Hm, interesting, but these are both extra-biblical sources and, comparing them with Scripture, I can't find too much of a 'gel'. Furthermore, Scripture is clearly set out, but this sounds a bit garbled to me.
It has been said that the last pope will be called Peter. That I can credit. Someone has to call the pope the obvious name - Peter - sooner or later. However, I don't honestly think he will be African, because the Africans tend to be fundamentalists and conservative in their view, even in the Roman church. However, look at Desmond Tutu! And, even in Nigeria there are false prophets.
My personal view is that we are moving towards a one-world church which is a system rather than a body. Nowadays, Protestants are forgetting what their founders were protesting about and a so-called 'new Reformation' is being touted about, in which all the work of the first is being undone and there is a wholesale 'march back to Rome'. The paraphernalia, practices and even beliefs of the roman church are gaining new acceptance, even among evangelicals. And it has also been mooted, for a long time, that the pope should head this new worldwide church. We Christians no longer know why we are Protestant anymore. Oh! what a betrayal of all the Reformers lived and died for! And all for the sake of 'unity'!
But, to get back to the point. In the last of the Last Days, there will arise two superfigures : one political and the other (his sidekick) religious, called in Scripture the Beast (ie. antichrist) and the False Prophet. Whilst the first is an international political figurehead, the second is an international religious man.
The picture seems to be coming together in our time to indicate that, in this movement for a worldwide unified church, headed by the pope, that this person is the one whom the Bible calls the false prophet. As such, the Word also indicates that he may be ethnic Jewish (Zech.11:16-17). There is certainly a Jewish connection, in both cases, but still many questions yet to answer.
That is why the increasing involvement of the nations and the pope(behind the scenes), in the Middle East should be observed and studied with great interest, for all things written must come to pass and we see, even now, 'the scenes being shifted and the actors taking up their positions', as it were.
However, time will tell. To be dogmatic and claim to see the details of all the future would be most unwise, for in the past even the wisest men have stumbled over their own pride on such matters.