Some questions for the Christians aged 40 and over. Please?
Eoin C
2009-11-11 08:33:27 UTC
Doing a survey here:

1) Have your church going habits changed over the last 20 years? (decreasing visits, increasing visits, no change)

2) Do you feel Christianity has lost its status in modern society? If you can, a brief description for your answer would be helpful.

3) There has been a decline in joining members, mainly in todays youth. Do you have any suggestions as to why this is?

Thanks :)
21 answers:
Only Jesus Saves
2009-11-11 08:41:22 UTC
1. I did not come to Christ until I was 50 so...increasing visits.

2. Yes. I agree with McGee...

My friend, if you have a religion, I suggest you get rid of it and exchange it for Christ. I personally do not think one can call Christianity a religion. There is no ritual whatsoever given with Christianity. Have you ever stopped to think of that? This is the reason we can have all kinds of churches with different forms of worship -- for instance you can sing the Doxology if you want to, but you don't have to. Christianity was never given a form to follow. Why? Because Christianity is a Person. To be a Christian means that you trust Christ. Religion has never been very helpful to man.

Believers do not meet in one place to worship God today; we meet around One Person and that Person is the Lord Jesus Christ. That is the important thing to keep in mind today. The name of your church doesn't make the difference. The denomination or lack of denomination of your church doesn't make the difference. The all-important question is this: do you meet around the person of Jesus Christ? Now, friends, if you don't, that is idolatry, because then you are meeting around something that is replacing Christ. If you are meeting to socialize or be entertained, that is idolatry. The thing that is to draw us together into a oneness is the person of Jesus Christ. How important that is!

—J. Vernon McGee's Thru The Bible

Don't get me wrong...I also believe it is better to worship and fellowship with Christians than just being by myself. And I love singing old hymns. And there are some really good sermons to be heard. But I don't pay much attention to dogma.

3. The "me generation" (their parents) passed materialistic idols to their kids (current generation). = Now who is an idolater? Have you ever considered the possibility that you may be? Anything you put between your soul and God is your idol -- regardless of what it is. It is anything to which you are giving your time and your energy; it could actually be your religion. Anything that you allow to take the place of a personal relationship with God is your idol. —J. Vernon McGee's Thru The Bible
2009-11-11 16:41:38 UTC
1) Have your church going habits changed over the last 20 years? (decreasing visits, increasing visits, no change)

I go more, it comes with maturity and the realization that sin brings ultimate pain and suffering, it comes with realizing that it is not "All about us" Age gives humility, and leads to faith.

2) Do you feel Christianity has lost its status in modern society? If you can, a brief description for your answer would be helpful.

No, quiet the opposite as far as society goes, the media, that is a different story.

3) There has been a decline in joining members, mainly in todays youth. Do you have any suggestions as to why this is?

We are more spoiled at a younger age then ever before. Children run the households many times. Parents have become enablers to the whims of the kids. They will return though, when they realize that there is a better life than the consumerism and pain that is pushed on them.
summer bear
2009-11-11 16:42:37 UTC
yes my habits have changed a bit. 20 years ago, I hardly ever went to church, although I did say my prayers daily. then I started going to church on sunday if there was nothing else going on. the more I attended church the more I realized it was the right place to be on sunday. then I started going every week. I started reading my scriptures daily just about 5 years ago.

I do not feel Christianity has lost any status in modern society, American society that is. I don't know about the rest of the world.

In my church there has been an increase in new members, but not really with the youth. the youth are struggling because there are so many more things to distract them from gospel living than there were in any other time period. It is not always easy to keep the commandments of God.
2009-11-11 16:38:31 UTC
1) Have your church going habits changed over the last 20 years? (decreasing visits, increasing visits, no change)

no change

2) Do you feel Christianity has lost its status in modern society? If you can, a brief description for your answer would be helpful.

yes many people reject it now as not the truth.

3) There has been a decline in joining members, mainly in today's youth. Do you have any suggestions as to why this is?

they are not taught about God at home and the schools now teach them to question every thing and if they find no physical evidence reject it
2009-11-11 16:55:59 UTC
1. Yes. I still attent at least twice a week. I don't visit as I once did. But I study the Bible more now, thanks to the internet. My Biblical interest are more now in Creation science, and the Cults.

2. Yes. Just like a lot of other things that have lost their status. I remember when school teachers were regarded in a high status. I remember righteous living was regarded with a high status. I remember when parenting was regarded with a high status. I remember when "stay at home moms" was regarded with high status. I remember when "life" was regarded with high status. Shall I go on?

3. Actually I thought there was an increase in youth membership, but I may be mistaken. If there is a decline in the youth I would say it is because some churches really are boring in many ways. One way is in the preaching of the word of God. It is a dead preaching. Also, I think youth MAY be looking for entertainment rather than worship. They don't mind "worship" as long as it is in a form of entertainment, like songs, or singing and even dancing.
2009-11-11 17:02:31 UTC

Habits.....As I have matured, I am more committed to attending church. I understand the importance of corporate worship and prayer. The opportunities to serve and what can be accomplished as a body of people like-minded and united.

Society and today's Christian....sadly enough I do believe Christianity has all but lost its voice in today's world. I don't believe that is because of any great epiphany that Christ's Word is not truth. But rather, there is more available to distract us, faithful followers and unbelievers. We are easily deceived by the shiny and new.

Only to discover it off to something new. We are the 'I want it now' society, comparable to the Israelites traveling for 40 years.

I don't know that I agree with a decline in today's youth. I see a strong resurgence in that area. Not just in my church, although we have a dedicated high school group and a large servant minded 18-30 group (trl-the real life),...but across the U.S. with youth groups and outreach programs. Look at the huge numbers in Christian colleges and universities. The influx of contemporary Christian music is ripe with college age and twenty somethings. I pray they will be the impetus to turn around the Christian voice referred to in part two.

Grace and Peace,


Thanks for the interesting questions.....a bresh of fresh air on this sometimes discouraging site.
2009-11-11 16:47:11 UTC
1. Church-going habits are pretty much the same.

2. I think Christianity is as relevant now as it has ever been. I don't care so much about its "status"

in modern society, because my faith isn't a status symbol. I think Christians, for the most part

are doing pretty well.

3. We are not experiencing a decline in our Lutheran church, but you are right about many

. churches. Young people are used to be overly stimulated. They are in constant contact via cell

phones and TMing. They say they are "bored" in church. Well, church isn't about entertainment,

but we are working very hard to keep the kids around, and we have a huge confirmation class,

and a very large Senior High class. Most all of these kids have parents attending church too.
2009-11-11 16:54:45 UTC
First, I have been a Christian since 1964. I was not an 'active' Christian from 1966 to 1985. Long story. I have been a Bible teacher since 1988.

1. Since 1985, I have been going to church quite regularly and am very active in my church, involved in projects, maintenance, choir, trios/quartets, serving on various committees, teaching, working with a local charter of an international children's ministry (see ).

2. When I was young, if someone was pointed out to be a Christian, he/she was seen as a respectable person and someone to be looked up to and trusted. Now, Christians are mocked, made fun of, teased, shunned, unpopular, looked down on as a bit nutty, etc. In many instances a Christian's faith is not permitted to be freely expressed outside their church body. It might 'offend' someone. Well, THAT offends ME, but since the minority seems to rule today...we are seen as the 'bad guy.'

3. The youth have always been a problem area in that there hasn't been much of a draw for teens, and the younger people (18-25, single). The teen years are when many teens who have professed faith in Christ tend to drift away. They (as well as I did) are trying new things, experiencing different ways to see life, etc. That was true when I was a teen in the 60's, as well as today.
Pastor Art (((SFECU)))
2009-11-11 18:57:58 UTC
1. About the same, attending church or church events at least 4 times per week.

2. No. Liberal churches which no longer preach the Bible have lost their status but Bible believing, Bible teaching churches are growing in social status.

3. The decline is only in liberal churches, but in Evangelical Churches, church attendenece and church membership is up.

This is what I've been telling young people for years:

If your church is boring, you are going to the wrong church. Try mine!
2009-11-11 16:47:55 UTC
1) No

2) No ... I believe that there are more "attacks" on Christian beliefs and that will probably continue to escalate. For those who follow "the Herd" ... this means that being a Christian ain't cool so they will be anything but a Christian.

3) Our 12,000 member church is mainly comprised of people who are younger than 40 ... mostly people in there 20's through 40's ... our Pastor is a converted Jew and a former tenured Law Professor.
2009-11-11 16:54:45 UTC

Regarding 3): I recently found some interesting stuff about the absence of young people at church, so I'll give you the links. The articles are not very long, but may answer your question.

Is the Church Losing 'Emerging Adults?

Lost in Transition

The Generation That Won't Grow Up

Hope it helps.
2009-11-11 16:53:08 UTC
1 . no change - i was cast out of a church that went into apostasy 19 years ago.

2.churches do not teach the importance of keeping God's laws and are closing their doors because not enough attend . government allows too much criminal activity with not adequate punishment and allows hollywood and the media to encourage criminal behavior by glorifying criminals.

3.if parents do not teach their kids the importance of loving neighbor as self and setting the example and taking their kids to the appropriate church then no one should be surprised if the kids are not interested in going on their own.
2009-11-11 17:43:18 UTC
1. Since I have moved, I cannot find a pastor who preaching from the Bible every Sunday. I want to hear God's word and not a man's voice or what a man has done. Our pastors need to be preaching in season and this is the season right before the return of the Lord. It is time to leave elementary bible study behind and get into the meat of the Word of God. If they can't preach Revelation they need to get out of the pulpit.

2. Lost its status. There has been a great falling away because false prophets are teaching that evolution is real and creation is not. You either believe God or you don't. Scientists cannot prove their millions and billions of years yet men accept the theory. Scientists cannot prove a missing link or changing from one specie to another, but man wants to accept it as fact so he does not have to obey God. Apostle Paul knew what he was dealing with in his day and so do I, when Apostle Paul said, "Let God be true and every man a liar." Pilt Down Man, Nebraska Man, Lucy, etc all lies.

3. Our youth are being taught by the atheists of the world who believe evolution and do not believe God. This world is so deceived by evil men and these evil men will go from bad to worse deceiving and being deceived. (2 Timothy 3:`12,`13) Societal conditions will grow increasingly worse. There will be unprecedented suffering and spiritual warfare.

The deceivers have ways of putting doubts into the minds of our youth. They say the Bible has contradictions and that man wrote it. They say false religions were here before Christianity, but God was in the beginning. They twist the truth with their dark hearts and the Lord is coming to judge them. False prophets and there are many change the grace of God into a license for immorality. Today, many servants of God have made the Cross and Jesus' blood so cheap by whitewashing the sins of the people who are part of their ministry. They say that under God's grace you are free to do anything since God forgives you. This attitude of "keeping on sinning" (Hebrews 10:26) is the same as trampling the Son of God under foot and treating the blood of Jesus which sanctified me as an unholy thing and insulting the Spirit of grace. (Hebrews 10:29)

False prophets spread evil and we have many (Jeremiah 23:11, 14 and 15) There purpose is to deceive and we have many, many false prophets today. They promise financial blessings and their only purpose is to get money. Can't serve God and money. Don't choose to be the world's friend, because a believer cannot be the world's friend. True prophets of God were hated, excluded, insulted, put in prison and rejected. False prophets will rig for fire to come down from heaven just to deceive. There is much demonic activity in churches and the pastor is too blind to see it.
2009-11-11 16:43:17 UTC
1) my church "habits" have Increased :-) I understand more and more of the Great Truths and Promises and Love Him even more :-) and I am more involved with fellowship, I was in this false belief that I was "less than" I can attribute that to satan and his ways of lies and deceptions, for I am Worthy we ALL are :-)

2) it is foretold in Scripture there would be a great "falling Away" that many prefer to have their ears "tickled" and will shut out the Truth, that is evident today.

3) either the seed was not sown with the Truth, or the seed was not maintained, nurtured.

God Bless and Keep You
2009-11-11 17:26:02 UTC
Yes, increased.

No. Societal ills and lack of direction only highlight the need for major religion.

Not true. I do know that youth are typically indoctrinated in public schools, because of the emphasis on atheism, the offical state religion.
2009-11-11 16:42:15 UTC
1 They have fluxuated.

2) No. In fact, the Christian right has a scary hold on the whole political system.

As far as real practiced Christianity, yes. Many Christians don't even believe in the supernatural.

3) Loss of stance and ideals which makes Christianity seem fake to the young.
2009-11-11 16:51:57 UTC
I'm not a Christian, reality shows me that most religions are built on myth and superstition. But regarding questions 2 & 3, as the mass consciousness of our species grows, usually in small pockets of the intellectually agile, reliance on old stories declines while understanding that we are on a path of discovey grows.

You may have been taught as a child about various mythological entities, say Santa Claus. As you grew, your experience and understanding made belief in childish teachings...well, childish. Why do you attach greater validity to religious stories that are often more outlandish than Santa.

I understand that it's too much to ask for many of us to drop our jealously defended beliefs, it would cause many of us to actually think instead of blind acceptance of ideas or guidelines that are often disproven. But we are growing...
2009-11-11 16:45:48 UTC
1) I don't go to church, I don't appreciate organize religion. They are what is wrong with society.

2) Christianity lost its status the moment those claiming to be christian lifted the sword in the name of God, serving Constantine, and what was to become the catholic church.

3) Hypocrisy, why join a religion only to play pretend. When those who preach it are worst than you.

I'm not 40, but there is my 2 cents.
2009-11-11 16:38:05 UTC
There has been a huge exodus from denominational religions to word and faith churches.
2009-11-11 16:37:35 UTC


that is only true for younger ones
2009-11-11 16:41:53 UTC
Please listen to this audio file. It should contribute to your survey.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.