Daddy Dennis
2010-11-12 01:02:17 UTC
I was censored today by this website. I appealed the censorship and got a form letter telling me the decision would stand.
This website is forsaken. And to anyone who might say, "It's a private place and you don't have to use it!". I say, this same logic was used by southern businesses that wished to keep separate bathrooms for blacks and whites. If you promote your place of business to the public, you are not allowed to do what this site does.
Imagine if you will a restaurant that promotes and advertises for you to come in and eat. When you get there, they allow people who hate you based on your faith to have anonymous access to your food before you get it. How long would this business be allowed to operate?
This website is a sham and broken on deep levels. I hope it goes out of business very soon.
So please tell me, when did this site become so vile?