Why are Atheists only Attacking Christians? I mean, there are other theist religions as well right?
2015-11-20 17:29:10 UTC
All around me, I see Atheists attacking Christians and calling them stupid etc. However, I never see them attack other theist religions like Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc. Or even Greek/Roman Mythology. Why don't they say "Those greeks were stupid for believing that a god is behind every natural phenomena?" *It was not mythology to them back then, it was their religion. Those religions exist, how come Atheists don't attack them? If surely they only attack Christianity, then that clearly shows discrimination against one religion. If they call every theist stupid, they have to also call every theist religion besides Christianity stupid.
37 answers:
2015-11-21 09:17:12 UTC
Why are Atheist "ONLY" "ATTACKING" Christians ? I mean there are other theist religions out there right ?

WOW Did you actually read your own updates a bit DICTATORIAL possibly I sense some anger and "CONTROL" as in "ALICE you are ALLOWED to answer just follow the Guidelines " I" requested

I will DOWN vote you and report your answer if it is report able you do know Y/A sets the guidelines on this site not the questioner BOTH questioners and respondents follow the Y/A guidelines there is a degree of free speech on this site there are no blasphemy guidelines

. so if someone expresses an opinion and describes from their perspective something about the religious doctrine or concept to them appears "Stupid" defined as lacking intelligence and COMMON SENSE .

You are offended I can see that Ok and perceive that as an ATTACK defined as an aggressive and VIOLENT ACTION against a person or place that is were i question

So it is your perception or interpretation that questioning religion and expressing an opinion is a VIOLENT ACTION . so by definition alone I have demonstrated expressing an opinion and words do not fit the definition of ATTACK

I would call it a disagreement a evaluation an opinion difference in ideology world perspective reality . a criticism May i suggest for one to make a proper and ACCURATE evaluation of your Claim is a measurement of the number of Hindu Muslim Buddhist Shinto Jewish questions presented . to Respondents

. because the TRUTH is we can only answer the questions presented ...... I have been called a lot of things on this site just for being an atheist.. the other day it was a ***** *** and another day a immoral whore and these people don't know a thing about me Except that I am an atheist .

all because they did not like my response to a question i guess a 63 year old women could be a Whore I am not but I question how that person determined that ...the other portion of the issue is maybe more one of your complaint possible is the number of questions asked By Atheist addressed to Christians

. Now just an observation on my part being a Catholic for 30 years and an atheist for 33 years . is Humans tend to lean toward what they KNOW most about so I have read the quran and Hindu sand script actually studied Buddhism for a year but my 30 years as a catholic is my largest body of knowledge ,

so that is my answer why certain people would question what they know best .the next issue is there are TWO sections here there is this one and the other is INTERNATIONAL

if you look at the left side of your screen right after yahoo products you hit that little flags come up so I can talk to some guy in japan about Shinto some women in India about Hinduism and some guy in Thailand about Buddhism and some guy in France about Muslims .

Next the population of the USA is 70 % christian its the primary religion i deal with in the realm of my society with that said LOGICALLY the MAJORITY of Atheist are either EX Christians or JEWS You do know there is Jewish Atheism maintaining the cultural Judaism without a god a 2013 poll found 50 % of the USA Jews do not believe in a god and the number of Muslims on this site are very limited

i have jet to see a person professing Shinto i have seen few Hindu and answered about 20 Muslim questions because that is the RATIO So here is the TEST ask a HINDU , MUSLIM or BUDDHIST question and see how many of that religion respond less then 20 so conclusion the percentage of people on this site are Atheist or Christian

how can you question other religions vigorously if your audience is limited The object is to get responses and it is based on a POINT system to get best answer . Also your not obligated to answer any question. if its offensive you can report it or ignore it .. A serious evaluation of the reality of your claim may be warranted

Now if your actual intention was to find out what Atheist find objectionable about religion an specifically about Christianity . that is not what your question asked , I will save that response if at some date you actual chose to ask that specific question have a nice day
2015-11-20 23:07:34 UTC
Why are Atheists only Attacking Christians? I mean, there are other theist religions as well right?

~~~ Self-defense!
2015-11-21 19:40:24 UTC
Your question is wrong and nonsensical. If you mean, why do they MOSTLY attack christians, it's probably because christians are doing the most harm. They are the majority. They are the ones trying to change the most laws. Hell, try running for president if you're not christian right now. They are why gay marriage is still an issue. They are the root cause of a lot of the problems over here in America.
2015-11-22 14:38:25 UTC
My experience has revealed to me that Christians have a tendency to be assertive to the point of being aggressive in their pushing of their idealogy onto those those who may or may not care, or want to hear the views of those who are Christian. It is often but not always young impressionable Americans that seem to think it matters whether someone else believes in what they do, or not. People respond in kind to being pushed by pushing back

I do not class myself as christian or atheist, nether am I of any other known or otherwise popular religion, There are far more important things in life, that arguing the toss about belief systems. Most people who bring up the Christian/Atheisist argument are simply not knowledgeable enough to avoid confrontation. It is a dumb thing to and let live
Lucius T Fowler
2015-11-21 16:11:52 UTC
I feel myself misunderstood. I am an atheist, that is true, but I never attacked believers. You seem to think that atheism is a religion as you know it, and all atheists are the same. No, that's not true. We share a common thinking, which is, there is no god and no afterlife, but we're quite a diverse bunch of people, each with his/her own philosophy. My philosophy is, believe in what you want, because you're a human being and thus free to decide what you want to believe in, and always free to change your mind.
2015-11-23 01:30:13 UTC
You live in a country that is 72% christian, and its impractical an often to even bother mention other religions a so much, because Christians in their bigotry toward all others, already takes care of so many issues. Of coarse obviously, often at by oppressive means. Not that I'm an atheist. It just this question is so easy at to should see its answer. please don't underestimate how easy common thinking is to argue.
2015-11-20 17:37:58 UTC
Im agnostic, am I allowed to answer? I like to attack Jews from time to time as well. I don't attack Muslims or Hindus or pagans because I've never had any of them be anything but super nice to me. Christians on the other hand are kinda snotty, rude, and angry. They're also the most violent and try to impose their beliefs on total strangers.
2015-11-20 17:35:51 UTC
Because despite the fact how oppressive they claim religion to be they only attack the one religion that doesn't do anything back. If they did what they do to Christians to Jews they would be anti-Semitic. Scientology would sue them. Islam well given the current extremists they wouldn't risk it either.

Sometimes I think it would be funny if we started filing hate crimes because some of the stuff atheists groups have done are hate crimes.
2015-11-20 17:31:55 UTC
It's not a case of "only attacking Christians". At least in the US, Christians are the largest religious bloc, with the most social and political power. They are the biggest bullies on the playground, so of course they are the biggest target for atheists to fight back against.
2015-11-20 20:32:43 UTC
They insult Muslims all the time, as well, it's just that there are more Christians around you than any other group. Hindus/Buddhists have a different set of beliefs than the Abrahamic religions, so they might not have as many issues with those groups, but I bet they still would be more than willing to voice their disapproval of any "imaginary" gods/goddesses.
2015-11-20 17:33:43 UTC
No, Buddhism, Hinduism, Confucianism, Taoism and Spinozism, (one of Einstein's favorites) are all pantheist religions where the belief is God is everything. This is very easy to prove, it's simply a different definition of the word, where the word means universe. There's practically nothing to believe in Buddhism and Confucianism, most of it is just reality. On the other hand, all the Abrahamic religions, particularly Islam and Judaism are utterly ridiculous.Edit: no they're pantheist. Einstein was an Agnostic Pantheist, and he called the universe God. To have been compared with a Jew, or a Christian, even though he was a Jew by birth, would have greatly upset him. He eventually said at the end of his life that he thought God, (the universe) didn't play dice, or work by chaos, but for most of his life, he thought it did.
2015-11-21 11:23:44 UTC
Im only attacking you as it's all in your head. Cant help with your delusions. And you do realize that with this post you are attacking atheists? Most who have done nothing to you.
2015-11-21 10:54:25 UTC
Atheists attack the Truth through we who follow Him. We only see attacks on Christianity because we are the most vocal, and because we follow the Truth, and Satan's most vicious attacks are against that. Atheists will never acknowledge it, even to themselves, but they are easily used by Satan.
2015-11-20 17:34:38 UTC
Liberals always try to equate Christians with Islamic terrorists, which is why they say things like, "Religion flies planes into buildings."

Then they get mad at you if you use the phrase "Islamic terrorists" because *that's* generalizing...

Oh, you said Atheists, not liberals... Sorry, I often get them confused... because they're generally the same people.
2015-11-20 21:10:11 UTC
I as a Christian don't even bother with their attacks because I realize it's their way of trying to assert their unbelief. How sad that they are in turmoil and don't know what to do. On the one hand deep in their psyche they have been taught the love of God from childhood, now on the other hand Satan has gotten hold of their souls and they really don't know what to do with themselves even though they may doubt this to their very last breath. HOW SAD!!!
Sagan Ritual
2015-11-20 17:44:09 UTC
I'm an equal-opportunity offender: Christianity and Islam are both garbage. I don't know anything about the other religions, except they're not constantly in the news for stupidity, hatred and violence.

As for the ancients, there are a couple of points worth knowing. First, most ancient "religions" were really just god-cults. Not cults like crazy people; just cults that took care of the gods, by making sacrifices and offerings of various kinds. Think of "agriCULTure", the care of crops. People "took care of" the gods because life was hard and death lurked around every corner; they believed the gods would help them to stay alive in return for the offerings. Almost none of these cults had doctrines or beliefs that had to be adhered to. Just sacrifice to the various gods for protection.

So there's not really anything to attack. No Zeus-worshippers going around killing those who didn't burn incense to Zeus. However, before Constantine made Christianity the official religion of Rome, Christians were widely disliked, because they refused to help take care of the gods. Anything that went wrong, famine, plague, etc, was obviously because the gods were angry, and the most likely reason they were angry is that the Christians wouldn't burn incense to them.

Anyway, Christianity and Islam suck. I don't know anything about any other religions.

Fun fact: the ancient polytheists called Christians atheists.
2015-11-20 17:46:43 UTC
Because of your overwhelming self-interest. You just don't pay attention when atheists criticize other religions.

Hellenistic polytheists aren't imposing their religion on my society, or making claims to even be refuted.
2015-11-20 17:40:59 UTC
Most atheists on here are ex-Christians.

They still have doubt and are not fully sure if God does or doesn't exist.

That is why they project their insecurities unto Christians.
2015-11-22 04:56:48 UTC
Because Christ's Word strikes at our worldly pride and hypocricy both in our religious and secular behaviour.Why else denegrate Someone that showed up both domains as corrupt, devious and plain wicked?As both Creator and redeemer of our fallen race, no other challenges our insipid, sickly ,intellectual pretensions."Unless you become as a little child you will no wise enter The Kingdom" (of Heaven)
2015-11-20 17:47:48 UTC
How is attacking religion equated with attacking Christians?

I despise all religion.

Get it know?
2015-11-20 18:36:48 UTC
Religions other than Christianity and Islam do not preach or proselytize, nor do they try to push their beliefs into laws or the public square.

There's no point in arguing with someone who respects your rights & beliefs.
2015-11-20 17:31:55 UTC
No reason to attack Hinduism or Buddhism....they don't ***** about marriage or god and government....I see many Atheists criticize Islam..calling muslims terrorists, etc...(really surprising to me because smart people know muslims are not terrorists). And why would we mock mythology? it's one is preventing equality with Thor or Ra....
2015-11-20 18:03:18 UTC
An analogy please? Simple one. We have Wonder bread,

white, GMO flour, no nutrient. The we have whole Grain, sprouted non GMO bread.Which gets attacked?

What's useless, or what's very good? What attacks it?

The bible says we have Satan's seed (now intermixed).

The truth is hated...Jesus is the truth.
2015-11-21 09:06:41 UTC
It's purely political.
2015-11-20 17:51:52 UTC
I don't attack... I defend myself against nonsense.

"Why are Atheists only Attacking Christians?"

Nonsense... I'll defend my position against any attack or lie.

2015-11-21 12:18:10 UTC
I only see christians posting on here
2015-11-20 17:31:11 UTC
They know truth when they see it, but want to resist it as much as possible. They don't have to react against religions which are obviously preaching nonsense.
2015-11-21 12:58:39 UTC
No...I don't attack can believe what you like. I just put people the yg girl who had been told that we atheists eat babies!

Mo University Lecturer Atheist
2015-11-20 19:05:06 UTC
Christians should know better, they are allegedly informed and educated so they have no excuse for clinging to superstitious nonsense
2015-11-22 12:53:20 UTC
Sure , but are you listening in to the conversations or are you Christio centric enough to believe it is only your faith that is in the lime light?
2015-11-20 18:49:39 UTC
Why is it that the uninformed, ignorant and desperate always interpret "disbelief" as attacking!
2015-11-20 18:21:38 UTC
I am against all religions.
2015-11-20 17:31:28 UTC

I wonder.

If you don't like being 'persecuted', then don't ask provocative questions.
2015-11-20 17:50:09 UTC
You know when you like someone in school so you pick on them? Kinda like that.
2015-11-20 17:48:39 UTC
they know Muslims will Paris their azz

2015-11-20 17:30:07 UTC
You must be new here.
2015-11-20 17:41:27 UTC
stop being stupid and we'll stop pointing it out...

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.