According to the sect of JW's it is impossible for Jesus to be the Alfa and the Omega even when the writer,John,stated that Jesus is God (Rev 21:6-7,Rev 22:6 with 22:16,Joh 1:1,1:8,20:28,1 Joh 5:20), he is the absolute creator of all things (Joh 1:3,1:10) and he is equal to his Father Yahweh (Joh 5:18-19).
Following the false analogy of the JW's, the Father is the Alpha and the Omega just because in Rev 1 he is called "the one was,who is and who is to come" (Rev 1:4) and is differenced from the Christ. But just because the Father is differentiated from Jesus Christ as the one who is coming doesn't mean that that title doesn't belongs to Jesus.Trinitarians present no difficulty because this is one of the many titles that the Father and the Son shares.An example are 1 Tim 6:15-16 Rev 17:14 where both God and the Lord Jesus are called "King of kings and Lord of lords." (and of course this title is ONLY in reference to God).In the same way the Father is called " the one who lives for ever and ever" (Rev 4:10) as Jesus is called the who lives for ever and ever" (Rev 1:17).
Even more, for the Bible is like a tradition to speak of Jesus as the one who is to come (Luk 21:27,Mat 24:30,25:31,Mar 13:26,Rev 19:11-14 ).However, Rev 1:4 begins with greetings to the churches and the speech finishes at the verse 6,and in the v.7 begins with other theme.
Jesus is the one who was pierced, I think that EVERY anti-trinitarian would agree that this is Jesus, because it would suggest that the Father is the one who was pierced, which isn't.By the way, John quoted Rev 1:7 from Zec 12:10 which is a prophecy that speaks of the God of Israel being pierced (see also Joh 19:37).
However, Jw's is highly inconsistent whit his rules because he claimed that the Father is who is speaking in Rev 1:8 because he is identified as the one "who was,who is, and who is to come".But they don't apply that same rule to the term the "First and the Last" which would have proved that Jesus is speaking in Rev 22:13 where it is said : I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. Or doing the opposite, if Jehovah is the First and the Last in Rev 22:13 the the must be the First and the Last in Rev 1:17, and therefore,he would have died.In both 2 verse,the grammar is the same.
Secondly, JW's and others assume erroneusly that "the one seated on the throne" who is also described as the Alpha and the Omega is the father because it is said that Jesus is in the midst of the throne. But they forgot that the Son also is seated on the SAME THRONE (Ap. 3:21, 22:1,3) at the righ hand of his Father (Col 3:1, Psa 110:1, Mat 22:44, Eph 1:20 y Heb 1:3).
Furthermore, the Alpha and the Omega says that he will give "the spring of water of life", that he"HE WILL LEAD THEM TO SPRINGS OF LIVING WATER" which are the same words spoken of Jesus in Jn 4:10,14, 6:35,7:37-38,Rev 7:17.
And finally, JW's claim that Jesus is not speaking in Rev 22:13 because he is not identifying himself as a new speaker, as Joh did in Rev 22:8. Notice that here JW's and others can NOT prove that the one who is speaking is the Father, they only can prove that it is not the Son,then by presuppositions they come to the conclusion that it must be the Father even with no evidence.If this reasoning were true, each character (Jesus, the Father, angels,John) which interfere in the speech on the book of Revelation would have to introduce himself as a new speaker every time that there is a change of dialogue.
Therefore, if it's the Father who speaks in Rev 22:13, it should say something like this: I,Jehovah,am the Alpha and the Omega.Jesus should have identified himsef in Rev 16:15,Rev 22:7,12,20, but he didn't.There are translations such as KJV,YLT,DRB,WBT,WBT, that contains the name "John" in Rev 21:2 even when in the first verse he was also speaking.
The fact that an angel was speaking and there was a change to Jesus without explicit introduction causes no problem in the style and format of the book of Revelation.In Rev 16:15 there is a similar example, with no explicit introduction as the speaker (by context is Jesus), and this is the same case
And the most important thing,the IMMEDIATE CONTEXT of both Rev 1:8 and Rev 22:13 speak of Jesus, it is said that he is coming with the clouds (Rev 1:7)and quickly (Rev 22:12,20) to reward everyone (Rev 2:23,22:12,Mat 16:27)The Father comes neither with the clouds nor quickly.
Jesus is the "First and the Last" ( and identical language in to Isaiah 41:4,Isaiah 48:11-13 to stress the Eternity of Christ) in Rev 1:17,2:18,and the exception would be Rev 22:13 which I don't find any good evidence to hold that the First and the Last isn't Jesus when the grammar and context support it.