When it says in the word of God fear the Lord it simply means have a healthy Respect God. Don't use His name in vain. Don't use His name in a common way.
And remember He is the creator of the Universe and the world.
Be obedient and do not rebel.
God is Love.
He chastens those whom He loves just as your own Dad would do with you.
2011-03-26 19:51:08 UTC
To me, I fear God as in I respect Him and do not understand Him wholly, as no other human does. However, I do not fear Him like a little kid does a monster under his bed, not that kind of fear. You should not be scared of your Lord and Protector, as long as you are confident in your faith and love in Him He will be there for you and protect you. But this has always been my understanding and what I've been told. Hope this helps you!
2011-03-26 19:41:35 UTC
It's normal, especially at your age. Look, as you grow and continue in faith, and continue to do all that you believe in Him for, and if you are doubtful, if you continue to go to Him about it in willing obedience to serve Him, then you will continually be relieved, losing all reason to be afraid. See, as it's written, perfect love casts out fear, because fear has to do with judgement. If you are walking in Him, then you have no reason to be afraid. But it's also written that, even if our hearts do condemn us, He is above our hearts and knows all things. Being afraid, there's nothing wrong with that, as it's a normal feeling. Who wouldn't be afraid if they saw the power of His might? But if you continue in Him, you will have no reason to be afraid! :) It's like when they tell people "if you've done nothing wrong then you have no reaosn to fear" when they bring people to court. Even the courts may be wrong, but God knows the truth, so set your heart on Him and, if you are afraid, let it draw you closer to Him! :)
2011-03-26 19:32:58 UTC
When we're told to "fear God," this is referring to the same kind of fear you might feel for sticking your hand in the fire. I have a nice fire burning as I write this and I am not afraid of it, but I'm not going to stick my hand into it, either. If you belong to Jesus, then God is your Father. There's no need to fear Him. Yet, would you really want to treat Him with contempt? Probably unwise. Since He is love, He would deal with you in love, but some of the love might not be too pleasant for the moment.
2011-03-26 19:31:34 UTC
Don't numb yourself with heavy dose of skepticism - are you scared of my God?
the non Christian really has no logical alternative but to accept that Jesus is God:
“I’m ready to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher, but I don’t accept his claim to be God.” That is the one thing we must not say. A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic-on a level with the man who says he is a poached egg-or else he would be the Devil of Hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God; or else a madman or something worse.
You can shut him up for a fool, you can spit at him and kill him as a demon; or you can fall at his feet and call him Lord and God. “
For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form,
Col 2:9 (NIV)
Your first lesson in religion - get ready for lesson no: 2 !!!!
2011-03-26 19:32:59 UTC
Some might be, but anyone who has every experienced the presence of God would not be. A mystical experience puts us in the presence of that which is sweet, blissful, loving and the greatest sense of peace that, as they say, "surpasses understanding".
2011-03-26 19:31:28 UTC
Afraid as in scared? No. Fear as in revere and respect? Yes Scared is for the atheists and they have every reason to be...John 3:16 God Bless
2011-03-26 19:31:35 UTC
It is required.
Leviticus 25:17 Ye shall not therefore oppress one another; but thou shalt fear thy God: for I am the LORD your God.
2011-03-26 19:30:12 UTC
Yes. Ecclesiastes 12:13 'Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.'
Tammy M
2011-03-26 19:38:43 UTC
Matthew 10:28
And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
so long as you live in obedience to GOD...you need have no fear of HIM...fear is for the unbeliever and for those who believe but knowingly do wrong and mislead others to also do wrong.
love the LORD your GOD with all you heart, all you soul, all your mind and all your strength...and love your neighbor as yourself.
obey these two laws and you obey the ten...except you need to know that man (catholic) changed GODs 4th commandment (keep the sabbath, which is Saturday, the 7th day...the catholics even admit to doing this and will further admit there is nothing in the bible to support it) and split the tenth so there would still be ten. in the end it will be the 4th commandment that will be vital...it will be GODs seal...whether you keep HIS sabbath or mans sunday law. keep this in mind, who you will choose to obey.
Robert S
2011-03-26 19:38:54 UTC
GOD loves his Creation; don't be taken in by these fictional scare tactics.
2011-03-26 19:34:09 UTC
gee, wyy would you be scared of a being who can instantly wipe you from existance simply because you do something he doesn't want you to do, but wait, he won't tell you what those things actually are. yup, its normal for a christian kid to be terrified of god
Gary P
2011-03-26 19:32:05 UTC
The Fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom
It is what people that don't know him don't get.
2011-03-26 19:31:37 UTC
That is how that god works.
"Bow and fear me or I will touchier you forever".
That's the only way he can get any followers.
Nobody who was not afraid would give him the time of day.
2011-03-26 19:30:43 UTC
SCARED OF PYTHONIC SPIRITS ..its like if someone is scared and wraps themselves around you (almost pythonic and boa constrictor tho) and just like in jurassic park or real life when a child gets a piggy back and holds so tightly it starts to strangle you around the neck if the child wraps around too tight on your neck.. you tell them loosen up your choking me... well this is the same maybe if someone is scared they wrap around you so tight that you are only BREATHING IN EXCEPT IN THIS CASE ITS AS THOUGH THE PERSON YOUR WITH WANTS THAT LIKE THEY WANT YOU SO SCARED THATYOUR BREATHING IN BUT NOT GETTING RELIEF TO BREATHE OUT AND YOU ARE WAITING TO EXHALE, GET A DEEP BREATH, BREATHE EASY, BUT THAT PYTHONIC SPIRIT IS COILING AROUND YOU SO THE MORE YOU BREATHE IN THE LESS ROOM YOU HAVE TO TAKE ANOTHER AS IT FILLS THE SPACE YOU JUST SUCKED IN ON THE LAST BREATH YOU TOOK
2011-03-26 19:33:03 UTC
2011-03-26 19:30:09 UTC
Yep, after all, he could send you to hell at any time. Don't worry though, he's "loving".
2011-03-26 19:30:53 UTC
Yes, he is a fearsome and vengeful monster.
This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.