How can god be real?
2007-10-11 22:45:50 UTC
I see so much evil in the world and so many bad things going on,
So if God was real and as all this power like them that believe claim he does,lets face it they say he made us and the world we live in,why does he not step in and put a end to all the nasty stuff in the world?
If you have the power to end all suffering what kind of a person sits down and looks over us all and does nothing?
29 answers:
2007-10-11 22:53:07 UTC
Let me tell you a little story that will hopefully answeryour question: A man went to a barbershop to have

his hair cut and his beard trimmed.

As the barber began to work,

they began to have a good conversation.

They talked about so many things

and various subjects.

When they eventually touched on

the subject of God, the barber said:

"I don't believe that God exists."

"Why do you say that?"

asked the customer.

"Well, you just have to go out in

the street to realize that God

doesn't exist. Tell me, if God exists,

would there be so many sick people?

Would there be abandoned children?

If God existed, there would be neither

suffering nor pain.

I can't imagine a loving a God who

would allow all of these things."

The customer thought for a moment,

but didn't respond because he didn't

want to start an argument.

The barber finished his job and the customer

left the shop.

Just after he left the barbershop,

he saw a man in the street with long,

stringy, dirty hair and an untrimmed


He looked dirty and un-kept.

The customer turned back and entered

the barber shop again and he said

to the barber:

"You know what? Barbers do not exist."

"How can you say that?"

asked the surprised barber.

"I am here, and I am a barber.

And I just worked on you!"

"No!" the customer exclaimed.

"Barbers don't exist because

if they did, there would be no

people with dirty long hair

and untrimmed beards,

like that man outside."

"Ah, but barbers DO exist!

What happens is, people

do not come to me."


affirmed the customer.

"That's the point!

God, too, DOES exist!

What happens, is, people

don't go to Him

and do not look for Him.

That's why there's so much pain

and suffering in the world."

I agree with you that the world is becoming evil, but it's not God's fault. God will stop this madness when you least expect it, I promise. Godspeed.


What kind of person? God is not a person. We (not everybody), too, are watching people suffer, and instead of doing something about it some blame God. Maybe you were led to ask this question to jerk everyone's covers, I mean, maybe God wants us to get out there and do something instead of waiting for Him.
2007-10-11 23:10:19 UTC
God does more than we know.

We don't know when and where he intervenes, and how much worse the world could be than it is because of what he does.

If you really think about it, what would this world be like if God ended all suffering right now? What if there were no punishment for wrong doing? That would be one result of ending all suffering. Should God end the suffering of the innocent so that the guilty can go free?

That's the way that modern man's thinking goes. The criminal shouldn't be punished too severely because he is a human being with rights, but the people that he harmed aren't held in the same regard. Everything is turned upside down and all the blame is placed on God. We do not feel we should be held accountable any longer, as human beings.


This world got in line for destruction when sin entered into it. Those who want to preserve it are not listening to God, who has told us what he is going to do, because of sin. He is not going to remove the sin from this world, because people choose sin over his will. He is going to judge this world. There will be a last day of the earth, and it is approaching rapidly.
Noelle M
2007-10-11 23:05:47 UTC
Tough question. While I sometimes struggle with this very issue I believe that free will and consequences play an enormous part. As a parent I love my children but cannot always protect or save them from the consequences of their own or others actions. The "nasty stuff" unfortunately plays a part . Also, while its hard to accept we can't possibly hope to fully understand what a being that could create man, the earth with all it encompasses, heaven, angels, the universe and the plan he has for us thinks. I'm not sure this helps. Personally I pray for acceptance and understanding believing that God knows what he is doing even if I don't understand. I hope this helps you.
2007-10-11 23:02:14 UTC
If nobody suffers,then why should anybody be afraid of doing whatever he/she likes?Can a community or a society live peace fully when it's free for all?Why should every body have a ball all the time and not a bad patch in life?No matter how we answer such questions,we can't blame a third party for things in which HE has no visible hand.God never told us that He shall do this or that for us.So,let's ask his agents or mouthpieces(self appointed)to answer such questions ,failing which we should be ready to impart a resounding kick on their backs.
craft painter
2007-10-11 23:03:28 UTC
I understand how you feel but there is a reason for it all. The problem is we sin! We have sinned since the beginning and continue to do it. God cast the devil down to us so there is suffering. The bible says that as soon as everyone knows the lord then he will come and gather us up with him, but this is only those who believe in him, the rest will be in the great war with satan the devil and jesus. He is giving us time to save ourself and believe in him. The bible says there will be longsuffering till Jesus appointed time to come. There will also be much more evil in the world too.

If we can keep our faith in him through all the evil and the suffering then we will be saved. Guess you could say it is a test for everlasting life. Maybe he is giving us a lesson. What happened in the beginning. The lord said do not eat of the tree of life and did they listen? NO He gave them a beautiful garden and they would not die, but they still had to sin in front of him and not listen to his word. This is the way it has been through out history. He has given and they sinned anyway. So what should we get for our sin? A perfect world so we can sin in it? Men do evil deeds and that is why there is evil in the world.. The lord gave us free reign till his coming.
2007-10-11 22:56:29 UTC
It is called FAITH!

.. If you have faith that there is a God then there is also the Devil. There is good and bad in everything. I agree things in this world have seemed more messed up lately, but I ask myself if it is just the way I am looking at things,. I understand that it is SO hard sometimes, but you have to try to find something good in everything that seems so horribly wrong. Even if you don't understand it at that very moment, you may down the line. Weather it was to learn/grow from the experience, or just to show you how good YOU accually have it, compared to someone else. Maybe God feels that you need a little reminder.

We could spend our whole lives asking "WHY?" We just have to have faith that everything happens for a reason.

It is the only thing that gets me through the day sometimes.
2007-10-11 23:08:50 UTC
life is balance, What you see is just your point of view. For every evil there's always good on the other side. that is why earth is alive.

nasty, pain, suffering again is just your personal point of view

God is anything about living. not the answer about your complain. Understand yourself. and you'll understand way of life. then you can call god whatever you want and that is real.
2016-10-09 05:57:26 UTC
god is purely something people have created by using the years to describe the mysteries of the universe that folk draw close onto as an emblem of desire yet anybody is starting off to comprehend that they don't favor it anymore in todays society yet thats purely evolution and the form of humanity it quite is critical with the intention to live on the destiny we ought to forged aside the previous and attempt for a significantly better day after today
2007-10-12 03:31:40 UTC
Hinduism can give some mystical answers .

Who is God? Where is God? How can I come to know God?"

God has no names, but all names are the names of God. Whether you call Him this or that, He remains Who He is. But in our tradition we call God by the loving name Siva, which is only one of His 1,008 traditional names. Supreme God Siva is both within us and outside of us. Even desire, the fulfillment of desire, the joy, the pain, the sorrow, birth and death -- this is all Siva, nothing but Siva.

This is hard to believe for the unenlightened individual who cannot see how a good, kind and loving God could create pain and sorrow. Actually, we find that Siva did not -- not in the sense that is commonly thought. God gave the law of karma, decreeing that each energy sent into motion returns with equal force.

In looking closely at this natural law, we can see that we create our own joy, our own pain, our own sorrow and our own release from sorrow. Yet we could not even do this except for the power and existence of our loving Lord. It takes much meditation to find God Siva in all things, through all things. In this striving -- as in perfecting any art or science -- regular daily disciplines must be faithfully adhered to.

Siva is the immanent personal Lord, and He is transcendent Reality. Siva is a God of love, boundless love. He loves each and every one. Each soul is created by Him and guided by Him through life. God Siva is everywhere. There is no place where Siva is not. He is in you. He is in this temple. He is in the trees. He is in the sky, in the clouds, in the planets. He is the galaxies swirling in space and the space between galaxies, too. He is the universe. His cosmic dance of creation, preservation and dissolution is happening this very moment in every atom of the universe. God Siva is, and is in all things. He permeates all things. He is immanent, with a beautiful form, a human-like form which can actually be seen and has been seen by many people in visions. He is also transcendent, beyond time, cause and space.

That is almost too much for the mind to comprehend, isn't it? Therefore, we have to meditate on these things. God Siva is so close to us. Where does He live? In the Third World. And in this form He can talk and think and love and receive our prayers and guide our karma. He commands vast numbers of devas who go forth to do His will all over the world, all over the galaxy, throughout the universe. These are matters told to us by the rishis; and we have discovered them in our own meditations. So always worship this great God. Never fear Him. He is the Self of your self. He is closer than your own breath. His nature is love, and if you worship Him with devotion you will know love and be loving toward others. Devotees of God Siva love everyone.

This is how God Siva can be seen everywhere and in everyone. He is there as the Soul of each soul. You can open your inner eye and see Him in others, see Him in the world as the world. Little by little, discipline yourself to meditate at the same time each day. Meditate, discover the silent center of yourself, then go deep within, to the core of your real Being. Slowly the purity comes. Slowly the awakening comes.

For more info,please visit
2007-10-12 11:27:20 UTC
There is only evil and suffering in this world because us humans have brought it upon ourselves;; thru sin entering the world! Right from the beginning of time, when adam and eve were created. They chose to not follow the path of God, but their own! We have to wait for God's timing ,,he loves everyone and is willing to forgive us for all our wrongs and sins by sacrificing his one and only son to pay the price;(Jesus) so we can get the gift of salvation and eternal life!! Isnt that amazing?

just hang in there.. coz this life isnt worth worrying about! Its the next that really counts!

God bless x <><
2007-10-11 23:08:56 UTC
It says in the Christian bible that the Prince of the power of the air is in CONTROL of this world

what we have is the holy spirit of God which IF you listen to it in prayer.then it will direct and guide YOU.

I was on my knees in prayers for my father who had a stroke and was in a coma for nine days. he had a lung infection.and an erratic eeg and the doctor told mother there was no hope.prepare for the funeral.

I heard a voice say in my head, Go Rub His Feet. i got up off the floor. five hours had passed on my knees?? it didn't seem like three minutes?

i drove to the hospital. he was in an intensive care room.

i started rubbing his feet.the nurse came in. BO. don't rub his legs it might cause blood clots. i told her that GOD had told me to rub his feet. and i was his son and i took jurisdiction here and to leave the room. i laid his foot down. his foot came back up! i looked over and his eyes were open. i sat with him for a while and went home. he was out of the hospital in three days. and lived well for 11 more years. Greenville S.C. St Francis hospital. Fourth floor.the spirit of God works thru people who have faith.and doesn't work thru I said this world is off the devil. the spirit lives in those who believe.ask the spirit of God into your life.right now before its to late.its all up to you.,make a decision right now.get on your knees.ask Gods spirit to come into you. and then ask of it. and listen in your heart and mind for the answers. and then try to do Gods will, all that call on my fathers name will not be saved. only those who do my fathers will. will make it to heaven said Jesus Christ our Lord.God lives in the heart of belivers. NOT in this world.please stop thinking that God is in control of this world. the devil is in where in the bible does it say that God is in control of this world.he CAN intrevene though. he is Most powerful and he has a plan. if we dont sufffer we dont learn. i have suffered more then any one i have ever heard of suffering. and i still have my killed, home destroyed.all friends dead.chronic horrible pain .and more. and i still have my faith. faith is what opens one to the power and glory direction and guidance of the spirit of God.
2007-10-11 22:53:26 UTC
Your questions are ones that I used to ask and they are very good. I don't want to shorten anything and to correctly tell you everything I know, it would take forever. If you are really interested, you can call a church and just ask them to talk to you sometime.

If you earnestly seek the true God, He will help you.
2007-10-12 08:23:57 UTC
God is not real,God is a fictional character of fools.
2007-10-12 04:51:56 UTC
I've believed that he's given us free will. Unfortunately, that free will allows people to do nasty things to each other.

This is a good question, and I've always heard we'll get answers to questions like this once we die. I hope thats true.
2007-10-11 22:51:23 UTC
Haven't you heard the most vicious animal species in the world is human beings. Nothing to do with God !
kris d
2007-10-12 02:40:33 UTC
no Ive never thought there was a god just look at all the sh!t that is happening day to day and Therese your answer right there xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
2007-10-11 23:01:57 UTC
he doesnt exist and thats proof enough.Even if there was some reasoning that he is the boss- by the very way his children fight over religion, are so mean to others of different religions, by present day standards of parenting he would be hauled up to court . He could also be accused of inciting hatred between countries in some international court
2007-10-11 22:51:39 UTC
Man chose to make evil and bad things happen.

God is not a person.
LatterDaySaint and loving it
2007-10-11 22:56:20 UTC
Have you ever watched a butterfly climb out of its coccoon? if you try to help that butterfly, it will be weakened and never be able to fly. it is essential that there is opposition in all things, in addition to the evil there is much that is beautiful too, you just need to look for it.
2007-10-11 22:54:44 UTC
God has all the power in the universe, but he chooses not to shop evil. She gave us free will, meaning we can do whatever we want. For God to take control and end of this "nasty stuff" would be to take away our free will.
Christie W
2007-10-11 22:57:01 UTC
i know its sad

there should be no suffering

i think he wants us to be the best we can

we choose how we live

we are in charge

like if someone gets hurt we should be thoughtful help them out not watch them suffer

we have are own concouscie
2007-10-11 22:55:46 UTC
better yet who expects us to believe in him when he provides no evidence and the only thing that comes close to it(the bible) is supposed to be interpreted metaphorically and not literally.

and jill4569, I had no idea god was a girl. i thought it was a him. not only can you guys not agree on which section of christianity is the right one but you cant decide if its a him or a her
2007-10-11 22:51:20 UTC
He will step in and do something , but you don't mind that He will do it in His Own Divine Time and not in yours ???
2007-10-12 01:02:18 UTC
god is Just a myth.
2007-10-11 23:04:00 UTC
Good Q...No i feel we are alone!! The bible i feel was written to bring some sort of conformity in...
2007-10-11 22:52:49 UTC
He can't be
2007-10-11 22:57:36 UTC
lol. this god stuff - it's the most ridiculous conspiracy theory on the planet
2007-10-12 01:18:11 UTC
we are not meant to understand - that is the point!
2007-10-11 22:53:24 UTC
its a test to weed out the good, the bad and the ugly......why exactly...? thats a GOOD question....

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