What's the problem with the legality of abortion?
2009-01-20 00:21:50 UTC
what's the big problem about keeping abortion legal or not? I know people say it kills the fetus? so what? it's not a big deal. what's wrong with just minding your own business and let the woman (whom you do not know) make whatever decision she wants to make. let her suffer the consequences (whether it be the physiological pain, physical pain or her ending up in hell or whatever). I'm not FOR it, but I'm just saying why people can't mind their own business. why can't people quit asserting their own beliefs into the faces of people who don' want it (especially religious morals)? not everyone is a christian, so not everyone has to follow certain christian morals. if you don't want an abortion, fine. but don't meddle in people's personal lives whom 1. you don't even know, and 2. you're not welcome.
28 answers:
Believer, wife, mother & nana!
2009-01-20 00:38:32 UTC
Because by legalizing abortion, you legalize MURDER! Murder of a human being. You wouldn't have been here if you mother decided to abort you, to ask this question. Lucky you, she didn't abort you. Do you have any children? How many have you aborted? And yes, we are our brothers keeper. God have mercy on us all!

BTW it is killing a human that has no defence, these little ones curl up to get away from the intrusion of being burned and pulled apart limb by limb with instrumments used by the doctor. Try pulling off your finger and see if it hurts then try to remember that these little ones feel pain. And what about the doctor who botched the abortion and then killed the child when it was born alive. Is this not homicide! Your arguement doesn't hold water.

When this happens, the baby doesn't have a voice to tell anybody therefore no witnesses! How barbaric we humans have become and we call ourselves civil.

If we are making murder legal why doesn't the law read kill anyone who is a bother to us. That will cover everyone, ones with voices and ones without voices. that will just about do it don't you think?
2016-05-23 05:49:39 UTC
I live in Illinois but I am not actually answering about the legality issues you were asking about. I need to comment on her having an abortion. When I was 21 I had an abortion in another state. But I was very clear about what I was doing and the ramifications of it. It was the only option that I could see at the time and to this day I don't regret it -- I regret the sex that got me pregnant! Anyway, I really feel I need to caution your mother against forcing your sister to have any abortion. That will cause her great mental trauma that may take year if ever to get over. Abortion -- no matter how you slice is murder -- I knew that going in and chose to accept that but if you are forced to murder someone especially someone as dear as your own child -- that's just not something you can forgive! I also want to say that now there are a number of churches that are involved in teen mother programs so that girls have alternatives to abortion. Look up Lakeland Evangelical Free Church in Gurnee, IL and they should be able to tell you where there is a program close to you. Actually, I stuck the link below. It doesn't mention teen mother's so we might be working another church with it but call the office and they will know better how to direct you. Best of luck but be careful!
2009-01-20 00:58:26 UTC
There isn't really a "problem" with it being legal, until people come along and make it a problem.

Most people who think that abortion is murder are religious - they believe in souls and spirits and such.

Most people that think that abortion is perfectly alright tend to not be religious. They prefer logic, and believe that life doesn't begin until you're actually born. Until then, a fetus is simply a part of the woman's body, not an actual human.

Sooo... if you keep church and state separate, which is supposed to be how it is, abortion should be legal.

If your government is a religious government (which is often a bad idea), abortion will almost always be illegal or fought.

Basically, it simply depends on where you live - a religiously-based government run country, or the opposite.
2009-01-20 00:56:41 UTC
Ok, I will play this game for a moment with you. If you say that we should keep abortion legal , because it is up to the woman, then we could also say- keep all murder legal because it is up to the person to decides who lives and who dies. A fetus is a human being, not something that eventually becomes on, if they survive in the womb long enough. A woman that choose to have an abortion says, "it is my body, let me what I want with it"- I don't recall that a woman is going to an abortion clinic to get rid of her body, do you?" If a woman is pregnant and is stabbed in the stomach, and both she and her baby dies, is the person charged with one or two murders? Two!!! Shouldn't the one doing to stabbing have a choice, so it should be legal too? OF COURSE NOT- but you get the picture don't you? You just said that abortion is not the same as murder. What do you call it when you a heart that has been beating since 3 weeks after conception is stopped in an abortion then? You just made it an issue of right and wrong, when you said "It is not murder". I also know people that are not Christians and still are against abortion.
2009-01-20 00:36:28 UTC
Actually, Viet, it is not as simple as all that.

I mean, you seem to think a fetus magically becomes a baby during birth. It doesn't. A human starts to dream and feel several months before he's born.

Is ending the life of a human not murder? When did that happen?

Any cut-off point where the fetus gains the rights of a human being is arbitrary. Personally I go by the moment when the brain starts to work, at around 14 to 16 weeks. Before that point, there is no human mind present to feel pain or fear. The zygote is not different from an egg or sperm cell in that respect, before that moment.
2009-01-20 00:33:52 UTC
Aside form the religious angle- which I personally do not find convincing- the only other reason is the danger it poses.

By this I mean, is it's a slippery slope. If like in the US- you allow the mother the right to kill her baby, when exactly does it become a baby? 3 weeks? 3 months? Theres a risk that the sanctity of life will be violated as society gets conditioned to accepting murder as right and ethical.

Basically the thought of opening that flood gate of right and wrong is unnerving. Its safer to blanket refuse and keep teh gate closed than to allow cracks to appear in it. I'm not saying that this is right or wrong. I agree with you that it is a personal choice. I'm just saying that that is what some are afraid of.
2009-01-22 13:43:31 UTC
The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches:

2271 Since the first century the Church has affirmed the moral evil of every procured abortion. This teaching has not changed and remains unchangeable. Direct abortion, that is to say, abortion willed either as an end or a means, is gravely contrary to the moral law:

You shall not kill the embryo by abortion and shall not cause the newborn to perish.

God, the Lord of life, has entrusted to men the noble mission of safeguarding life, and men must carry it out in a manner worthy of themselves. Life must be protected with the utmost care from the moment of conception: abortion and infanticide are abominable crimes.

2272 Formal cooperation in an abortion constitutes a grave offense. The Church attaches the canonical penalty of excommunication to this crime against human life. "A person who procures a completed abortion incurs excommunication latae sententiae," "by the very commission of the offense," and subject to the conditions provided by Canon Law. The Church does not thereby intend to restrict the scope of mercy. Rather, she makes clear the gravity of the crime committed, the irreparable harm done to the innocent who is put to death, as well as to the parents and the whole of society.

2322 From its conception, the child has the right to life. Direct abortion, that is, abortion willed as an end or as a means, is a "criminal" practice (GS 27 § 3), gravely contrary to the moral law. The Church imposes the canonical penalty of excommunication for this crime against human life.

2274 Since it must be treated from conception as a person, the embryo must be defended in its integrity, cared for, and healed, as far as possible, like any other human being.

Prenatal diagnosis is morally licit, "if it respects the life and integrity of the embryo and the human fetus and is directed toward its safe guarding or healing as an individual. . . . It is gravely opposed to the moral law when this is done with the thought of possibly inducing an abortion, depending upon the results: a diagnosis must not be the equivalent of a death sentence."
Jim ((C.A.B.))
2009-01-22 22:57:04 UTC
<<"I know people say it kills the fetus? so what? it's not a big deal.">>

Unbelievable. I am truly baffled right now; so much so I am having trouble putting the frustration into words. So does this mean that homicide (in general) is "ok"? Should we "mind our own business" with that matter too?? What about rape? Drunk driving-related death?

<<"Let the woman make whatever decision she wants to make. Let her suffer the consequences.">>

You know why we are so ardently against abortion? Because the woman is not the only one that suffers:

<<"abortion is NOT the same as murder or homicide.">>

How? You cannot tell me those babies did not have life. Do you not know that there have been babies that have SURVIVED an abortion?

It's amazing what society does nowadays and still calls themselves "civilized".
2009-01-20 00:36:26 UTC
just want to add/ correct one of the posts on here already. Late term abortions (12weeks+) DO feel it! on ultrasound the fetuses are seen to try and move away from the instruments that are hurting them. You see if they are too big to fit neatly through a slightly dilated cervix they are removed piece by piece.

i often find that men are the most outspoken people against abortion- they arent the ones that have to suffer the life long effects of the birth/ child/ abortion. Its BS that everything gets made into a religious debate- it really should be an ethical debate. Early abortion does not kill 'babies' as we know them and to say that adds the emotional side to the arguement which will always be there.

Its better to have it legal and regulated and safe for women who need them rather than backyard/ coathanger versions which can result in infection/injury/death.

this will always be a debate- you are damned if you do and damned if you dont.
King of the Woad
2009-01-20 00:31:35 UTC
It means there's less opportunity for lawyers to get rich from other people's misery.

I'm a pro-choicer who thinks that abortion levels are way too high; and that the law is not the way to bring them down.

Getting pregnant is not just one of those things, it's fundamental; the pro-lifers are wanting some kind of signal to be sent out to this effect. I agree with them, and the signals I'd like to see are comprehensive sex education and ready access to cheap if not free contraception. The experience of countries like Holland proves that this works in reducing unwanted pregnancies.
2009-01-20 00:27:46 UTC
Jill: why is it any of your business what the hell a woman does with a fetus SHE created that is INSIDE of her?

Do you honestly not find it even slightly morally incorrect to force all women to birth the fetuses inside their uterus?

If you're not FOR abortions, then the answer is really quite simple: DON'T GET ABORTIONS. It's not complicated. At. All.

God, no one is pro-abortion, they're just for the choice to get one or have a baby. Get with the damn times. Women have rights. That's one of them. Yes, they do have the right to get rid of a fetus that's inside of them.

If you don't like it, don't have abortions. If it's wrong in your eyes, don't look. Deny the world. Just shut up.
2009-01-20 00:41:07 UTC
The 'commotion' is actually good for BOTH causes as it keeps an important issue before everyone's eyes and helps keep the issue balanced without one extreme or the other winning-out.

it might also be argued that the you cannot be held accountable to God for "Blood Guilt" untill the fetus is infused with blood at 16 Days after conception.

Jared: This country's freedoms were written by people with the Bible as a GUIDE, secured by people who believed in God, fought for by people who believed in the 'God-Given' right to be free. So I wouldn't be so quick to disparage 'Religious Zealots'
2009-01-20 00:55:07 UTC
give me the name of one geneticist that will say that is not a human being at the moment of conception.

just one name.

make abortion illegal & if the woman wants to take the chance on murdering a human & things go wrong so what.

she'll be on the other side giving an account.

if having the baby would kill the mother, she has the god given right to defend her life.

abortion is murder.

you don't want a baby stop having sex.
2009-01-20 00:41:01 UTC
Our constitution says that we're not allowed to deprive anybody of life liberty or property without due process and we are.

Its a big problem because its murder.

Its a big deal if youre one of those people that care about morality and God. God said that he knew us before we were born. It is God that owns human life, not us. We have no right to put values on human life and give women and men the liberty to murder their children before they come out. (and in some cases after they come out)

People are going to have to face God for what they do regardless of what we write into law. But the law needs to reflect justice and Gods laws in a universal way. But how would you like to be held accountable for those millions of lives being aborted? You are right now because you are indifferent to it!!!

Dont meddle in peoples lives? We do all the time! You have to make sure a seatbelt is on your kid or you can get a fine. Kill your kid before it comes out and its ok? What kind of mixed msg is that?

Prove it isnt murder? Its human life in a younger form. At what age then does a kid have a right to live in your eyes? After birth? 9.5 months? 9 months? 8.5? Who has the right to declare human life disposable based on age?? Havent we learned the lessons of slavery? When are people like you going to stop declaring other people your property?
2009-01-20 00:33:29 UTC
The question depends upon one's perception of when life begins.

If you believe that life begins at birth, then there is no problem with the legality of abortion.

If you believe that life begins at conception, then abortion is seen as murder, and it should no more be legal than murder should be.

A better question to ask is - what makes people think that life begins at conception?????
2009-01-20 00:50:56 UTC
Abortion IS a way of murder; one gets to kill an unwanted person. It shouldnt be legal.
2009-01-20 00:28:06 UTC
your so right... we should also make it legal to murder...

now, I know people say murders kill, so what? it's not a big deal. what's wrong with just minding your own business and let the person (whom you do not know) make whatever decision he/she wants to make. let him/her suffer the consequences (whether it be physiological pain, physical pain [including death from friends/family members looking for revenge] or her ending up in hell or whatever). I'm not FOR it, but I'm just saying why people can't mind their own business. why can't people quit asserting their own beliefs into the faces of people who don' want it (especially religious morals)? not everyone is a christian, so not everyone has to follow certain christian morals. if you don't want to murder, fine. but don't meddle in people's personal lives whom 1. you don't even know, and 2. you're not welcome.


"abortion is NOT the same as murder or homicide."

ok, what would you call the killing of someone without their consent, who hasn't done anything wrong, and can't defend themselves?
2009-01-20 00:35:09 UTC
The above poster Dave is right. Murder is murder if you do or don't know the victim or the perpetrator. It is murder if it happens inside or outside the body.

Also God throughout the Bible is shown as the protector of the defenseless and the helper of those who are weak, marginalized, or without a voice.

Babies are vitally important to God because each is a person, and each person is someone he knows.
2009-01-20 00:27:09 UTC
I agree. Women will have abortions regardless of the legality, so it's better to keep it legal so that women don't induce abortions in unsafe and possibly fatal ways.
2009-01-20 00:33:05 UTC
Strange that it's legal to have an abortion, but if someone slices the mother's belly open, killing the baby; it's illegal. Kinda like splitting hairs to me.
Monica V
2009-01-20 06:09:15 UTC
"why can't people quit asserting their own beliefs into the faces of people who don' want it"

Exactly what is it you were saying?
Jared, QED
2009-01-20 00:24:48 UTC
As the number of religious zealots slowly diminish, so shines a faint glimmer of hope for the future of America's freedoms.
2009-01-20 00:25:25 UTC
Abortion is inevitable, by making it illegal, it will only put the mother's life at risk. It is best to keep abortion safe and legal.
2009-01-20 00:26:06 UTC
It's legalized murder, And Judging by your lack of conscience over this issue, Your lost and need the Lord son . God bless.
2009-01-20 00:27:05 UTC
1. i agree

2. it's legal here in the us

3. thank u
2009-01-20 00:26:48 UTC
i dont get what is wrong with abortion you're killing something that is not going to feel it and it doesn't have a mind it's not going to know so what is wrong?
2009-01-20 00:25:35 UTC
What do you need explained? Why is it okay to murder babies but protect serial killers?
Life's a Beach
2009-01-20 00:25:15 UTC
It is legal in the US

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