it IS very annoying. While I use Yahoo Answers, search for something IN Yahoo Answers, it is MUCH more effective to use Google than it is to use Yahoo search.
Don't believe me? Compare them for yourself. I have done it repeatedly and repeatedly for things I know are somewhere in Yahoo Answers..I'll get ..does not return any matches
but I use the same search terms in Google and voila..there it is.
Same with Bing.
I type the same search terms into all 3 and the Google always comes up with more matches or the things I am looking to find precisely...when Bing and Yahoo often find nothing or take me to things that have nothing to do with anything I entered..that's the most ridiculous
however..all 3 search engines do that from time to time
Those Bing ads make me want to puke..people just pick the pretty pictures on the TV commercials.
When I have taken their "challenge"..every time I've chosen Google.
I don't like things Google does..but so far, they are the best search engine I've used.
That Yahoo bar at the top is just another annoyance of Yahoo..they keep making "improvements" that aren't imporving anything and they keep ignoring longstanding problems
the worst of which is failure to appropriately remove egregious hate speech when several users report it and give clear objective evidence that it IS hate speech ( examples..the fake Talmud hate libels and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion used to incite hate to Jews and have historically been used to justify murder and genocide..Yahoo often REFUSES to remove..and Yahoo REFUSES to consider it a violation when a user is called a KIKE..when Jews from at least 9 contries have written to Yahoo for at least six years telling them its as equally offensive as the N word they appropriately censor and consider violation)