Christians: Are your close Christian friends all about as serious in their walk with the Lord as you are?
2008-06-26 13:59:43 UTC
Please don't anyone take this as a condemnation, it isn't meant that way.

I guess it just occured to me that my four closest Christian friends are all at about the same level of committment to Christ as I am (or so it seems to me, obviously I could be wrong). I was wondering if others have the same experience, or if you have some friends who have a much greater or lesser committment level to the Lord than you do?
22 answers:
2008-06-26 14:37:41 UTC
Yeah, generally my Christian friends and I are on the same level in our committment to Christ. However, one or two of them seem to always be a little more committed at a time...if I'm having a NOT-SO-CHRISTIAN-LIKE month, I know that they're praying for me. :) Then we switch.

It's not intentional, but I think that God places people in our lives strategically to be our "Jonathan"-type friends, you know? Someone will always be there to remind you of God's desire to keep you close to Him.
2008-06-26 15:03:34 UTC
First of all, is there a way I can switch to 72pt font right now ?

To answer: No-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o !!!! Actually, since my closest friend died 10 yrs ago, I don't have any close friends - this question may be why. In my neck of the woods, Christians are so CASUAL !!! Family, friends, strangers, are going to spend eternity in hell !, and people are just going along: "La de da, tiptoing through the tulips..."

Seriousness - All souls are going to spend eternity somewhere - logically speaking, most will go either to be with God in Heaven, or spend ETERNITY weeping and gnashing their teeth, separated from God !!

The Bible says "Pray without ceasing" - Not trying to sound super - spiritual and uppity here, but my radio dial in my brain is tuned to the "All God, All the time station," and the tuning button is broken off ! - yet I hear theologians say: "Well, that verse means we should always be in an attitude of prayer..."


Hey, what else is there people ? It's all about loving one another, doing good works, preaching the law to show the sinner their need of repentance and salvation through the crucifixtion, burial and resurrection of Jesus.

I feel very lonely - no one thinks like me. ... it's so wierd - I pass out tracts on my commuter train, and even Christians are non-plussed. If someone passed ME a tract (not bloody likely) or witnessed to me, I'd be jumping up and down like a pogo stick !

No, sorry they are not as serious . . .
2008-06-26 14:20:31 UTC
I'm not sure if I would use the word serious as much as I would say some started their faith walk earlier and some are newer followers. But no matter where we are on our faith journey we are there to help each other and continue to grow in committment to the Lord.
2008-06-27 04:10:06 UTC
At times I feel all alone as far as this subject is concerned but, then I get the felling that I make my friends feel that same sense of loneliness. Of coarse, I only come to realize this after much time has passed and certain life experiences have caused me to reflect on those conversations. I believe this type of on and off relativity is due to the many spiritual seasons we go through. This could make one not feel like any one else could possibly be having similar feelings.
† Gabriel †
2008-06-26 14:03:15 UTC
Many of my childhood friends have displayed a lesser commitment to the Lord in the past, but I'm working on them! They'll come along. Pretty much all of the friends I have made over the past several years already display as much of a commitment - if not more - than I.
2016-10-03 10:33:06 UTC
via "immanent" i think you propose at any 2d. we are given the seasons and the sequence of events and advised to positioned on the full armor of God to stand and combat and save working interior the sphere no longer be taken away first via the imposter. people who're taken away out of the sphere are punching out in the previous the day's paintings is executed and are hopping interior the sack with devil interior the placement of anti-christ. he will are available peacefully and prosperously and harm many with peace claiming to be Christ and God. i desire you ought to not be got here across with toddler whilst the genuine Husband returns for His virgin bride. he will close the door to the marriage ceremonial dinner on those silly virgins who did no longer see the easy considering the fact that that they had no oil of their lamps. it incredibly is all there in black and white very constantly in the time of prophecy yet some nevertheless decide for to fly away as though warriors are experienced to seize the 1st boat out of city. First there's a risky wound to the only worldwide beast gadget you reported. Then anti-christ who's devil claiming to be Jesus Christ. Then the outpouring of the Holy Spirit to testify against him and recuperate many to the actuality. Then the return of the genuine Christ and basically then can we collect returned to Him as Paul so needless to say defined in 2 Thess 2: a million-3. The sequence of events is often an analogous in Matt 24 and Luke 21 and Mark 13. we are promised escape. Our risk-free haven is and constantly would be Christ the residing observe no rely the place we are. on your endurance very own ye your souls.
2008-06-26 14:51:55 UTC
No, only one of them is, but she believes in a lot of things that I disagree with, like the rapture (aint gonna happen). She also listens to the likes of Joyce Meyer and Benny Hinn. She is always joyful, praising the Lord, and it seems like she had no life at all before she knew Christ. I'm more introspective than she is, but I wouldn't mind living her life.
2008-06-26 14:12:32 UTC
some greater

some lesser.

those who seem to have a greater commitment, I admire and always learn from.

Those who are struggling, and have an obvious lesser commitment, I sometimes grieve for.

It's interesting though - because this question almost seems as though it can lead to judgment, yet I understand where you are coming from.
Choo Choo
2008-06-26 14:43:09 UTC
I don't know. My faith is very personal to me and I do not share it unless I am asked to. I do try to walk in the way of a Christian and judge not others for I am not qualified.
2008-06-26 14:10:39 UTC
my closest is on the same...another is lesser, im trying to be a good leader and help her grow in Christ

they're all different
John D.
2008-06-26 14:36:38 UTC
I hope they are even more serious. I seem to fail a lot, then I remind myself I am not Jesus. I can't obey as well as He did our Father. I just ask Him for more help to walk in His ways.
2008-06-26 14:08:48 UTC
One COLD winter when I was christian and in a small group, we were discussing what we could do for the community. We steered toward the homeless. bare in mind this was a group of very affluent people with multiple homes on the California coast. I suggested opening our homes to some families for a designated period of time. The group scrambled from the table in fear. We ended up making comforters for a few kids..... I left the church and now I help the homeless by providing food and shelter.
2008-06-26 14:56:49 UTC
My fundamentalist friends are much more serious than I am. I also think that they are somewhat intolerant.

I accept other views. They do not.,
2008-06-26 14:07:02 UTC
No - everyone has a different level of commitment.
great gig in the sky
2008-06-26 15:18:44 UTC
No, but I try to strengthen them, and encourage them as much as I can. They ae not me, and I realize that we are all different.
2008-06-26 14:05:18 UTC
My sister takes salvation for granted. I'm not judging her but she puts God in a box and lives like the devil during the week and then goes to church praising Jesus. To me, it's making a mockery of our Lord. Jesus did not die in vain so we can live a life full of sin.
2008-06-26 14:05:22 UTC
Some of them are more mature spiritually than others.
2008-06-27 00:02:22 UTC
Yes, they are like me...some even more so (about witnessing and living it....I may study more and more detailed though).

2008-06-26 14:04:47 UTC
We all wonder about how committed we are. I like to think that our friends are as committed to God as we are, yet sometimes I wonder. And I'm sure, sometimes they wonder about us.

Good question though.
Ambassador of Christ
2008-06-27 01:24:19 UTC
I don't know where their hearts are, I can only go by what "they" tell me an not make any judgments.
2008-06-26 14:04:24 UTC
YES Our walk in the LORD is STRONG! We Fellowship and uplift each other!
2008-06-26 14:03:02 UTC
Yes, we all encourage each other and pray for each other.

Iron sharpens Iron.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.