In a wondrous speech given to Jews in attendance, Stephen said this:
“Obstinate men and uncircumcised in hearts and ears, you are always resisting the holy spirit; as your forefathers did, so you do. Which one of the prophets did your forefathers not persecute? Yes, they killed those who made announcement in advance concerning the coming of the righteous One, whose betrayers and murderers you have now become, you who received the Law as transmitted by angels BUT HAVE NOT KEPT IT.” Well, at hearing these things they felt cut to their hearts and began to GNASH THEIR TEETH AT HIM.” Acts 7:51-54.
That these Jews were in a covenant relationship with God is undisputed. That these Jews were part of the true religion begun by God is undisputed. That they failed to faithfully obey God is undisputed. That they failed to keep God’s law is undisputed. That they were murderers and betrayers is undisputed. Are we to believe that there is a double standard here? Are we to believe that they were not part of the true religion? Are we to believe that all other Jews were reprehensible? Did it make Stephen wrong? Did it make Stephen a liar?
I do not presume or pretend to know anything about the Williams Sisters beyond what is revealed in the media. I learned long ago to take the media with a pound or two of salt. I do not know to what extent, or whether at all, what you share is true. But I know this: unlike what some may say, there is no double standard. As Stephen, pointed out in the book of Acts, you either practice true worship or you do not. You either meet God’s requirements and standards or you do not. What clearly shows up, however, is that in the eyes of detractors, Jehovah's Witnesses can do absolutely no right. I would imagine that if these sisters complied with every iota of God’s law, there would be no question posed here on Yahoo. As one individual so generously shared, when Jehovah's Witnesses are ‘pedophiles and murderers’ it is splashed all over the news and they are identified by their religion. But when others carry out the same reprehensible acts, they are identified by their names, not their professed faith. But to suggest that a professed worshiper of God cannot possibly do something wrong is to suggest that a professed atheist cannot possibly do something right.
My feelings about the Williams sisters has no import and carries no weight whatsoever. Who cares what I think? Like Linedancer, I am trying my best to be faithful to God in these critical last days; I have no spare time to worry about whether certain siblings are doing the same. My opinion matters not one whit. As in all cases, what matters is what Jehovah God thinks. So I ask: if any person – be she a Jehovah's Witness, Catholic, Baptist, Episcopalian, Greek Orthodox or whatever – if any person wraps herself nude in a national flag (as you say occurred), forget how Hannah Paul would feel - how do we think God would feel?
Hannah J Paul