You fail to consider "why" they were wiped out. I suppose that to show our love, we should just let terrorists fly airliners into our buildings without reprisal. I suppose we should have just "loved" Hitler rather than going to war with him. And I suppose we should love cancers rather than removing them. They have a right to live, right?
Edit: When I was a young boy, there were asylums for victims of tuberculosis. They were separated from society to protect us. God will separate anyone that threatens His purpose. If you believe that God really did what you say, then you must have some knowledge of the Bible. God only destroyed those who threatened the seed. At what cost would you protect your child? And the child He protected is the savior of the world.
Edit #2: You don't understand other cultures, especially ancient eastern cultures, nor do you understand the concept of "first born." You are trying to judge a completely different culture, in a different time, with your modern, "western" understanding.
The protection of the passover blood that saved the first-born of the Israelites was available to ALL, including the Egyptians! It wasn't a matter of God killing their first-born, it was a matter of their rejecting God.
You can read whatever you want into the Bible, but doing so does not change what it actually says. I suggest you study it for yourself before making such rash judgments based on half-truths.