Greek Apokalupsis: uncovering; lifting the veil.
Revelation is in the end of the Bible. For better understanding the characteristics of the apocalyptic literature you need to know that the story line involves the reception of visions by the writer. The present is described as a time of trouble while future is a time of deliverance and triumph.
The story is told in a series of dramatic presentations that make use signs and symbols. Signs and symbols are to be understood as figurative first and literal second. This is opposite to other works of Scripture. For example there is nothing figurative about the style Genesis has been written.
Symbols serve as a dual purpose. To disguise the message from those who might be hostile toward it. To solve the riddle for those presently asking the more profound questions.
Overall purpose of the book of revelation is the revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show His servants -things that must shortly take place. And He sent and signified it by His angel to His servant John Rev 1:1
Visions are commonplace in apocalyptic literature. In Biblical visions, God uses multiple visions with different story lines to communicate the same basic idea.
I am actually planning to do some blogs about this subject. I can recommend the book " More than a conquerors " by Hendriksen.