The Question is:-
Fuming and fretting
much ado about Nothing
KALKI AVATHARAM is predicted in Srimath Bhagavatham
Confirmed by Sri.Sukha Brahma Rishi--
Sermoned by Sutha Pauranica
KALKI AVATHARAM is predicted in Naaraayaneeyam
KALKI AVATHARAM is predicted in Jaya Deva's Ashtapathi.
Neither Veda Vyasa--Nor
Sukha Deva- nor
Sutha Pauranica- no
Naraayana Bhattadri-Nor
Jaya Deva
lived during or after Mugal Rule--they
Lived long before the Mugal's arrived. There is 100 % -No indication that they were aware of a Hun
Invader, who would destroy Hindu Temples--Even 4 Centuries before the Mogul'sarrival--
Mohammed Bin Khilji had taken the responsibility of annihilating the Hindu and Buddhist
Religions.He left nothing for Huns.
Each and Every World Religion has FAKE Literature--The Oldest Religion on Earth is No
Exception--Only 18 out 200 Puranas ( Myth) are accepted by Hindu Scholars as Authentic
Of which Kalki Puranam is NOT One.
There are older Authentic References--which have been enumerated.--Not general Ideas
But based on Authentic Scriptures.
" Dhooma Kethu Miva Kim Api Karavaalam"
" Kesavaa Drutha KALKI Zareera"
" Jaya Jagadheesa Hare"
If this Not Scripture,what is this? Kondaymanickam ?
Hindus know,how to take care of themselves.