Dinosaurs prove God doesn't exist?
2007-09-25 17:49:27 UTC
If dinosaurs roamed the earth millions of years ago... but yet Christians told me the world was created 4000 eyars before Jesus, then isn't that prove the bible is all one big LIE. Even if Jesus existed he was just crazy, or a liar?
22 answers:
2007-09-27 12:53:43 UTC
Given the genealogies of the Bible, it’s safe to assume that the world along with Adam and Eve and the dinosaurs was created less than 10,000 years ago.

OK, is there evidence of younger dates for dinosaur fossils? Oh yeah (these are easy to look up).

In 1981, scientists identified unfossilized dinosaur bones which had been found in Alaska 20 years earlier. Dr. Philip Currie (an evolutionist) wrote about this and some similar finds, “An even more spectacular example was found on the North Shore of Alaska, where many thousands of bones lack any significant degree of permineralization. The bones look and feel like old cow bones, and the discoverers of the site did not report it for twenty years because they assumed they were bison, not dinosaur, bones.”

As Dr. Margaret Helder has said, “How these bones could have remained in fresh condition for 70 million years is a perplexing question. One thing is certain: they were not preserved by cold. Everyone recognizes that the climate in these regions was much warmer during the time when the dinosaurs lived.”

In 1990 a sample of various dinosaur bones were sent to the University of Arizona for a “blind” Carbon-14 dating procedure. “Blind” in the sense that they didn’t tell them what the bones were. The oldest date they got was 16 thousand years. Now I don’t think they are even that old, but that’s a far cry from the millions of years evolutionists suggest. If dinosaurs became extinct more than 65 million years ago, there should be no carbon-14 left in their bones. Evolutionist of course say the samples must have been contaminated.

In 1990, Scientists from the University of Montana found T. rex bones that were not totally fossilized and even found what appeared to be blood cells in them. Dr. Mary Schweitzer said, “It was exactly like looking at a slice of modern bone. But, of course, I couldn’t believe it. … The bones, after all, are 65 million years old. How could blood cells survive that long?” How indeed?

And then in 2005, they found an even greater discovery. Science Daily website said (March 25, 2005): “Dr. Mary Schweitzer . . . has succeeded in isolating soft tissue from the femur of a 68-million-year-old dinosaur. Not only is the tissue largely intact, it’s still transparent and pliable, and microscopic interior structures resembling blood vessels and even cells are still present.”

As Dr. David Menton said, “It certainly taxes one’s imagination to believe that soft tissue and cells could remain so relatively fresh in appearance for the tens of millions of years of supposed evolutionary history.” Wouldn’t that be a hit for the meat industry if we could figure out how to preserve meat for so long?

This evidence fits much better with Noah’s flood 4-5 thousand years ago, and a recent extinction of dinosaurs.

So, where are all the human fossils with dinosaurs? Actually, where are all the human fossils with any animals? Human fossils are extremely rare, and that’s what you would expect since they would have survived the longest in the Flood.

As Dr. Jonathon Sarfati said, “The more intelligent creatures would find a way to escape until the very end, leaving their bodies nearer the surface, where post-Flood erosion would destroy most evidence of their existence. Humans would have been most resilient of all, clinging to debris and rafts, before they died of exposure...”

With this line of reasoning, you can’t prove that man and Dodo birds lived together since their fossils are not found together. If human bones aren’t found buried with dinosaur bones, it simply means they weren’t buried together. It is pretty unlikely that humans and dinosaurs would live together for the most part (Would you choose to live near a large carnivorous dinosaur?).

Another thing you have to realize is that 95% of all fossils are marine organisms and 95% of that remaining 5% were plants. The percentage of the remaining animals is extremely small. So, we should not expect to find many human fossils at all, and we don’t.

Besides, the evidence from the jumbled up bone fragments can easily be misinterpreted. They have confused a dolphin’s rib for a human collarbone and an extinct pig’s tooth for a human tooth before. Couldn’t they make similar mistakes concerning human and dinosaur fossils? Especially since they are looking at the evidence from an evolutionary paradigm. Given the amount of sedimentary rock, we still have a great deal more to explore. There is still the possibility of finding human fossils in the lower levels of Flood sediment and along with dinosaurs.

And actually, more than once, there have been fossilized human footprints found along with dinosaur footprints. As you know, the evolutionists just quickly dismiss the evidence or try to get it discredited. They have to—it doesn’t fit their paradigm.

In a copper mine in Moab, Utah, two human skeletons were found in Cretaceous sandstone (supposedly more than 65 million years old, back in the time of the dinosaurs). So what did they say? They must have fallen down to that level somehow or were recently buried there.

In 2005, there was an interesting report by the Associated Press: “Villagers digging in China’s rich fossil beds have uncovered the preserved remains of a tiny dinosaur in the belly of a mammal, a startling discovery for scientists who have long believed early mammals couldn’t possibly attack and eat a dinosaur.” It was a dog type of creature. Evolutionists had previously said that no advanced mammals lived during the time of the dinosaurs. But, the more we dig, the more this kind of stuff is found.

For decades, evolutionists taught that coelacanths (a type of fish) became extinct about the same time as the dinosaurs (65 million years ago). Because its fossils looked “prehistoric” and because of its large fins, scientists speculated that the large fins evolved into feet and that its descendants eventually walked out of the sea. That’s until Dec. 24, 1938 when a five foot long coelacanth was caught off the coast of S. Africa. Since then, over 100 of them have been caught and researchers have found that Indonesian fisherman had been selling coelacanths in their fish markets for years. Guess what, the coelacanths are still using their fins to swim, not walk. No fossils of coelacanths have ever been found in the same layers as human fossils, but they have been found in the same layers as dinosaur fossils—yet we know coelacanths and humans lived together, because they do today.

In 1994, the Wollemi pine tree was found in Australia (also said to have become extinct millions of years ago). Professor Carrick Chambers said, “The discovery is the equivalent of finding a small dinosaur still alive on Earth.” Before these were found, if you would have said, “I believe that coelacanths and humans or the wollemi pine tree and humans lived together,” they would have said you were nuts. Just because we don’t find fossils of certain creatures or plants together with humans in the fossil record, it doesn’t mean they didn’t live together.
2016-04-06 05:13:05 UTC
You are using the word "Christian" when I think you mean fundamentalist, evangelical Protestants, which are actually a very small amount of Christians. Catholics are over half of the world's Christians and Orthodox over a quarter and the mainline denominations are most of the rest leaving your fundamentalists with very few people. They are a recent addition to the Christian world (1950's) and I would appreciate it if you would look more into these isssues before throwing us all in together to arguments most Christians don't try to make. The majority of Christians (and the Jews who wrote this myth) do not believe it to be a historical document or a scientific document but only a spiritual document that describes our relationship with God, where we fit in the world and what life could have been like without sin. The snake represents the forces of evil tempting us, the Garden represents humanity and nature coexisting perfectly and God walking in the Garden represents a time when He was close to humanity. I believe Genesis is True but not in the sense you are saying. Augustine warned us not to take what is spiritual language as literal language and I think that is what you and the fundamentalists are doing to this document and it takes the soul out of it. Besides, you never heard that the word day in Genesis has also been translated as age. Therefore the animals could have had millions of years to evolve before man came about leaving extinct species like the dinosaur around. The Pope actually said that evolution is more than a theory meaning it is most likely the method God used to create the various animal scecies and humanity.
2007-09-25 18:59:29 UTC
Simple, at least one of those time tables is wrong.

If the Bible is correct, then dinosaurs coexisted with humans. If there were evidence that any humans ever saw a dinosaur, then the Bible would be true and the time table with millions of years is false.

Well, such evidence does exist!

For example, there are many examples of art left by ancient civilizations that show dinosaurs!

In the Grand Canyon and in Natural Bridges National Park (USA) there are petroglyphs (rock etchings) that show dinosaurs.

In Mexico, there were found many, many clay dinosaur figurines.

In Peru, there are ancient Inca burial stones that show many known dinosaurs.

In Cambodia, there is a base relief sculpture of a dinosaur.

These examples of art left behind by ancient men show many known dinosaurs. This art, however was formed hundreds of years before these dinosaurs were "discovered".

Much of this art is done in great detail! If these are not dinosaurs, then what are they and why do they look so much like known dinosaurs?

If they are dinosaurs, and I don't know what else they could be, then either these men had seen them, or someone else who had seen them told the artist what they looked like!

See the photos at the attached links and judge for yourself! Examine the evidence!
2007-09-25 18:35:25 UTC
Who says dinosaurs roamed the earth millions of years ago. Charles Darwin pulled that idea out of his butt and there is still no scientific proof to back up his ideas. The earth is only 6 to 8 thousand years old. And yes i'll probably get fifty million thumbs downs but I swear no one on here can give me Scientific proof that the earth is even 20,000 years old. I'll ask that question right know and you can see that there is no proof for the evolution crap that gets taught in public schools.
2007-09-25 17:58:13 UTC
Because of Dinosaurs, we know the World has been around longer than 6000 years. Who knows exactly, but understand there is absolutely NO solid scientific evidence proving that humans did not exist with dinosaurs, and exist from the beginning. There are also references to Dinosaur like creatures in the Bible, suggesting that humans in fact do exist along side dinosaurs in the beginning. Jesus also did exist and his teachings were TRUE. whether you are willing to accept that is up to you. God Bless
2007-09-25 17:56:02 UTC
Well, intelligent design says that 4000 years isn't really 4000 years... it's more like, some parts of time go really fast, some parts go super slow.. even millions of years slow.

it has to do with the primitive scope of time that the ancient tribes of jerusalem could percieve. years were long, thousands were liek omg for-evah! and thus a thousand years could really be 12 trillion years.

but to be quite honest, it's a really big stretch of the imagination, considering how stalwart the church has been in the last two thousand years in forcing the belief that the world is only 4000 years old.

i think religion is more about finding comfort and patterns in the universe and your scope of it than in saying "i'm right all the time" and it's great for people to feel that, especially in times of need. think about the social, psychological, spiritual and emotional things christianity can do for you instead of simply saying this is right, this is wrong, ha ha im so smart.
2007-09-25 18:20:27 UTC
Can't you people make an effort to at least be original? B O R R I N G!!!

The Bible does not refute the existence of dinosauers any more than it refutes the existence of Eskimos. We know Jesus existed because the Romans, for one, had Him down in their records. All time frames in the Bible are inexact. Probably so snarky little village atheists like yourself would have something to obsess about ad nauseum.
the pink baker
2007-09-25 18:13:45 UTC
I think your the crazy one. Jesus did exist and was not able to lie nor crazy and the Bible is true. I don't care about dinosaurs.
2007-09-25 17:59:54 UTC
Dinosaurs and men existed together .The Incas made pictographs of men and dinosaurs together thousands of years ago.(See Ica Stones ,not Inca stones on Yahoo search)

Job chapter 40 speaks of a dinosaur called Behemoth .He is huge ,eats grass,stands in the rushing river and is not moved,has ribs like iron and a tail like a cedar tree.Now Crocs don't eat grass,and elephants and Hippos have teeny little tails.What he was describing was a brontosaurus type .

Jesus was indeed ,either one who thought himself to be a hard boiled egg,a liar of the worst degree,or Lord and Savior.I choose Lord and Savior.He did exist ,first century historian Flavius Josephus says so in his book 'Antiqueties' and he was not a Christian man.
2007-09-25 17:56:22 UTC
Some biblical scholars will still maintain that dinosaurs and people co-existed and science is wrong about how old those bones are. I don't know about that, but the Bible could be proved to be written by human beings (which is likely) and be a complete fabrication, but doesn't disprove the existence of a superior being.
2007-09-25 17:59:05 UTC
people who think the earth was created 4000 yrs ago, havent read the bible.

number states in the bible ' one day is LIKE a thousand years to the lord'

number 2..the bible says 'god created the animals BEFORE he created man'

number 3..the bible is NOT science book and was NEVER intended to is a book on examples of god..OT HOW GOD CAN BE..NT HOW MUCH GOD LOVES US AND WHAT JESUS DID FOR US
2007-09-25 18:01:58 UTC
Your statements are so pathetic!!!

Oh yes, lets base all our facts on science and man, shall we? Of course scientists know more than God Himself, so they couldn't be wrong, could they?

Geeez!!!! The earth has NEVER been proven to be billions of years old, and dinosaurs are not millions of years old. They walked the earth with man. You are very sadly misled, like the rest of the evolutionists.

The only BIG LIE here is the one satan deceived you into believing that the world is so old, because it has to fit his agenda!
Cameron C.
2007-09-25 17:53:10 UTC
Some christians think that God put dino bones in the ground at the same time He made everything else, just because he could. But I think that if God existed, he wouldn't put false clues somewhere just to confuse people.
2007-09-25 17:53:32 UTC
Behemoth accounted for the thousands of dinosaurs that existed between 65 mya and 220 mya obviously!

Have you not read the Bible?!

There's a tiny blip about a monster with a navel..oh **** dinos don't have navels....
2007-09-25 17:56:28 UTC
God created all the animal,s then but did not mention each one,,the hippo,the cat, the horse,the rat not in it but they are real,,doesn,t prove a thing..try again.
2007-09-25 18:34:19 UTC
Jesus never said those, it was some stupid dummys who made up stuff that are wrong.
2007-09-25 18:14:55 UTC

It indicates that the 'Christians' that told you that was inaccurately informed themself then and there possibly.
2007-09-25 17:51:56 UTC
The Bible doesn't focus how old the earth is, rather, it teaches about the spiritual aspect of reality, namely that God is the creator and our Father. God bless.
2007-09-25 17:55:06 UTC
Free your mind. Then, you will understand.
2007-09-25 17:54:51 UTC
the people who wrote the boble were morons

just forget about it
2007-09-25 17:54:00 UTC
that and hundreds of other such examples
Shawn B
2007-09-25 17:51:58 UTC
Seems so.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.