I"m feeling aweful for feeling this way, but is there any way out of this hole?
2007-04-23 00:25:21 UTC
I have never really questioned God. You knoow whether he exsists or not. But within this last week it has been tough. Found out last monday that i did have a miscarriage, when i did everything that i could to make sure it didn't happen, and then on thursday my daughter broke her arm at school and had to have it reset and was in the worst pain and there was nothing i could about it. He takes my child one day and my other one gets hurt another. I have been nothing but faithful to him for 27 yrs, and I just feel like he isn't really there. I know that some of you may com down on me for feeling this way, but please don't, I'm basically asking for guidence on how to find him again. I'm lost with that right now because i've never felt this way before. Please if any of you have any idea's on how to help me it would be wonderful to find my way back to God.
33 answers:
2007-04-23 01:21:28 UTC
You´ve gotten so many good answers (and a few dumb ones) but I wanted to add that I am also praying for you.

I have seen in my life that God has always guided me, even during my most challenging times and even when I didn´t believe in Him. Everything happens for a reason, and sometimes it takes time to see it. Sometimes we won´t ever know WHY, but we have to know there is some kind of reason, that only God knows.

This whole experience may help you to grow further. Right now you are feeling the pain, and you don´t understand WHY. That is OK. Don´t get STUCK in this phase.

You´ll see that your daughter´s arm will heal. Maybe there will be some kind of good in this, which you can´t imagine right now. I know, it´s hard to see your child in pain, but the pain will pass. Maybe it will help her to also grow inside, in some way. Or maybe it will allow some amazing "coincidence" to take place which will help you her (or all of you) later.

Your baby is blissfully happy and is in heaven. You only had her for a short time, but God chose you to have her and to give her what she needed. You did all that you could, nothing is YOUR fault. God is taking the BEST care of her now. You will grieve, and that is normal, but remember that she is just fine now.

I hope that this has helped a bit. Please don´t lose your faith. I lost my sister, and had to deal with major issues when I was a teenager, then I stopped believing for a few years. But God kept guiding me until I eventually came back. Your heart will be sad for a time, but God is still in there. You are getting to know Him in a different way. This is sometimes painful, but necessary for us to move on.

(Oh one more thought - a counseller once said that maybe those things happened to me so that I would be able to help others in a difficult situation, later on. At the time I thought this was arrogant and some kind of poor excuse, but those words always stuck with me. Years later, I see that there really was truth in what he said. I realize that people who have experienced similar problems as I had gravitate to me, and I can help them reach the next "stage", even a little. So, please be patient. I wish you all the best!)
2007-04-23 08:53:53 UTC
I'm not convinced that the existence of suffering is an absolutely open -and-shut case against the existence of God: maybe God takes a very hands-off approach. Or maybe it all just gets redressed in some afterlife (though I can't help feeling that this kind of marks system according to which human beings are punished or rewarded after death is far too unsophisticated to be plausible).

Still, one really has to wonder about a being that can apparently do anything, and yet creates such a universe as ours. Our world feels like a world created by an imperfect God, like those of the pagans or, more likely, by no God at all.

And even if you believe that this is all the work of a perfect God: what's the point of prayer? We know he doesn't answer every prayer as the person would like. Fair enough: I'm sure an all-knowing God would have a better idea of what's good for us. But if so, and God already knows how things must be or, alternatively, just doesn't get involved, or, possibly, just gets involved at random, then prayer is pointless. Unless of course it just does you some psychological good to form a prayer -- in which case, there's no need for a God in the equation anyway.

But here's the point: do you really need to find your way back to God? Why is it better to believe in him than not? I see absolutely no evidence that atheists are less well equipped to cope with what life throws at them.

Wanting God to exist is not a good reason to believe in him. Let go and walk into a brave new world.
2007-04-23 06:48:28 UTC
I am so sorry for your heartaches! First of all I would like to share a Scripture with you. Maybe you can see that it is not God that does these things:

Ecclesaistes 9: 11 & 12: "I returned to see under the sun that the swift do not have the race, nor the mighty ones the battle, nor do the wise also have the food, nor do the understanding ones also have the riches, nor do even those having knowledge have the favor; because time and unforeseen occurrence befall them all. 12 For man also does not know his time. Just like fishes that are being taken in an evil net, and like birds that are being taken in a trap, so the sons of men themselves are being ensnared at a calamitous time, when it falls upon them suddenly."

Also this one may help:

James 1:13: "When under trial, let no one say: “I am being tried by God.” For with evil things God cannot be tried nor does he himself try anyone."

I have noticed that a lot of people have a tendancy to blame God when bad things happen, or when someone dies, but it isn't God. These things just happen.

The following link gives some good counsel about miscarriage and still birth. It may give you the comfort and encouragement you are needing. I hope you will read it.

Also this article about God really caring for us may help as well.
2007-04-23 01:21:32 UTC
This a test, this is only a test. I'm a mom and if my 50s now, and had my trying times and know there will be more challenging ones to come. He could have spaced out these events, made it easier to handle, but you've become stronger, your growing up. These are the trying times that make us tough, make us strong. Some have said that purfying gold is a long process of heating, removing the impurities that come to the surface and cooling, and repeating and repeating until the goldsmith can see his perfect reflection. They say we are the gold that God is working on and one day, he'll see His face in us.

He is there with you now, you can trust in that. You can also ask him "WHY?!?" He is big enough to handle it. Sometimes our ears are filled with our cries of anguish that we hold inside and we can't hear His voice, our eyes too filled with tears that we can no longer see His face, and our heart so torn with pain that we can't feel His hands mending it. He feels your pain more deeply than you can imagine. He felt your daughter's every cell and every nerve of damage and pain, and every emotion of her heart as if it were His own.

Don't feel aweful for feeling that way. If we don't ask Him the hard questions, how will we have answers that are rock solid? When other's ask us the same questions, the answers won't be just words that we read somewhere, they are life experiences that they can relate to.

What to do: First, put on the full Armor of God, Ephesians 6:10-18 to protect your self from they enemy that wants to seperate you from God. Next, Communicate with God, let Him know how you feel, and listen for His answer. Ask for His presence to be felt in your life again "and right now would be reeeeally helpful" (He likes it when you make Him laugh).
2007-04-23 00:40:12 UTC
Accidents happen, everyone gets hurt and it stinks, as for the miscarriage, I am sorry to hear that, I hope the next time around is better for you, sometimes your body just doesn't feel right and maybe in the long run it just rejected a possible fault, and got rid of it for you to spare you the pain, for instance it could have possibly had defects, or would have had an ill fated life therefore ending it before more damage was done. I hope you have a healthy and happy family in these times and the future, I won't go to the God subject, but I do hope the best for you.
2007-04-23 04:50:00 UTC
Firstly, let me say I sympathise with your loss and your child's injury, neither of these things are pleasant to deal with, and both together must be really trying for you. A quick prayer never goes amiss - and that's what this is really about - your need for comfort in a time of distress. I know that everyone in this thread will agree with me.

As far as the god angle goes, with freewill comes great responsibility, and we do not always realise that god is not entirely in control of all that occurs on our tiny planet. The only perfect world is one without freewill, and whilst we make our way back to perfection through our own choices, there will always be mishaps along the way.

This is part of life, and the why is something that men wiser than I have been trying to answer since the bible was written. What I do know is that your god has not deserted you, and if you consider the love you have for him, and remember how it once filled you, seeing what you saw, feeling what you felt and hearing what you heard, it will come back to you again, and when you love god, god loves you in return.
2007-04-23 00:47:12 UTC
Just pray, repent and believe. God has never left you. Things could be much much worse. What if He never blessed you with the child whose arm was broken? What if He 'took' her instead of her arm being broken? I am sorry to hear about you loosing your baby. I have not had that happen to me but my heart goes out to you. When I am down, I read the Word of God. Life cannot be without some ups and downs. How would we learn to appreciate life if all we had was joy. We could not appreciate the sun if it did not rain in our lives sometimes. I know it is hard to believe but everything happens for a reason. You may not be able to see it now,and it may even be hard to believe, but it is true. God does not make mistakes. And also for every 'down time' we have in our lives, it we are faithful and remain faithful, God will bless us with more. May God Bless U.
2007-04-23 01:09:25 UTC
It's easy to call ourselves faithful followers of God when things are running smoothly in our lives. But the moment bad things happen we show ourselves and God where our faith and trust really lie. In the past two years, I broke the wrist of my right hand and I'm an artist, and had to give up my job as a muralist. While going through physical therapy, my mother died, I lost my home and went through all this other stuff with my grown kids. God didn't bring it on me, but He's been there to carry me through it all. His perfect love casts out all fear and it never fails. We don't rely on the feelings of God's presence, but the Word of God. The best way to get that blessed assurance back is through praise and thanksgiving, while you are yet in the midst of the trials. These times in life build the character of God in you, and we should be glad that He doesn't allow us to become complacent in our relationship with Him. Just praise Him, and realize that all things work together for good to those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.
2007-04-23 00:56:19 UTC
I also had a miscarriage. I lost twins, so I know how you must feel. People don't think it should hurt as much as losing a child you have held in your arms. But that's not true. But be assured that GOD did not take this child from you. Please try not to be angry with him. He can be your best friend and a comfort to you in this saddest of times. Jesus refered to the Holy Ghost as the comforter.

The Bible tells us that all things work together for good to those who love the lord. So some how some time something good will come from this.

Just trust in the lord and he will give you strength.

The Bible also says in all things give thanks. We are be be thankful for even the things that seem to us, bad. There might have been something wrong with your child that would have caused it to suffer all of it's life.

So just try to praise GOD in spite of the bad things. For GOD inhabits the praises of his people. So if you can just find the strenght to praise him he will incamp around about you and give you peace.

Please know that I will be praying for you.
Prof Fruitcake
2007-04-23 00:37:41 UTC
Maybe God is trying to have a deeper relationship with you. If anyone serves God, thinking life's hardships and tragedies will not touch them, they are misguided. If that were the case, everyone would serve God. God comforts us in our hardships and tragedies, He never promised we wouldn't have any. Bad things happen to everyone, Christian and serving God or not. But Christians know that God is there for them during the hard times. I, too, lost an unborn child years ago. I hear a song often on AOL radio, Southern Gospel, that sings about this situation and says, "Remember,Jesus has a rocking chair". I hope that you will not abandon God now because you really need Him to help you thru this and He will!

Praying for you.
2007-04-23 00:42:27 UTC
I can't help you find your way back to god but...

I can tell you that I've been in that place. I haven't lost a child or anything (for which, my heart goes out to you) but i have felt like it couldn't get any worse and god wasn't answering my prayers. Then, i got to a point when I was in my early teens where i just lost faith completely. I felt like..."That's it...there just IS NO GOD!"

Then, when i tried to get back into religion by reading the bible, i just found so many loopholes and ridiculous just further confused and deterred me.

What i eventually settle on came to realize was that I wasn't so much "faithful" or "religious" as i was spiritual. I believe there is something i just don't know what...
2007-04-23 00:35:45 UTC
It's difficult to trust when you feel your world is crumbling around you. You have experienced a lot of pain recently and you need to process it.

My experience has taught me the best way to find your way back to God when you're feeling like this is to Talk To Him about it. He knows how you feel, anyway-- it's not going to surprise Him. Tell Him about your doubts, your fears, your pain. Ask Him to revive that spark of hope and peace and faith deep inside of you. He will. Trust Him. He's still a Loving God. He doesn't want you to suffer through this all alone. He wants to comfort you. Cry to Him. It's ok. He's a big God... He can handle it.

And hold on to the belief that God didn't bring all this pain on you. We experience this pain in this life because sin exists in this life. Remember: through one man sin was introduced into the world, and by sin, death. But through one Man, salvation was brought to the world; eternal life.
Rhett M
2007-04-23 01:14:32 UTC
No, there is no way out, we are currently tested like everyone, would you believe me that it is happenning to you because at some point in your life you ask those things to happened even unconsciously. We are just a reflection of something we wished, that is why they said be careful of what you wish It might be given to you. but the truth all that we wish will come true you just need to 100% will it and the universe will Grant It. I personally believe that Gods miracle is that everyday we have new chance to redeem ourselves from the past mistakes we have made are history, forgotten and cannot be recovered. Please forgive your self for I know Gods kindness has forgiven all of our daily sins . God Bless us all
Starjumper the R&S Cow
2007-04-23 00:36:12 UTC
Somebody told me this once, when I was just beginning to understand christianity. Listen.

We are imperfect human beings. Imagine the Olympic Games and the athletes. Perfectly tuned athletes. Now we humans can be compared to the Para Olympics for those with disabilities. We all line up to race from the beginning of our lives. We all run anyway we can, some in wheelchairs, some hobbling etc. We are not alone. We have those who cheer for us and urge us on to the finish, and those who mock us and even throw obstacles in our path. We stumble around these obstacles, taking courage, and knowing that if we continue we Will win this race, no matter how disabled we are or no matter how many obstacles might be in front of us. God looks on us as we race and blesses those who get back up and try. He knows we are going to fall down alot, but he doesn't care, so long as we continue the race, carrying his flag. Cool huh? It's humbling to think of ourselves as disabled and for years I thought about this, but eventually after every bad thing that happened in my life, I went back to this 'story' and felt better and I am continuing the race. Don't give up!
hez b
2007-04-23 00:43:02 UTC
I am so sorry that you've been undergoing these terrible events.

When family is the root of our happiness, it's like you've had all joy ripped away from you. What a heart break. I am so sorry.

I hope you're road back to God,will involve a whole-hearted search of the scriptures; it is the way God chose to educate us to true happiness and peace. John 17:3

Remember, God does not create evil, or enjoy us suffering.James 1:13.

And do find your way back to that loving relationship, for he is a Happy God, and wishes all to attain to everlasting life, by searching for him.

"Seek Jehovah, all you meek ones of the earth, who have practised his own judicial decision. Seek righteousness, seek meekness. Probably you may be concealed in the day of Jehovah's anger." - Zephaniah 2:3
2007-04-23 00:36:08 UTC
please please listen God, has not went any where. If you were ever His then you are still His. His ways are higher than ours we will never understand them. But if you are a child of the king( there no way I can know) then I promise you that if you were able to know every thing about you life from beginning to end that you would choose for yourself the same blessings and hardships as God is. God loves you more than you love yourself. and if you are His then everything works together for your good. Praise Him in the valleys just as you have on the mountains. and read you bible especially job and the psalms to help with the hard times.
2007-04-23 00:32:55 UTC
Everyone of us feel disconnected at times in our life. I had a miscarriage but it wasn't God's fault. My daughter fell on the monkey bars and had to have stitches in her head, that wasn't God's fault. These things just happen, it is God who stands by you and gives you the strength to endure all that life dishes out. God never leaves us, if life went perfect and we felt we never needed God we would forget all about him. Sometimes it is the rough road that makes us hang onto him, knowing we couldn't make it on our own.
2007-04-23 01:40:14 UTC
Mellisa, the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away, blessed by the name of the Lord. I think, in every ones walk with the Lord, there comes a time when a black curtain seems to close us off from God.

God does not make mistakes and his presence is there even if we do not "feel" it.

Consider Job, having lost all his children, even his own body under attack, taunted by his wife and falsely accused by his 'friends'. He abided strong in trust, not only in God but in his own position of integrity. See the question is, were you wrong to be faithful for 27 years? That is the question the enemy of your soul puts to you.

Once Job decided to hold to his own position, God granted him a vision thousands of years through the tunnel of time --- literally to see into your day and mine. And that vision he saw he spoke:

"For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth. And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh I shall see God: Whom I shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall behold and not another; though my reins be consumed within me."

Melissa, I cannot imagine your pain, but I can pray that the Lord grant you once again the peace of his you hold steadfast in faith. I am sure you are doing your best, but draw your daughter even closer.
2007-04-23 00:32:29 UTC
Do you not see that the day after you lost a child he saved one for you?

Have faith, Job never lost faith, thats what faith is. He saved your daughter...she only sustained a broken bone. He gave you the heart to put your own loss aside and worry about your other childs pain, did that strength not come from God?

Are you not grateful every day you wake that you are here to spend another day watching your daughter grow?
2007-04-23 00:41:08 UTC
Melissa, you are in my prayers. We know that the rain does fall on the righteous and the unrighteous. It is in the hard times when we need to depend on God more and draw closer to him because he is our comforter and he will answer us in our times of trouble. Though we accept the atonement God provided we still live in this sinful world and have not yet been changed ot our incorruptible new life which we await. In this world of sin and death we still live in these things do happen but our faith is not in this world but the one which is to come, I pray that God will send you comfort and ease your pain in these trying times God Bless You.
2007-04-23 00:37:03 UTC
I'm not going to push my atheist barrow in this question.

I'll just say that it's really important to be honest with yourself.

Don't shut out what's in your heart.

If searching within yourself leads you to maintain your faith, so be it.

If it leads you elsewhere, then don't let anyone make you feel guilty for following what your heart tells you is true.
2007-04-23 01:15:19 UTC
There are questions in life that are not meant to be answered. Somehow they are meant to be lived as they are. There are painful experiences in life that no amount of words/encouragment can fathom why they happened. What have we done to deserve that thing? Why do wicked people continue to prosper in life? And why do bad things happen to good people? Harold Kushner had asked it. Things like that will surely shatter THE WAY we believe in God. Is He real? If He/She is love, how cruel is He/She to let me experience that pain just to test me how strong my faith in Him? If He/She is all powerful why is it that He/She appears to be hopeless and impotent to avoid that thing to happen? For me, there are just many talents and skills to cope with the different problems in human existence. And there are just many hearts that need to be awakened in order to give compassion to those who are in pain. Jesus did not solve all the human miseries, but he made something significant when he just embraced and empathized those in pain. I think that's one message of God becoming flesh and dwelling among us, embracing our humanity in all its joys and pains. Thus, when we are happy, he is happy. When we are sad, he is also sad. And whenever we fail, he will just say " I forgive". We certainly don't know what lies ahead, what things will happen to us. Indeed, life is like a gamble. Perhaps that's the reason why we need to have pananampalaTAYA. We place our bet, we put our life in a God whom we believe that things will transform our mourning into dancing, in his own time and in his own way, that because we believe in His promise. Or in our private moment, we may just ask God to let us see things the way He sees them.

If i happened to be near, i would not give any encouraging words to answer your questions. I would just pat your back or hug you to feel your pain.

Let God and let go...God bless!
2007-04-23 00:32:07 UTC
Have faith in your self. Confess about questioning him. And last believe things happen for a reason.

May God forgive you. Hope you'll find the way.
Leonie A
2007-04-23 00:36:05 UTC
Your faith is on the test. God would never give you trial which you couldn't bear and overcome - just hang on. Should you think that this is really so much for you to bear, call on Him because he said come to me all of you who are tired of carrying heavy load for the yoke I will give you is easy and my burden is light. Cast your burden upon me and I will give you rest. God bless you, sister.
2007-04-23 00:34:53 UTC
Here's my answer: things happen. Don't blame God for all the bad things. Think about the blessings: your other daughter is still alive--only her arm was broken and not her neck.
2007-04-23 00:31:20 UTC
Eat a steaming bowl of boiled oats. Talk with your family doctor and develope a healthy diet and exercise schedule. Get involved with your community as a volunteer. Read good books and play golf or go fishing. Be nice.

After about 2 months of the above you won't need a crutch.
Kadija S
2007-04-23 00:32:02 UTC
God is listening to you this very moment... only he knows why he did what he did... who knows, maybe he saved your unborn child from the pain and torture of the real world... you will meet him in heaven one day!!
2007-04-23 00:28:34 UTC
God is real and he is waiting for you to call his name, he will give you his Holy spirit in the name of Jesus, here is how read this page and it will set you free!
2007-04-23 00:31:53 UTC
I will pray he will guide and comfort you through this hard time. we all have hard times but God still loves us.
Nanook~Maybe I need a longer Name?~
2007-04-23 00:28:51 UTC
All i know is that God only test his followers that he knows are strong enough to face them.
2007-04-23 01:03:52 UTC
With bad things, God Himself tests no one... He didn't take your child from you. To the contrary, He sees your pain and sorrow and will comfort you for a whole eternity by giving you that child back in a perfect body real soon... He knows that what is promised in the Bible comes from Him, even though His servants were inspired to write it for Him... and what He promises is that He will make up in a way that is not even imaginable all of the pain that the father of the lie has caused the human race to endure for thousands of years now, but only six days in their time span... Can you just think about that for a moment??? The pain you feel now is but a drop in a ocean of your heart's desires being fulfilled real soon and forever... You can hardly even imagine the concept anymore but when you were a child, you could... until Satan's system got a hold of you and molded you in its beliefs... Time and unforeseen occurrences befall us all and it would be a terrible mistake to ever think that years of imperfection which result in what we have today on the earth... with the FDA allowing poisons to creep in our foods and carcinogens in our household products, which cause even more diseases of all sorts, (these are our own doings as a human race... not a perfect God of love, wisdom, power and justice); we are reaping the end result of what we sowed and every now and then, these things hit closer to home than what we could ever imagine they would and then! oh! will we still have faith seeing as to the fact that the horror of the worlds, Satan's horrors, are way too close for comfort today... It was one thing when it was the rest of the world suffering for our sins, our first parents' sins but now it's touching me, right in my own home... what do you think? Are you going to make Satan's job that much more easy to fall into his trick so easily so that he will go on attacking you personally if that's all it takes to take you away from the true God? To the contrary, that is when you need that much more faith as it is one of the nine fruitages of his spirit as quoted at Galatians 5:21-22... and I think you should look them up for yourslef and throw your burden on Him and remember in the future that it is not just your own burden that is a sad, terrible and disgusting thing to God and it is not just because of your child, other child and only because of your family's temporary pain that He will bring about Armageddon to clean the whole mess once and for all; but for the sake of all His people on earth who look to Him for the promise of the real life... where there will never again be pain, tears, suffering, sorrows and when even death itself will be done away with... Did you ever read the times Job went through and why? Do you remember how Satan had gone up to the God of the heaven to taunt Him about the fact that Job only loved God because He had given him everything a man could want? You should read it again... and I don't think you would be questionning God again... nor would you even dream of losing faith in the one and only one that is really innocent of the pain you are facing... the one who is there to comfort you always, to give you the strength, courage, ability, and no-how to console and support all of your loved ones in these specially hard times, affecting your own instead of some you may not realize enough just how much are also your own, as to God, we are all His children and He loves us all... for with Him, there is no partiality... and it is in His image that He created us... so this is why I'm sitting here tonight at the other end of the world suffering for a person I never even met who is so much pain that she is about to lose faith in the only one that will finally put an end to all of the suffering on earth bar none??? You see, dear human sister? not one of us can be totally and completely happy as long as even one other one of us is suffering; and that is the love that Christ had so much for all of us, that he wanted to give his perfect human life to repay for ours... so that we could get back from his Father, what Satan had managed to rob us of... Don't let him rob you now that we are so close to that prize of ever-lasting life... The last war to end all others is at our door step... Watch "An Inconvenient Truth" from the book written by Al Gore and his scientist friends about why they don't think this planet has another 8 years to go before it self-destroys and God, that God who hates to see you suffer, who is reaching out to you through some stranger at the other end of the world, will not let that happen... and will step in and with his son and his angels, will bring to ruin those who want to ruin his planet instead... as He created it for us to last to time indefinite and the meek themselves will inherit it... Psalm 37:11, 29. Isaiah 65:13, 17; 2 Peter 3:13; Revelation 21:3-4.
2007-04-23 00:31:39 UTC
Gods dead, you just had bad luck. Pull yourself together and stop feeling depressed. Nothing happens for a reason. Things happen because of chance. And your own and others actions.
Ask Mr. Religion
2007-04-23 00:29:01 UTC
God allows suffering in the world for many reasons. We cannot understand all the reasons for these things, for a transcendent (extending or lying beyond the limits of ordinary experience) God is, after all, knowable only in a limited sense by our finite minds. Nevertheless, we can determine some of the reasons why God would allow suffering.

First suffering can be a test of faith such as described in

1Pe 1:7 so that the tested genuineness of your faith--more precious than gold that perishes though it is tested by fire--may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ.

Second, suffering can be a sanctifying experience. Joseph saw how an apparent evil towards him was meant for a greater good by God:

Gen 50:20 As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today.

Third, suffering could be a chastisement as the result of sin in a person’s life. Chastisement does not mean complete and total rejection by God, only that our souls may be cleansed from the malady of sin. Paul spoke of this chastisement:

1Co 11:29 For anyone who eats and drinks without discerning the body eats and drinks judgment on himself.

1Co 11:30 That is why many of you are weak and ill, and some have died.

1Co 11:31 But if we judged ourselves truly, we would not be judged.

1Co 11:32 But when we are judged by the Lord, we are disciplined so that we may not be condemned along with the world.

Yet, not all illnesses or sickness is the result of sin. Christ clearly said as much:

Joh 9:1 As he passed by, he saw a man blind from birth.

Joh 9:2 And his disciples asked him, "Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?"

Joh 9:3 Jesus answered, "It was not that this man sinned, or his parents, but that the works of God might be displayed in him.

Jesus did not imply that the man or his parents had not sinned. He meant that the man’s blindness was not a direct result of sin in their lives. God had allowed this man to be born blind in order that the man might become a means of displaying the mighty works of God. Before the man was born, the Lord Jesus knew He would give sight to those blind eyes.

Fourth, suffering can sometimes be considered a means by which we display the sympathy of Christ in a practical manner, thus proving our faith through works. The Apostle Paul notes:

Col 1:24 Now I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh I am filling up what is lacking in Christ's afflictions for the sake of his body, that is, the church,

The afflictions endured by Paul in his flesh were for the sake of Christ's body, namely, the church. The sufferings of non-believing people are, in one sense, purposeless. There is no high dignity attached to these sufferings. They are only a foretaste of the torment of hell to be endured forever. But the suffering of the believer is not the same. When believers suffer for Christ, Christ in a very real way suffers with them.

Fifth, suffering can be a means by which we are tempered (strengthened) for the eventualities to come. Christ, when speaking to Peter of his eventual death stated:

Joh 21:18 Truly, truly, I say to you, when you were young, you used to dress yourself and walk wherever you wanted, but when you are old, you will stretch out your hands, and another will dress you and carry you where you do not want to go.

Like the old saying, “what doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger”, suffering can build us up so that we are better prepared for the future and its travails.

Sixth, suffering can be used as a witness to others of God’s unmerited grace. Our attitude towards an illness, accident, etc. and our reception of the same speak volumes when our spoken testimony is rejected.

Seventh, suffering is sometimes a means of weaning us from the things of this world to cause us to draw nearer to God. Suffering should be a means of educating us to the prospect of heaven. This earthly world is not the home of the believer. We are pilgrims and strangers whose citizenship is in another place. Our minds should be focused on things invisible and not in the temporal things of this life.

We must remember that with the fall of mankind in Eden sin entered the world, corrupting earth and all its inhabitants. Thus we have sin directly causing suffering when sinful people commit sinful acts. We have sin causing suffering indirectly by the deteriorating earth and all its natural disasters.

Some people argue that since God made everything, He made evil too. Let’s consider this. An omnipotent God could not have created a morally free creature incapable of choosing evil. Thus, created beings could choose evil if they wanted to. Yet, that does not mean God made evil. Yes, God is the author of every *thing* in the created universe and when he created the first man and woman as morally free agents, the potential for them to sin existed.

But evil is not a *thing* or a substance; it is a *privation* or *lack* in things, e.g., blindness is lack of sight, darkness is an absence of light, pain is lack of health, hate or murder is lack of love. Therefore God did not create evil.

Christ told us that we would suffer in this world:

Joh 16:33 I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.

But why doesn’t God just stop evil actions that cause innocent people to suffer?

Jer 12:1 Righteous are you, O LORD, when I complain to you; yet I would plead my case before you. Why does the way of the wicked prosper? Why do all who are treacherous thrive?

Jer 12:2 You plant them, and they take root; they grow and produce fruit; you are near in their mouth and far from their heart.

Why doesn’t God intervene to stop evil if He is all-loving and all-powerful? Why doesn’t He stop the drunk driver’s car that is going to crash into a bus? Why doesn’t He deflect the murderer’s bullets? The person asking doesn’t really want God to stop all their evil actions. They don’t want to be invisibly gagged every time they’re about to say something hurtful; they don’t want to stub their toe when they try to kick the dog. They just think it would be good if God stopped certain evil acts or just the evil acts of others. But that would make life impossible. There would be no freedoms, no regularity and no personal responsibility.

Having said that, never forget that God is not indifferent to our sufferings. God restrains sin and sinners so that we can appreciate mercy and unmerited grace in light of sin. If He did not our streets would be running with blood drawn by reprobates.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.