Why are Atheist "ONLY" "ATTACKING" Christians ? I mean there are other theist religions out there right ?
WOW Did you actually read your own updates a bit DICTATORIAL possibly I sense some anger and "CONTROL" as in "ALICE you are ALLOWED to answer just follow the Guidelines " I" requested
I will DOWN vote you and report your answer if it is report able you do know Y/A sets the guidelines on this site not the questioner BOTH questioners and respondents follow the Y/A guidelines there is a degree of free speech on this site there are no blasphemy guidelines
. so if someone expresses an opinion and describes from their perspective something about the religious doctrine or concept to them appears "Stupid" defined as lacking intelligence and COMMON SENSE .
You are offended I can see that Ok and perceive that as an ATTACK defined as an aggressive and VIOLENT ACTION against a person or place that is were i question
So it is your perception or interpretation that questioning religion and expressing an opinion is a VIOLENT ACTION . so by definition alone I have demonstrated expressing an opinion and words do not fit the definition of ATTACK
I would call it a disagreement a evaluation an opinion difference in ideology world perspective reality . a criticism May i suggest for one to make a proper and ACCURATE evaluation of your Claim is a measurement of the number of Hindu Muslim Buddhist Shinto Jewish questions presented . to Respondents
. because the TRUTH is we can only answer the questions presented ...... I have been called a lot of things on this site just for being an atheist.. the other day it was a ***** *** and another day a immoral whore and these people don't know a thing about me Except that I am an atheist .
all because they did not like my response to a question i guess a 63 year old women could be a Whore I am not but I question how that person determined that ...the other portion of the issue is maybe more one of your complaint possible is the number of questions asked By Atheist addressed to Christians
. Now just an observation on my part being a Catholic for 30 years and an atheist for 33 years . is Humans tend to lean toward what they KNOW most about so I have read the quran and Hindu sand script actually studied Buddhism for a year but my 30 years as a catholic is my largest body of knowledge ,
so that is my answer why certain people would question what they know best .the next issue is there are TWO sections here there is this one and the other is INTERNATIONAL
if you look at the left side of your screen right after yahoo products you hit that little flags come up so I can talk to some guy in japan about Shinto some women in India about Hinduism and some guy in Thailand about Buddhism and some guy in France about Muslims .
Next the population of the USA is 70 % christian its the primary religion i deal with in the realm of my society with that said LOGICALLY the MAJORITY of Atheist are either EX Christians or JEWS You do know there is Jewish Atheism maintaining the cultural Judaism without a god a 2013 poll found 50 % of the USA Jews do not believe in a god and the number of Muslims on this site are very limited
i have jet to see a person professing Shinto i have seen few Hindu and answered about 20 Muslim questions because that is the RATIO So here is the TEST ask a HINDU , MUSLIM or BUDDHIST question and see how many of that religion respond less then 20 so conclusion the percentage of people on this site are Atheist or Christian
how can you question other religions vigorously if your audience is limited The object is to get responses and it is based on a POINT system to get best answer . Also your not obligated to answer any question. if its offensive you can report it or ignore it .. A serious evaluation of the reality of your claim may be warranted
Now if your actual intention was to find out what Atheist find objectionable about religion an specifically about Christianity . that is not what your question asked , I will save that response if at some date you actual chose to ask that specific question have a nice day