2012-07-19 20:29:42 UTC
Premise (1): all humans gain knowledge of external things from sensation (hearing, sight, touch...).
Premise (2): not all external things are available to us to know them.
From 1 and 2 I conclude that there is a possibility of God's existence.
If all that exists was available to our sensation and god was not among all that exists then it may seem less blameworthy to say that possibilities of God's existence are none. But since that is not the case it is culpable to claim impossibility (atheists) or assertion of the existence of God (believers).
If we put all the evidence that indicates an intelligent designer and creator of the universe in one pan of a balance and the evidence that supports Atheism in the other, they may as well be equal.
However, based on the premises above, we will never reach the absolute truth in this matter in our reality simply because this is a metaphysical issue and a tangible proof is not feasible.
Now that we've established that there is a possibility it follows that it is also possible for all warnings of punishments and afterlife to come to pass. There is a probability no matter how small it is you can’t argue it does not at all exist. (Refer always to my premises and the conclusion)
An atheist is someone who holds that god does not exist despite the obvious aforementioned possibility. So an atheist is someone who takes a risk (it is a risk because if there is a chance that God exists there is also a chance of punishment in case of disbelief). And someone who chooses to take a risk no matter how small it is lacks wisdom.
To clarify why the lack of wisdom in an atheist I present the following analogy which is in accordance with the context: say you find yourself having to choose between 2 paths in some place (place representing life here). One path had a sign that says risk and the other had a sign that says risk free. And you know they both lead to the same destination and they are both equal in distance. Which one do you choose? Wisdom here suggests that one must choose the risk free path. It’s an easy choice. Both paths lead to the same destination anyway and they are both equal in length.
An atheist is someone who chooses the second path that has a risk therefore an atheist is unwise
My definition of wisdom: the ability to distinguish or judge between right and wrong and choosing the RIGHT when one must choose one or the other.
Because an atheist is unwise I draw that any argument against god's non-existence offered by an atheist is questionable since as I demonstrated earlier an atheist is necessarily unwise.