2015-10-13 15:52:08 UTC
If the Atheist says empathy and instinct than the Atheist must explain the origins of empathy and instinct.
If the Atheist says conscience and intelligence than the Atheist must explain the origins of conscience and intelligence.
If the Atheist says Evolution than the Atheist must explain the origins of life.
If the Atheist says the Big Bang than the Atheist must explain the origins of the Big Bang.
Once you reach the Big Bang, all of logic is thrown out the door for magic because Atheists believe something can come from nothing Lol. Obviously a logical contradiction.
If the Atheist tries to insite muti-verse than ask the Atheist for evidence. You will find out that there is no evidence to support the muti-verse theory.
Follow their Logic to it's final conclusion and you will see that it's inrefutable fallacy.