What do you think of Unity or Unitarian Churches?
2007-11-23 17:43:39 UTC
I go to a Unity Church. I love it. They are so encouraging and don't ever try to make you feel guilty because of sins. Actually there are no such thing as sins. Unity teaches that God does not judge and that he loves us all equally. It is a new age church WAYYY better than NewSpring. To me that is. Well what do you think of them??
Fourteen answers:
Katie Short, Atheati Princess
2007-11-23 17:51:12 UTC
I go to a Unitarian Universalist Congregation. I love it there, as you are accepted no matter who you are or what you believe. You don't even have to believe in God, just want to learn and develop your own mind, and be open to the ideas of others. I am so Blessed that I found my Congregation, and am able to raise my children in such openness and honesty. They will be equipped to choose their own spiritual path whenever they are ready!

Edit: In response to some of the other answers - The Unity church teaches that there is a god, but that s/he is all-loving. It is not the God of the Bible - at least not the OT part. And not in the way most Christians view God. Unitarians don't believe in the Trinity, but do believe in the basic tenets of the Christian God. Unitarian-Universalists are more liberal. They believe that each person has a right and a responsibility to follow their own spiritual path, whatever that might be. And from what I understand, all are accepting of all races, LGBT individuals (and couples). A great example of what Jesus preached, I'd say!
2007-11-23 19:30:52 UTC
I have never been to a Unity church, but I have met many people who have....and actually a lady that comes to my satsang is a member of the local Unity church in that area. And I enjoy going to Unitarian/Unitarian-Universalist/Universalist churches. In fact the satsang I organize meets at a UU church once a month. I make the hour and a half drive (120miles) each month to organize and lead the satsang. When I lived in the city that the UU is in, I attended service there every Sunday as well. The UU is also home to two Buddhist groups, a Pagan group, an Eckankar group, as well as some rationalist/freethinker groups. There was a Baha'i and Muslim group that met there, but they now have their own buildings. On Sundays, the service always had a special guest speaker of which they came from many different backgrounds: Atheist, Pagan, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, etc. I enjoyed the religious diversity and how they encouraged everyone to search for Truth. The main thing that made me want the satsang to meet there was their focus on social justice and their involvement in the community. The church does a lot in the does the local Unity church I might add, but like I said I just never made it to their church. The city has two UU churches, a Unity church, and then a church similar to UU and Unity but is nondenominational. :) I have been to it and it's also a lot of fun. I'm sure I'd enjoy going to the Unity church since I've met so many from that church who've come to satsang (just as I've met people from the other UU church as well). Where I currently reside........I grew up here and came home to take care of mom who found out she had cancer, but plan to move back to the other city when the doctors give her the okay again (currently the cancer itself is gone, but doctors say it could come back so she has to take these medicines and every 3 months get tests to check to see if it has come far it hasn't) this city there is no Unity, UU, etc at all. The closest thing is a Liberal Baptist church. The nearest Hindu temples and most of the other satsangs are all in Oklahoma City .... of which the city I lived in is a suburb of (and home to the University of Oklahoma....but the fact that its a university town is probably not why its so liberal since we have two colleges in this city and it's very conservative).
2007-11-23 18:07:01 UTC
I was invited to one about 2 months ago and although I never darken the doorway of any church, I decided to go to this one because the pastor was a devout atheist and I wanted to hear a sermon from an atheist. I went and met all the people and had coffee before the service. I thought they were a great group of people. So the service begins with a lighting of a chalice followed by a hymn. The minister gives his sermon then there are more hymn's and readings. I enjoyed it although it was still a little too churchy. What I did like was when the offering plates were passed around, any and all monies collected were donated to the community food bank for distribution to wherever they were needed. In the mornings before the coffee time is a adult discussion group. I did not get a chance to attend it, but, It did sound like something that I would like to try again some day. I can honestly say that if I were to ever go to a Sunday service again, I would go to the U.U.C.
2016-10-25 03:30:56 UTC
they're *no longer* an similar. The cohesion Church is a sparkling idea Christian-inspired religious circulation, while Unitarians are Christians who do not trust contained in the Trinity. Unitarianism joined with Universalism to change into Unitarian Universalism, yet there are those who nonetheless describe themselves as "Unitarian" who do *no longer* belong to UUism. UUism is a creedless religious circulation, which welcomes all of us, and has little to do with Christianity, even even if it truly is, finally, an outgrowth of two Christian moves (Unitarianism and Universalism).
2007-11-23 17:58:20 UTC
Well, my mom use to read the Daily Word, so yes there is encouragement. However, I heard that Unity does not believe that God is a person, but a principle.

I also heard that Unity does not believe that the Holy Spirit is the Author of the Bible, but the spirit of truth, the discerning spirit within us. Further Unity believes that the world and everything in it was brought forth by Jesus in many earthly incarnations. His incarnations took the form of Moses, Elisha, David and others.

It is a metaphysical-type religion. Be careful.
2007-11-23 18:17:43 UTC
I'm sorry that Pastor Art speaks with such final authority and not just his opinion on this question.

Unitarian is not the same as Unity. I can speak for Unity from personal experience.

Unity IS :


BIBLE BASED and Edit: Unity does believe very powerfully in the Holy Trinity. God the Father Source Divine Intelligence

Jesus Christ the Son the only way to the Father is through the intimate connection with the Compassionate Only Begotten One and the Holy Spirit the Comforter the activity of God moving through us. But we must open to and invite this awareness into our being.

Unity is NOT:




The Association of Unity Churches Does NOT:

Proscribe conduct of individual churches

The Association of Unity Churches DOES:

Allow freedom of expression in every Unity church

This can cause quite alot of confusion

But as in any Christian based religion there is confusion

based on the level of intimacy that person has with Christ and God and how able they are to express that in community.

I almost left Unity over the fact that so many people in Unity even misunderstand and mis interpret what broad based Christianity is all about.

The Bible is Unity's only official textbook

All are invited to come and experience Christ in their own way and time.

No one is asked to give up any of their religioius beliefs to belong to a Unity church, however Unity, when practiced in accordance with the founders, Myrtle and Charles Fillmore, is a place where all are welcome regardless of religious affiliation, but only Christ within and God are worshipped.

Unity has 5 Principles that really explain what Unity is and even these have been twisted out of proportion from time to time

1. There is One Power and One Presence at work in my life and the universe, God the Good Omnipotent (all powerful).

[also Omnipresent - everywhere present and Omniscient - all knowing]

2. Every person has a spark of divinity in them. We behold Christ within ourselves and within one another. That spark of divinity is what assures us that, despite our sins [sin in Hebrew means to misunderstand and in Greek it is a hunting term meaning to miss the mark] we are inhierently good. That God-spark is our goodness.

3. Called the Law of Mind Action: My thinking controls how I experience my circumstances. Thoughts held in mind produce after their kind. So we use rebuking statements and affirming statements to keep our thinking God aligned. "Christ in you the hope of glory" is one such affirming statement that also relates to the Principle 2

4. That we align our thinking through meditative prayer process: We relax, we center our thinking on a God thought or phrase like Peace Be Still And Know That IAM God and take it into prayerful silence coming out of prayer with thanksgiving that through the name and the nature of Jesus the Christ it is so AMEN

5. We don't just talk God's Truth, we live and demonstrate this truth in our daily walk.

Thank you very much.

Unity is a prayer ministry.

And like any other 'good' thing it comes under attack and because it believes as big as Jesus Christ did in Unconditional Love and its harmonizing power it is misconstrued by many.

We are obedient to the Unenforceable.

Thanks for this opportunity to help shed a little light.

We don't convert. If you want to chat with me more about this you can contact me at tecker2@;
Catholic Crusader
2007-11-23 17:50:01 UTC

There is ONE God, who is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit


God the Son became man: Jesus Christ


Jesus promised, "I will build my Church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it" (Matt. 16:18), and only the Catholic Church has existed since the time of Jesus. Every other Christian church is an offshoot of the Catholic Church. The Eastern Orthodox churches broke away from unity with the pope in 1054. The Protestant churches were established during the Reformation, which began in 1517. Only the Catholic Church existed in the tenth century, in the fifth century, and in the first century, faithfully teaching the doctrines given by Christ to the apostles, omitting nothing. The list of popes can be traced back to Peter himself, the first pope:

Jesus’ Church is called catholic ("universal" in Greek) because it is his gift to all people. He told his apostles to go throughout the world and make disciples of "all nations" (Matt. 28:19–20). For 2,000 years the Catholic Church has carried out this mission, preaching the good news that Christ died for all men and that he wants all of us to be members of his universal family (Gal. 3:28).


On the Church:

on Purgatory (includes lessons in Real Audio):

On the saints:

On the Pope:
2007-11-23 17:53:54 UTC
no such thing as sin be fore real if the pastor is telling you that hes going to hell and everybody following him hell is for real sin is what get you in hell leave that church running false doctrine
Christine S
2007-11-23 17:49:27 UTC
I was going to go to one, then I went back to my Catholicism. Orthodox is also appealing to me... Unity Church is the wrong idea.

I also don't like that they suggest a "donation basis" for EVERYTHING. Money money money... what a turn off from a church.
2007-11-23 18:36:51 UTC
They are false witness and teachers that Paul warned us about in his letters.

Just one more Bible prophesy come true
2007-11-23 17:49:21 UTC
I never been to one although it has crossed my mind to attend at least one service. From my understanding they are accepting of many different religions and LGBT people.
2007-11-23 17:57:15 UTC
Misled and misleading. It may be very warm and fuzzy and feel-good for everyone, but it is a lie. You can't rewrite God's law to make yourselves feel good.
2007-11-23 17:50:39 UTC
Not much since they don't follow the Bible.

Pastor Art
2007-11-23 17:48:10 UTC
dont agree with it cuz theres no TRinity belief right???

ALL EMN ARE SINNERS.. why are they lying?

havent you read the Bible??

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.