dont you think that Christians and muslims should be friends again?
2009-06-08 04:58:14 UTC
now if you will see the history the Christians were friends with the Muslims i would say best friends with muslims and now the jews are making us fight like they did in history

in the time of our prophet(saw) najashi king of habsah gave Muslims place in his country when jews were after them and after hearing from them what they think about Jesus he himself became Muslim

the jews started the crusades by starting to say that christians are being degraded in islamic country
and when crusades started alot of christians fought along side with the muslims
and our leaders did not let any of the soldiers disrespect the other leader and respected the other leader during and after the war

and now day jews have made the so called Talibans (come on if you have a liltel bit of brain you can tell they made them)who do all that islam prohibits IN the name of islam and make our reputation bad and also they are making fools out of Americans (come on amaricans cant you see you are being used)to attack us muslims

what are your thoughts about this
Nine answers:
2009-06-08 05:35:33 UTC
i guess it would have been a good idea not to mention the jews in your plight for friendship..... :) now it will be less christian muslim friendship and more tantrums on antisemitism..

The Quran says that among all Non-muslims the christians will always be the closest to muslims because among them are god fearing people and people who are learned, this might have been a bit of a shocker for those who say islam teaches hate against others, thats as good a reason as any for us to be close.....

and about the jews...well we had ok relations with them for 1400 years....untill israel came into being.......much better than the christians anyway who massacarred them many times.....

Caliph Omer allowed them to jerusalem though christian rulers before him had banned the jews from it

Saladin allowed them to jerusalem though crusader rulers before him had banned the jews from it

And now they take jerusalem and they kick us out.....hmmm.....ironic innit?
2009-06-08 05:09:10 UTC
There is a MAJOR difference between the Christians of today and at that time.At that time Christians weren't a slave to the Pope and there were some who didn't consider Jesus as God in any form or the Trinity.

And Note, Negus was a just man.

People may criticize you for being anti-Jewish and racist but I believe in what you say.And note, the Taliban are a creation of the money USA gave to support Pakistan during the Afghan war(or Afghan Jihad) when USSR invaded Afghanistan in 1979-1988.

Until the Christian countries DO NOT solve the Kashmir issue and Palestine/Israel issue all hopes of good relations are built on sand.And the USA should leave Afghanistan and Iraq.Haven't they committed enough crimes against humanity there already ?
2009-06-08 05:12:23 UTC
I think the USA has made a huge mistake getting involved in the war period.

We should let the people in that area of the world do what they are going to do any way.

They have fought in that area of the world for years and its not going to stop. The country's will have war and the groups inside of the country's will fight with each other.

If they can not get along, nothing we do is going to make it better.

The best thing we can do is get off their oil and get completely out of there.

If you think that we can change them think again. Have you ever tried to convince a Christian that there was no Jesus?

Thats about what we are up against, because its all religion and people get it in their heads that their religion is right and nothing will change their mind.
ρəαcə ☺☺☺ [Melis]
2009-06-08 05:17:42 UTC
Yes u are right Muslims and Christian not only should be just friend i want them to be just same,i want them to remove all difference between eachother because in Christianity and Islam many things are exactly same,Christians believe to our Prophets and in Holy Quraan in many things its Talking about Jesus and all Muslims believe to Jesus too.Chrisitainity is the closest Religion to Islam thats why not many Christian hates Muslims but there are some people in this world who are trying their best to make differences between islam and Christianity...instead of making differnece i would like to tell them please come on and work to bring the peace in the world just be Human and live ur life!!


to the person who asnwerd before me i mean "letfreedomring"

did u study Holy Quran if yes then didnt u read many time that there is JESUS who is the son of Mariam? tell me if he is not Jesus then who is he??? or u Muslim?? i dont think u are Muslim u even dont know who is Jesus (Isa)?
2016-05-25 14:08:49 UTC
Salam 1-Do you want shariah law to or do you want secularism? Actually this is a tricky question. I believe in a different Sharia law than the one promoted by most Muslims. I promote personal and religious freedoms and equality between the sexes in the name of Islam. Therefore I'd rather live in a secular western country than live in Saudi Arabia or Iran. 2-What do you think of Darwanian Evolution? It's a theory that should be respected and considered. Believing in both Islam and evolution is possible. 3-What do you think of the big bang? Islam supports this theory. 4-What are your views on Jews,Christians,Buddhists,Hindus,Pagans,... etc? They're all humans and should be treated as such, they deserve respect and good treatment. 5-What do you think of atheists? They're humans and should not be discriminated against because of their ideology. 6-What do you think of Hitler and Stalin? I disapprove of their actions. Racism has no place in this world. 7-What do you think of the holocaust? An atrocity. 8-What do you think of communists,and socialists? They haven't been able to implement their ideas correctly. Taking North Korea as an example, their leaders are corrupt, oppressive and tyrannical. However, I agree that the rich should help the poor, to an extent. 9-Should Women have their rights exactly like men? Yes, to the last bit. 10-Should schools include sex education in the curriculum? Yes it's a must. 11-What do you think of homosexuals? People should be respected regardless their sexual inclinations. 12-What do you think of the Western World? It's a free world. 13-What do you think of 9/11? A horrendous crime. 14-What do you think of premarital sex? It's not right. 15-Are you Liberal,Conservative or Neutral? I'd like to believe I'm more liberal :P 16-What do think of Israel? They're transgressors who kicked my grandparents from their homes, and continuing to do so with many Palestinians. However, I believe that both sides should try and live in peace. 17-What do you think of Islamists? Who do you refer to by Islamists? I don't like extremists and I don't support them. 18-What do you think of drinking alcohol in moderation (not Getting Drunk)? It's unlawful according to my religion. Islam admits that Alcohol has some benefits but they're outweighed by its disadvantages. 19-What do you think of Richard Dawkins, Bill Maher , Hitchens ? They're respectable scientists. 20-What do you think of freedom of expression? It should be guaranteed to everyone as long as it doesn't promote hate and racism. 21-Do you think adulterers must be stoned? No 22-What do you think of Christmas? Pagan holiday. But it's the right of every Christian to celebrate it. 23-What do you think of Anarchism? I'm not well-informed about it so I can't give my opinion. But I don't think it can work with Islam. 24- What about capitalism? The most successful countries are the capitalist ones, but I believe that the financially capable should give Zakat (giving alms) to help the poor in the society. My understanding of the philosophies you mentioned is not strong enough, but I tried to answer the best way I could.
2009-06-08 05:09:43 UTC
@"Dont you think that Christians and muslims should be friends again?"

That COULD be possible on our side because Jesus was our 'spiritual' leader and taught us to get along with others but from their point of view by their "human" will not happen.
2009-06-09 03:22:30 UTC
Ur rant smells of bigotry. Whats common is human failures but u dont know the diff. btwn Jesus & Satan. Sadly, muslims/others r mislead as they try 2 live by God's Law - punishment is death. No1 can live w/o breaking God's Law = sin (why we need Jesus who died 4 our sins). Only 1 God can occupy infinity & that God is the God of Israel so theres no Allah/other gods. Its only fully provable b/c Jesus Christ is the 1 & only true Son of God & He wasnt speaking out of 2 let alone 1000s of the sides of His mouth.

Neither a label, title, name, its history, no. of members/converts, amount of time it existed nor claims made about them (like persecution) means anything (u can call anything anything). Its whats practiced that makes them either the whole truth or a lie. A dictionary definition doesnt necessarily encompass God's full definition or usage of a word (or His exceptions thereof). I.e. neither Jesus nor the Biblical prophets were ever muslims no matter what islam's usage 4 the word muslim is (calling a dog god doesnt make it God).

The real Jesus Christ is the only true way 2 salvation (Acts 4:12 - on an individual level) not Islam (God never sent Muhammud - no NEW prophets after Jesus, who cancels out the need 4 "new-teaching" prophets). Islam has nothing 2 do with knowing God. Its a man-made religion (only obvious 2 those who know the real Jesus Christ). Wrong teaching comes from false prophets, canceling what they claim. When u dont know the real Jesus, accepting His death/resurrection & true position/Biblical teachings, the result is false teachings that kills u & ur offspring - theres many ways that seem right 2 men but its end = death (u cant worship in truth & in error - error cancels all u teach).

The crux of the problem is many men (having limited knowledge) try 2 know who God is by imposing human limitations 4 understand things 2 God's abilities. Muslims make the mistake of believing the Bible has many errors/rewritten, that the koram is "the" perfect holy book). The Bible is only full of errors if u dont accept Jesus as God's real Son & if ur determined 2 dismiss God's Biblical truth. God will give u what ur looking 4 in ur heart. Many r determined 2 dismiss God & will b given over 2 their hateful hardened heart. Muslims say the Qu'ran is perfect but it has blatant fatal errors -

Problem is theres many religions/varieties/offshoots. 1 day I realized they cant all b right (ie. theres 1 Bible, why so many interpretations? - II Pet 1:**19-21). Most religions came thru ppl who thought up things 4 a God they & others liked. Some realized religion could b good 2 control the masses & 4 other agendas. Religion wont teach u much about God (they cant teach what they dont know). Who knows more about a house the Builder or he who moves in later?

Religions made many fatal mistakes. However, do u think God is all knowing & there4, would fully understand His purpose, including 4 Jesus Christ? Many miss this - Jesus is the only 1 in history who said He's "the" way, "the" truth & "the" life (the only true way of life) & NO 1 can know God except thru Jesus (Jn 14:6 - ref Acts 4:12; Jn 5:39; 10:1,7). This means "the" whole truth was complete & there4 finished thru what Jesus taught & did or God doesn't know what He's doing & cant b God. The truth is either fully true or its a lie. The full truth cant contain a lie & is the absence of any lie.

Either Jesus is the only full truth or theres no actual truth & there4 no God (God would hv 2 know what Jesus was going 2 do). This means Jesus is whom He says He is or He's just another false prophet among many, whom should b disregarded. If He's the actual truth then theres no need 4 any NEW teaching. This means any so-called new teaching & any other religious beliefs &/or from self-proclaimed prophets or teachers r invalid & cant lead u 2 our real God.

***If Jesus came from God as His only Son as stated in the Bible then the Quran (doesnt agree with the Bible), the Book of Mormon (no such thing as "another testament"), JWs (rewrote some Bible verses - New World Translation) & other religions r wrong about Jesus b/c they demote Jesus 2 just a prophet/good man (1 way or another). If Jesus Christ isnt God's Son (false prophet) then the Bible & all others r wrong. We cant hv it 2 ways. Theres only 1 Jesus & there can only b 1 true Gospel (II Cor 11:4; Gal 1:6,9; I Tm 6:3). If Jesus is whom He says He is then Muhammad (muslim follower of Islam), Joseph Smith (Mormon = Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints), Jehovah's Witnesses (JWs = Watchtower, Awake), most Catholics, many Protestants, Ellen White (7th Day Adventists), Mary Baker (Christian Scientists), the moonies (Unification church - Rev Moon), Church of Scientology (Dyanetics - L Ron Hubbard), Buddhism, Hinduism & others presenting other teachings & practices r the false prophets/teachers & should b disregarded. But I can assure u the truth is in the Bible (where Jesus was coming from in everything He did & said).

[Many (see above par.) claim they believe Jesus is the Son of God (however, even the devil knows Jesus exists) but having read the entire Bible (some parts many times) I state with authority that many dont know God or Jesus. If ur foundation of teaching is wrong it cancels out all ur other claims = house built upon sand. Claiming Jesus is the Messiah doesnt mean u know the real Jesus Christ]

Jesus couldnt have done nor said all thats written in the NT unless He fully knew the entire OT (NT didnt exist while Jesus was on earth). Jesus couldnt have known the entire OT unless God sent Him. & the Apostles couldnt write the NT unless Jesus allowed them 2 know & remember why He was here (Lk 24:25-27,45). Only God could cause it.

But no matter how much many well-meaning ppl (religious or not) read the Bible they cant find Jesus Christ without going directly 2 Jesus thru His Biblical instructions (Jn 5:39; 10:1,7; 3:3,5). God outsmarted man - the Bible is the only 1 that cant b properly understood without Jesus (Jn 14:6; II Cor 3:14; Is 29:11-12 - If Jewish ppl cant pierce the veil over the OT without Jesus then 4 sure all the gentiles cant). Thats why theres many interpretations & many who think its all fairy tales (Jesus came bearing the sword of division).

God doesnt compromise the truth - if u do u cancel out ur being a follower of the real truth & in turn that cancels ur place in Heaven.

2009-06-08 05:03:03 UTC
Friends with people like this running the US ?
Grand Vizier
2009-06-08 05:01:52 UTC
Your anti-Jewish rants are as laughable as they are abhorrent.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.