I'm sorry that Pastor Art speaks with such final authority and not just his opinion on this question.
Unitarian is not the same as Unity. I can speak for Unity from personal experience.
Unity IS :
BIBLE BASED and Edit: Unity does believe very powerfully in the Holy Trinity. God the Father Source Divine Intelligence
Jesus Christ the Son the only way to the Father is through the intimate connection with the Compassionate Only Begotten One and the Holy Spirit the Comforter the activity of God moving through us. But we must open to and invite this awareness into our being.
Unity is NOT:
The Association of Unity Churches Does NOT:
Proscribe conduct of individual churches
The Association of Unity Churches DOES:
Allow freedom of expression in every Unity church
This can cause quite alot of confusion
But as in any Christian based religion there is confusion
based on the level of intimacy that person has with Christ and God and how able they are to express that in community.
I almost left Unity over the fact that so many people in Unity even misunderstand and mis interpret what broad based Christianity is all about.
The Bible is Unity's only official textbook
All are invited to come and experience Christ in their own way and time.
No one is asked to give up any of their religioius beliefs to belong to a Unity church, however Unity, when practiced in accordance with the founders, Myrtle and Charles Fillmore, is a place where all are welcome regardless of religious affiliation, but only Christ within and God are worshipped.
Unity has 5 Principles that really explain what Unity is and even these have been twisted out of proportion from time to time
1. There is One Power and One Presence at work in my life and the universe, God the Good Omnipotent (all powerful).
[also Omnipresent - everywhere present and Omniscient - all knowing]
2. Every person has a spark of divinity in them. We behold Christ within ourselves and within one another. That spark of divinity is what assures us that, despite our sins [sin in Hebrew means to misunderstand and in Greek it is a hunting term meaning to miss the mark] we are inhierently good. That God-spark is our goodness.
3. Called the Law of Mind Action: My thinking controls how I experience my circumstances. Thoughts held in mind produce after their kind. So we use rebuking statements and affirming statements to keep our thinking God aligned. "Christ in you the hope of glory" is one such affirming statement that also relates to the Principle 2
4. That we align our thinking through meditative prayer process: We relax, we center our thinking on a God thought or phrase like Peace Be Still And Know That IAM God and take it into prayerful silence coming out of prayer with thanksgiving that through the name and the nature of Jesus the Christ it is so AMEN
5. We don't just talk God's Truth, we live and demonstrate this truth in our daily walk.
Thank you very much.
Unity is a prayer ministry.
And like any other 'good' thing it comes under attack and because it believes as big as Jesus Christ did in Unconditional Love and its harmonizing power it is misconstrued by many.
We are obedient to the Unenforceable.
Thanks for this opportunity to help shed a little light.
We don't convert. If you want to chat with me more about this you can contact me at tecker2@;yahoo.com