Do you agree or disagree that television has proved to be one of the worst inventions of modern times?
2010-12-17 23:49:47 UTC
Could you please argue for or against this? I need this to write an argumentation essay and it's due tomorrow. Then it goes on to say "All too often, television is harmful because of the shows it broadcasts and the way it is used in the home." It would be good if you could provide a couter argument for what you say. Any help is appreciated greatly :)
Seventeen answers:
2010-12-18 00:24:14 UTC
Television is a long way behind nuclear bombs in the list of 'worst inventions'. But the catalogue of bad effects on society in general is not short.

Evidence abounds for the way it has corroded culture, especially amongst ancient groups of people. It has also turned huge chunks of Western society into sponges that absorb whatever they see on TV and accept that as the truth, or the norm. Possibly a study of TV could provide evidence of society being a huge social experiment controlled by TV directors and script-writers. But that's another question.

If you want counter arguments then you would have to provide statistics on educative effects (Open University programmes, or literacy / medical slots, for example, including children's progs., history, documentaries etc). Then there are news and current events progs. which could be beneficial, if not biased, that is! But everyone knows that the vast majority of progs. are purely for entertainment, and this is becoming degraded. As the Roman empire provided subsidised grain and circuses for the plebs, so today we get cheap food and cheap thrills. TV pumps out cheap thrills most of the time and this desensitises the populace. Entertainment is what everyone is supposed to want (not true, but there's no denying the public's endless appetitie for that) and this, in itself, produces false values and the era of the celebrity. Its shallowness is appalling. Its moulding effects on minds is terrifying.

You will be unable to deny the claim that "All too often, television is harmful because of the shows it broadcasts" so I would advise you to major on how it can be controlled within the home to negate that harm. Years ago, we were so fed up with our teenage sons coming home, switching on the TV and looking at it all night, we shoved the offending box up in the loft for a few months. The lads nearly left home, but after their initial withdrawal shock subsided, we started having intelligent conversations with them. TV is a monster that must be controlled. How it is used will be critical to your defense.
2013-10-08 07:15:37 UTC
To be honest, it is making people stupid and can be used as a tool that can subtlety use propaganda to the extent that the people saying the propaganda don't even know they are doing it because they have already been brainwashed. If your Grandparents watched what you washed they would most likely be disgusted. You also waste so much time watching it, and it is often, though not always, quite demotivational. Most propaganda would include news and telling the story in such a way that makes the other side look evil, compelling viewers to become irrationally hateful to those people. Some of this is kinda conspiracy stuff

On the other hand, television can also be very educational, and there are many documentaries that can increase understanding and arouse public attention to issues that need action, such as resource becoming more scarce, climate change, gender equality, and so on. For example, many modern TV show characters show these desirable characteristics, so things unimaginable 50 years ago, such as an African American president, are now possible. It can also, in the state of national emergency, bring news swiftly to the public, and that can save lives, such as when passengers of one of the 9/11 planes managed to stop their plane from killing even more innocent people, which deserves respect no matter how it is looked at.

Anyway, you yourself can control your usage and cut the **** you don't want to watch, so all in all I am pro-TV, though only an hour a day max, and I can go months at a time only watching sport :)
2010-12-18 00:05:20 UTC
It's one of the greatest inventions ever made for mass communication. It's so great that almost everybody owns one.

Since it is such an effective communication device, it is also misused by many. Corporations, and even our government use it as a tool to push their ideas across to millions.

Just as the printing press, quickly changed the world by being able to mass produce books/booklets, the television has also changed our society. The printing press was a pivotal instrument during the Protestant Reformation, and some argue that Martin Luther's ideas never would have spread so quickly, if it hadn't been for it.

The Nazis utilized propaganda posters created by artists to push their ideas into the public sphere.

So as you can see the television can also be misused. Some dictators like Hugo Chavez utilize television programming to persuade their population into Communist/Socialist ideas. He will often stage questions and answers that make him look intelligent, and will also have someone ask him something stupid, and ridicule him.

The television is just an invention that enables us to push media. Youtube is now leveling the playing field. Many people are able to produce their own shows with very little money. However, there have been international meetings surrounding streaming video and security. Many countries do not allow for freedom of speech, so they censor the internet and the television programming.

It's an incredibly popular invention, and many people even fight to buy cheap televisions on Black Friday.

The invention shouldn't be blamed for it's misuse by millions of kids who don't go out and play because they use it to play video games all day.

The invention could be used in many more brilliant ways. It's just not utilized that way.

Many great inventions have bad side effects. Look at the automobile, and traffic. Sitting in traffic is one of the most pointless things we all do in life. Why do we allow ourselves to be stuck for hours and hours a day ?

The car is great, but sometimes, I get really annoyed by how many cars have flooded our traffic system.

The television is also great. But, a lot of times I'm flipping through the channels and have nothing to watch that interests me.
Martin L
2010-12-18 00:10:54 UTC
Television is nothing more than a tool. It can be powerful and it can be dangerous. You are asking a circular question by saying it is a bad invention. If it were a bad invention, it would have gone the way of the 'pet-rock'. The fact that it is still here proves it is an effective invention. Trying to ascribe attributes such as good and evil to a television is irresponsible.
2010-12-17 23:54:45 UTC
They do understand the TV has an "off" button, right?

Television is like many modern utensils or conveniences. Just as a computer can be used for both good and bad purposes, so can a television. I watch very little TV because most of it I just find stupid and boring. If (particularly as a parent) you aren't judicious about what you watch, then I suppose it's true that it's "harmful".
2010-12-18 00:20:33 UTC
Disagree. Tv can be educational, like the national geographic and animal planet channels. It can provide entertainment for people who are bored or don't have anything better to do. And, personally, if I'm in a bad mood watching a comedy show/movie always seems to cheer me up, which is better than staying stuck in a bad mood all day. Of course, like most things it's better in small amounts. As long as people don't spend all day watching it, it can be a good and entertaining thing.
2010-12-17 23:55:06 UTC
I believe television can be a good thing or a bad thing depending upon how it use. People who spends hours plopped down in front of it aren't active and gain weight. This is for children and adults. Young children aren't easily able to distinguish fantasy from reality so often the things on tv become real to them and they at temp to enact often violent images from television shows.

It also can be a great to tool to educate and entertain. There are many informational programs for both adults and children and tv provides safe and cheat means of entrainment and source of local, national and international news, weather and information.
2010-12-17 23:54:01 UTC
A. Television has informed many people about current events,people who otherwise couldn't or wouldn't read a newspaper.

B. It's informed many people about science and history,people who would otherwise not even bother to read a scientific or historical book.

C. Television has provided jerk off material for kids who couldn't get a hold of a porno mag and were too poor to afford a computer.
2010-12-19 23:53:41 UTC
Television can be effectively used as a learning tool. It often proves helpful in providing both native language and foreign language instruction.
2010-12-17 23:52:56 UTC
I think television is a bad invention, but not because ti sends out bad messages, but firstly because it puts the kids and adults as one in front of a screen for many hours a day instead of out there living and experience the world of reality.

I personally feel that excessive television can prevent happiness.

I'm sort of against all technology, most people use it kind of like a drug.
2017-03-04 01:04:09 UTC
i rarely watch tv. you just don't get the same quality. i mean, try making walden into a television set show
2017-02-03 15:52:21 UTC
Truly, there is no comparison....simply because watching TV relies on the gunky thoughts of a Television set entertainer who's main concerns are budget, popularity and ratings and to Hell with theme integrity, or, for example, anything creative truly.
Invisible spiritman
2010-12-18 00:00:09 UTC
All such things that God has given us to serve for a good purpose, Satan the perverted evil one can and does also use to serve his evil purpose...
Mad Dog
2010-12-17 23:52:15 UTC
Yes and no.

Although, it has shows that'll just lowerer your IQ, it has its benefits from shows that just increase it.
2010-12-18 00:07:24 UTC
Shuddup, foo'!
a sdf12
2010-12-18 00:10:28 UTC
2010-12-17 23:52:04 UTC
do your own homework, tv owns

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