Why can't true Religious preachers who alone hold the key to today's destructive moral/economic crisis unite?
2009-04-25 04:43:52 UTC
The essence of all true religions is the same. They talk about a loving god and all souls being His children.As a loving parent, He wants us to live together in deep love and understanding and follow His moral laws.Though absolutely powerful to damn us eternally, yet completely indulgent, He wants us to rise above our petty mindsets and to lead our lives in a selfless, loving manner and to voluntarily turn towards Him.It is not difficult to understand that accepting God means to follow all His commandments sincerely in own life while also helping others to do so.

I wish, cutting across religions , all believers can accept these basic tenets and preach to the people of their own as well as other religions to bring the paradise on earth here and now. The atheistic leaders of society have promised so much but failed all of us. We need true believers to lead the way in the path shown by God through various religious movements of the world.
Thirteen answers:
2009-04-25 05:06:58 UTC
"The essence of all true religions is the same."

--Exactly, they all claim to be the one true religion above all others.

"The atheistic leaders of society have promised so much but failed all of us."

--Can you name at least one such "leader" and his/her failed promise?

"It is not difficult to understand that accepting God means to follow all His commandments..."

--According to which set of "holy texts?"

--The concept of "god" is not only difficult to grasp but irrational and unsubstantiated by that pesky thing call "reality."

"We need true believers to lead the way in the path shown by God"

--Who gets to determine who a "true believer" versus "false believer" is?

--I really doubt that the financial crisis is due to a shortage of "true believers" whatever the heck those are as opposed to religious folks who believe in deities.

--The US is just beginning to realize how deep and permanent the damage their last "spiritual leader" (oh wait! did he have the "true" believer stamp or what?) has done to this once great country by leaving a legacy of torture, murder, illegal invasions, money siphoning to elite corporations, loss of rights, invasion of privacy, and the hatred and disrespect of the rest of the world leaving posterity nothing but volumes of pure stupidity in nonsensical sound bites that will surely make future history students roll on the ground in laughter.

I could pick your entire post apart using simple logic but my main point is this, say that you were able to get all the world's "true" religious leaders together in agreement--let's pretend for a second--say you were able to get them in one spot like oh say the Bermudas for example.

Then what?

How exactly will they be able to affect the global economic crisis? Pray about it? Maybe donate their billions to bailout failing banks?

I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for that to happen because I see an increase of lot of religious people pointing fingers at other believers accusing them of not being "true" believers including yourself.

And just for the factual record in case you haven't noticed, the "enemies of your faith" are not atheist but rather your endlessly discordant and bickering selves which is quickly spelling the death knell of your archaic and barbaric prehistoric superstitious nonsense.
2009-04-25 04:58:27 UTC
Our Kingdom is not of this world. We have to be careful when we look to the world as a place that needs to be set up like that. Read Revelation and you will see that the Anti-Christ is the one that will bring all religions together in a so called false peace and then he'll turn and murder the true believers.

If there is anything that the leaders of the churches need to do is tell the people the truth. Tell the people that we had better be watching and praying for the Lord's coming is soon. All of us need a check up to see where we are at with the Lord. Are we trusting in Him? Are we allowing Him preeminence in our lives? Is He first and foremost? The church of today are too caught up in everything else except the Lord. Yes, we can pray for this nation and the world and it's leaders. But, right now we need to make sure we're ready and not be caught asleep.

Thanks and God Bless. :)
2009-04-25 05:13:30 UTC
i think we need to have a megamerger of all religions of the world with a unique softwares built by MICROSOFT to replace all religious scriptures . These scriptures are interpreted as the words of God and are the root causes of many evils in this global village.

I come across many a times people harsh in their attitudes while dealing with common problem like TERRORISM .The religious leaders though take the space as the god fathers of the entire creed are seldom elected through any democratic process.

The essence of the question is so right and truthful that we must compliment the originator and then invilve ourselves to the process of electing the right kind of spiritual leaders . In India despite having a very tolerant kind of religious believe some religious leaders are inciting people of a particular religion only to divide the country further. This mixing of religion with politics is worse than the RACISM in the WEST and Casteism in the East.
2009-04-25 05:05:08 UTC
"The essence of all true religions is the same"

Nah; you really do need to study religions yourself instead of believing everything your preacher says; preachers are known to LIE.

"The atheistic leaders of society have promised so much but failed all of us."

Unlike Bush who got us all into TWO more wars.

Please tell me what the "atheistic leaders of society have promised".

"We need true believers to lead the way in the path shown by God through various religious movements of the world."

Does that include the Taliban leaders?

Leaders like Fred Phelps and-or Pat Robertson?

You need to be a little more specific.

I come here for the comedy - that was funny.

Thank you.

2009-04-25 05:12:56 UTC
God made every men unique. Apart from the learning from religion, he has his own way of living. In India politician do all dirty things and finally pay offerings to God. Then what is the meaning of religion.

Moreover many people doesn't know that their religion says this much matters. They know worship only. They just pray god to be with them in all their occasions(That includes the crime they do also)
2009-04-25 05:00:36 UTC
who says the essence of all 'true religions' is the same.

there is only ONE Truth and that is ... the teachings of Jesus the Messiah as recorded in the Holy Bible, king james version and other versions w/o apocrypha.

not all souls are the children of God. No. the children of God are distinct and separate, they are the believers of Christ Jesus, christians.

moral laws ... ?

only in christianity and judaism which share the same Holy book, are the 10 commandments of God found ... nowhere else. Others are copies .. counterfeit, as in the koran counterfeits the Holy Bible. in it, you can find mention of jesus but in the Holy Bible and the Torah, no mention of mohd b/c he is blemished and in no way, could he ever be one of God's prophets.

in the bible, God says categorically that whoever rejects Jesus the Messiah rejects Him. Such souls will be sent to hell upon death. Why. B/c Jesus, the Word of God, died on that cross, sinless yet bearing the sins of the world, bearing the sins of every human born into this world, He died for our sins ... to save us. His Blood wash away our sins, not soap. this is spiritual knowledge. fact, unchangeable. disbelief will not change this Truth / fact.

therefore, either a soul worships Jesus the Messiah or rejects Him. heaven or hell, choice is ours.

there is only ONE way to heaven and to God, our Creator. hinduism teaches that all paths lead to God. utter rubbish.
Undercover for Peace
2009-04-25 04:51:05 UTC
Because Human Beings are selfish:

Everything MAJOR that happens, can be boiled down as happenings only for the following reason,

1. Land

2. Money

3. Power/Control

4. Lust

So even if all the True Religious leaders unite, they will fight amongst them to gain on one or the other things above.

This is a Sick World! :)
2009-04-25 04:58:55 UTC
"who alone hold the key" Why didn't they use it in the Crusades or the last two World Wars, the Great Depression, the Nazi Holocaust, the Vietnam War, the ...........

"The atheistic leaders of society have promised so much but failed all of us. " Those godammed atheists, George Bush, Ronald Reagan, ............. Apparently it's easier to get a camel throught the eye of a needle than an atheist elected to president of the US of A.

But then again, as a theist, logic and facts aren't going to be one of your greatest skills.
By Grace Of The Almighty Triune God
2009-04-25 04:55:47 UTC
Yes, that religion will be called godschurch and all people of earth will become its members.But first current economic crisis will lead to a devastating worldwar.
The Happy Atheist
2009-04-25 05:02:27 UTC
Just what we need. Another 300 years of burning witches at the stake.
2009-04-25 04:51:08 UTC
The fact that no two believers can agree with each other, is the best evidence for the non-existence of God.
2009-04-25 04:57:22 UTC
You are wrong, there is no hope other than the Lord Jesus Christ.
R M Arun
2009-04-25 04:52:15 UTC
It is not their headache to solve your material problems.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.