2009-07-31 18:19:47 UTC
I just wanted to ask that because non believers need evidence to believe in God and his son Jesus Christ
yet, they believe in evolution with they have no evidence or proof of
they believe in the "big bang" which was created 13 million years ago!!! they werent alive then to see it to believe! so they have no real evidence as to how we dont come from God but think we are just here magically..people thing God is all fake and magical when infact their beliefs are just as magical
i mean come on..... millions of millions of millions of millions of people did not just "poof" on the face of the earth!
and the big bang is not the beggining of all creation,it has to go further then that as to saying what or "WHO" created the big bang non-believers depend on for human population and earth! whats behind your belief of the big bang ?
because mine is God! it doesnt stop at the big bang!!

Faith is my evidence!!
44 answers:
2009-07-31 18:26:33 UTC





Jess H
2009-07-31 18:31:32 UTC
I'm calling Poe on this one. But just for those theists who are reading this thinking it's a brilliant question:

I need evidence before I would believe in God for the same reason you would ask for evidence for the truth of a different religion or believe in a different God before you would convert to it.

There *IS* evidence for evolution. And yes, it's "real" evidence whether or not creationists want to believe it.

There is also evidence for the big bang, which actually happened almost 14 BILLION years ago, not 13 million.

You don't need to have witnessed the big bang or the whole of evolution with your own eyes in order to know they happened. You can look at the evidence. Evidence is actually stronger than eyewitness testimony, which is notoriously unreliable. Evidence doesnt lie. You have to be quite irrational to be willing to ignore a mountain of empirical evidence simply because no one witnessed the event first hand.

WE are not the ones that believe that "we are just here magically". That's theists that believe we were just "poofed" onto the face of the Earth.

And last, but not least, if you're belief doesn't "stop" with the big bang, then keep going back and explain what created your "God"? Where did "God" come from?
2009-07-31 18:45:46 UTC
Dont even get me started with what is wrong with what you asked. Your right millions and millions of people did not just poof on the face of the earth they evolved. or in the christian belief two people just poofed onto the face of the earth and then after much begetting.... here we are, with billions of people all from the same original DNA.

imagine a world without evidence, "yes your honor we believe the defendant committed a crime, we have no actually evidence but you should throw him in jail anyway"

There is evidence of evolution my question would be why do the Christians ignore that evidence, I have heard good arguments that explain evolution as Gods plan, that seems to be a much more sensible thought process.

Where we to believe the God thing which God. the christians of course would have you beleive in their God, can you then discount the Jewish fairth and Muslims who have the same God.

To put it a differnet way. I have never seen in my life a baby pigeon even a picture of one, and I have yet to meet the person who has, I have to believe in pigeons as I nearly kick them walking down city streets, so evidence aside i do believe baby pigeons exist. Seeing what the world God alledgedly created has been allowed to come to it would be hard to apply the same logic.
2009-07-31 18:31:21 UTC
I don't completely believe in the big bang theory, but it is a lot more believable then a being creating the world in 6 days, or a man floating on a big boat for 40 days/nights w/ every animal on the earth, or a man walking through the desert for 40 years, or a man talking to a burning bush, or a whole bunch of people being scattered to the ends of the earth to explain why we have asians, hispanics, etc.
2016-05-25 06:13:08 UTC
First you claim the bible is proof that Jesus lived. You cannot use the bible to prove anything until you prove that the tall tales in it are actual truths. That has never been done.. Where those religions that mention Jesus, they just copied from the bible to fill up their fairy tale books. Prove anyone saw Jesus. You are just using what you read in the bible. Where Columbus, Napoleon, George Washington are concerned, there is plenty of evidence about them that one can find easily. But nowhere can you or anyone else find the date of Jesus' birth. No actual photographs of Jesus nor any drawing or painting of him either. Yes maybe there is more on all those fairy tales that you mentioned but none of it is true. How is there evidence of god? You only have been programmed to believe that, but you cannot prove it at all. You have been taught that god made all things, and he had a son named Jesus. First you have to learn who wrote the Jesus story. If you read books after a while you will be able to read and learn the truth about that NT story.
2009-07-31 18:26:21 UTC
Faith --- Faith is the confident belief or trust in the truth or trustworthiness of a person, idea, or thing...So you believe because you trust a book that was written by man thousands of years ago? Once again the Big Bang and Evolution never explain HOW life and the universe started...The Big Bang does not explain before the Big Bang because we do not know what happened before we only know what happened during and after.
2009-07-31 18:28:44 UTC
argh! ur all wrong! atiest and cristans are both WRONG! okay, evolution is real, god didnt create the earth, he created the universe (bigbang) and everything was set into motion then a expontion about of energy from god was created on earth because it is the most inhabitable then small organism lived in water, then air, the land and so on, the some animal was split, some went to n. africa some south, some stayed in the middle, the ones that were in the middle tured to monkes, the others turned to human, s. black, n. white, the n. went to euope and asia were the ones in asia manly ate the great nutrisiose herds there and nologer needed to be big got alittle smaller, and the hers turned them alittle yell9ow, the eupens stayed, and some went across rusian to n. amercan and s. america were they adapited yet again, so there
2009-07-31 18:26:27 UTC
you get almost everything you say wrong.

1. There is mountains of evidence for evolution

2. The big bang happened 1000 times earlier than you think it did (if you are going to criticize something, at least understand it)

3. "millions of millions of millions of millions of people did not just "poof" on the face of the earth!"... No they didn't? they evolved from earlier organisms

4. Faith isn't evidence
2009-07-31 18:27:22 UTC
First not all atheists believe in evolution or the big bang

Second there is plenty of evidence for both.

Third how can you believe anything without evidence? If faith is all you need, then Muslims and Bhuddist and Hindu's are all right because they all have "faith" in their particular gods. Without evidence what makes your faith any more correct than theirs?
2009-07-31 18:23:03 UTC
Atheists will never believe in god. Agnostics need the proof.

Atheists do not necessarily believe in the big bang or any other theories either.

You are assuming that all atheists have some kind of belief in how the world began. Not all do.

They simply do not believe in God.
peanut 2
2009-07-31 18:24:31 UTC
wow your dim..

1) there IS evidence for evolution

2) not ALL atheists believe in the big bang theory

your quite right, we didnt 'poof' onto the earth, we evolved from sea creatures

also if things cant just 'poof' here, how did your god get created?
2009-07-31 18:24:15 UTC
Faith? No that's not faith. It's blind obedience. I know I can't help you become sane but heh, at least try before dying right? Yes we have evidence of the big bang theory go look it up. We do not have evidence of your bible is telling the truth. You might also wanna study evolution. ITS A MILLION TIMES MORE COMPLICATED THAN A MONKEY TURNING INTO A MAN.
2009-07-31 18:26:11 UTC
Same reason people need evidence to believe in a Santa.

What's behind your god? You're saying a magical, sentient, omni-benevolent being just popped into existence out of nowhere and decided to start creating things one day?
2009-07-31 18:24:03 UTC
Why do christians need it? Christians constantly suggest god proved himself to them otherwise they would not have believed.

Besides reality is not based on beliefs. And its best to go with reality despite beliefs. that is why we want evidence or very good reason. I hold to evolution for very good reason NOT personal encounter with the evidence
neil s
2009-07-31 18:25:21 UTC
All that you have shown is that you don't understand what evidence is. There is more evidence for evolution than virtually any other scientific concept, including our current theory of gravity. Faith is simply delusional wishful thinking, not evidence.
2009-07-31 18:24:25 UTC
Im atheist, (no offence if your religeous) but i think that the god theory is a bit.. far fetched, ie it sounds like a story which is supposed to scare little kids into behaving well. It just doesnt make sence!
2009-07-31 18:28:29 UTC
wow why do you have to be so ignorant.

one question for you :

who created god?

and there is evidence for evolution by means of natural selection

and there is also evidenc for the big bang
2009-07-31 18:23:13 UTC
try learning about things before you post something about them, otherwise you look like a moron, now is one of those times.

there is a lot of evidence for evolution (fossil record is a huge one), there is none whatsover for God.

"i mean come on..... millions of millions of millions of millions of people did not just "poof" on the face of the earth!"

erm, this is what christians believe, God just poofed them, or made them out of soil, I mean wtf is with that, we are made out of the earth?

"big bang is not the beggining of all creation,it has to go further then that as to saying what or "WHO" created the big bang non-believers depend on for human population and earth! whats behind your belief of the big bang ?"

no one created the big bang, the energy created by matter and anti matter created the big bang (one of the theories), anyway, who created God? what or who caused God? if it has to go further for the big bang, the same goes for God.

"no real evidence as to how we dont come from God but think we are just here magically"

if you read, one of the theories is that the origin of life came from volcanic activity producing carbonyl sulfide which helped string together amino acids, creating life. to me, this sounds ALOT more likely than God going, "oh here's some dirt i'm gonna magically make a living man out of it then use one of his ribs to make a woman"

and faith is not evidence, faith is a personal BELIEF, that is like me saying I have belief that a multicoloured slime monster with 4 eyes and 7 legs that poops chocolate lives on mars, and because i believe it, it's true.
Stephanie T
2009-07-31 18:31:03 UTC
You're right. It's much more plausible to believe that two human beings appeared fully formed and went forth and populated the earth.

Invisible Pink RN
2009-07-31 18:23:59 UTC
Go back to school!

There's plenty of evidence to support the Big Bang

None for "God"
2009-07-31 18:26:39 UTC
it is about faith, which obviously atheist do not believe. They base there belief more on scientific evaluation - but even science is questionable. I think it is hard for some humans to believe in something they can not see - it is easier for some to believe in science, if it not fully proven because they can "see" it. god is in your heart, something the atheist does not understand or live by. And your heart will give you faith. too bad for the atheist.
2009-07-31 18:25:28 UTC
well if they had no proof then y would they like if the cops were looking for a murderer they have to choose people with EVIDENCE. and yes they do have proof in eveloutoin
2009-07-31 18:29:14 UTC
Same reason why judges need evidence to convict a felon.
2009-07-31 18:24:18 UTC
I'm a Christian too. But, "faith" is not evidence. The point of faith is to believe in something you cannot see, touch, or hear.

Many people are too analytical to just have "faith".
2009-07-31 18:30:13 UTC
If they believed in God then they would have to be held accountable for what they do. It is easier to say that there is no God and then they don't think that they have to answer to anyone.....wrong! It's really quite sad, they think they are so smart but in the end they will wish they had been more open minded to what really matters, God.
2009-07-31 18:23:22 UTC
The Big Band did not happen 13 million years ago. Faith is blind, science leaves tracks and proof that we can easily follow.
2009-07-31 18:28:50 UTC
So by your logic you should also believe in unicorns, vampires and fairies. After all, who needs any proof of anything?

Retarded religious people...sigh...
2009-07-31 18:25:55 UTC
Maybe if you got your information from somewhere other then a fundie website you might have something worthwhile to say.
donutkid: hammer of Thor
2009-07-31 18:24:31 UTC
Because we have brains. No proof of evolution? Surely you're joking. Please go back and take a basic biology course. Apparently it was missing from your school curriculum.
2009-07-31 18:23:03 UTC
If someone told you to believe in something like vampires would you automatically go with it or ask for proof?
2009-07-31 18:23:50 UTC
your logic is confusing..

if i say i believe in a flying dog being my god, and you say you made that up! i'll say i dont need evidence to believe, now to convert others
2009-07-31 18:25:47 UTC
I dont know, I just do. I dont want to seem uneducated and gullible I guess.
2009-07-31 18:23:56 UTC
why don't you need any evidence to believe in god.

i think your approach is weaker.

you believe in something based on pre speculation.
2009-07-31 18:26:47 UTC
Einstein would so slap you in the face right now.
Vincent K, Atheati Mad Scientist
2009-07-31 18:23:27 UTC
I'm calling troll here, because this is simply too perfectly stupid to have been crafted by someone who isn't trying to take the piss. I hope.
2009-07-31 18:24:13 UTC
some people have to see it. and most of the time you cant see it even if you tell them that he made the trees and what not.
2009-07-31 18:22:55 UTC
because they dont believe, thats why they need evidence.

You cant Expect people to believe what you do.

Though it would be so much easier if they did
2009-07-31 18:25:02 UTC
I'm happy that you are happy, but belief is not proof.
Johnny Y
2009-07-31 18:23:01 UTC
Goodie, then we're on the same page.

That's why I believe in leprechauns, Atlantis, and the mighty Sparkle Faerie Princess who is above all of your gods.

Why don't you? Because faith is MY evidence!
Graham Cracka Snacka
2009-07-31 18:25:46 UTC
all i can say is: there's no proof God's real, there's no proof he's not real.

and i couldn't care less....
2009-07-31 18:23:29 UTC
I don't need evidence. I need belief. I just don't have belief in god.
2009-07-31 18:22:49 UTC
Get your facts about straight about atheistic belief.

And faith and evidence are not synonyms.
Mustaches Are Cool
2009-07-31 18:23:27 UTC
r u high or something?
Jens Hyman
2009-07-31 18:23:42 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.