"The essence of all true religions is the same."
--Exactly, they all claim to be the one true religion above all others.
"The atheistic leaders of society have promised so much but failed all of us."
--Can you name at least one such "leader" and his/her failed promise?
"It is not difficult to understand that accepting God means to follow all His commandments..."
--According to which set of "holy texts?"
--The concept of "god" is not only difficult to grasp but irrational and unsubstantiated by that pesky thing call "reality."
"We need true believers to lead the way in the path shown by God"
--Who gets to determine who a "true believer" versus "false believer" is?
--I really doubt that the financial crisis is due to a shortage of "true believers" whatever the heck those are as opposed to religious folks who believe in deities.
--The US is just beginning to realize how deep and permanent the damage their last "spiritual leader" (oh wait! did he have the "true" believer stamp or what?) has done to this once great country by leaving a legacy of torture, murder, illegal invasions, money siphoning to elite corporations, loss of rights, invasion of privacy, and the hatred and disrespect of the rest of the world leaving posterity nothing but volumes of pure stupidity in nonsensical sound bites that will surely make future history students roll on the ground in laughter.
I could pick your entire post apart using simple logic but my main point is this, say that you were able to get all the world's "true" religious leaders together in agreement--let's pretend for a second--say you were able to get them in one spot like oh say the Bermudas for example.
Then what?
How exactly will they be able to affect the global economic crisis? Pray about it? Maybe donate their billions to bailout failing banks?
I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for that to happen because I see an increase of lot of religious people pointing fingers at other believers accusing them of not being "true" believers including yourself.
And just for the factual record in case you haven't noticed, the "enemies of your faith" are not atheist but rather your endlessly discordant and bickering selves which is quickly spelling the death knell of your archaic and barbaric prehistoric superstitious nonsense.