Here are some question that keep me from fully believing in him...?
2008-07-19 20:35:25 UTC
Here are some question i would like answered and please dont reply with I'll pray for you!!! please
1) How many days did Noah have to build the ship and gather the animals? (did 2 of each animals live within walkin distance?)
2) If Adam and Eve had 2 son how did the world reproduce? (did one of the boys do his mom?)
3) If one of the boys killed the other why did that one leave to build a city? (if there was only adam, eve and the one son?)
4)Remember when they said they found jesus tomb why havent they talked about it since? (they found his body maybe and if they did christianity is destroyed)
5)I watched the history channel awhile back and they said jesus wasnt born in dec. he was born in March or May cant remember? (so why do we celebrate christmas then?)
6)They found in the cave jesus was put in some kind of chemicals on the walls that made people hallucinat? (so was there really visions of angels and other things?)
Hopefully no one reports me for askin questions!!!!
42 answers:
2008-07-19 21:13:21 UTC
well o.k lets see if I can remember form my catholic school days.

1.) The bible doesn't specificially say how long it took Noah to build the Ark, when he is first mentioned in Genesis 5:32 he is 500 years old and when he enters the ark he is 600 years old so best estimate is that it took 100 years to build the ark, It it also estimated that he spend 370 years on the ark. as for the animals contrary to belief there were seven of each kind of clean animal meaning "able to scarifice" and two of every other kind, this makes sense they needed animals to sacrifice after the flood was over and if they only had two of every species one male and one female they wouldn't have been able to repopulate the animals,(Genesis 6: 19-20: 7; 2-3) The bible doesn't state specifically but it is believed that God caused the animals to appear to noah Genesis 6:20

2.)Adam and eve had more than two sons Cain, Abel, Seth as well as other sons and daughters, it is believed that can and abel both had twin sisters, one will later become the wife of cain, after cain kills abels god tells him that the place where the blood of his brother has been spilt will no longer bear fruit for him and make him a wanderer. It is then then he marries his sister and is believed to be given a time of rest form his wandering and builds a city he names this city Enoch after his Son.

3.) The church of the Holy Sepulchre located northwest quarter of the old city of Jerusalem, built orginally by constantine the Great, is said to enclose both the site of Christ's crucifixion, and the rock cut tomb in rich he was said to have been buried. This was said to have been done to protect and cover the tomb.

4.)Your right Christ wasn't born in Dec, he was more likely born in late summer early fall, but they decided to celebrate it according to the winter Solitice in the Julian Calendar.Did you know that many didn't even want to celebrate his birth because some considered celebrating birthdays a pagan tradition..later they decided it was worth celebrating

5.) the last one I'm going on pure faith, I can't beleive in my hearth that any chemicals were used on the walls to make mary or Mary M, think that angels were afoot that just doesn't mesh for me.

Hope I helped even a little
2008-07-19 20:52:46 UTC
1) How many days did Noah have to build the ship and gather the animals? (did 2 of each animals live within walkin distance?) 120 years

GOD brought the animals to noah

2) If Adam and Eve had 2 son how did the world reproduce? (did one of the boys do his mom?) They had other children before Cain and Abel.

Gen 4:3 And in process of time it came to pass, that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground an offering unto the LORD.

3) If one of the boys killed the other why did that one leave to build a city? (if there was only adam, eve and the one son?)

There wasn't just adam and eve and one son. The bible does not indicate how long it was before Cain and Abel were born or came along.

4)Remember when they said they found jesus tomb why havent they talked about it since? (they found his body maybe and if they did christianity is destroyed)

Because there was no body in the tomb and the soliders were to be killed for allowing the body to be taken. So the religious leaders of the jews had the soliders lie about it.

Mat 28:11 Now when they were going, behold, some of the watch came into the city, and shewed unto the chief priests all the things that were done.

Mat 28:12 And when they were assembled with the elders, and had taken counsel, they gave large money unto the soldiers,

Mat 28:13 Saying, Say ye, His disciples came by night, and stole him away while we slept.

Mat 28:14 And if this come to the governor's ears, we will persuade him, and secure you.

Mat 28:15 So they took the money, and did as they were taught: and this saying is commonly reported among the Jews until this day.

5)I watched the history channel awhile back and they said jesus wasnt born in dec. he was born in March or May cant remember? (so why do we celebrate christmas then?) The holiday was celebrated by the romans for their GOD saturn. When christians were in rome they used GOD and chose a date.

6)They found in the cave jesus was put in some kind of chemicals on the walls that made people hallucinat? (so was there really visions of angels and other things?) How do we know it was actually jesus tomb? No they were not hallucinations many other people saw Jesus.
2008-07-19 20:55:33 UTC
I will try to help you. It is good that you are asking because it shows you want to belive and it is perfectly natural to question things at some point in your life. I would suggest that you go to a religious leader maybe a nice non denominational church that accepts spiritual seekers as well as full belivers, these churches do a lot of small groups and stuff you can do a google for your area. This way a person can sit down with you and discuss this stuff a few times with you until you feel comfortable. Here are my anwers to your questions, I hope you find what you are looking for, I recently acceptd Jesus for myself and it has been a wonderful transformation. I also had similar questions:O)

1) How many days did Noah have to build the ship and gather the animals? (did 2 of each animals live within walkin distance?)

Some of the Bible can be parable. I am sure if this was literal God made the animals come to Noah. He did create the earth so anything is possible.

2) If Adam and Eve had 2 son how did the world reproduce?

I talked to my husband about this a few weeks ago. I wonder if we get the story of the first man and woman, then God created others in the world after the fall. That seems to make the most sense to me. We cannot recount for every person in history and the Bible is a history book in a way. We just get the major stories, kinda like we read about WWII, but we don't read in our school boks about the kid who robs th 7 11 in your home town.

3) If one of the boys killed the other why did that one leave to build a city? (if there was only adam, eve and the one son?)

see above

4)Remember when they said they found jesus tomb why havent they talked about it since? (they found his body maybe and if they did christianity is destroyed)

That is a myth. The news would be huge and worldwide, I heard of this too on the history channel. Jesus' body is in heaven.

5)I watched the history channel awhile back and they said jesus wasnt born in dec. he was born in March or May cant remember? (so why do we celebrate christmas then?)

Like someone else said, the timing is off and it is lined up witht he pagan holidays of the winter solstace and spring equinox so that it would be easier to convert the pagan and they would not have to give up their celebrations. It does not change the meanings of these holidays. Look at it as a compromise to get people to belive in the truth.

6)They found in the cave jesus was put in some kind of chemicals on the walls that made people hallucinat? (so was there really visions of angels and other things?)

I never heard of this if it is true maybe it was divine intervention to get the messages. i want to know more abot this question. Sorry I could not give you anything on this one.

Just remember even if you reject Jesus and God as truth and embrace Darwin and evolution, you still are left with the unanswered question "where did that original matter come from that exploded into our universe to eventually create life? It all comes back to God. Good luck you will find your way.
2008-07-19 20:50:15 UTC
1. See the answers above ... no, the ark was not built in a number of days. Walking distance wouldn't matter because it literally took Noah YEARS to build that thing.

2. Also see answers above ... Cain and Abel were not the only two offspring of Adam and Eve. They are probably most famous because of the murder, but the BIBLE tells of other offspring.

3. See #2 and the answers before this.

4. The tomb is empty. When you open a gift, do you go back and celebrate the empty box? Also see answers above ...

5. The History Channel is not the gospel of anything. Christmas is an arbitrary date based upon a totally different Roman holiday. The date just "stuck" and became acceptable. There will always be debate about when Jesus was born, 1. so that people can have some controversy to discuss, and 2. because none of us now living were there. The Bible does not say he was born in December, case in point.

6. Weird. I've never heard of this ... sounds like a bunch of fiction.

Reading the Bible might answer some of these questions as well, but unfortunately, you can't just read a few scriptures and draw certain conclusions from partial readings. The best to you!
2008-07-20 13:10:18 UTC
1) Several years, I believe. b. It was actually 2 of each "unclean" animal and 7 of each "clean" animal". We don't know for sure how they were gathered, but most of them probably lived nearby. Whatever the case, I expect God sent the animals to be saved to Noah.

2) If you read the text, they had other sons and daughters. The three who are named just had some significance in history.

3) Adam and Eve probably had a lot of children (see above). We do not know how long into history the murder of Abel took place. It could have been 400 years, which means the youngest of the "kids" could have produced 20 generations of families. Remember that they lived long lives back then according to the Bible, so logically the length of being fertile was also longer than currently is the case. If Adam and Eve had, say, 20 kids, and each of them paired off and had 10-20 kids, 20 generations later there could be tens of thousands of people living on the earth, certainly enough to build cities.

4) Because there is no real reason to believe it was the Jesus of the Bible. All the names associated with that tomb were very common in those days, and it is just as likely, from a statistical standpoint, to be another family.

5) The early Catholic church established the day of remembrance at the winter solstice to replace the pagan holiday. They did the same with Easter Sunday. These were not the actual days of the birth and resurrection.

6) never heard of any such theory.
2008-07-20 11:36:22 UTC
1) The bible doesn't say how many days Noah took to build the ship and gather the animals. This is the kind of detail that is not really important to the story, kind of like it doesn't really matter what color his robe was or how many windows the ark had.

2) Adam and Eve had more children than Cain and Abel. The other children are not mentioned by name in the bible, but it does say that they had more children.

3) There were more people than just Adam, Eve and 2 sons.

4) I am not really sure what you mean by this question. People do talk about Jesus' tomb.

5) Yes, it is true that Jesus was born in springtime and not winter. We celebrate Christmas in December because the pagans had a winter festival before they converted to Christianity. It was a more comfortable transition for them to continue to have a celebration at the same time of the year that they used to. Imagine if you tried to have thanksgiving in July or something, it wouldn't feel right to you.

6) I have personally never heard that one, so I don't have a response to it.

The bottom line is that Christianity is a faith-based religion. It is not possible to know all the facts behind every bible story. You have to have the faith that the bible is true, even though you don't have all the "facts." So, where does that faith come from? Every person has to find it for themselves, through building a personal testimony. I suggest that you try praying and asking God if the bible is true. Do this with a sincere desire and an open heart and I believe the Holy Ghost will testify to you the truthfulness of the bible. That testimony from the Holy Ghost will be the foundation of your faith. It says in the bible...

"If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him." (James 1:5)

Basically this scripture means: if there is something you want to know, ask God. He will not lie to you.

Good luck,

2008-07-19 20:55:48 UTC
1- there are NO inconsistencies in the bible;only in the minds [such as they are!] of the heathen.

here are the answers, by the numbers.


1) How many days did Noah have to build the ship and gather the animals? (did 2 of each animals live within walkin distance?)

*** about an hundred years. and, the foolish never read it properly. the clean animals were taken by sevens.

2) If Adam and Eve had 2 son how did the world reproduce? (did one of the boys do his mom?)

*** course not. they had SONS AND DAUGHTERS. they married their own sisters.

back then, the genetic weaknesses we have today did not exist.

since both adam and eve lived into their 900's or so, likely they had a few hundred kids themselves.

3) If one of the boys killed the other why did that one leave to build a city? (if there was only adam, eve and the one son?)

*** in that time, the 'death penalty' did not exist for imperfect humans. and, they had to be given the opportunity to reproduce despite what the husband[cain] did.

and, again, there were MANY sons and daughters. just a few were named.

4)Remember when they said they found jesus tomb why havent they talked about it since? (they found his body maybe and if they did christianity is destroyed)

*** that is a fictional story. no body would be found anyhow. kinda like the davinci code or the silly movie about some map on the back of the us constitution.

5)I watched the history channel awhile back and they said jesus wasnt born in dec. he was born in March or May cant remember? (so why do we celebrate christmas then?)

*** from what we can see, he was most likely born in october. the sheep herders were IN the fields late at night. that meant it was probably a decent temperature outside. in winter it is rainy season. in spring, it is still cold out. summer would still be light out, so october is the most likely time frame.

the ro cath church chose dec 25 to match the saturnalia as it was the winter solstice. the ro cath church was an amalgam of the early christian church with the pagan/ heathen romans of central italy .

6)They found in the cave jesus was put in some kind of chemicals on the walls that made people hallucinat? (so was there really visions of angels and other things?)

Hopefully no one reports me for askin questions!!!!

*** no. again, that is fiction.

why report ACTUAL questions?


giving you a star for not asking STUPID ones.
Pastor Art (((SFECU)))
2008-07-20 06:52:17 UTC
1. Noah had 100 years to build the ark and he had his three sons to help him. God caused the right animals to move nearby where Noah lived in time to board the arc.

2. Adam and Eve had dozens, perhpas hundreds of sons and daughters after Cain killed Abel. You would know this if you read Genesis chapter five.

3. Read all five chapters of Genesis please.

4. Who are you talking about?

5. No one knows when Jesus was born. The history channel is guessing. The calendar was not very precise then which is why most believe Jesus was born between 4 and 8 BC.

There had been a pagan holiday on Dec 25. The early church decided, in order to take attention away from that holiday, to start celebrating the birth of Jesus on that day as well.

6. Who is "they"? When did "they" discover this? I suspect this was made up by someone who had, in advance decided they did not believe the account of what was recorded in the Bible so they made something up, they lied, so that they had an explanation for what really happened without having to deal with the fact that Jesus really did rise from the dead.
2008-07-19 20:56:04 UTC

You ask some outstanding questions, I hope I can do justice to your questions.

1. It took 120 years to build the ark (Gen. 6:3). Remember, in those days they didn't have power tools.

2. Adam and Eve had multiple sons and daughters (Gen 5:3-5).

3. Same as q2 - Adam and Eve had more children than Cain and Abel. They had Seth (Gen 4:25) and other children.

4. After the resurrection and Ascension, there were nearly 2000 years where other nations ruled the land now known as Israel (Rome, Turkey, England, etc.). So there is no way of knowing which tomb is "The Tomb." They haven't found the body - Jesus was resurrected, and then ascended into heaven (Acts 1:8-11).

5. Jesus most likely wasn't born in December. Most likely the census was taken after the fall harvest. There was a pagan holiday celebrated on Dec. 25th, and the early church adopted that date.

6. I haven't heard about this - so I can't give a reasonably intelligent answer.

2008-07-19 21:00:40 UTC
1) God brought the animals and Noah had nothing to do with gathering them. Noah left the door open for them.

2) Ge 5:3 When Adam was 130 years old, he had a son in his own likeness. He named him Seth. 4 Adam lived 800 years after Seth was born. He also had other sons and daughters. 3) If one of the boys killed the other why did that one leave to build a city? (if there was only adam, eve and the one son?)

4) Neither the tomb nor the body have been found. You hear a lot of crap on the television that is just another lie. There has been no proof of anything like that found - and the Catholics say they built a museum over the site. No one knows.

5) We celebrate Christmas when we do because of convenience. It was started by the Catholic church many hundreds of years after the birth. We do not know the date, but we do know that in the end of December shepherds are not in the fields herding the sheep. It is thought to be in early spring.

6)They found NO caves where Jesus put anything. The Dead Sea Scrolls were found in caves where the early Christians hid them and hid themselves. We know of nothing like that happening with Jesus. Many of the scrolls were older than most of the ones we had of the books they covered. Scrolls, or parts of scrolls were found in many such caves, not just in a cave.

In about AD 70 the Christians were very prosecuted, so much so that the temple was destroyed by the Roman government and it was blamed on the Christians, so believers ran for their lives. It was actually the work of the Romans but they feared the Jews and did not want the hatred for doing this thing.

In my opinion, this was a great question.

I will be happy to help you any time with questions if you would like to e-mail me here.

Have a great evening.

EDIT: Too many people jump up and say incest and the like. Who was Abraham's wife, Sarah. She was his half sister and at that time it was not condemned.

We judge all times by today unless we really study the Bible and see the same rules that exist today did not exist in the beginning.

Do you remember that both of Lot's daughters got him drunk and had children by him? That was not condemned during that time period. Today we are under the Last Will and Testament of Jesus the Christ that went into effect just over a month after He was crucified. As the writer of both Romans and Colossians said, the Old Laws were nailed to the cross and now all things are new under a new law.

Incorrectly dividing the Bible causes a lot of people a lot of problems they would not have had they truly studied His Word.

Edit #2: If the Bible is correct, Adam and Eve had children while they were in the Garden because God told them to be fruitful and multiply. That was the command of God, so if they did not obey, that was the first sin. We know she had had children because God increased the pains of childbirth. God increased. If there is 0 pain X 0 pain that would indicate still no pain. If there had been pain in childbirth, then it could be increased as God said. We bind things that we are not told about and do not have sense to really read what the Bible says.
2008-07-20 01:13:08 UTC
1. What does that matter? Couldn't God have guided the animals to the boat? If it took 150 years to build the boat, that shouldn't keep you from believing.

2. They had gotten wives from their own sisters. There was a pure genetic code back then, so incest was not prohibited until Moses's time. Adam and Eve had Cain (Genesis 4:1), Abel (Genesis 4:2), Seth (Genesis 4:25), and many other sons and daughters (Genesis 5:4). With likely hundreds of years of child-bearing capability, Adam and Eve likely had 50+ children in their lifetime.

3. There were other people already.

4. Who cares about a tomb? And, they will never find a body. Do you realize that the name of Jesus was one of the most common names among the Hebrew peoples in ancient times? It was like Michael (a Hebrew name) or Jacob (also Hebrew). If they were to find a body in a tomb with the name Jesus on the door, that wouldn't prove anything.

5. The History Channel is not always correct. They ran that story about the hollywood film director James Cameron and the ossuary he found with the name of "James, bother of Jesus" on it. They showed the documentary as if it was actually him. They never did give a retraction when it was proven that it was not the brother of Jesus. You won't ever hear that sort of thing. Or, like when Dan Brown, the writer of the popular book 'The DaVinci Code' lied and put false historical information into the background of his story in order to fool his readers.

We celebrate Christmas because it has always been a pagan holiday (winter solstice). The pagans took over the Christian churches in Rome around / after the time of Constantine. they combined paganism and Christianity and the result of that union is the Catholic Church.

Jesus was actually most likely born in the fall:

6. They have never found any cave with Jesus in it, so I don't understand where you get this stuff. Some believe they have found the tomb Jesus was laid in, but there are several claims fo that nature.

If you will e-mail me, I will gladly answer any questions you may have. My name is Jimmy.
Vivian D
2008-07-19 21:31:47 UTC
Noah and his sons had months to build the ark.I would think God had his hand in helping with the animals. Or maybe they just had certain animals in that area. I am not convinced that the flood was worldwide. Man was created on the 6th day...this was all the races, not just adam and eve. Cain was sent away by God for killing his brother Abel, and God sent him to the land of Nod, where he found a wife. There were a lot of people around at that time. Eve later on gave birth to Seth, he was to take the place of Abel, and he too grew up and married. They say that they know to this day the very tomb that Jesus was laid in, that's no secret.He arose from the tomb. When the people rolled the huge rock away on the 3rd day, the tomb was empty and there was no other way out, and also, it was guarded all that time.

I celebrate Christmas day because it was the CONCEPTION of Christ, not his birthday. Mary conceived Jesus On Christmas day and He was born around Sept. 27-29. Cattle do NOT graze in Dec. not even in Jerusalem. Also, it can be traced through Elizabeth,(Marys cousin) she was 6 months pregnant when Mary told her that she was 'with child' and the baby( John The Baptist) lept in his mothers womb. He KNEW Mary had conceived Jesus and was 'jumping for joy'. I would not believe all that I heard on the history channel, don't forget, you are listening to mans word, and since when did they get things right? The bible was INSPIRED by God and written by man, so God was very aware of what they wrote in the bible. I hope this helps you somewhat :)
2008-07-19 21:14:58 UTC
1. The bible doesn't directly reference the amount of time it took to build the would seem to me to be an inconsequential detail in the story...twenty years, fifty years, 100 years...what difference would that make? As for the animals, yes, you could safely assume that all the animals saved lived within walking distance...they may have come from a long distance as they may have had many years to begin a migration initiated by God (the bible says God sent the animals to Noah...if he created them, he could cause them to go where he wanted them to go).

2. I'd imagine they had far more than two sons...they lived for hundreds of years...assuming their sex drive was anything like ours and assuming they had no desire to prevent conception (assuming they could even do it that long ago), they probably had at least twenty children after just 30 years on earth...could have had hundreds before they died! The bible only mentions three...two made history by being the two parties involved in the first murder! Nothing in the bible suggests Cain and Able were the only children of Adam and Eve...they were just notable because of the lesson illustrated by the murder! The "do his mom" suggestion is just deliberately insulting...if they were girls, perhaps doing their father isn't a silly suggestion, but a woman can only get pregnant by one man...and Eve had Adam! Perhaps they hooked up with their sisters...or perhaps they left Eden with many other humans...or perhaps they found humans God created already living on earth...??? ...but why does this matter either...the bible covers a few thousand (or perhaps a LOT more) years of history in just a few chapters...not surprising it doesn't contain details that aren't relevant to the central message (God created us and put us on this earth for a reason).

3. Partly see above...and the bible also doesn't say that Adam and Eve were the only humans God created...just that they were the first.

4. Another "not sure why it matters" if some archaeologists think they found his tomb, but I could virtually guarantee that it would be empty. Remember that the Roman empire tried to eliminate Christianity after his death...they knew that his followers were claiming that he had risen from the dead. Given what I know about the way the Roman empire operated, if they had access to his body, they'd have hung it from the gates of the city to prove to everyone that the resurrection story was a lie (and there would be MANY written records of this event since that's how they would have spread the word across the empire!)

5. True...there may be other reasons, but the primary reason we celebrate Christmas in December is that it is the time of a huge pagan celebration...and when the Catholic church started converting pagans, they had a hard time convincing them to give up their big celebrations/ they allowed them to keep the fun and focus on something "Christian" instead of the original reason for the celebration. Again, not sure why this would keep you from believing in him...Jesus didn't command us to celebrate his birthday...heck, until fairly recently (in the grand scheme of history), most people in the world didn't even know (or celebrate) their own birthday. The fact that some people choose to celebrate Jesus' birthday or that they have the date wrong says nothing about him.

6. I don't understand what you're asking with the last...what do you mean by "cave Jesus"? A link to the story you're referencing might help.
2008-07-19 20:48:25 UTC
1. I'm not sure of the actualy length of time. I think it was years. I'm sure it was crowded and stinky on that boat.

2. The Bible doesn't really explain this. Back then when the earth was being populated I'm not sure if it was wrong to be with family. It is now though! Also they had more than just two sons. They had many children.

3. More people would be around eventually.

4. They didn't. It's been said more than once that they thought they did. How can more than one be the real tomb? Simple answer, they aren't.

5. We celebrate his birth. We know it's not his actual birth date. Christmas was a pagan holiday, Constantine (I think it was him) made celebrating Jesus birthday that day to make it easier for converted pagans.

6. No one knows where jesus was buried. So they didn't find anything there because they haven't found where it was.

I don't know all the answer, I can only guessed based on what I do know for some of them. Don't let yourself doubt though. I can come up with plenty of reasons to doubt, but still I believe. That is what faith is about. Not blindly following, but ignoring the doubt and listening to what tells me he is real.
2008-07-19 21:20:38 UTC
I would try my best to answer some of your questions:

1. Noah build the ark for 120 years. He was told by God to build the ark on the age of 480 yrs old and finished the ark at 600 yrs old and then the flood came. (Genesis 6-7)

2. Adam and Eve do not have only two sons. Genesis 4.13-14 "And Cain said to the Lord, “My punishment is greater than I can bear! 14Surely You have driven me out this day from the face of the ground; I shall be hidden from Your face; I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond on the earth, and it will happen that anyone who finds me will kill me.” I want you to pay attention on the last verse and word "anyone" this telling me there are more people lives on the earth more than Adam and Eve and their sons mention here. Keep in mind that Adam and Eve age here were about 400 yrs old and they have more kids than we thought.

3. Yes, hey said they found the tomb of Jesus. There is no arguments on that. But many came and claimed that they found Jesus body and you know that is blaspheme in the name of God. Jesus resurrected from the dead and He is sitting on the right hand of the Father in heaven. Hebrews 10.12 -13 "But this Man (Jesus), after He had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down at the right hand of God, 13from that time waiting till His enemies are made His footstool."

4. That is very true that Jesus was not born on that time. The early Christians put a mandate for His birthday to celebrate. There is nothing wrong to celebrate any time of the year when and where s long as we believed in Him.

5. For every discovery and they do some stories about Jesus Christ especially during Holy Weeks, is not new for the Christians world. Since from the beginning they trying to destroy the works of God.

These question were really good! Keep in mind Bible is not a history book that will give a complete details of the history. This Bible Written by 40 writers and One author and that is God. This book will tell you how God's loves you and to know Him personally. This is not a book of science too. This Bible is to let you know that one day Jesus will judge the people for their sin. And for the people who believes in Him will lives forever in heaven with Him.

God send His Son to save us in the last day. All you have to do is believed and received Jesus in your heart and you will be save!
2008-07-19 20:51:04 UTC

not sure how long it took him to make it but

it is commly belived that there were no massive ocians before this so anmials walked unto a calling from god to him

(not saying there werent lakes and such

though research on pangea)

2it says he had two boys, yes, at no point to my knowledge

did it say he didnt have daughters it just dosent mention them

and if memory serves in one of the begot befgot begot sessions it says adam had many daughters befor he died.

(yeah nasty, but incest laws werent commmanded yet)

3 he cast caine to leave the rest of the family. there were other sons and daughters though

4no they didnt

thay thought they did but no proof for it and it is too sceptical to be talking about anyway

science has hated christianity so when secular science

stops caring about it then you kinda know its bull

btw, this is not the first time his tomb has been found

one time it was in japan and once in india.

yes it is all specualtion

so until they decide on a place i will take the word of 12 people that sacraficed there entire lives because they saw him alive after death


yes this is true, it is common to think that he was born in september if memory serves

the church placed christmas in december to cover up a l;arge

pegan holiday in an attempt to over shadow it

though wich one i dont remembver


i belive its possible but the fact that other people

saw the same visions discredits that idea

since anyone who has done halucingenic drugs can tell you

you cant reall shar a guys trip for to long until you see something else

hope this helps!

oh, and ill pray for you!


couldnt help it!

2008-07-19 20:43:38 UTC
1) Noah preached and built the arK for 120 years.

2) Adam and Eve had other sons and dauthters

Gen 5:4 And the days of Adam after he had begotten Seth were eight hundred years: and he begat sons and daughters:

3) As I quoted above, Adam and Eve had other children. Those children may have had children /grandchildren by the time Cain murdered Abel.

4) That tomb was proven fake.

In 1996, when the British Broadcasting Corp. aired a short documentary on the same subject, archaeologists challenged the claims. Amos Kloner, the first archaeologist to examine the site, said the idea fails to hold up by archaeological standards but makes for profitable television.

"They just want to get money for it," Kloner said.

"The historical, religious and archaeological evidence show that the place where Christ was buried is the Church of the Resurrection," said Attallah Hana, a Greek Orthodox clergyman in Jerusalem. The documentary, he said, "contradicts the religious principles and the historic and spiritual principles that we hold tightly to."

Stephen Pfann, a biblical scholar at the University of the Holy Land in Jerusalem who was interviewed in the documentary, said the film's hypothesis holds little weight.

"It was an ordinary middle-class Jerusalem burial cave," Kloner said. "The names on the caskets are the most common names found among Jews at the time."

Archaeologists also balk at the filmmaker's claim that the James Ossuary—the center of a famous antiquities fraud in Israel—might have originated from the same cave. In 2005, Israel charged five suspects with forgery in connection with the infamous bone box.

5) Christmas is celebrated at an arbitrary date. However it is in fact very possilbe Jesus was born in December.

6) No such cave was found.
I'm your Huckleberry...
2008-07-19 20:42:14 UTC
1. I dunno.

2. Adam and Eve lived 930 years; during that time they had many offspring. It never said Cain and Abel were their ONLY children, just that they were their children.

3. See above.

4. Because the tomb wasn't significant after Christ's body was found missing, it is the resurrection that is the cornerstone of Christianity.

5. December 25 was a pagan holiday; the early church thought they were losing membership to the competition so they established December 25 as the unofficial birthday of Jesus to counter that month's popularity...

6. The vision of the angel appeared OUTSIDE the cave, so how could chemicals on the walls inside have an effect on someone standing 20-30 feet away?

Questions always welcome!
2008-07-19 20:47:24 UTC
Your questions address some very serious fallacies in the bible, which certainly discredit its reliability.

"1) How many days did Noah have to build the ship and gather the animals? (did 2 of each animals live within walkin distance?)"

Actually, the bible claims that he collected seven of each of the 'clean' animals, and two of each of the 'unclean' ones, so there were even more than most people think. You are correct, it would have been impossible for him to father up so many animals and bring them back to his ark, even if he had YEARS to do it.

When you consider the fact that he would have had to also travel to each continent to distribute all of the animals, the story becomes that much more ridiculous. And don't even get me started on how he would feed them or prevent them from hunting one another.

"2) If Adam and Eve had 2 son how did the world reproduce? (did one of the boys do his mom?)"

Yep, they would have had to of slept with their mom. The bible is actually kind of flaky about whether or not there were people other than Adam, Eve, Cain and Abel around during those times -- sometimes it implies that they were the only ones, other times it implies that there were other people running around.

"3) If one of the boys killed the other why did that one leave to build a city? (if there was only adam, eve and the one son?)"

Who knows? The bible is riddled with holes like this one. As I said, the bible often contradicts itself. Anyone who tells you otherwise is delusional.

"4)Remember when they said they found jesus tomb why havent they talked about it since? (they found his body maybe and if they did christianity is destroyed)"

Well, in the defence of Christianity, 2000 years is a long time. Entire cities have been destroyed, so one tomb isn't exactly safe from the ravages of time.

If you're referring to a modern claim of finding his tomb, it was most likely a hoax. Either that, or they originally thought it was his tomb, but later evidence proved otherwise.

"5)I watched the history channel awhile back and they said jesus wasnt born in dec. he was born in March or May cant remember? (so why do we celebrate christmas then?)"

Christmas is actually closer to being a pagan holiday than a Christian one. The reality is, no one knows the exact month when Jesus, if such a man ever existed, was born. Modern Christmas traditions stem mostly from pagan festivals, with the whole "Jesus" thing tossed in. Same goes for most modern holidays.

"6)They found in the cave jesus was put in some kind of chemicals on the walls that made people hallucinat? (so was there really visions of angels and other things?)"

I'm not sure about this one, as I've never heard that before. Do you have a source?
2016-04-11 10:08:25 UTC
First of all, we don't know he didn't have a wife. The scriptures are often strangely silent about whether any particular prophet had a wife. Jesus was close to at least three women, and was with them in intimate settings, Mary, Mary, and Martha. He was addressed as Rabbi, which requires marriage. He was old enough that not being married would have raised eyebrows, yet nowhere do the Jews accuse him of breaking this law. He supplies wine at a wedding - the groom's job. After his resurrection, and before he appears to his own father, he appears to Mary Magdalene. According to one gospel, he kissed Mary often, and the apostles were a little jealous of their relationship. The apostles taught that a man was not without the women, in the Lord, and that a husband should be united (one) with his wife. That would have been strangely hypocritical if it came from an unmarried Jesus. As far as wine, Jesus might not have drunk it at all, if there had been safer drinks available. The Old Testament talks about the evils of drunkeness, and he wouldn't have risked it. Sadly, much of their well water tasted like Camel pee, along caravan routes.
2008-07-20 05:26:39 UTC
#1. It is said that he had 120 years to build the ship, gathering the animals was a job for God. The creator could gather together the cosmos and put this world together- so getting the animals together was not a diffucult thing for Him to do. We don't get to know everything- Only God knows... think- I would rather live my life believing and hoping that I will spend eternity with Him- than spend 1 day thinking that when I die- that's it? What would be the point? Faith comes directly from God... If you have none- that means we evolved from apes. IF we evolved from apes- why are they still here? everything that evovles-dies out. ok- now I'm preaching. Sorry..

#2. We don't know how long or how many people there were by the time we have the story of Adam and Eve. Remember, Moses was commanded to write the Torah- centuries and centuries after God created us. Mouth to mouth stories- handed down through generation after generation, You know how that goes. In order to get it right- God told him what to write- through the Holy Spirit and only what we needed to know to help us live His way. When we get to Heaven... All answers will be revealed, God wants you to have Faith- if all questions were answered- You'd be God. Talk to Him- If you are open to listening- He'll even answer some of them now! You only read about the sons...

#3. Same answer... You only read about the 2 sons...

#4. THEY didn't find Jesus' tomb. It never was lost... Just reused after the resurrecton.. It belonged to a family already and I'm guessing they used it afterward. But I could be wrong. THEY did not find His body- His body ascended into Heaven. THEY only found the bones of another child named Jesus.

#5. Pagan Holiday- The Catholic Church was trying to counteract the pagan holiday and make it a Christian Holiday. Didn't say it was right- that's just what they did. Again- If your open to talking and then listeneing to God- He'll answer your questions... He never told us to celebrate birthdays... only the Pagans did that- He told us to celebrate LIFE! But it is ok- to celebrate birthdays. My God says- All things are permissible... NOT all things are beneficial.

#6. Again- prove to me that, that was the cave... and any chemicals that were found there... put there by nature and mold and mildew- what do you think a cave that's been closed up for 2000 + years would look like?

Yes, there were visions... just like some people still have today- no drugs involved. Faith, meditation and the Holy Spirit will lead you where you need to go. Please continue to ask questoins... that just means that God is drawing you to Him. God says... No one comes to the Father- unless it is through Jesus and no one comes to Jesus- unless the Father draws them. Your questions prove that He is drawing you- Come He says.. and let us reason this together. He's waiting- He will wait forever because He said... I am NOT willing to loose one of you and every eye will see, every ear will hear, every knee will bend. I ask you to see, hear and bend your knee, before you are forced too. Because there will come a day...

I too have questions... but I know this... He exsists, He will lead you where you should go, and I will someday get to sit in His lap and have all my questions answered...Until then I have peace, contentment, joy, love, hope,prosperity, and the little known fact that He loves me- no matter how many times I mess up- He loves me. In a world that doesn't care, doesn't listen, doesn't love... I'll keep Him... Thank You Lord Jesus- I love you and pray for this young lady. Draw her to you and let her know without a doubt that You love her and are waiting for her to come to You with her questions, for only You can answer her in a way that will make her see. Give her Your Faith and Wisdom... Amen
2008-07-20 11:17:39 UTC
Start at Genesis 6:1 and read until you get your answer, Adam and Eve was created on the 8th day, the rest of the races was created on the sixth day, the conception of Christ was on Christmas, and please do not be ignorant and believe everything you hear from the media, Television is one of the most available and used tools of Satan. Do the research yourself and with your own eyes, study the King James Bible with a Strong's Concordance, study science, archeology, and history; and learn the ability to decipher fact from theory or fiction.
2008-07-19 23:05:05 UTC
nobody should report you for those questions as long as you are not making fun of it. It seems like you are trying to make sense of it and that's a good thing. When I was younger, I had similar questions and they bothered me so much that I went to a church and made the pastor answer them. He thought I was being rude at first but he soon saw I really wanted answers. He guided me through the questions with care and I saw everything clearly. What I saw was profound. I recommend talking with a pastor even if you have no connection with the church. A good pastor will see you are sincere and be very giving of his time. Please keep an open mind and your heart free from bias and it will at least give you good food for thought. Keep in mind that the Old Testament is hard to understand. Good luck and I love your questions.
2008-07-21 04:56:51 UTC
There are many christian groups. Some interpret some bible issues correctly say only 10%. Others interpret other issues correctly say 20%. There are only a few christian groups that interpret some issues say 75-80% correct. try listening to the christian group The Recovery Church. Because of their advance answers to difficult and ordinary issues they were mistakenly branded as a cult. Very few have heard of these answers that's also why they were branded.
neil s
2008-07-19 20:47:21 UTC
1) Start with the first two chapters of Genesis, which have contradictory orders for creation. The list of contradictions, absurdities and falsehoods only grows from there.

2) Look at the archaeological evidence (published by Harvard) that the pyramids were built by highly paid and well treated laborers, not slaves. (google "built pyramids not slaves)

3) Next, look at the evidence for the Christ cults in Judaism that predate the first century CE. ("The Christ Myth" Arthur Drews)

4) Next, look at the fact that Nazareth was not an inhabited settlement until half way through the second century CE.

5) Look at the total lack of references to Jesus by any source around his (supposed) time. Some were fabricated, but none are left that have not been debunked.

The lsit goes on and on. There is no credibility to that book (either testament) or Abrahamic religion in general.
2008-07-19 20:42:00 UTC
You are always better off believing in what makes sense to you rather than what was printed in a book many years ago by mysterious people. You should ALWAYS question faiths before ascribing, it will make you independent, inquisitive, and less susceptible to being taken for a fool. Stick with your curiosity

Most of what is written in the New Testament, did not in fact happen at all. The Old Testament (The Torah) is basically a book of moral parables to help some people live a moral life. If the messages don't jive with you, then don't follow them!

Certainly the Earth has been long proven to date back before Adam and Eve supposedly existed, and that Dinosaurs predated mankind.
2008-07-19 20:56:09 UTC
Since I am not chrsitian I will not answer all your qoestions.

For your first question: To me The God , who created such a perfect world and human who has for example seeing ability which can not be occur itself or by evolution, can make all animals assembly in one day...

for second question: as far as I know Adam did not only have two children,many and children who were born by them married according to one rule. Since all borns were twins, one of the first twins (for example male) can marry the girl who was born later and she must be one of the second born twins... marrying by crossing...

do not forget that if this world is a lie and occured by evolution both of us will die, nothing will occur to us and to all people but if this world is created by God, a good questioning waits you

but if you say I can not find any reality in this religion seek another one that has reality in it...One is true religion but you will find only seeking and searching...

I hope my words have not hurt you....have a good day...

Also to my religion Jesus did not die he was disguised by God and he is only prophet as others...
Jesus freak
2008-07-20 12:11:00 UTC
No one knows all those things, but it's not a good reason not to believe in God becaue He doesn't have to reveal everything to us. In my opinion, there is more in the Bible to suggest hat there is a God. That is way to small a reason to keep you from believing.
2008-07-19 20:46:04 UTC
For number 2, these will be the logical conclusions:

1. Adam and Eve bore a daughter. Once she is mature enough to get pregnant, Cain screwed her.

2. Cain screwed Eve.

In short: incest.

Despicable loopholes in a fiction called the Bible that your local priest/minister would not like you to ask.
2008-07-19 20:43:15 UTC
Most of these "issues" have been cataloged here:

If you got any answers to any of these as well, I'd like to hear them. Most Christian will claim "out of context" but how are they?
2008-07-20 14:51:14 UTC
Turn to Islam and things will clear up:)
2008-07-19 21:20:24 UTC
Don't believe in anything but God. There is only one God... nothing else matters. Notice I stress GOD!
2008-07-19 20:41:28 UTC
Who is the "him" you refer to?
2008-07-19 20:41:33 UTC
Your questions seem to be logical questions, but why question Him? Faith is belief of things unseen, we don't see the wind but we know it blows right? I hope you find the answers you are looking for. God loves and needs you and believe it or do YOU!!!!
Kelly C
2008-07-19 20:39:47 UTC
no way, ive thought about the same things (especially #2)
2008-07-19 20:38:57 UTC
I just want to let you know that you can believe in God without believing in the Biblical God. Or the Bible, for that matter.

Many of us do.
2008-07-19 20:37:35 UTC
This should help.
2008-07-19 20:42:57 UTC
Most of that information can be found here:
2008-07-19 20:44:25 UTC

for yourself

The TRUTH will set you free

2008-07-19 20:39:22 UTC
The bible is a compendium of lies and bronze-age legends written by itenerant goat herders with too much time on their hands. Why any modern person would spend so much as a minute reading that piece of badly-written fiction amazes me.
Johnny B.
2008-07-19 20:43:46 UTC
I'll pray for you!!
Lady Kk
2008-07-19 20:43:14 UTC
Trust, faith, understanding, wisdom...

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.