Excuse me? Is this a Non-Christain community? I ask because ?
Patty R
2008-08-21 13:09:51 UTC
I am disturbed by the voting (thumbs up - thumbs down) process, system, judges, or whatever and the vast amount (percentage) of anti christians that are in control, and their obvious meanness, snideness, ill humor and contempt for others. And the community guidelines clearly state that is unacceptable behavior, Right?
36 answers:
Anna P
2008-08-21 13:13:59 UTC
There is the right for anyone to post here as long as they abide by the YA rules. If they don't and go too far, flag them. Otherwise, jump into the abyss and only answer the ones that interest you.
2008-08-21 13:17:39 UTC
The Thumbs system is designed for your own personal opinion. Yes, it can be abused, but it's not designed that way. And I wouldn't say that the Anti-Christians are in control. A good deal atheists here are against the entire concept of God, not just one particular religion.

Besides, the Christians also post tons of comments with "obvious meanness, snideness, ill humor and contempt for others." A good number of inflammatory questions and answers are deleted, but some still slip by.
Sorcha MacSidhe
2008-08-21 13:36:28 UTC
This is a community of people of many faiths who are interested in spirituality and religion -- many different sorts of spirituality and many different religions, or no spirituality or religion at all. Obviously, we are not all Christians, but some are Christians, so then, this is not a "Non-Christian" community, since there are some Christians here. Get it? Also, please understand that people who do not choose to be Christian are not necessarily "anti-Christian," we simply follow another/or no spiritual path. That doesn't mean we are against Christians or against Christianity; we've just found another path that makes more sense to us.

We are often somewhat sarcastic and a bit snippy when Christians preach at us, however. We're just tired of being told the same things over and over. That's something we all have to deal with here. I think it's good to have our beliefs questioned. It makes us look more deeply into why we believe what we believe. And that's a good thing. Right?
Rev. Laura
2008-08-21 13:21:31 UTC
wow anti-christians huh? does that mean the anti-christ has come?

I am not anti-christian... I am related to a lot of christians. I just don't hold with their beliefs.

There are some people, no matter where the go, act immature and do the mean, snide, ill humor thing. It isn't just here. So yeah they need to grow up and learn to express themselves better, but that doesn't make them the anti-christ.

This is a religious community. Therefore you will have to put up with opinions from many religions be them Christians or not. Fact of life, live with it.
2008-08-21 15:06:26 UTC
I am not biased as to 'anti-christian' and 'christian' folk. It seems to me that Christian and NON-Christian (note - I did not say ANTI-Christian), they are all people and all people are known to be mean, snide, have ill humor and contempt for others. In my opinion it is better to not be Christian, because Christians are notorious for spouting their views and forcing their beliefs down others' throats. I believe in a higher power, and allow Christian to have their opinions ... did you ever notice that having a debate with a Christian is much like having a debate with a Liberal (I said liberal, not democrat, there IS a difference), neither group makes much sense and they have arguments that revolve around the same bad ideas and views, will mock you for not making sense with a solid, hard driven theory when all their beliefs revolve around are, in reality, smoke and mirrors!!

Having said that, I have an amusing anicdote for y'all. We were driving by a church (Christian, of course, after all, I live in bible thumping Ohio) and the sign said 'If you don't go to Church what makes you think you are going to Heaven?'. Thats why I don't go to Church. I might be silly here, but how does going into a building with a cross on it guarentee my path to Heaven? Silly little me, I thought being a good and decent person was my path to Heaven ... whoops. Guess those Christians might have been onto something. Right. It seems to me that the Church is always surrounded with controversy as it is. Its just like high school, but worse, because these are suppposed 'God-fearing' and good people. Mmhhhmmm, okay.

I guess just because people are over 18 doesn't mean they aren't petty and rude, also offensive. Just my opinion tho. Take it or leave it, but don't attack my beliefs, or lack thereof. Geesh.
2008-08-21 13:22:45 UTC
This is an open community. Atheists, Asatruar, Buddhists, Christians, Hindus, Jains, Jews, Muslims, Pagans, Wiccans, Zoroastrians, you name it we seem to have it. Several of us here in R&S have noted the same thing you have. The animosity can be a bit too much sometimes. But there is also a great deal of respect and understanding too. And also the good kind of humor; when we do not take ourselves too seriously.

Meanwhile, some amongst us have been hurt in the past and have suffered; Sometimes the pains of the past surface here in our words (and thumbs).

All these thumbs are yours. Use them together. Use them in peace.
The_Cricket: Thinking Pink!
2008-08-21 13:21:33 UTC
This is a completely open forum. Here in R&S we have atheists, deists, pagans, Wiccans, agnostics, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, in addition to just about every denomination of Christianity. Sometimes the Christians are outnumbered. Sometimes the atheists are. It all depends what time of day it is.

You must be new here. It isn't all bad. Most of the people here are pretty cool once you get to know them, even and especially many of the atheists.

If you focus on the bad, it's all you're going to see. But there are a lot of great people here, too.
2008-08-21 13:16:32 UTC
Who is in control other than Yahoo? The thumbs up/thumbs down is purely arbitrary and is no reflection of the answer really, but the personal preference to the message being sent.

Clearly you need to remove the rose colored glasses, because you apparently missed all the christians doing exactly what you're complaining others of doing.
2008-08-21 13:16:11 UTC
Ganging up on anyone is not right, but I think it is fine for non Christians to be here and to have an influence as individuals. It is high time that all these theological ideas get questioned. Keeping things under cover is now a thing of the past.
Lucy T
2008-08-21 13:17:23 UTC
If I recall the community guidelines also say no ranting, and if I'm not mistaken this sounds like a rant to me. I guess us anti christians aren't the only ones not following the rules.
Saint Lilith
2008-08-21 13:15:57 UTC
Welcome to R&S! An open forum full of people who have very differing opinions and beliefs. Where every group of people has its mean snide anti another group members. Where people of different religions, beliefs, ideas and morals gather together to ask, answer debate, tease, and occasionally drink. The voting (Thumbs up/down)should not be taken seriously. If you cannot deal with sarcasm, people disagreeing with you, or people poking fun at you then I suggest you leave.
2008-08-21 13:16:41 UTC
answer: And what about the Thumbs Down in EVERY pagan, Wiccan, Heathen, Jewish, Atheist or Muslim question if the answer is positive? Who is doing that, pray tell? Until the TU and TD are open to see who gives them - get over it and ignore them. Christians aren't innocent in abusing the TD and TU.
2008-08-21 13:15:04 UTC
If you dont want to be disturbed, you might not want to hang out in here.

While it is true anti-christians are the majority; community guidelines are just that guidelines and I feel no one should be silenced, no matter what the view.
2008-08-21 13:15:52 UTC
This is neither a non-Christian community or a Christian community. This place is for anyone to talk about religion and spirituality. Don't like hearing the opinions of people who disagree with you, go to a forum that is only for Christians.
El Duderino
2008-08-21 13:14:51 UTC
What is the world coming to, when someone can give you a thumbs down. Your struggles remind me of african-americans in the 50's. Stay strong, brother. Don't let the man hold you down.
2008-08-21 13:18:49 UTC
This is a RELIGION and SPIRITUALITY section , an sub-section of Society and Culture

See the word CULTURE.

We all live in THIS culture/s, so get over with

This is not EXCLUSIVE Christian forum
2008-08-21 13:16:41 UTC
With over 38,000 different opinions on Christianity all saying their right while everyone else is full of sh*t you expect a consensus from them ? You are nuts .
2008-08-21 13:16:40 UTC
I am a Christian Patty, however it is how we roll here. If you are too thin skinned for this, you need to move on. Nothing is going to change here.
2008-08-21 13:14:49 UTC
It is an open community. I'm not sure what a "Christain" is but they can probably fit in here too - if they don't mind that not everybody automatically agrees with them. Otherwise, they had better go find a "Christain"-only forum.
Starjumper the R&S Cow
2008-08-21 13:15:07 UTC
Religion and Spirituality does not in fact denote Christianity only. It encompasses many different religions.
Angel SA
2008-08-21 13:21:17 UTC
I've been saying and perceiving that Yahoo Q&A is staffing atheists. Atheist don't have any rules when it comes to THUMBING, they just do it with vengeance and spite.

2008-08-21 13:14:34 UTC
I could care less about the thumbs up/down thing. If you can't handle someone's opinion, leave.
Shinigami Ceiling Cat
2008-08-21 13:16:24 UTC
Ahhh.... Persecution complex....

--Shinigami Ceiling Cat
2008-08-21 13:20:35 UTC
I'm not sure about the guidelines but it's sad.

I feel bad that there are so many lost people in this world. :(
2008-08-21 13:30:36 UTC
All sorts on here, MeDear!

But only one BadBeast.

BadBeast Best Beast.??
2008-08-21 13:20:09 UTC
I'm christian and I've marked down fellow christians if they spout apostasy!!!!
2008-08-21 13:15:36 UTC
i never knew i was anti christian i thought i was wiccan...go figure i learn something new and then decide its ignorant everytime i get on this site...i will miss you guys once i find actual work to do.
2008-08-21 13:16:23 UTC
Once you give in to others, no matter the number of the people, then they are in control.

As long as you remain in your faith, you and God are in control!

Never forget that!
2008-08-21 13:13:24 UTC
This is an open community.
2008-08-21 13:13:41 UTC
You can't blame it all on anti-christians....your God-fearing people have just as much guilt in the process
Bob Arctor
2008-08-21 13:13:02 UTC
thumbs are for opinions... get over it... it is a way for us to let others know if their answer is in line with our own....

If you suggest only 'good' thumbs are allowed, then you are a freak weinie that doesn't understand what thumbs up and down are here for - they have a purpose and we use them for that purpose... Lets just get rid of thumbs up and down instead and we'll all sit around and have tea...
2008-08-21 13:13:34 UTC
I wish I could give this question a thumbs down......
Ha ha ha!
2008-08-21 13:13:25 UTC
Are there not Christians that exhibit this behavior?
Paul C.
2008-08-21 13:13:45 UTC
I'm not " anti christain" I'm an atheist, however hard you try we'll still be here.
2008-08-21 13:13:10 UTC

Oh... You must have met ME.
2008-08-21 13:13:06 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.