC
seems to me, all this "interpreting" is what is wrong with the whole religion thing. The lords word should be final, no interpretation, if theres doubt how can there be beleif
2020-09-11 17:34:31 UTC
She doesn't want people who can't interpret bullshit in heaven .  

Plus she likes it hard . TD this if you agree ,
2020-09-11 17:27:31 UTC
Let The Author Have His Say.  Whereas the Bible has only one Author, Jehovah God, it does have many writers.  These some 40 Bible writers never contradict one another-which, by the way, is a proof of God's authorship-yet no one Bible writer says all there is to say about any particular subject.  So to understand what the Author of the Bible says about a subject, it is necessary to gather together all the scriptures germane to the subject under discussion.  This is what the above-mentioned Witness was trying to do.  He was on sound footing.  For instance, open your Bible to Romans chapter 9.  Here you will find an outstanding example of how the faithful Christian Paul did the same thing.  In this one chapter alone, Paul quotes 11 times from other parts of the Bible.  Some critic might even charge that Paul does a considerable amount of "skipping around."  Starting with the first book of the Bible, he skips over to the 39th book, before continuing with the 2nd, the 28th, and finally, the 23rd book of the Bible.  Of course, it would have been wrong for Paul to take scriptures out of their context and twist them to fit his own personal ideas.  But Paul was not guilty of this.  Apparently some early Christians were guilty, however, for the apostle Peter speaks of "things hard to understand, which the untaught and unsteady are twisting, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures, to their own destruction."-2 Peter 3:16.  The variety of contradicting interpretations we find today among so-called Christians is not the fault of the Bible's Author, nor is it the fault of Bible writers.  As God's prophets, these "spoke from God as they were borne along by holy spirit." (2 Peter 1:20, 21)  It is the fault of Bible readers who have failed to follow the leadings of God's spirit in allowing God to interpret his own Word.  They have allowed personal ideas to becloud their view of what the Bible's Author himself says.
2020-09-11 11:52:44 UTC
Does the Bible have the answers to the important questions we ask? Some people may think so, but they feel that the Bible is too hard to understand. They may think that only teachers or priests have the answers. And others are too ashamed to admit that they don’t know the answers. What do you think?

You probably want answers to questions, such as: Why am I here? What will happen to me when I die? What is God like? Jesus, the famous Teacher, said: “Keep on asking, and it will be given you; keep on seeking, and you will find; keep on knocking, and it will be opened to you.” (Matthew 7:7) Don’t give up until you find answers that you can trust.

If you “keep on seeking,” you will find the answers in the Bible. (Proverbs 2:1-5) These answers are not too hard to understand. What you learn will give you a happier life right now and a wonderful hope for the future. Let’s talk about one question that has confused many people.
2020-09-11 01:06:40 UTC
First the bible is not god written.  SO called profits wrote it. The first recorded writings of the bible were stories past down through 3 generations.  And in a dead language not spoken for 2000 yrs.  In modern language, was either Greek or Latin.  And by some scriptures in the bible you clearly read in to the prejudices of the times, by the people in power. It was not in the bible for priest or nuns not to marry.  it was men in power, who decided in the mid 1400's Priest could not marry.  And of course, in the times of plagues and famine some safety rules were put in the bible that are not needed today or in the last 500 yrs.  There is a lot of good in the bible, but mankind can twist even good words into bad actions.  Far too often we hear about godly men and women who do bad things.  Even our Vice President showed how a person can pretend to be religious or boasts how religious he is and then says something really against what Jesus, God or the bible teaches us.  When the VP Mike Pence was running for office with Trump, he said, he will never have a scandal, like Clinton did, and to prove it, he states when he becomes Vice President he will never allow to be alone with a woman.  I believe the teachings of Jesus, and the bible, says we do the right thing even when no one is looking, or tempted.  He should not only not cheat on his wife because its wrong, unfair, but because he loves his wife and would not want to hurt her.  Not just because the bible says so, or because he is religious.  My best friend growing up said to me I could be a good person, and not believe in God.  He also said, he did it for peace of mind.   
2020-09-10 21:40:17 UTC
Half the stuff in the Bible are lies. God nor Jesus made the Bible the Bible was written by the combiniance. of man and Morons that believe.  all Does lies. to make money.that same Combiniance is to make stop giving my money to Does Snake Oil Salesman.I buy socks Pjs soap and many needed things to Nursing Homes.I also believe In The Lord The son and The Holly Spirit with all my heart.
Pirate AM™
2020-09-10 19:32:15 UTC
Gee, if only there was an objective way to tell if one interpretation was correct or even meaningful, but that's the problem with all religions and faith systems, there simply is no way to objectively say which is right and you're basically lost in a literature class where your interpretation is more important that what the author actual was trying to say.
2020-09-10 16:06:09 UTC
The problem is not with God; it’s with the fallible human beings who all have limited knowledge and limited understanding and are subject to bias and preconceived ideas. The fact is, ANYTHING spoken or written can be misquoted or mistranslated or misunderstood (whether on purpose or not).

And personally, I don’t think God wanted to make it easy on us. I think He wanted to see who would be a truth-seeker, and who would be lazy or willful.

As it’s been said, with the Bible, it's shallow enough for children to wade around in and find jewels, and it's deep enough for an adult to never reach the bottom with scuba gear.
2020-09-09 20:05:39 UTC
Why did they make calculus so difficult to understand?  Probably because it is a very in depth and detailed subject.  There is so much you have to know to understand it that it takes a lot of work and study.

And calculus is simply compared to trying to give you everything you would need to know to understand the nature of God.  A far more complex subject.

Just as much of math (such as being able to count or do simple addition) is understandable to most people, and they can get it with a little instruction, so most of what the Bible teaches is very straight forward and simple to understand.  

But then it also gets into some very in depth subjects and ideas that are very complex.  And to understand them you have to have knowledge of a lot of in between steps.  (Just like you could not jump from addition to calculus with doing a whole lot other types of math in between.)  Unfortunately not everyone is willing to take all the steps to get to where they can understand the deeper things of God.  So they get confused.

Calculus itself is not confusing.  And calculus textbooks are not confusing.  They are usually very clearly and precisely laid out.  (All they ones I used for four semesters were.)  They are only confusing to people who have not taken the time to understand them.  That is their fault, not the texts.

You also have the idea that because there is more than one denomination that means there is fighting, strife and division.  That is not true.  There are different denomination because different people are called to fulfill different parts of the work of God.  Read I Corinthians 12 about how Paul says we are not all supposed to be the same, but to fulfill different callings.  Some churches, like the Salvation Army, are there to minister more to the physical needs of people, while other churches like the Baptist meet people emotional needs, and other churches may be aimed at meeting other needs.

There are different churches because their are different people with different visions and different needs.  My parents went to a church that was very ritualistic because that is how they liked to worship.  While I attend a church that is more informal and contemporary.  Same Bible.  Same doctrines.  But meeting different people's spiritual needs.

The Bible is not confusing for anyone who actually does the work needed to understand it.  Just like calculus is not confusing for those of us who take the time to understand it.
2020-09-09 19:34:18 UTC
The Bible is extremely easy to understand.  Here is the truth: The Lord Jesus Christ is God. Nobody can be good enough to avoid hell. The truth is that death leads to immediate heaven or hell, depending only on whether the person believed on the Lord Jesus Christ, or not. The truth is that the Lord Jesus Christ loves you and wants to bless your life freely :) Most of all, Jesus wants you with Him forever, and not in hell. It is too late to be saved, after death.


Believing on the Lord Jesus Christ means being forgiven all sins past and future and means going to heaven. The truth is that every belief except one will lead to eternal torment in the lake of fire for every person. Because nothing pays for our sins except the death and blood of Jesus, the sacrifice of Jesus that is already accomplished by Him . Jesus loves you! The truth is that the Lord Jesus Christ is God, and Jesus died on the cross to pay for all of our sins in full, and then Jesus was buried, and then Jesus resurrected from the dead. Nothing else pays for our sins, not works, not deeds, not religions. So the only way to heaven and to avoid hell, is by believing on Jesus for eternal life (John 6:47), without adding any of your own works (Romans 4:5). Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ to take you to heaven, and you will be in heaven, no matter what, guaranteed. That easy, thanks to Jesus! Tell Jesus that you thank Him that you will be with Him in heaven
2020-09-09 18:51:59 UTC
That is false, because of Eph. 3:4, 5:17, 2 Co. 1:13, Neh. 8:8.
2020-09-09 18:50:00 UTC
No deities were involved in the making of the Bible....
2020-09-12 20:51:10 UTC
It was not always so. The early Church organically adopted the Hebrew Scriptures, as Christianity emerged from Judaism. And then its members wrote the New Testament. 

The early Church knew what its scriptures meant, as they are the ones who wrote it, collected, protected, vetted, promulgated, and protected it. 

When you wanted to know what the scriptures meant, you asked the local bishop. He knew. Orthodox bishops still do.

Forgive me.

2020-09-12 06:34:29 UTC
People changed it. Jesus spoke about various anti-christs coming around and fooling people. The Word was already being corrupted (in the written form and in people's minds). That's one reason why Jesus even came to Earth: to get down to our level and show us how to be God's Children. Jesus only spoke of one Family. It's people that made sub-categories of Christianity (which is not a religion; it's a relationship with God's Son and Voice). 
2020-09-11 18:47:03 UTC
The fact of the matter: No: It is only hart to understand if God does not give you wisdom, knowledge, and understanding, of God holy word the bible then you are lost in God holy word the bible, God wrote the bible for the wise to become stupid and the stupid to become wise in God holy word. That is why 97% of the world does not truly believe that God The Holy Ghost wrote the bible, that is why all of God's prophecy is coming true an all will come true before that great and terrible day of the Lord comes, judgment day. Read 2 Corinthians 4:4, read Ephesians 4:18, read Jeremiah 17:9, read Romans 1:17-32, read 2 Thessalonians 2:3-14, read Ephesians 1:1-5, read John 1:12, read Romans 8:28, read Acts 13:48, read 1 Corinthians 1:21, read 1 Peter 1:2, read 1 Peter 1:20, read Revelation 13:8, read Revelation 17:8, read Colossians 1:1-29, read James 1:17, read Romans 3:10, read John 12:32, read Song of Solomon 1:4, read Psalm 65:1-2, read John 5:20, read John 8:57-58, read Romans 10:13, read John 1:1-14, read John 10:30, read 1 Corinthians 8:6, read John 12:31-33, read John 14:8, read Revelation 22:17
2020-09-11 12:45:44 UTC
But my dear it we who made it difficult.

The Bible highlights our passage into life! We have to apply it towards our lives and not treat it as a science book. It tests us, corrects us and inform us about our selves. It throws the light into our life and would not make us more rich or stronger but more holy!
2020-09-11 02:28:43 UTC
I have no clue. Sometimes I wonder if the bible is even valid. What if the answers are inside of each one of us? 
Lois & Peter
2020-09-11 02:19:11 UTC
Its not God's work. Its man work. God never wrote a Bible. Man did. The Council of Nycea  wrote the Bible and decided which books to include. That's why its so crazy.
2020-09-10 19:37:13 UTC
One reason is to show our determination in doing what is right. Are we just going to float along and let someone else tell us what the Bible says? Are we going to stop trying to understand it, for one reason or another, or are we going to keep trying until the end (compare Matthew 24:13)? Another reason, is to show our humility. Are we going to accept help in understanding the Bible, no matter who or what Jehovah uses to show us the right way (Proverbs 3:5)? Third, alertness. Are we staying alert as to who actually can and does understand the Bible so as to help us understand it? John 14:26 shows what Jehovah uses to help us understand the Bible. It is holy spirit. so many people will tell you what signs of holy spirit are. Wouldn't you agree that actions speak louder then words? Galatians 5:19-23 shows the various fruits people can bare and what type of tree they are by those fruits. Matthew 7:16 agrees with this. It also shows our faith and how teachable we are when we learn we are wrong and change according to what the Bible says. I'm sure there are more. But these are the ones I was given to put down. 
2020-09-10 15:45:16 UTC
Because he didn't write the bible. Men did and we don't even know who all of them are 
2020-09-10 12:44:56 UTC
The Bible is easy to understand when you pray for understanding of his holy word and are guided by the holy spirit.  
2020-09-09 22:26:05 UTC
This article might help you to understand the bible better. also might find this free, online bible study course helpful.
2020-09-09 20:48:13 UTC
God didn't make the bible. It was written by men, and religion use the bible to control people.
2020-09-09 20:46:16 UTC
If it is hard to understand and interpret, maybe that’s for the same reason Jesus taught using parables - so people will come to Him for revelation and understanding, but will turn away if they trust in their own human wisdom (until they come to the end of themselves). God seeks relationship with us, and rewards those who diligently seek Him. Jesus joyfully praised the Father for revealing things to little children, but hiding them from the wise and learned.

Even so, most Christian denominations believe the same gospel. Many of the “hundreds of denominations” are actually just different church names, not holding different beliefs.
2020-09-09 20:25:02 UTC
The Bible is not that hard to understand, especially God's plan of salvation.  But you do have a valid point, and although the scriptures don't directly answer your question, they give a big clue based on a question Jesus' apostles asked him.

Mt 13:10 The disciples came to him and asked, “Why do you speak to the people in parables?” 11 He replied, “Because the knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you, but not to them. 12 Whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance.  Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them.  13 This is why I speak to them in parables:  “Though seeing, they do not see; though hearing, they do not hear or understand. 14 In them is fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah: “‘You will be ever hearing but never understanding; you will be ever seeing but never perceiving.15 For this people’s heart has become calloused; they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes.  Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts and turn,and I would heal them.’16 But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear.

The reason appears to be how God deals with calloused hearts.  God doesn't want disciples who have to be spoon fed everything, but those willing to put some mental muscle into the effort.  Those with calloused hearts for example are unwilling to humbly admit they need some help sometimes understanding God's word, and therefore wouldn't dare ask someone to help them (Ac 8:30-31).  Thus for example, believe it or not, you won't find one place in scripture where Jesus explicitly said he was deity.  He wanted his disciples to figure that out on their own (Mt 16:13-17), and though it took a while, his true disciples finally did (Jn 1:1,14; 20:28).  A calloused heart would rather spend their time doing something else than making such an effort.  I'll give you another example from our day and time that is easy to see IF you have your eyes open.

1Cor 1:10 I appeal to you, brothers and sisters, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another in what you say and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly united in mind and thought. 11 My brothers and sisters, some from Chloe’s household have informed me that there are quarrels among you. 12 What I mean is this: One of you says, “I follow Paul”; another, “I follow Apollos”; another, “I follow Cephas”; still another, “I follow Christ.” 13 Is Christ divided? Was Paul crucified for you? Were you baptized in the name of Paul?

Back even in the first century, Christians were dividing up into groups with different names and labels for various reasons.  In the above case, it depended upon who baptized them.  Of course Paul condemned the practice, pleading with Christians to be united, NOT divided (Eph 4:3; ref Jn 17:20-23).  The teaching above is clear.  You have to close your eyes not to see.  Yet despite the plain teaching right in front of their eyes, many of those who claim to be "Christians" today still divide up into their little groups labeling themselves with various names: Catholic, Baptist, Methodist, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Episcopalian, etc., etc.  It would take some humility to admit that is wrong and refuse to participate in that, but they don't care.  It's not that the teaching is hard or complex, but rather the hearts of the readers are calloused, thus they don't see or hear plain teaching even when it hits them smack in the face, forget asking for help.  The problem isn't the Bible, but calloused hearts.
2020-09-09 20:09:44 UTC
The Bible is the Word of God. It is Holy and intended for those who want to learn and be faithful to God.

For those who wish to misuse the Word, it is written so those people will not understand it.

To truly understand the Bible, the understanding comes from God. If your mind and heart are for God then He will open your mind to the Truth of the Word.

Matthew 13:13 “Therefore speak I to them in parables: because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand.”

1 Corinthians 2:14 “But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.”

Luke 8:10 “And he said, Unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God: but to others in parables; that seeing they might not see, and hearing they might not understand.”
2020-09-09 19:34:45 UTC
 God didn't personally write the bible. Man did.
2020-09-09 19:01:46 UTC
To foil the bad guys.

To show that there are things even above wisdom.  

To prevent overpowering and fake commonalities in a world of darkness.
Doubting Like Thomas
2020-09-09 18:55:24 UTC
An ALL-KNOWING and ALL- POWERFUL "Divine Being" would KNOW exactly which bit INDIVIDUAL bit of evidence would convince each individual PERSON of the Being's existence, and would have the POWER to produce all this trillions of bits of evidence, and would not NEED to give mankind the Bible, the Q'ran, the Vedas, the Book of Mormon, the spewings of televangelists, the Chick Tracts, or anything else.

PERHAPS you might consider that these writings, over which people have argued, fought, and KILLED each other, were not inspired by ANY Divine Beings.

Here's a FUN project: Find some testable, repeatable, consistent evidence that ANY Divine Beings actually exist, and THEN let's find out what they want to tell us!

(Visitors to this forum: Please note that a Thumbs Down on my answer, is NOT evidence that YOUR favourite Divine Being actually exists. BUT, since religions are based on FEELINGS, not FACTS, if it makes you FEEL good to thumb down, Thumbs Awaaaayyyyy! )
2020-09-09 18:46:21 UTC
2020-09-09 18:45:40 UTC
He said many will come in my name lead many astry the commuist breaker Jesus chin of china example eastern lightening
2020-09-13 20:53:19 UTC
You can access now The new world translation on

Peace be with you.  Love, M 
2020-09-13 13:57:43 UTC
God can't read or write.
2020-09-13 04:49:38 UTC
The bible is not hard to understand in the things we need to know to faithfully serve God, to worship him, and to be saved!

Yes, there are some things that are "difficult to understand". 2 Peter 3:16 indicates that.

Why are those things hard?  Partly because the Bible tries to describe spiritual things to firstly beings.

But also, in that verse, they are difficult to understand because men twist and distort the words!

Some twist the words, because they want to hear a word that matches their own desires.  (2 Timothy 4:3-4). They are not diligently studying the word and correctly handling the word! (2 Timothy 2:15)

Some simply listen to what someone tells them about the Bible and do not search the scriptures daily to see if it is true! (Acts 17:11)

This all leads to confusion!  The Bible, however, says, "For God is not the author (source) of confusion." (1 Cor 14:33). When there is confusion, it is not God's fault; it foes not come from God!  It comes from men and it comes from the devil.

For example, God told Adam and Eve that if they ate from the forbidden tree, they would die.  The devil told them, "You shall not surely die.". (Genesis 3)

When God gave his word, Adam and Eve understood what God said.  They even repeated it!  

But the Satan told them something different, and appealed to their desires.  No longer listening to only what God said, they followed something else.

Did God know confusion would cause problems?  Of course He did!  That is why he gave us all of these passages (and more) to warn about it!

But consider this.

For the most part, there is no confusion concerning many of the things the Bible says. 

As for certain facts, places, names, and many details; it would be difficult to find confusion.  People know the Bible teaches Jesus was born in Bethlehem, died on a cross, selected apostles, performed miracles, etc.  People know the Bible teaches Adam was the first man, Noah survived the flood in an ark, Moses received the 10 Commandments on Mount Sinai, and many other things taught.

The only place they have difficulty is in what the Bible teaches in the way of commands.  Why?  Because some do not wish to obey those instructions!

For example, Jesus Said, "He that believes and is baptized shall be saved." (Mark 16:16)

That is a simple statement!  You would have to have help to not understand that!  Yet, there is a lot of confusion concerning it!

Some say, "He that believes and is baptized shall be saved."

Some say, "He that believes is saved and shall (later) be baptized."

Some say, "He that is baptized (as an infant) is saved and shall (later as he matures) believe.

All three of those are not what Jesus said!

What would Jesus have said if he had meant, "He that believes and is baptized shall be saved"?

I believe he said what he meant, and meant what he said!

But, the many different views and teachings from men have caused confusion on this matter!

To correct this, we simply need to return to what the Bible actually says!

We need to change our views based on what the Bible teaches, rather than trying to change the Bible to fit our views and desires!
Fort Erudite
2020-09-12 20:29:16 UTC
If God used the urim and thumin to draw us a picture with crayons and connected all the proverbial dots on the page in the Bible then all human beings would still not understand anything. 

The purpose was to make men and women interpret their own misconceptions and allusions about divine events.
2020-09-12 20:03:05 UTC
For one thing the Bible does Not say we go to Heaven, it mentions Paradise and Abraham's bosom, which is in the Earth, Mankind was Created to dwell upon Earth, and the Angels in Heaven, this is why a new Earth is going to be created for us, The Scriptures if understood by everyone both the good and the Wicked, would not help divide the wheat from the chaff, the Good from the Wicked, in other words there are many that will always remain wicked, and for such people it is not put into their hearts to understand all of the scriptures, the the Good and Righteous even they are to have understanding little by little line by line, this is because understanding in Spirit is a process because we are so very broken and off course, we need to unlearn as much as we need to learn, because we live in a world where the great deceiver(Satan) is god(small g god) and therefore we have been generationally deceived, the Lord Jesus Christ said ask and it shall be given!!!
2020-09-12 18:58:47 UTC
It's  not that hard to understand, but it can be annoying at first.

As a matter of fact  it's kind of funny when I look back on it now to think of how confusing it used to be until I  realized it is meant to be taken seriously.

The interpretation is, generally, correct but better you should know that "Thou shalt not kill" is misinterpreted. 

It should be "thou shalt not murder" for there are many offenses in the Bible that require the death penalty, even today.

The current Pope's blatherings notwithstanding. 
2020-09-12 11:53:45 UTC
The word of God is Christ.

So have a ready heart to listen when you read the bible. The Holy Spirit who is God will teach you and guide you in understanding. 

Human have understanding also is God given. 
2020-09-11 22:08:23 UTC
Koran orders slavery 
2020-09-11 18:02:21 UTC
The Bible was written by religious leaders (Men) and not buy God.
2020-09-11 15:55:27 UTC
God didn't write the Bible.   It's a journal of events written by people who were, presumably there.
2020-09-11 15:40:25 UTC
If God really existed, His book would be written across the sky in stars, it would not be a dusty, multiply-translated text based entirely on lost sources.
2020-09-11 00:09:27 UTC
Read the original

 Jesus didn't speak English

Read it in hebrew
2020-09-10 23:45:30 UTC
The Bible is not a work of God in any way shape or form. The Bible was written OF ancient middle-eastern men, FOR ancient middle-eastern men, BY ancient middle-eastern men.

The ancient middle-eastern writers of the Bible imagined a god that was much like the tyrannical rulers of their day. They lived in a time of more primitive morals, compared to today. This is why their Bible portrays their imagined god as condoning and/or commanding genocide, misogyny, cruelty to animals, slavery, terrorism, inhumane public executions, etc, even while they tell their readers that he is righteous and loving. 

The ancient middle-eastern writers could not see the moral contradiction between their portrayal of god's evil deeds with their claim that he is loving and just. How so? Because the aforementioned evils were considered acceptable in their day. They were victims of their primitive moral zeitgeist. They could not have imagined that thousands of years in the future, persons would consider slavery, misogyny and inhumane public executions designed to terrorise the population into compliance, as being immoral. These things were normal and acceptable to them.

If the Bible was truly written by a truly loving, wise, transcendent being, this being's morality would not be tainted by the primitive morality of ancient middle-eastern men. It would not age badly and the Bible god's morality has. Rather, this being's morality would be superior the ancients' morality and our morality today. We would be grappling to understand why he seems so lenient and merciful. We would be grappling to understand why he outlaws certain practices that we deem harmless, only to later discover the deep harm such practices cause. 

This god would have forbidden slavery from the very beginning. This god would have outlawed and condemned misogyny from the beginning. This god would not be reflecting the primitive morals of the people of the past. Instead, he would be demonstrating morals that are always ahead of the morality of human society because he would have knowledge of the harm of certain seemingly harmless practices long before we discover it. This is not what we see with the god of the Bible. We see the opposite. The more time passes the more we see just how flawed and primitive and harmful the laws of the Bible god is.

The Bible god is a figment of the imaginations of ancient middle eastern men and not the work of any intelligent, super-moral being. Here's the proof. Here's the most ironic, oxymoronic verse in all the Bible. A verse that succeeds in doing the very harm to the religion that it says it's trying to avoid. A verse that no intelligent, moral, self-respecting deity would inspire his servants to write (unless as a joke): 1 Timothy 6:1. Read it. If it were not in the Bible people would think it was a joke.
Jan C
2020-09-10 22:57:44 UTC
The Bible does not answer your questions and I sure wish it did.  I do know that He sent His Son, Jesus to Earth to live and teach the truth. In a manner that I don't understand, God allowed Jesus to die for our sins because He loves us. All we are required to do is have faith that this was done to save each of us from hell. If you will sincerely ask God thru your prayer to show you the truth and believe in your heart, it will be done.  I am praying for you.
2020-09-10 17:23:13 UTC
not all people want to go to heaven some think it is just a way for churches to make money and collect from people to make a pay check. others know it is the word of God and of Jesus Christ, steel other can understand why they do what they do for gain. and then you have the muslin who say God made me do it, to justify they way they want to kill people. so you got your good and your bad people yes God knew what he was doing when he had the bible done with his word in the spirit.
2020-09-10 14:05:05 UTC
because hes a made up mythological figure!

people who believe in god need to be given medication and LOOOOTS of it.

all mad. every single one of them.  a menace to progressive society.  all mainstream faiths should be banned or people who believe in god should be shipped and flown to outer space so they can find god or whatever else they're looking for. 

this planet should be lived on by progressive smart people.  sounds harsh but if it comes down to survival of the fittest (and smartest..)  and we have to consider earths finite resources, I have no problem with funding a virus to eliminate religious fruitcakes.

I know that sounds mean but my kids future and the future of smart people depends on it.  By allowing them to coexist you're denying our survial for the long term and making our lives difficult because coexisting with such idiots is near impossible.

religion is made up rubbish get real folks.
2020-09-10 10:00:34 UTC
2020-09-10 07:39:03 UTC
2020-09-10 01:14:06 UTC
Actually, if the person who transcribed the "word of God" that he heard during his drug-induced hallucinations had taken a smaller dose, his writings might have been easier to understand.  But when you are stoned out of your gourd, your stories tend to be a little extreme.
Doug Catholic
2020-09-09 22:25:31 UTC
Are you saying that the modern Protestant faith tradition is a lot like the old Tower of Babel?  
2020-09-13 10:40:18 UTC
Almost all denominations are simply variations of maybe a dozen denominations. If you examine their major doctrines, almost all of them are identical. 

Denominations often separate by mode of worship. All too often, they separate over minor doctrines, and often these differences are on things that are not hard to understand at all.

For example, some denominations say that drinking alcohol is a sin. They think this because they have reading comprehension problems. The Bible nowhere condemns drinking alcohol. Some places seem to say so, but people point to one verse while ignoring others that say otherwise. 

Some denominations wrongly think that music playing in church is a sin. This is ridiculous, and based on a stupid reading of what plainly says nothing about not playing music. They make up doctrines where the Bible teaches none. This is one of the sins the Pharisees committed that Jesus was very angry about. 

The Bible is not hard to understand at all. The problem is that most people allow their sinful hearts to cloud their minds and judgment. All too often people look for excuses not to believe, and they don't examine themselves honestly to see or admit that this is what they are doing; they are dishonest with themselves.
2020-09-13 03:09:03 UTC
Because it's not made by a gawd. It's man made, just like your idea of gawd
2020-09-13 02:49:54 UTC
God made the Bible the way that He did, ON PURPOSE.

To weed out those who Truly desire to know and understand His Word from those who do NOT Truly want to know and understand His Word.

Before i was 12 years old, i read the entire Bible front to back Three times. After reading the Bible the third time, i sat on my bed and cried to God, praying. "Why did you make YOUR Word so difficult to understand, this says you can, this says you can't, i am your child, and YOUR Word is so confusing, Why did you make it so CONFUSING?" Sobbing still. "i will read it again, Lord, help me to better understand it, in Jesus Christ name i pray, Amen"

It was the Fourth Time reading it that God opened up the Scriptures to me, like lightning strikes, understanding poured into me, The Word became ALIVE.

i have read the entire Bible over 80 times in my life, and continue to read it, and guess what, STILL Learning from it, Still being Blessed with understanding of it.

But those who read it, and put it on a shelf to gather dust, God will NEVER open it up to them, the understand will ALWAYS be confusing and contradictory.

What? You have not read it one time all the way through, and you wander why you don't understand it? lol.

The Bible was made perfectly, to weed out those who do NOT Truly want to know and understand His Word. If you are not reading it every day, studying it every day, then just how bad do you really want to learn it? Pathetic.

As i said before, i had read it THREE times front to back before God opened up the Scriptures to me. Woe to those who don't read it at all, thinking "Why did God make it so difficult to understand?" He did that ON PURPOSE.

If a person Truly wants to learn and understand the Word of God, THEN READ IT, over and over and over and over and over and over again. OR you can NOT read it, and remain ignorant of the TRUTHS and Understanding of Scriptures.

And woe to any person who tries to get that understanding some other way, then through God Himself. Woe to those who think they need to go to Hebrew or Greek to Truly understand the Word, or those who think they need to study the Original Documents. The KJV is all a person needs to come to the knowledge of the TRUTH and the understanding thereof. And let the Holy Ghost teach you TRUTHS, not gain those truths from your own intellect at your own hurt.
2020-09-12 22:19:01 UTC
How do you know god made the bible and not some delusional dumbáss on shrooms or peyote. Maybe this person was high off their àss and convinced a bunch of people on the dreams he was having. Do you really trust another human being to answer your questions as far as our existence in this universe. No matter how hard you try to understand noone in this world knows what happens after death. It's ok to be scared so just accept it. 
2020-09-12 19:37:19 UTC
Because false religion is Satan trying to confuse the truth from coming through.

There are over 1300 varieties of just baptist.and similar with other ,even professed Christian, religions.

Then most people use to ,and are set on using a Bible that , does have the truth in, it but the language is too difficult to understand.

And balk at any new translation that is in modern english and easier to understand and some even claim it is a false translation , with out facts of that.

You call a woman a wench and she might slap you or get insulted but in King JAMES DAY, it simply ment young woman.

A new translation would just simply translate late that to young woman.

Download the app jw library and it has multiple translations to compare. In your app store.

The nwt study bible makes it easiest. search bible study.

Or go to and search your bible questions, it is in over 1,000 languages.

And there is a search window in the top right.

Always look up the information for yourself, in the bible to confirm.

Anyone you prefer.

Sandra K
2020-09-12 17:51:36 UTC
Gods aren't real, so they didn't write one word. The Bible has 60 or so authors, and lots of them worked independently in writing the poor fiction that became the Bible. We can expect lots of contradictions. Different denominations often look at just one verse and ignore the rest that may contradict it
2020-09-12 03:55:01 UTC
God did not make the bible.  The Roman emperor Constantine had a collection of books gathered to try to bring together various religions to quell unrest.
2020-09-11 23:48:09 UTC
love takes effort.

salvation does too.

real love for GOD will help you to find the proper church.

HE warned us all about churches and brethren who mislead the flocks.

Matt 24?

Luke 21?

Mark 13?

Rev 11 shows HIS church.


In Revelation chapters 2 and 3 JESUS shows us 7 churches. HE was pleased with only 2 of these 7.

guess why?

they teach the same thing (as noted).

the others fall short .....

repentance is healing
2020-09-11 12:55:51 UTC
The Bible says at 2 Timothy 3:16, 17:  All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, 17 so that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work.

So just think, if the Bible can help us in all aspects of our life and its inspired by God, don't you think he wants us to understand it so it can benefit us?  Ask for help from God so that you can study, learn, and understand the Bible and his powerful holy spirit will enable you to do this.

Psalms 65:2:  O Hearer of prayer, to you people of all sorts will come.

Philippians 4:6, 7:  Do not be anxious over anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication along with thanksgiving, let your petitions be made known to God; 7 and the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and your mental powers by means of Christ Jesus.
2020-09-11 01:15:43 UTC
Don't ask The God, ask The Pharisees what happened.
2020-09-10 23:45:36 UTC
For one reason, it keeps satan and his angels in darkness. As well as most mortals. Mortals do not like the truth of reality. One of the reasons they killed Jesus and his followers back then. Its no different today.
2020-09-10 21:12:35 UTC
    Because God allowed people who wrote His words to write them in such way that they could write. They were different people: fishermen, shepherds, а king, а doctor...Could they write  thousands years ago the same way of thinking and speaking as we doing this now? I don't mean the language, but only the way of speaking....

 Have you eve read any literature (Translation!) as old as the Bible? Try to read these books... And you will see that people spoke and wrote differently. 

Also language.... Have you ever translated from English to Turkish? I live in Turkey now. And I can say that it is very difficult to understand this language, it is ANOTHER group of languages, different from my native Ukrainian and from English. To understand we must CHANGE THE WAY OF THINKING! SO IT IS WITH THE BIBLE!!!!

 The Bible is unique because it was read a thousand year ago,(and people understood it)  and it is read now, and it is translated into 2000 languages, and all nations can read it in native language. And God made the Bible available for all!!! 

Denominations would be even the Bible was very simple to understand... They are NOT BECAUSE OF THE BIBLE! THEY APPEAR BECAUSE OF SATAN! "If, in fact, the good news we declare is veiled, it is veiled among those who are perishing,  among whom the god of this system of things has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, so that the illumination of the glorious good news about the Christ, who is the image of God, might not shine through."(2Corinthians 4:3,4, NWT). SO SATAN HAS BLINDED PEOPLE AND THAT'S WHY THEY DON'T UNDERSTAND THE BIBLE! 

More information about the Bible and how can we understand it, you can find in the website
2020-09-10 18:52:22 UTC
It isn't as hard to understand as one would believe.  Obtain an excellent study bible that has excellent references.  

Oh there are some scriptures especially in Revelation we are not to fully know what is to happen......when John was given some scripture we just would not grasp at this stage of our lives.

God knows all......mankind are the one's that make all the changes that absolutely are not written in GOD'S HOLY WORD.  

One has to begin by accepting CHRIST,  as your SAVIOR.

Find a wonderful church that sticks to God's word completely.

Confusion is one of many tricks that satan pulls on people searching and wanting answers.  

Pray to God for your complete understanding and guidance.  Blessings
2020-09-10 17:47:20 UTC
I once heard a pastor say, this is my summary of it, imagine being this infinitely knowledgeable divine being who has existed for eternity and imagine just how much He had to dumb down everything He wanted to say to us. I mean to compact all of that knowledge into a book is a miracle, in fact it’s similar to compacting all the data humans have ever gathered and compacting it into a cellphone. Yet how complicated is the internet huh? So for us to even understand God is amazing! Also the Bible says that God does not reveal all things at once, but imagine if He did! I don’t think our brains could handle it! It’d be like compacting all of the internet into someone’s brain! Or try listening to 7 Billion people at one time and then  to answering every single person. That’s a day in the life of God. So God is quite amazing and to put what He wanted to share to us in a book is quite amazing as well. It seems the only way to understand Gods word is if God Himself told us what it meant. Which is why it’s so beneficial to become a follower of Jesus because when you do it says that you will then receive the Holy Spirit who will teach you and even help you understand the Word of God. So that is why people have a hard time reading the word, they don’t have the Holy Spirit to teach them or have a close relationship with a Him or aren’t taking the time to listen.
2020-09-10 17:15:33 UTC
The Christian Bible Versions. Are nothing more than the Collected and EDITED letters of certain persons (approved by the Church)

Careful reading of these letters shows, that the Authors may have mental and/or Drug issues. A further item is that the letter may contradict each other.

So the Believer will pick and chose.

In No Way are these the Word of G*D, (aka Gospel).

As easily seen the Religious believe, and in some cases will kill if their opponents do not believe as they do.
2020-09-10 15:01:17 UTC
There was no God when the Bibles were written.

 There are still no Gods today

Man wrote the Holy Books.

Man wrote a political masterpiece.  

Jesus is the greatest hoax of all time!

And the most financially successful! 
2020-09-10 00:35:13 UTC
The thing is that the Bible can only be understood if Jehovah God gives you the knowledge to do so. (Proverbs 3:5 & 6; James 1:5) Those that are truly interested in knowing the truth will be able to obtain it, and the rest will just stay confused. (Daniel 12:4)
2020-09-10 00:17:34 UTC
Plainly it takes the spirit of God to know the words of God and the old english can make it just as much harder to understand , I prayed with tears to understand the kjv and within time I did come to understand but no interpretation of the scriptures is open to personal interpretation and what the invisible spirit of revelation does teach is often not what is taught at the pulpit 
2020-09-09 18:57:17 UTC
It's easy. Everywhere you see the words "God" and "Jesus," change 'em to "Planet Earth" or "Mother Nature." 
2020-09-09 18:45:32 UTC
It's almost as if each individual book was written by a different person, and they were never meant to be combined into one unit. Or something.
2020-09-13 08:31:06 UTC
Because it wasn't written in English. Try translating a single paragraph from another language and you're likely gonna end up with incomprehensible text.
2020-09-11 13:32:01 UTC
Please stop for a moment and ask yourself if you should really blame God for making the Bible hard to understand and interpret. Is it God who has complicated things or is it man? Unfortunately, man is an expert in complicating things; instead of keeping it simple, man is lost in ignorance. There are many good things in the Bible that you must stop and contemplate: Luke 17: 20 - 21 the kingdom of God is within; Corinthians 3:16 - God lives in the temple of our heart. Are these difficult to understand? They are simple - the Divine spirit is within you, you are a manifestation of the Divine. Instead of trying to undo the complications, why don't you stop and interpret these simple truths, live them, realize the Truth and ultimately become one with God?
Jimmy C
2020-09-10 16:58:22 UTC
That is very sweet, but the Bible is a collection of writings by various men a couple of thousand years ago. Then it was translated numerous times and bits and pieces were changed with each version. 

Religions were invented by men who attempted to interpret the meaning of God. 
2020-09-10 06:33:30 UTC

1 Corinthians 2:14-16 — People who aren’t spiritual can’t receive these truths from God’s Spirit. It all sounds foolish to them and they can’t understand it, for only those who are spiritual can understand what the Spirit means. Those who are spiritual can evaluate all things, but they themselves cannot be evaluated by others. For, “Who can know the LORD’s thoughts?

Who knows enough to teach him?” But we understand these things, for we have the mind of Christ.

Note: Half of Anericans read on the ninth grade level. That alone accounts for a lot in inability with all documents.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.