The law thou shall not kill was given by Moses, and Jesus change that law to thou shall not be angry with thy brother without a cause.
The law thou shall not commit adultery was given by Moses and Jesus changed that law to thou shall not lust.
The law thou shall swear thy oaths unto the Lord was given by Moses, and Jesus changed that law to thou shall not swear thy oaths unto the Lord
The law an eye for an eye was given by Moses and Jesus changed that law to don't resist evil, turn the other cheek.
The Law love your neighbor, and hate your enemy was given by Moses and Jesus changed that law to love your enemies, do good to them that hate you, pray.
Jesus changed every law that Moses gave including the law about the sabbath. In fact Jesus even changed the law about divorce.
So when Jesus talks about teaching the commandments in Matthew 5:19 he wasn't talking about the commandments given by Moses he was talking about his own commandments that he was going to give in his sermon on the mount.
This means that Jesus wasn't talking about the laws given by Moses in Matthew 5:17 he was talking about the laws he was about to give in his sermon on the mount.
WOW this means that the words Jesus was talking about in Matthew 5:18 where he says not one little period, comma, or dotted i shall never be taken from the law untli all is fulfilled he had to be talking about the laws he was about to give in his sermon on the mount. He had to be talking about the laws he was going to give in his sermon on the mount, cause he not only change periods, commas, or dotted i he changed whole words and whole sentences
WOW is this why Jesus said, the heaven and the earth shall pass but my words shall never pass.
WOW WOW, John 1:17-18 I always knew there was more being said hear than I was reading, it is saying Moses gave the laws but the truth about those laws came by Jesus Christ, the word grace always made me overlook what the other words where saying.
Oh yeah YHWH does not mean Jesus it is a Hebrew word wich means LORD in English and is pronounced "yeh-ho-vaw'".
"/da" is also a Hebrew word which means Lord in English and in Hebrew it is pronounced "aw-done'
Ihsou" is a Greek word pronounced " ee-ay-sooce' " which in English means Jesus.