Jehovah's Witnesses: Why does Jesus say he is the alpha and omega?
2013-08-20 08:46:38 UTC
I am not baptized but my dad is an elder. Why does John say Jesus says he's the Alpha and Omega but the Watchtower says it's JEHOVAH who says it. This worries me because its confusing


John in Revelation 1:
17 And he laid his right hand upon me and said: “Do not be fearful.+ I am the First*+ and the Last,+ 18 and the living one;+ and I became dead,+ but, look! I am living forever and ever,+ and I have the keys of death+ and of Ha′des.*+

How can God be dead? Is this Jesus?


John in Revelation 22:
7 Look! He is coming with the clouds,+ and every eye will see him,+ and those who pierced him;+ and all the tribes of the earth will beat themselves in grief because of him.+ Yes, Amen.

(I thought it was JESUS who was pierced!?)


8 “I am the Al′pha and the O·me′ga,”*+ ****says Jehovah* God*****, “the One who is and who was and who is coming,+ the Almighty.”*+

but this is Jehovah?


13 I am the Al′pha and the O·me′ga,*+ the first and the last,+ the beginning and the end.... 16 *****I, Jesus******* ...?

This is Jesus talking to John?


Is the Aphla and Omega Jesus or Jehovah I don't understand?
Seventeen answers:
2013-08-20 10:21:02 UTC
The mystery's of faith an GOD are beyond human comprehension.

Faith concerns questions which cannot be settled by evidence.

You can't see the wind, but you know it is there because you can see what the wind is doing. You can know that the wind is there because you can feel it.God is like the wind, you can't see him.

2013-08-20 20:15:15 UTC
According to the sect of JW's it is impossible for Jesus to be the Alfa and the Omega even when the writer,John,stated that Jesus is God (Rev 21:6-7,Rev 22:6 with 22:16,Joh 1:1,1:8,20:28,1 Joh 5:20), he is the absolute creator of all things (Joh 1:3,1:10) and he is equal to his Father Yahweh (Joh 5:18-19).

Following the false analogy of the JW's, the Father is the Alpha and the Omega just because in Rev 1 he is called "the one was,who is and who is to come" (Rev 1:4) and is differenced from the Christ. But just because the Father is differentiated from Jesus Christ as the one who is coming doesn't mean that that title doesn't belongs to Jesus.Trinitarians present no difficulty because this is one of the many titles that the Father and the Son shares.An example are 1 Tim 6:15-16 Rev 17:14 where both God and the Lord Jesus are called "King of kings and Lord of lords." (and of course this title is ONLY in reference to God).In the same way the Father is called " the one who lives for ever and ever" (Rev 4:10) as Jesus is called the who lives for ever and ever" (Rev 1:17).

Even more, for the Bible is like a tradition to speak of Jesus as the one who is to come (Luk 21:27,Mat 24:30,25:31,Mar 13:26,Rev 19:11-14 ).However, Rev 1:4 begins with greetings to the churches and the speech finishes at the verse 6,and in the v.7 begins with other theme.

Jesus is the one who was pierced, I think that EVERY anti-trinitarian would agree that this is Jesus, because it would suggest that the Father is the one who was pierced, which isn't.By the way, John quoted Rev 1:7 from Zec 12:10 which is a prophecy that speaks of the God of Israel being pierced (see also Joh 19:37).

However, Jw's is highly inconsistent whit his rules because he claimed that the Father is who is speaking in Rev 1:8 because he is identified as the one "who was,who is, and who is to come".But they don't apply that same rule to the term the "First and the Last" which would have proved that Jesus is speaking in Rev 22:13 where it is said : I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. Or doing the opposite, if Jehovah is the First and the Last in Rev 22:13 the the must be the First and the Last in Rev 1:17, and therefore,he would have died.In both 2 verse,the grammar is the same.

Secondly, JW's and others assume erroneusly that "the one seated on the throne" who is also described as the Alpha and the Omega is the father because it is said that Jesus is in the midst of the throne. But they forgot that the Son also is seated on the SAME THRONE (Ap. 3:21, 22:1,3) at the righ hand of his Father (Col 3:1, Psa 110:1, Mat 22:44, Eph 1:20 y Heb 1:3).

Furthermore, the Alpha and the Omega says that he will give "the spring of water of life", that he"HE WILL LEAD THEM TO SPRINGS OF LIVING WATER" which are the same words spoken of Jesus in Jn 4:10,14, 6:35,7:37-38,Rev 7:17.

And finally, JW's claim that Jesus is not speaking in Rev 22:13 because he is not identifying himself as a new speaker, as Joh did in Rev 22:8. Notice that here JW's and others can NOT prove that the one who is speaking is the Father, they only can prove that it is not the Son,then by presuppositions they come to the conclusion that it must be the Father even with no evidence.If this reasoning were true, each character (Jesus, the Father, angels,John) which interfere in the speech on the book of Revelation would have to introduce himself as a new speaker every time that there is a change of dialogue.

Therefore, if it's the Father who speaks in Rev 22:13, it should say something like this: I,Jehovah,am the Alpha and the Omega.Jesus should have identified himsef in Rev 16:15,Rev 22:7,12,20, but he didn't.There are translations such as KJV,YLT,DRB,WBT,WBT, that contains the name "John" in Rev 21:2 even when in the first verse he was also speaking.

The fact that an angel was speaking and there was a change to Jesus without explicit introduction causes no problem in the style and format of the book of Revelation.In Rev 16:15 there is a similar example, with no explicit introduction as the speaker (by context is Jesus), and this is the same case

And the most important thing,the IMMEDIATE CONTEXT of both Rev 1:8 and Rev 22:13 speak of Jesus, it is said that he is coming with the clouds (Rev 1:7)and quickly (Rev 22:12,20) to reward everyone (Rev 2:23,22:12,Mat 16:27)The Father comes neither with the clouds nor quickly.

Jesus is the "First and the Last" ( and identical language in to Isaiah 41:4,Isaiah 48:11-13 to stress the Eternity of Christ) in Rev 1:17,2:18,and the exception would be Rev 22:13 which I don't find any good evidence to hold that the First and the Last isn't Jesus when the grammar and context support it.
2013-08-20 09:42:44 UTC
The Alpha and Omega is Jehovah. The context will help you to understand.

In Rev 1:17-18, Jesus says to John, "‘Do not be fearful. I am the First and the Last, and the living one.’”

In Revelation, Jesus is talking about his bestowed title, calling attention to his unique resurrection.

Jesus was indeed “the First” human to be resurrected to immortal spirit life. (Colossians 1:18) Moreover, he is “the Last” to be so resurrected by Jehovah personally. Thus, he becomes “the living one . . . living forever and ever.” He enjoys immortality. In this, he is like his immortal Father, who is called “the living God.” (Revelation 7:2; Psalm 42:2) For all others of humanity, Jesus himself is “the resurrection and the life.” (John 11:25) In harmony with this, he says to John: “I became dead, but, look! I am living forever and ever, and I have the keys of death and of Hades.” (Revelation 1:18b) Jehovah has given him the authority to resurrect the dead. That is why Jesus can say that he has the keys to unlock the gates for those bound by death and Hades (gravedom).—Compare Matthew 16:18.

On the other hand, at Isaiah 44:6, Jehovah rightly describes his own position as the one and only almighty God, saying: “I am the first and I am the last, and besides me there is no God.” In the original Hebrew at Isaiah 44:6, there is no definite article with the words “first” and “last,” whereas in Jesus’ description of himself in the original Greek at Revelation 1:17, the definite article is found. So, grammatically, Revelation 1:17 indicates a title, whereas Isaiah 44:6 describes Jehovah’s Godship.

In Revelation 1::7, Jesus is speaking. Yes, he was the one who was pierced.

In Revelation 22::12, Jehovah takes the turn in speaking again:

‘Look! I am coming quickly, and the reward I give is with me, to render to each one as his work is. 13 I am the Al′pha and the O·me′ga, the first and the last, the beginning and the end."

In verse 16, Jesus retakes the word, and he wants to make sure he´s the one speaking:

I, JESUS, sent my angel to bear witness to YOU people of these things for the congregations. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright morning star.

The scriptures which mostly clarify on that, it`s in the first chapter of the book.

Notice how verses 4-5 of chapter 1 distinguish Jesus from "The One who is and who was and who is coming,”

Verse 4:

May YOU have undeserved kindness and peace from “The One who is and who was and who is coming,” ......and from the seven spirits that are before his throne, 5 ...........and from Jesus Christ, “the Faithful Witness,” “The firstborn from the dead,” and “The Ruler of the kings of the earth.”

Logically, then, "The One who is and who was and who is coming" is Jehovah God, "the Al′pha and the O·me′ga."

Verse 8:

“I am the Al′pha and the O·me′ga,” says Jehovah God, “the One who is and who was and who is coming, the Almighty.

It should also be noted that nowhere in the Bible Jesus is called "the Almighty." This title belongs only to Jehovah God.
2013-08-20 19:28:19 UTC
Jehovah is ALWAYS the Alpha and the Omega.

The First and Last has to be looked at in context. What surrounds the verses? First and Last of what?

Jehovah said he has the First word and the Last word in any matter.

BUT Jesus said he is the First and Last in a different context - it dealt with his death and resurrection. Jesus was the first person to be resurrected by Jehovah ALONE and the last to be resurrected by Jehovah ALONE.

All other resurrections will have Jesus as a participant, whether they are resurrections to heaven or to earth.

Look at Revelation 1:4 - the message is FROM GOD.

And now Revelation 1:5 - AND FROM JESUS.

Is that difficult to see that the Revelation is from BOTH GOD and from JESUS?

If you have read dialogue in many novels, you will find line after line that will jump from one character to another. It is the context and the meaning of the dialogue that tells us who is speaking.

We use the same line of literary rendering to understand who is speaking in the book of Revelation.

When we read the novel, if we lose who is saying what, we back up, get our bearings and move forward into the story line again.

We do the same with the book of Revelation if it seems to lose its continuity.

John was not the Alpha and Omega of anything - so to throw that out there is nonsensical and unnecessary criticism.
2013-08-20 10:24:26 UTC
You sound very confused and I want to help as best as I can so here it goes.

Your first confusion regarding Revelation 1:17-18, "And he laid his right hand upon me and said: “Do not be fearful. I am the First and the Last, and the living one; and I became dead, but, look! I am living forever and ever, and I have the keys of death and of Ha′des."

This is Jesus angel speaking to John about Jesus, he is saying that Jesus controls death and life because in all actuality he does with power and holy spirit through his father Jehovah God. He's raised the dead and healed sick ones ( John 11: 41-44, . Now Jesus raised his eyes heavenward and said: “Father, I thank you that you have heard me. True, I knew that you always hear me; but on account of the crowd standing around I spoke, in order that they might believe that you sent me forth.” And when he had said these things, he cried out with a loud voice: “Laz′a·rus, come on out!” The [man] that had been dead came out with his feet and hands bound with wrappings, and his countenance was bound about with a cloth. Jesus said to them: “Loose him and let him go.” ) As well as healing the sick and rising the dead Jesus also was raised from the dead himself, hence why he was able to say he was the " living one " and he "became dead, but, look! I am living forever and ever, and I have the keys of death and of Ha′des."

Next, Revelation 1:7 " Look! He is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him, and those who pierced him; and all the tribes of the earth will beat themselves in grief because of him. Yes, Amen." ( quoted the wrong scripture btw, took me a while to find it :) )

I understood why you were confused as soon as I reread the scripture for myself. To clear the air you must go back to Revelation 1:1 which reads, "A revelation by Jesus Christ, which God gave him, to show his slaves the things that must shortly take place. And he sent forth his angel and presented [it] in signs through him to his slave John,". This revelation to John was given by three different beings. First was JEHOVAH giving it to JESUS. Jesus than gave it to his ANGEL to give to John. When the angel spoke saying "and those who pierced him", yes he was speaking about Jesus, but Jesus was not speaking to John his angel was. Jehovah can't speak to us directly because he is perfect. Because there has to be order when God spoke to those of bible times he.So, used a way of communicating . In this case it was an angel.So an angel spoke of Jehovah as the Alpha and Omega, “I am the Al′pha and the O·me′ga,”>>>says Jehovah God<<<<, “the One who is and who was and who is coming, the Almighty.” He emphasized Jehovah speaking.

So to answer your overall question Jehovah is Alpha and Omega. If you have any further questions or this didn't help much and you wish for more information feel free to email me at
2013-08-20 16:00:33 UTC
1. Only Jehovah is the Alpha and the Omega.

2. The title: First and Last is not the same as the title "Alpha and the Omega"

Jesus is first and last to die and be resurrected to heaven by Jehovah, all others are judged by Jesus, Jehovah's appointed judge. Read the context.

3. Jehovah being the First and Last refers to His being God.

4. Revelation is not a play were all the speakers are identified as to which line is spoken by.

(John) his line

(Jesus) his line

(the angel) his line

(Jehovah) his line.

Therefore one has to be very astute as who is speaking what and when, especially in chapter 22.

2013-08-20 09:06:34 UTC
How old are you? Do you live with your father and have family worship? Why not ask him during family worship to explain this to you?

To whom do the titles “the Alpha and the Omega” and “the First and the Last” refer? The title “the Alpha and the Omega” applies to Jehovah, stressing that there was no almighty God before him and that there will be none after him. He is “the beginning and the end.” (Rev. 21:6; 22:13) Although Jehovah is referred to as “the first and the last” at Revelation 22:13, in that there is none before or after him, the context in the first chapter of Revelation shows that the title “the First and the Last” there applies to Jesus Christ. He was the first human to be resurrected to immortal spirit life and the last one to be so resurrected by Jehovah personally.—Col. 1:18.
2013-08-21 00:40:41 UTC

Jesus does not say he is the Alpha and Omega.

"Alpha and Omega" is used three times in Revelation (1:8; 21:6; 22:13). Rev.1:11 of the KJV is a spurious addition.

There are many contextual reasons for why this title cannot be referring to Jesus.

First, in the context of 1:8 Jesus is explicitly excluded grammatically from being the "Alpha and Omega." In verses 4,5 we have greetings from three entities: "The One Who Is, Was, and Is Coming" AND "The Seven Spirits" AND "Jesus Christ." The individual given the title "The One Who Is and Was and Is Coming" is clearly identified as the "Alpha and Omega," the "Almighty," and "Lord God." Incontestably, the Alpha and Omega is grammatically differentiated from both Jesus Christ and from the "seven spirits." Therefore, it is impossible for Jesus to be the one addressed in 1:8 as the "Alpha and Omega."

Second, Revelation specifically identifies the "One Seated on the Throne" as the "Alpha and Omega" (21:5,6), yet in chapters four and five Jesus is shown to be ontologically separated from the One "on the throne." Because he is shown receiving a scroll from the enthroned A and O and second he is consistently differentiated from the One on the throne: 1:4; 4:2,8; 5:1,5-7,13; 6:16; 7:10.

Therefore, it is impossible for Jesus to be the Alpha and Omega.

Third, the Alpha and Omega is identified as being Jesus’ God in 1:6. Therefore, it is impossible for Jesus to be the Almighty Alpha and Omega since Jesus himself expresses his inferiority to the Alpha and Omega by declaring six times that he has a God (Rev.1:6; 3:2,12 NIV, ASV, RSV, NWT).

Let us examine the final and most contested occurrence of the title Alpha and Omega: Re 22:12-13.

Trinitarians claim that Jesus identifying himself as speaking in 22:16 is seen as a continuation of the Alpha and Omega speaking from verse 13.

However, this conclusion is based on presupposition and not on evidence. When Jesus identifies himself in verse 16 it does not mean that the words prior to this are also his words. Rather, in Revelation when someone says "I so- and-so..." they are introducing themselves as a new speaker. For example, there are two other occurrences of the first person singular "I" followed by a personal identification: Rev.1:9 and 22:8. In both cases this grammatical marker introduces a NEW speaker, NEVER the same speaker continuing!

In 1:8 "the Alpha and the Omega" is speaking, yet in the next verse, using the same syntax as in 22:16, John introduces himself as a new speaker. Obviously, it would be ridiculous to claim that this means John is "the Alpha and the Omega" of the previous verse! The same thing occurs at Rev 22:7. Would anyone insist that John was Almighty God because of John's use of the same syntax as Jesus in 22:16.

Obviously, the grammatical evidence proves that both Jesus and John were introducing themselves as new speakers.

Just because both the “Alpha and Omega” and Jesus say they are "coming" does not demand the conclusion that they are the same individual. In every other occurrence where the Alpha-Omega says that he is “coming” (1:4,8; 4:8) Jesus is specifically excluded from being the coming Alpha and Omega! (1:5,6; 5:7,13; 7:10).

For example, in Rev.1:4 and 1:7 we see that *both* Jesus AND the "Alpha and Omega–the One who is and was"–are said to be "coming." But the context leaves no doubt that we have two completely different individuals “coming” because Jesus is clearly differentiated from the coming Alpha-Omega.

Therefore, grammatically and contextually we consistently have two completely separate individuals in Revelation who are both said to be "coming" in some sense.

The rest of Scripture confirms that we have two individuals who are described as "coming;" both Jehovah God and his King Designate Jesus (Isa. 26:21; Mal. 3:1-6).

We actually have the angel speaking the words that he is “coming quickly” in Rev. 22:7. So since the angel says exactly the same thing Jesus said about "coming quickly" does this mean that the angel is alpha/omega? (Rev.21:9,15,22; 22:1,6,7). Both the angel and Jesus "come" as representatives of God, not as God himself (Jn.7:28,29; 2Thes.1:6-8).

Thus, the fact that both are said to be "coming" provides no evidence for identifying Christ as the Alpha and Omega since Jesus is clearly differentiated from the Alpha and Omega in every case.

Though I've only presented a quarter of the evidence, it is still overwhelming evidence that Jesus is specifically excluded from receiving the title Alpha Omega anywhere in Revelation and that the title refers exclusively to Jehovah, the only Almighty God (Ps.83:18; Jn.17:3).


2016-05-17 08:28:49 UTC
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2013-08-20 08:52:45 UTC
These are the names of the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet and are used as a title three times in the book of Revelation. The additional occurrence of this phrase in the King James rendering of Revelation 1:11, however, does not receive support from some of the oldest Greek manuscripts, including the Alexandrine, Sinaitic, and Codex Ephraemi rescriptus. It is, therefore, omitted in many modern translations.

While many commentators apply this title both to God and to Christ, a more careful examination of its use restricts its application to Jehovah God. The first verse of Revelation 1:1 shows that the revelation was given originally by God and through Jesus Christ, hence the one speaking (through an angelic representative) at times is God himself, and at other times it is Christ Jesus. (Re 22:8) Thus Revelation 1:8 (RS) says: “‘I am the Alpha and the Omega,’ says the Lord God [“Jehovah God,” NW], who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.” Although the preceding verse speaks of Christ Jesus, it is clear that in Re 1 verse 8 the application of the title is to “the Almighty” God. In this regard Barnes’ Notes on the New Testament (1974) observes: “It cannot be absolutely certain that the writer meant to refer to the Lord Jesus specifically here . . . There is no real incongruity in supposing, also, that the writer here meant to refer to God as such.”

The title occurs again at Revelation 21:6, and the following verse identifies the speaker by saying: “Anyone conquering will inherit these things, and I shall be his God and he will be my son.” Inasmuch as Jesus referred to those who are joint heirs with him in his Kingdom as “brothers,” not “sons,” the speaker must be Jesus’ heavenly Father, Jehovah God.—Mt 25:40; compare Heb 2:10-12.

The final occurrence of the title is at Revelation 22:13, which states: “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.” It is evident that a number of persons are represented as speaking in this chapter of Revelation; Re 22 verses 8 and 9 show that the angel spoke to John, Re 22 verse 16 obviously applies to Jesus, the first part of Re 22 verse 17 is credited to “the spirit and the bride,” and the one speaking in the latter part of Re 22 verse 20 is manifestly John himself. “The Alpha and the Omega” of Re 22 verses 12-15, therefore, may properly be identified as the same one who bears the title in the other two occurrences: Jehovah God. The expression, “Look! I am coming quickly,” in Re 22 verse 12, does not require that these aforementioned verses apply to Jesus, inasmuch as God also speaks of himself as “coming” to execute judgment. (Compare Isa 26:21.) Malachi 3:1-6 speaks of a joint coming for judgment on the part of Jehovah and his “messenger of the covenant.”

The title “the Alpha and the Omega” carries the same thought as “the first and the last” and “the beginning and the end” when these terms are used with reference to Jehovah. Before him there was no Almighty God, and there will be none after him. He will bring to a successful conclusion the issue over Godship, forever vindicated as the one and only Almighty God.—Compare Isa 44:6.

Here is something to always consider. Jehovah's Witnesses are always digging ever deeper into God's word. This is unlike Christendom who are afraid of change or they think they know it all. We freely admit Jehovah knows a whole lot more about the Bible than we do.

You might really consider Col 2:3 "3 Carefully concealed in him are all the treasures of wisdom and of knowledge." To that end, re read this article found in a 2009 study
2013-08-20 09:00:21 UTC
Just out of curiosity, is John also the Alpha and the Omega?

Rev 1:8,9(NIV)

8 “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.”

9****I JOHN****

Here is some good info for you to consider from my good friend BAR-ANGERS. His answer is very informative.

I truly doubt the sincerity of your question!
2013-08-20 08:52:54 UTC
your getting the alpha and omega Confused AGAIN !

Jehovah's Witnesses believe in the Following !

Jesus is NOT God but rather is Gods Son (John 1:1 NWT)

The Father is GREATER than Jesus (John 14:28)

The Holy Spirit is Gods Active Force and is NOT a Person

Gods Name is Jehovah (Psalms 83:18 KJV)

Your Soul is YOU and is NOT immortal

Hell is NOT a place of Eternal Torment but rather is simply the COMMON GRAVE of mankind. Hell is basically a SLEEP-like condition

MOST people now dead will b resurrected to Eternal Life on a Paradise Earth

Jehovah's Witnesses do not celebrate PAGAN holidays such as Christmas and Easter

Jehovah's Witnesses take SERIOUSLY Gods Command 2 ABSTAIN from Blood (Acts chapter 15)

Jehovah's Witnesses do not involve themselves in petty NATIONALISTIC wars of mankind thus fulfilling Jesus command 2 love ur neighbor as yourself ! .

4 more info on what JWs believe try
2013-08-20 08:54:35 UTC
I find it a little hard to believe your father is an elder and you are asking questions on this site.

However, I will give you an answer. I am an only child. I am the alpha and the omega. I am not God.

Jesus was the alpha and omega of his position. He is not God.
2013-08-20 08:58:52 UTC
Jesus is the first and the last person to be rased to immortality by the Father.
gary d
2013-08-20 15:06:27 UTC
read the revelation grand climax book on rev 22 it goes into pretty good detail and will answer your question. heres a link
Apostle James The Greater
2013-08-20 08:50:16 UTC
Read Proverbs 8 and the John 1:1-5 and know that I really am he. And we are here in the flesh.
2013-08-20 08:55:17 UTC
Jesus was Jehovah in the pre existence....Gods the father is ...ELOHEIM...not jehovah

Jesus was called by God.=..Jehovah....................when Jehovah came to be born To mary...God changed his name to jesus which means..redeemer...savior...messiah.

The name Jehovah is creator........................Jehovah created the earth...............then came as Jesus to die for the earth and the judge the earth. Jehovah is not longer his title...his title is creator and he is Jesus the Christ....

he is alph and omega...................alpha meaning the meaning the judge

he was first in this world...and he shall be the last...meaning to come and judge it.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.