I am not biased as to 'anti-christian' and 'christian' folk. It seems to me that Christian and NON-Christian (note - I did not say ANTI-Christian), they are all people and all people are known to be mean, snide, have ill humor and contempt for others. In my opinion it is better to not be Christian, because Christians are notorious for spouting their views and forcing their beliefs down others' throats. I believe in a higher power, and allow Christian to have their opinions ... did you ever notice that having a debate with a Christian is much like having a debate with a Liberal (I said liberal, not democrat, there IS a difference), neither group makes much sense and they have arguments that revolve around the same bad ideas and views, will mock you for not making sense with a solid, hard driven theory when all their beliefs revolve around are, in reality, smoke and mirrors!!
Having said that, I have an amusing anicdote for y'all. We were driving by a church (Christian, of course, after all, I live in bible thumping Ohio) and the sign said 'If you don't go to Church what makes you think you are going to Heaven?'. Thats why I don't go to Church. I might be silly here, but how does going into a building with a cross on it guarentee my path to Heaven? Silly little me, I thought being a good and decent person was my path to Heaven ... whoops. Guess those Christians might have been onto something. Right. It seems to me that the Church is always surrounded with controversy as it is. Its just like high school, but worse, because these are suppposed 'God-fearing' and good people. Mmhhhmmm, okay.
I guess just because people are over 18 doesn't mean they aren't petty and rude, also offensive. Just my opinion tho. Take it or leave it, but don't attack my beliefs, or lack thereof. Geesh.