Why did the romans kill Jesus Christ and not the jews?
2008-11-24 13:04:24 UTC
Why did they not just stone him according to their law?
42 answers:
✡mama pajama✡
2008-11-24 13:53:27 UTC
Nearly two generations pass before a replacement theology appears that demonizes Jews for not accepting a dead Jewish man as a form of god-man who can pardon sin, concepts antithetical to Torah.

Men to whom the Jews placed the hope of being the Davidic Messiah appeared in Jewish history both before and after the life of Jesus. As each one failed, they were never sought to be killed. A man hoped to one day rule Israel and break the yolk of religious and political persecution for the Jews first and then all humanity would of course not be a threat to the Jewish people. He would only be a threat to the oppressors or enemies of Israel/Jews.

Thousands of Jews were crucified by the Romans. Crucifixion was not a form of execution permitted in Torah.

The Christian religion's very concept of the term messiah is at complete odds with both the core tenet of faith in God presented in the Torah and the concept of the Davidic messiah prophecied for Israel.

They assign a function of pardoning sin and granting salvation to the job description of Messiah. That has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the prophecy of the Messiah in Tanakh.

Christianity takes many terms and words from Judaism but assigns foreign meanings to them. Some of the meanings are even directly forbidden by commandment in the Torah. THIS is the irreconcilable diffference in the two faiths, the nature of God and how humans connect to God and our fellow man! Judaism, through Torah has always taught that the righteous of all nations are blessed of God and also can know God directly.

Gentiles appear to forget or ignore that even the Temple had a court for the Gentiles. Isaiah refers to the righteous gentiles having a place in the world to come..EQUALLY!!!

So the Christian concept that they could only be saved through Jesus is foreign to Judaism and incompatible with what we are taught from the Tanakh.

Christians to say that Jews are awaiting any Christian concept of messiah are wrong because the Christian concept of messiah has nothing to do with Jewish prophecy

The New Testament wishes to demonize the people who adhere to the faith that it's concepts of faith are designed to replace.

The Pharisees were a sect of Judaism that formed during the Greek occupation in response to the attempts to impose Hellenist beliefs into Judaism, and their very name represents their desire to keep SEPARATE, foreign and idolatrous influences that the Hellenized Greek apostate Jews and Romans were trying to impose into practice at the Temple in Jerusalem. The New Testament depiction of the Pharisees is in fact, contradictory to the teachings of the Pharisees.

The story of Barabbas and Jesus' trial was fabricated to demonize Jews. The circular reasoning of this story and some of the elements in it are hard to palate if one is at all familiar with Hebrew or Jewish history or Roman history for that matter. I assert it was fabricated since there has NEVER been any other mention of the non-existent "custom" of pardoning a prisoner for Passover anywhere else outside this story..designed to claim that the Jews could have 'saved' the "savior" ..and instead chose the criminal who had a literal name of the "son of the father" rather than the son of God. Hmmm..

Now..since the VERY first appearance of that story, Jews have asserted that it was ridiculous for several reasons.

1) No such custom associated with Passover reason for it to did not fit with any known Jewish law.

2) No Roman record of there ever being any pardons for Passover in the entire time of their occupation of Judea exist...and there ARE archaeologic records of much of their goings on in Judea when it came to edicts and proceedings.

3) The Romans were crucifying and persecuting Jews. If there HAD been such a bizarre custom...WHY would the persecutors honor that custom when they honored no other customs, and in fact sought to violate them to offend Jews to assert dominance.

Rabbi Moshe ben Nachman, scored winning points bringing up just those points of the falsehood of such a custom in his famous debate with an apostate Jew, Pablo Christiani,before King James I of Spain in 1263

They also place a catch 22 onto the Jew.

Was it murder or willing self sacrifice?

Was it a human or was it a deity who died?


The New Testament story of Jesus' trial turns Jewish law and Jewish history recorded by Jewish scholars about the doings of the Sanhedrin during that time..topsy turvy.

The New Testament writers are trusting to the ignorance of their readers about Jewish law and about the established procedures of the Sanhedrin that were taken seriously, so that they don't get caught in those embellishments. For the most part because most people are not interested in learning about the ancient Jewish system they've been successful.

For instance, they do not know that a preliminary hearing of any kind, such as they allege to have taken place at the residence of Annas, or Caiphas( for even on that point there is no congruence in the Gospel accounts) could not possibly have been held. It violated their procedure and law they were swon to uphold. The whole court simply threw out their vows? Absurd.

They do not know that a session of the Sanhedrin could not convene until the morning service at the Temple was completed. They also were apparently unaware that the Sanhedrin never met on a Friday, nor on the eve of a Pesach (Passover) Those were unalterable traditions. In addition, the charge of a crime that was capable of being sentenced to capital punishment had to have a mandatory appeals process ( * see link and reference below regarding the appeals) and there could be up to five such appeals before sentence was carried out. Moreover, no sentence was to be passed on the same day as the trail was held.

The Sanhedrin was comprised of members of exceptional learning and character. No man could be a member of the Sanhedrin who had not previously filed three offices of "gradually increasing dignity" who was also not learned in sacred law, be free from "haughtiness" and never have been occupied in a trade or profession for the sake of financial gain or profit, he must be married and could not be a gambler, slave dealer or usurer, ..the list goes on to indicate that the members of the Sanhedrin were the most respected and given the task of upholding the Torah. Even if as history records, the head of that particular Sanhedrin was also an appointee among them by the Romans, for anyone to claim they all behaved in such a manner as the New Testament depicted is more absurd than to claim the United States Supreme Court(for which there exist none of the strictly enforced prerequisites of character) would hold a capital murder trial in secret and have witnesses act out in the manner of a kangaroo court with people screaming and acting out with no decorum whatsoever.

To the "objective" observer who knows these facts of Jewish history about the proceedings of the Sanhedrin, the story claimed about it does not ring true at all. The picture of a confused and wild scene at the crack of dawn at the High Priests residence where the whole court throws out all Torah law they are sworn to uphold and have spent their lives defending appears utterly ridiculous. Not only do they not follow any procedure of their own court and call for the testimony of character witness for the defense first, but they allow witnesses to barge in and shout, they tie Jesus hands during interrogation and he is spat upon!

The High Priest is shown rending his clothes in a place and at a time when he is forbidden by Torah to do so! So it is obvious that the Sanhedrin trial of Jesus simply did not take place as it is depicted at all. Jesus did not appear before the Sanhedrin.

It was ONLY the Romans that a messiah hopeful or pretender would even threaten.

The Jewish idea of a Jewish republic with God as the master authority and the Torah as the law of the land with a Jewish king to uphold this law would only threaten the Roman overlords. Pilate would not look upon the leader of a band of Galilean rebels as a harmless teller of religious tales, yet because the Romans even knew that the Jewish prophecy of a Davidic messiah must be an anointed KING, they mocked him as " king of the Jews"..

Pilate and the Romans were not PLACATING JEWISH WISHES. What the Christian New Testament depicts as being done by the Jews flies in the face of any Jewish belief whatsoever. And from the VERY first appearance of those stories IN the New Testament, Jews have known that it was simply NOT TRUE that the Jews were the people who either sought or killed their savior deity (sacrificed human for sin) whichever it is they believe (as I recognize not all Christians agree on whether he was man or deity) Pilate would have been remiss in his duty to Rome if he had not halted this rebel. And to make Pilate, a man whose own record reveals his cruel streak, the innocent victim of the wishes of the Jewish mob does not fit written record of his own history.. The New Testament shows him to be a weak and ineffective leader of Roman rule and that doesn't fit Roman history that shows he was removed from office for his cruelty!

Now that you have a little more background into the Jewish history, do you see why it's not so objective to think that the Romans were appeasing the Jewish COURT?

Messiah hopefuls have lived both before and after Jesus and the Jews never sought to kill any of them. In fact, look up about the life of Simeon Bar Kochba who lived after the time of Jesus. He actually was an anointed king of Israel for a time, but also failed at the job. He was another failed Messiah hopeful killed by the Romans, Jews didn't want to kill him, either.
2016-05-25 14:51:25 UTC
It was the Romans that put Jesus on the Cross and nailed His hands to the wood. It was the leaders of the Jewish religion at the time that wanted Jesus to be killed because Jesus was telling the people what crooks and hypocrites the Priests and other Religious leaders were. I've read the Bible many times and I don't remember any place where it says that the Jews killed Jesus. The New Testament says some negative things about Jews but you have to remember that at that time the word Jew had more than one meaning. When the New Testament says negative things about Jews it is talking about the people who lived in Judea!. After all Jesus was a Jewish Rabbi! All of Jesus disciples were Orthodox Jews if you are talking about the religion. Israel is divided into 3 areas. Judea is in the South and Jerusalem is in Judea. The Central and Northern area is called the Galilee. Nazareth was Jesus home town and was in the Galilee; remember that Jesus was called a Galilean. The people that lived in Judea were called Jews. To be really accurate, since Jesus had to die to save all of us from our sins, all of us killed Jesus; and that is the only accurate thing we can say.
Ambi valent
2008-11-24 13:16:17 UTC
The Jews didn't have any reason to kill Jesus. There were many young men around at the time, either claiming to be the messiah or leading groups who had ideas about where Judaism should be going. It was a time of considerable foment. The Jews who weren't part of these various groups might have been somewhat irritated, but they weren't about to kill any of these young men.

Most of what is reported in the Gospels just could not have happened. The Pharisees and Sadducees seem to have been muddled up; the Sanhedrin wouldn't ever meet at night; there was never any granting by the Romans of a right to choose who died; etc. And so we really can't take it as a literal account. But clearly, crucifixion being a Roman thing (as you say, the Jewish method, very rarely carried out, was stoning), the Jews didn't do the deed.
The angels have the phone box.
2008-11-24 13:43:37 UTC
Oh the Romans killed plenty of Jews as well. They went on an absolute orgy of crucifixions around the time of the Gospels were written.

As for your intended question, that's just one of the mysterious inconsistencies of the passion narrative. The Sanhedrin would never have met on in the evening, on Passover OR outside of the Temple. Pilate had a reputation for ruthlessness, so why did he release a prisoner? It wasn't a Pesach custom, regardless of what the Christian canon claims.

The story simply doesn't hold together with the historical customs, laws and political reality of the time.
2008-11-24 15:16:45 UTC
Ironic that the Bible says the Jews had no law to put a person to death, but earlier in the Testament Jesus saves a woman from stoning.

The Romans just executed him because they thought he was an agitator. The Jews probably had little to do with it, but their leaders were certainly probably happy to see him go since he challenged their authority and was rocking the boat.
Cher and Cher alike
2008-11-24 17:22:33 UTC
The Romans were cruxifying Jews by a hundred a day. Jesus was no unique in this aspect. The Roman's used cruxification, not primarily stoning.
Messianic Rose
2014-03-21 06:51:33 UTC
They did not want to get their hands dirty so to speak as it was the Passover so they got the romans to do their dirty work for them. As to the claims that it could not have happened & the Sanhedrin etc being honourable etc?? Many good jews have lied in the scriptures including David, jonathan, Absalom & many others.
2008-11-24 13:24:41 UTC
The crime of heresy was crucifixion not stoning and since the Jews accused Jesus of that,that was the punishment.

The Jews demanded it be done, but the Roman soldiers had to do the actual act, because they were the law of the times.
sylvia c
2014-03-21 01:41:31 UTC
the Jewish people had a law that at passover they would release someone to send into the desert to carry the sins of the people, so they chose barnabas over Christ who was innocent of the charges brought against Him, His love was so great for Israel that He was led to the slaughter in order to be their High priest and so there would be no more sacrifices of animals, but instead a spirit of praise and thanks giving for the grace which is in Christ Jesus, as we are justified by faith in Christ alone.
Anna P
2008-11-24 13:07:37 UTC
The country was under Roman law, and that was the Roman way for many years.
2008-11-24 13:15:39 UTC
well if i remember correctly,jesus was arrested by the guards of the pharisees and he was accused of declaring himself king of the jews.then he was handed over to the romans and on that day,there was this special occasion in which they could release one prisoner and Pontis asked the jews and they had been influenced by the jewish priests and they said release Barabbas(the other prisoner).so he was and Pontis asked the jews what he should do with jesus and they said crucify hm,and he asked him but he hasn't done anything wrong but they still said crucify him.I think he suggested stoning (but i could be wrong) and the jews said that they were not allowed to as it was the sabbath(i think).So they crucified him.I think that's it anyway, I was trying to recall when they reenacted it out in mass last easter!xx
2008-11-24 13:30:50 UTC
The Romans killed Jesus, at the request of the Jewish religious authorities
Christine M
2008-11-24 13:12:32 UTC
The romans didn't kill Jesus. Jesus died on his own accord. He gave up his spirit. If you know about the prophecies and more details of the Crucifixion, you would realize that no one killed Jesus.
2008-11-24 13:10:52 UTC
It was political. The Romans were in the area trying to keep the "neighborhood" happy. Pilot was in charge and gave the Jews their choice of killing Jesus or freeing Barabas. Basically, because the Romans were in charge.
2008-11-24 13:16:23 UTC
The Pharisees were powerful Jewish Leaders who could start large scale Jewish uprisings if they were pushed, and so the Romans were in league with the Pharisees as sort of a "let's agree to keep the peace together" thing, so the Pharisees could keep their power over their own people, and the Romans could rule by Roman Law, which actually (in practice) was very similar to our own present legal system in the U.S...

The reason the 1st Magistrate washed his hands of the whole Jesus thing, and passed on the responsibility of judgement to Pontius Pilate, because he could "find nothing wrong" with Jesus...Jesus hadn't attacked any Roman Soldiers, or broke any laws in any way, and he knew Pilate was probably in league with the Pharisees to get rid of Jesus, because Jesus was getting very popular amongst the rabble, and they both feared the growing popularity would eventually threaten their own power hold on things...

So the Pharisees plotted to get Jesus arrested on a trumped up charge of treason against the Romans, and Blasphemy amongst their own Jewish people...

So the 1st guy (possibly in league with Pontius, too) said "No way Jose...I'm not gonna sentence this guy to death for nothing, and then Pontius Pilate took over, and did the old trick where he's allowed to release one prisoner to the crowd based on the level of the cheers of approval when he placed his hand over their head...

And the Pharisees had the crowd pre-primed to condemn Jesus and let the other guy go, so Pontius and the Pharisees got their way, Jesus was falsely convicted on a trumped up charge, and executed like a commoner, but little did they know what a serious Martyr they made of him, and thus...

The current state of Christianity as you see it today...
man behind blue eyes
2008-11-24 13:11:53 UTC
it was foretold by prophecy just how Jesus would arrive and die.delivered into their hands.the jews didn't have the authority to have someone put to death only the roman emperor could do the high priest were scared of Jesus they saw all the things he had done and well.they were the romans killed him on behalf of the jew's insistence they even planted others in the crowd to release barnabas ..they edged it into happening..and then came hitler and they have been in a bind ever since.myself i have nothing against any one..easy answer.the jewish authority didnt have the power to have someone put to death.only the romans could do that...but they provoked it
Mel Jel
2008-11-24 13:11:35 UTC
wasn't it like Jesus went round telling folk he was king of the jews and what not, so the romans (jews) weren't too impressed. And they thought it was blasphemy, lying about god and his peeps. So they thought they'd be cool and crucify him and all that jazz.. but i think with the stoning part wasn't there this deal where he just would not die.. or i might have imagined that.. hmm you can tell i read the bible. Or they might have just thought it made a bigger deal out of things if they crucified him :D

i can tell that was sooo helpful!!

2008-11-24 20:29:24 UTC
Your question implies that Israel had a political government different than Rome. But Israel was subject to Rome to the point that Rome chose the High Priest...not Israel or as mandated by the Torah.

Jesus' connection to the masses would be the first reason. The Torah not being followed in picking the high priest would be the the second. Like John was beheaded because he pointed out the marriage should not have occurred, so people of power will kill those who threaten their power and the high priest had every right to be afraid.

This situation is very similar to when the woman caught in adultery was taken to Jesus as asked what they should do. The trap was that if Jesus obeyed the Torah, He would violate the law of Rome. And if He honored the law of Rome, He would violate the Torah which was already done because the man was not present.

But Jesus said, let He who is without sin cast the first stone and turned the tables on them. If they said they were without sin, then they would be guilty under the law of Moses. And if they said they were guilty of sin, then who were they to judge another?

As Israel was not allowed the political power to execute, so after having their trail well into the night (also in violation of the Torah since a man's life was at stake) the Jews handed Jesus over to the Roman authority for the real trail.

As the Jews had no legal authority to execute Jesus, they had to turn to Rome to whom the Jews were subject.


Mama: ***The Christian religion's very concept of the term messiah is at complete odds with both the core tenet of faith in God presented in the Torah and the concept of the Davidic messiah prophecied for Israel.***

If Jesus didn't meet the standards, please tell me how you will have a better candidate as there is no lineage that dates from the present to the destruction of the 2nd Temple? There is no one alive today that can prove he is in the line of David. We don't have David's DNA and the Mormans will verify we can't prove the geneology.

Therefore, please stop trashing Christianity until you can at least produce a possible candidate. That is fair, isn't it?

Mama: ***The New Testament wishes to demonize the people who adhere to the faith that it's concepts of faith are designed to replace.***

This simply is wrong. Testament should be translated as covenant. Christians are a covenent people. As the covenant with Moses didn't demonize the convenant with Abraham, so the new covenant that Jesus brings doesn't demonize the covenant of Moses. Stop with the distortion of a religion you don't know or practice.

Instead, straighten out the understanding of the Talmud as this is the real division between our religions.

***Along with that written text of the Torah, G-d gave Moses an oral explanation. We can thus speak of two Torahs - the Written Torah and the Oral Torah....The Oral Torah was originally meant to be transmitted by word of mouth. It was relayed from teacher to student in such a way so that if the student had any questions he would be able to ask and thus avoid ambiguity. A written text, however, no matter how perfect, is always subject to misinterpretation. Furthermore, the Oral Torah was meant to cover the infinitude of cases which would arise in the course of time. It could never have been written in its entirety. G-d therefore gave Moses a set of rules through which the Torah could be applied to every possible case.***


***There is at least one reason why the Oral Law was not written when given at Mount Sinai. Oral Law is a process of adaptation, and re-reading, of the Written Tora according to the necessities and problems of every time and generation. So if it had been written, it would have become a Tora for all ages, unchangeable and impossible to adapt to unexpected situations.***

How can you attack the integrety of the New Covenant and speak with such conviction what did or did not happen 2,000 years ago which you did not witness when the creditibility of the Talmud has much less credibility?

The Temple was destroyed roughly 35 years after Jesus died, was buried, and rose again from the dead. This was the period of time when the New Covenant was written....eyewitnesses still around and the scriptures say so. Within that time, we have the skulls of Christian who were brutally murdered for sport and those who were burned alive as candles for Nero's cocktail parties.

Why didn't Rome produce Jesus' body? Why didn't they ship people in that witnessed what you said happened...unless the scriptures are true.

Mama, even you can't deny these Christians in Rome died for their faith. So please continue your explanation to include why Christians would endure this Hollocaust if what you said was true?

This Hollocaust wasn't determined by lineage. This Hollocaust was by faith. Many of the people dying could have lived if they would only denouce Jesus as you would have them do. So why would they die when we know at what lengths people go to live?

...unless they were filled with the Holy Spirit like the prophets who were murder by Ahab and Jezebel.

So if you say Jews couldn't respond as was recorded in the New Covenant, then how do you explain what happened the days Elijah as recorded by the Tanach?

As an objective observer who has read

the last song of Moses,

the last words of Joshua,


and the number of evil kings in comparison to good kings,

the high priest being selected by Rome

and the burning of the food supply by Jews causing Jerusalem to fall

on what basis would you say Judaism be different when Elijah returns from the time he left? I would wager that your ability to sight sources on this is as good as your ability to site source that prove the New Covenant is wrong in what it recorded. ***Some general observations*** doesn't replace real facts...EVER! Please use sources that, if the shoe was on the other foot, you would accept from a Christian. In other words, stop the double standard.
Craig R
2008-11-24 13:08:32 UTC
They were living under Roman authority at the time and did not have the authority to carry out an execution.
2008-11-24 13:07:47 UTC
They wanted the labor force the Jews provided, and his public crucifixion was meant as a deterrent for them to not rise up again.
2008-11-24 13:10:27 UTC
Big $ in the Jesus business. Let's face it JC is marketing icon, jews are just so-so.
2008-11-24 13:08:18 UTC
Jesus said that he was the King of the Jews and was there to save everyone which they did not believe so they killed him.
2008-11-24 13:10:36 UTC
The Jewish priests wanted him gone as well. He was having gathering of the un-washed masses, he was causing problems in the market place and in the temple, he was hanging with known "felons". The same thing would have happened in modern times.
2008-11-24 13:11:52 UTC
Because they (romans) was overpower by the jews..... since the Jew vote for Jesus to get kill, not the Romans.... they only obey and follow their order.....
2008-11-24 13:09:52 UTC
It's rather obvious isn't it. If you were writing the first century equivalent of harry potter--you'd have to have the ruling class involved--else he'd not have been remember as anything more than a petty criminal handled by the local hacks.
2008-11-24 13:09:19 UTC
The Jews were given a choice between a murderer and Jesus. The crowd voted to kill Jesus. The pharisees actually seen Jesus as a threat and set it up so Jesus would be killed.
2014-03-11 09:27:27 UTC
Muslims believe that all prophets gave guidance and instruction to their people about how to properly worship God and live their lives. Since God is One, His message has been one and the same throughout time. In essence, all prophets taught the message of Islam - to find peace in your life through submission to the One Almighty Creator; to believe in God and to follow His guidance

The following prophets are mentioned in Quran who had bee under special protection of GOD. There are a few among them are messengers such as prophets Noah,Abraham, Moses,David, Isa and Muhammed (Peace be Upon them).

And Messengers enjoyed special protection and miracles from God. So it's some thing impossible to kill any of Messengers.

Quran mentions every life has to die Prophet Isa(Peace be up on him) he did not die but he was alleviated live to the paradise so he has to die here in this world, that's why he will be sent to the earth one day.

As God has immense power to run this universe, and prophet also bestowed unimaginable power from God. Prophet Isa(Jesus) was with one of the unusual miracle so how come we even think about that any body can harm him.

Muslim are waiting for Prophet Isa he is going to fight one eyed man, and also he is not a ordinary man, that why Prophet Isa (PBH) would be one of the empowered man wherever his gaze and eyesight goes the rays coming out from his eye would destroy the enemy of human beings.

According to Quran, which introduced the family of Jesus and his mother and grand mother as well as his uncle including most of the popular prophets whose name is recited with a great respect- prophet Isa was not killed but the person who set to do that his faced was turned or resemble like Prophet and he was caught ,then killed by Roman.

How unfortunate is this that a person who had intention to kill one of the great prophet of God is being remembered by some of spiritual people who love God and His prophets while every day ,every time the name of Prophet Isa and his mother and his other relatives including the name of other prophets are being chanted and recited for the sake of seeking God mercy.


•Idris (Enoch)

•Nuh (Noah)



•Ibrahim (Abraham)

•Isma'il (Ishmael)

•Ishaq (Isaac)

•Lut (Lot)

•Ya'qub (Jacob)

•Yousef (Joseph)


•Ayyub (Job)

•Musa (Moses)

•Harun (Aaron)

•Dhu'l-kifl (Ezekiel)

•Dawud (David)

•Sulaiman (Solomon)

•Ilias (Elias)

•Al-Yasa (Elisha)

•Yunus (Jonah)

•Zakariyya (Zechariah)

•Yahya (John)

•'Isa (Jesus)

2008-11-24 13:09:23 UTC
Most likely it never happened! The whole story is so ridiculous, too!
2008-11-24 13:17:22 UTC
CAIAPHAS: We turn to Rome to sentence Nazareth.

We have no law to put a man to death.
2008-11-24 13:09:50 UTC
the jews are the ones who condemned him to death, just like a judge exec ting punishment over the accused, they romans set up the cross but the jews crucified him with there hearts, and words they condemed the lord and saviour

This tells you how to become a Christian, and how to go to Heaven

John 9:31

Now we know that God heareth not sinners: but if any man be a worshipper of God, and doeth his will, him he heareth.


Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God .

Acts 2:36-38

36Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God hath made the same Jesus, whom ye have crucified, both Lord and Christ.

37Now when they heard this, they were pricked in their heart, and said unto Peter and to the rest of the apostles, Men and brethren, what shall we do?

38Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost
2008-11-24 13:08:06 UTC
Jesus Christ was killed by the Romans (Pontius and his followers) Jesus CHrist was a Jew/Christain and yes it is posible to be both because he was, let me know if you need some actual scriptures.
2008-11-24 13:09:40 UTC
Pontius Pilate did not want to Crucify Jesus. He in fact told him he was not a criminal and Not fit to be crusified as such. Read the bible and it will tell you why and what happened.
2008-11-24 17:51:50 UTC
because they were in charge!!!

they ran the country, doh!
Amanda F
2008-11-24 13:08:59 UTC
Because the multitude was screaming to "crucify him" and even though Pilot hesistated he eventually gave in to the cries of the people.
2008-11-24 13:07:45 UTC
Because Rome had control by the time Jesus was 33. The Rabbi's demanded it though.
2008-11-24 13:07:27 UTC
Because he was a threat to Rome, and not to the Jews.
2008-11-24 13:08:42 UTC
No one did any of those things. Since there are no corroborated eye witness accounts of the events you're referring to, the only rational conclusion one can draw is that the story is fictional at best, propaganda at worst.
2008-11-24 13:07:08 UTC
No doubt some intricate political machinations were going on that we, at this late date, are not privy to.
William W
2008-11-24 13:08:45 UTC
They wanted to be rid of him, but not have his blood on their hands.
2008-11-24 13:07:43 UTC
they were jealous of his super powers
2008-11-24 13:07:04 UTC
Because the Bible was a fiction novel.
2008-11-24 13:07:09 UTC
um the romans were the jews lol at u

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.