First of all, is there a way I can switch to 72pt font right now ?
To answer: No-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o !!!! Actually, since my closest friend died 10 yrs ago, I don't have any close friends - this question may be why. In my neck of the woods, Christians are so CASUAL !!! Family, friends, strangers, are going to spend eternity in hell !, and people are just going along: "La de da, tiptoing through the tulips..."
Seriousness - All souls are going to spend eternity somewhere - logically speaking, most will go either to be with God in Heaven, or spend ETERNITY weeping and gnashing their teeth, separated from God !!
The Bible says "Pray without ceasing" - Not trying to sound super - spiritual and uppity here, but my radio dial in my brain is tuned to the "All God, All the time station," and the tuning button is broken off ! - yet I hear theologians say: "Well, that verse means we should always be in an attitude of prayer..."
Hey, what else is there people ? It's all about loving one another, doing good works, preaching the law to show the sinner their need of repentance and salvation through the crucifixtion, burial and resurrection of Jesus.
I feel very lonely - no one thinks like me. ... it's so wierd - I pass out tracts on my commuter train, and even Christians are non-plussed. If someone passed ME a tract (not bloody likely) or witnessed to me, I'd be jumping up and down like a pogo stick !
No, sorry they are not as serious . . .