Who is it that is aware of the Silence? How silent are you talking about? If there is any perception, inight, any perception or idea, then there is not silence. If there are thoughts, Who is it that is aware of thoughts? If there is silence, Who is it that is silent? You cannot put a finger on God; as soon as you think you have found Him you have lost Him. Bring back the silence by asking yourself, Who is it that is aware of the silence? The answer will come ,"I am"; then ask, Who am I? and keep asking, Who am I?
You are not the body and not the mind. You are not the emotions. The answer is wordless and it is the awareness, "I Am".
When Moses asked God for His Name, God said "Iam". The Hebrew characters, "Yod, He, Vav, He; mean "I am" Every time you read in the Old Testament the word, "LORD" the meaning is "I am". Every time you read Yahway, The Hebrew characters are Yod he vav he, and mean I Am.
Psalm 46: 10,Be still, and Know that I Am, God." Isaiah 26:3 "Thou will keep him in perfect Peace whose mind is stayed on thee, because He trusts in Thee." when one focuses on one word such as Jesus, Father, Yahway; there is only the one word and silence.
In the 23rd Psalm when the original Hebrew is translated as, "He leadeth me beside the still waters, He restoreth my soul," That can just as accurately be translated as, "You lead me by the waters of stillness that restores my soul." Water in the Bible often symbalizes the Holy Spirit.
Jesus said, My Peace I give you, the peace that THE WORLD DOES NOT KNOW because it transcends the mind.."
I hope i have quoted a scripture that has been helpful to you.